Vine Psychic
Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

Australian-World Politics - Labor, Liberal, Greens, Independents - Economies

Psychic Prediction by - 21st Feb 2011

Australian-World Politics Psychic Prediction
Australian politics in 2012 is going to be heavily influenced by the 2012 world politics. The world political scene for 2012 is going to be a concern for political parties on both sides. There is no clear political winner as far as the Australian public are concerned...

In a remote viewing vision from Spirit about the future I see the European economic austerity measures causing conflict for countries trying to control their people. I am spiritually being shown protests will escalate on the streets because the majority of the people believe they have been sold out by corrupt corporations and government.

Don't expect in 2012 that the world economic leaders, world banks or financial sectors will be given a free reign with the way they want to direct the world economies. The people movement I predicted would arise in 2010 from 'people of all faiths' is now being officially called the Occupy Movement or the Arab Springs. The Occupy Movement is going to be growing in 2012.

The 2012 earth changes are all about the world people having a greater say in the way they want to live their lives and what they consider is important, as opposed to what major companies are telling us is relevant to our quality of life. (please check future predictions about Spirits guidance about Earth Changes and what they really mean and why there is some truth about the prophecies by historical seers about the relevance of the 2012 changes).

In 2012, strong economies like Australia will be unable to escape the global economic downturn. 2012 isn't giving Julia Gillard or her government a green flag. There is something important in federal politics happening around February 2012 which indicates it will not be an easy run for her or the Labor Party.

The Australian Federal Liberal Party and National Party are also not being spiritually shown to be in the good books with the disgruntled Australian electorate.

I'm shown the Australian public are fed up with politics in 2012 and are not listening to both the left or right wing of politics. The mood of the Australian people is replicating how the world people are collectively disillusioned with global politics in 2012.

Be prepared to witness a rebellious energy emerging around the world where world leaders will fail to make any grounds or gain respect because of the wheeling and dealings of past political leaders. 2012 will be a shock for anyone believing it is business as usual - the collective energy of the people movement is definitely going to felt in Australia as well.

Labor Party – Raining on its own Parade
The Australian Labor Party is looking like it is allowing the ego of a few to grow dissent among the masses. The domino effect of one minister following the other means the Labor Party isn't going to have a good 2012. It is quite possible that somebody new will rise above the quarreling mess. Any Australian politician in the driving seat will not be in favour with the Australian voters. I see a change of direction occurring for the Labor Party starting mid year, around July 2012.

Coalition Party – How do you make a Puppet Appealing?
Tony Abbott isn't showing signs of lasting the distance in 2012. I am shown the Liberal Party strategists don't know how to make the Opposition Leader of the Liberal Party, Tony Abbott more appealing to constituents because he has been in the spotlight for so long that people are switching off. I also feel Tony Abbott in 2012 is not pleased about the guidance he has received from his number one strategist and in some ways believes he has been made the scapegoat for old policies that are outdated and not looked upon favorably by the Australian public.

Australian Federal Independents – How do they fair in 2012?
If anything the Independents will be showing they've got their eyes on the policies and will be showing both sides up for their petty behavior. They are determined to make a mark and get things moving in their electorate. The people may have initially disliked the idea of the independents getting into bed with the Australian Labor Party and Greens, but they're more than happy with the notches on the board the independents are giving them.

The Greens – A Major Setback that will have the Greens Reeling
I'm shown a vision of Bob Brown in 2012 being in shock, the same vision has been shown by Spirit about most of the Australian world leaders. This is definitely connected to something major occurring overseas and it leaves an empty feeling for everyone questioning what will be next.

2012 Major World Event Will Have the World People in Shock
I am shown there is a major world event in the middle of 2012 and no country around the world will escape its impact. I see people standing in shock and wondering how they are going to cope. Be prepared for the 2012 political arena to change dramatically in Australia. I definitely don't feel this is connected to local political concerns, something major is happening overseas. Spirit guides I will be shown more relevant information when I write about the country concerned. Which means I'm forewarning there will be a major world event in 2012 that will have the people around the globe in shock.

Vine's psychic predictions are copyright protected ©2008-2012 and are not to be used for commercial use. All rights reserved.

Vine's complete list of 2012 predictions are being held off to stop direct competitors scraping her material and claiming it as their own. Vine Psychic Line will release how regular readers will be able to access her 2012 predictions soon...

A word of caution to our competitors. Vine has been spiritually been given the go ahead to place the names of Australian and International businesses using Vine's predictions as their own. If you don't wish to appear on this list, we recommend strongly that you avoid checking this site to see what keywords are being used so you can type up a similar prediction. We are one step spiritually ahead of you.

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Update: 4th March 2012
Is Bob Carr the new person that Vine was shown when she updated her psychic prediction about Australia's political scene in 2012. Vine will be the first psyhcic to reveal that some visions are not very clear and genuine psychic forecasters have to try to interpret some of the visions being shown to them to the best of their ability.

This is what Vine originally shared about the precognitive vision she saw about the Labor party going through tough times last month:

"It is quite possible that somebody new will rise above the quarreling mess."

Bob Carr is certainly somebody new, because he wasn't in the Labor party or in any Labor Association Ministerial Position before he was requested by Julia Gillard, Australia's Prime Minister to step into the Foreign Affairs Minister role.

When Vine tunes into her psychic visions she writes down the information while in a spiritual trance. Incredibly most of her psychic forecasts are updated months before the events happen.

This is why so many Australian and world clients trust Vine's psychic readings, she is able to look into their future exactly the same way she calls up her remote psychic predictions. Vine has increased her clientelle every year since starting her own busines. Customers recommend Australian Gifted Medium Vine to their friends and family members for a reading. Vine's psychic readings reputation is growing around the world. With people reading her predictions in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Europe India, Pakistan, New Zealand the Phillipines - this list just goes on and on.

Update: 26th February 2012
The skeptics might line up to find fault with world psychic forecasters and top astrological predictions - but one thing for certain they're not going to be able to demonstrate Australian Vine's predictions didn't hit the mark in 2012. The best Australian psychic predictions, most possibly the world are what Vine delivers month after month.

Hundreds of people write to Vine every month requesting help with their life issues and wanting her to look at a variety of world predictions.

This week in particular Vine has been inundated with requests by Australian readers asking her to declare the winner of the Labor Caucus Ballot when Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd fight to be Prime Minister of Australia.

Melbourne gifted psychic Vine, did share she didn't believe Julia Gillard would have an easy 2012 and she also revealed that she saw a new person arising from the Labor Party that would take over the leadership around the middle of the year.

Therefore the ballot on Monday the 27th February may only be the start of a changing culture in the Labor Party and anyone that doubts Vine's spiritual ability to see into the future might eat humble pie, even the skeptics. Lets hope her new psychic predictions are equally as enthralling as the Australian leadership crisis.

Update: 19th February 2012
One thing for certain Australian Psychic Medium Vine accurately predicted that Julia Gillard and the Labor Party in February 2012 would be having an extremely challenging time.

This is what Vine predicted in December 2011:

"2012 isn't giving Julia Gillard or her government a green flag. There is something important in federal politics happening around February 2012 which indicates it will not be an easy run for her or the Labor Party."

Lets call that an understatement because there is definitely some type of war going on in the Labor Party and the Australian constituents are left wondering who and what is behind all of this?

There is certainly some dirty politics going on behind the scenes in the Labor cabinet and whoever released the video of the previous Prime Minister Kevin Rudd having a bad day when he was trying to convey a greeting in Mandarin knew they were going to try to damage Foreign Minister Rudds chances of being relected back into the leading role of Prime Minister.

The Australian press are expecting a challenge by Kevin Rudd, Queensland Minister and currently Australia's Foreign Minister any day and we will keep monitoring this prediction throughout the weeks...

Update: 12th February 2012
Australian Psychic Medium Vine's caution about the European austerity regulations causing people to riot in the streets has come true. Here's what she accurately guided last year:

"In a remote viewing vision from Spirit about the future I see the European economic austerity measures causing conflict for countries trying to control their people. I am spiritually being shown protests will escalate on the streets because the majority of the people believe they have been sold out by corrupt corporations and government."

This is exactly what the world media is describing is happening in Athens and other areas of Greece at the moment. Desperate Greek people are coming together to rebel against the tough economic reforms having to be agreed apon by the Greek Government to get the European Union to help them financially.

We will keep monitoring Vine's January prediction throughout the year, but thus far what she shared with her readers has come 100% true.

Update: 4th February 2011
What a difference a couple of months can make in Australian politics. Most of the Australian media are reporting that Kevin Rudd is going to challenge Julia Gillard for the Prime Minister role soon. Psychic Expert Vine did predict in 2011 that Julia Gillard would be dealing with a difficult month in February 2012:

"2012 isn't giving Julia Gillard or her government a green flag. There is something important in federal politics happening around February 2012 which indicates it will not be an easy run for her or the Labor Party."

Is it possible that the ALP are feeling the heat and particularly because of failing to follow through on government policy, in particular taking the pokies legislation into parliament? Is this hurting them in the polls? Or is this just a beat up by the media because they are looking for a news story? Time will tell but it does seem that Vine was right on the money about the Gillard led government not having that green flag they so badly desire.

Update: 23rd January 2011
Is the Labor Party starting to implode? Vine shared that she saw infighting within the Australian Labor Party in 2012 and now backbenchers are speaking out about the failed pokies reforms law being bad policy. Is this the straw that is about to break the camels back? Julia Gillard and the Labor Party have done a backflip in introducing into federal parliament Tasmanian Independents Andrew Wilkies pokies reforms. As a result of this Mr Wilkie has withdrawn his support for the Gillard led government.

Vine originally predicted:
"The Australian Labor Party is looking like it is allowing the ego of a few to grow dissent among the masses. The domino effect of one minister following the other means the Labor Party isn't going to have a good 2012."

It is alledged some of the Labor Party backbenchers have been frightened of the Australian gambling lobbies strong campaigns. They seem to have forced Julia Gillard to drop the bill before it entered parliament. Only time will tell whether the Australian public are prepared to accept this backflip. Considering the majority of Australians were originally for strong pokie reforms it might not go down well with the Australian electorate.

We will keep monitoring Vine's Australian political 2012 psychic predictions throughout the year...

Update: 3rd January 2012
We didn't expect to place an update so soon. Vine shared with her regular readers that she was seeing the people movement growing stronger. Her exact words were: "Be prepared to witness a rebellious energy emerging around the world where world leaders will fail to make any grounds or gain respect because of the wheeling and dealings of past political leaders. 2012 will be a shock for anyone believing it is business as usual."

The latest news reports are sharing the people from Hungary are protesting the latest changes to their political constitution concerned how the additional legal powers to the government give them a free rein to bring in tighter austerity measures. The Budapest protest is a sign of defiance to their government to tell them they don't trust them. We will have to see if other countries in Europe do similar type of protests in 2012. We will keep monitoring this situation throughout the year.

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