Vine was spiritually guided to place her psychic predictions online to help us understand the extreme earth changes we are now beginning to experience.
Vine was guided that she would be a spiritual voice for change in the fight against climate change.
Vine Psychic Predictions
Latest Predictions Coming True
Vine's 2025 Spiritual Message
How do you reveal important spiritual channeling that will challenge everything you believe about some of the spiritual and religious structures of our world?
What could be so damning to our human psyche to emotionally disturb or question us to rethink everything we’ve been historically informed about our incarnation into a physical vessel?
That is the dilemma I’ve experienced since my Higher Guardians prepared me to share the most highly sensitive deceivers’ secrets...
Read my:
Line-by-Line Breakdown of my Higher Guardians' Message for 2025...
Timing of the 2025 Spiritual Message...
The timing of the release is in tune with the
2025 Planetary Alignment when
seven planets (Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars) will be seen aligned, from most places on Earth.
Be Prepared...
The message from the higher realms concerns revelations about the depth of deception in our world, which could elicit unexpected emotional responses.
Please make sure you’re in a good emotional place before reading the spiritual message. This guidance is not for the faint hearted.
This is about gathering strength to get to the very core of our human/spiritual existence and understand why our world is dealing with deceptive elements in all of our societal structures and establishments.
The reason my higher spiritual guardians are revealing this channeling is to help us understand why the darkness has been able to infiltrate.
What has created the societal and family traumas, the inequality, the imbalances in our way of living?
Who is responsible?
Why did they do it?
Spiritual Words Translation - Disclaimer
Some words channeled don’t seem to exist in our human language and so I'll do my best to translate those words. Also, some words I am familiar with were altered by my higher guardians. For example: The word deviant, was spiritually translated as ‘
devianti’, but as I don't speak any other language than English, I will stay true to the words my higher guardians channeled to ensure I follow authentic message.
Online Influencers - Please Refer to Spiritual Instructions From Higher Guardians...
For any online influencers who look for the next best unique topic to discuss on your platforms, DO NOT rush to use my higher guardians message without being given spiritual permission.
My higher guardians’ reasons for releasing this channeling through their chosen Seer, needs to be respected. Rushing to release spiritual channeling that you were not personally chosen by the higher worlds to release, could karmically backfire if you use it for own financial gain and to boost your reputation. I cannot caution enough, it could cause emotional disturbance in your viewers or listeners.
Read the original 2025 Spiritual Message channeling from Vine's Higher Guardians
Read Vine's Introduction to her Line-by-Line Breakdown of the 2025 Spiritual Channeling
• • • • • • • • • •
To better understand and prepare for the 2025 spiritual prophecy, I recommend watching the first in my
Free Will documentary series, to find out why they want you to think that your free will is not your birthright.
Free Will - Secrets Exposed
FREE WILL - Secrets Exposed
Free Will is Your Birthright !
Vine's new Free Will documentary exposes the deception behind the lies about the existence of your Free Will. See the secrets used by deceivers to get you to do what THEY want you to do, against your own best interests.
Watch the Video: "
Vine's Free Will Video"
Read the Article: "
They Lied About Free Will - SECRETS EXPOSED"
Vine's 2023 Spiritual Revelations
Vine is an Earth Seer - In Vine's latest video, she explains how and when her Higher Guardians convinced her to channel Earth Changes psychic predictions 16 years ago, and what it was all leading up to...
"Becoming an Earth Seer"
Everything Vine does is for the greater good of humanity. She's been waiting for the world to catch up before she could speak truth to power.
In 2023 Vine’s higher guardians are requesting that she reveal what’s not known about our Earth and the Cosmos.
Vine is going to reveal more knowledge about the omnipresence of higher consciousness, and breakdown what’s important to help us work out who and what to trust.
Vine has never been a part of the forced marketing-orientated celebrity psychic predictions. She has dedicated her spiritual gifts to helping humanity - to help us understand what’s really going on.
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) all that it seems? Why did the higher realms warn about the loss of ‘free will’ and what does that mean for your everyday life?
Is there important knowledge relevant to Earth Changes, which has been lost or misunderstood?
Subscribe to
Vine’s YouTube channel and hit the alert button, because you won’t want to miss out on what she’s about to reveal. Challenge everything you think you know about your existence on Earth.
Vine has released the first two instalments in her new video series...
Becoming an Earth Seer
Vine reveals how her Higher Guardians first convinced her of the importance of channeling Earth Changes Spiritual Prophecy, back in 2007.
Does Time Exist as We Know it?
Vine shares how the abuse of the traditional spiritual arts has caused confusion in what to believe and not to believe. She also explains how as a child, her Higher Spiritual Guardians taught her a valuable lesson about time...
• • • • • • • • • •
The Omega Has Risen
Vine's 2022 Prediction Channeling - Line by Line
Vine has now released the Line by Line in-depth analysis of her 2022 Spiritual Channelling.
Part One and Part Two are out now.
The complete breakdown of the channelling was released on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month... 11/11/22. The Omega Consciousness energy surrounding this date exemplifies the energy for the whole 2022 year.
Read Part 1 & Part 2
Vine's point by point detailed analysis of her 2022 Spiritual Channeling:
Part 1 - Line by Line Analysis of the 2022 Spiritual Prophecy Message
Part 2 - Line by Line Analysis of the 2022 Spiritual Prophecy Message
• •• • • • • • • •
TRUE - 2021 Prediction Channeling
2021 was the "
The Correction Year".
Vine's higher guardians warned that 2021 would be the year we really begin to see the effects of the climate changes we are causing and be left in no doubt that we must act fast.
Read the Updates for Vine's 2021 predictions to see how they continue to come:
2021 Prediction Spiritual Prophecy Message -
Howling Wind Will Swirl.
Listen to the podcast (Part One):
Vine's in-depth analysis of her 2021 spiritual channeling predictions.
Podcast - Part One - Vine's 2021 Spiritual Prophecy Channeling
In this podcast, Vine's Spiritual Guardians predicted that in 2021 we would be shown the extreme weather effects of climate change we have created and that they would leave us in no doubt that the climate crisis is real and we must act fast if we are to curtail the very worst climate changes in the years coming.
Vine's 2021 Spiritual Prophecy Podcast - Part Two
Listen to the VINE'S LATEST PODCAST (Vine Seer - Series 1 No. 2)
Podcast - Part Two - Vine's 2021 Spiritual Prophecy Channeling
Why is our world experiencing pandemics? Are we missing important Earth Change signs? This is the second podcast in Vine's 2021 Correction Year Spiritual Channeling Predictions and it leaves us in no doubt where our world is really at.
Listen to all of Vine's Podcasts here
• • • • • • • • • •
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Latest Predictions to Come True
25th March 2025
Vine's Higher Guardians 2025 Channeling:
They Will Fall from the Sky...
Vine's 2025 Channeling from her Higher Guardians - Coming TRUE
In Vine's 2025 channeling we were told "
They will fall from the sky" - Then 62 Starlink satellites fell from the sky - Drawing attention to their unsustainability, their risk to our privacy, their damaging effect on our fragile atmosphere and exemplifying the exacerbation of the climate change catastrophe brought about by lower enity-controlled oligarch deceivers.
“Look to the skies oh deceptive ones. They will fall from the sky.”
Vine's Higher Guardians have told us to watch for ‘things falling from the sky’ as a highly visible warning sign and exemplification of the dangers surrounding the uncontrolled power of ultra-rich oligarchs and deceivers who have no concern for our environment, or for the wellbeing and safety of life on Earth.
Read the prediction and updates:
ALERT for HUMANITY - Line by Line Explanation of Vine's 2025 Spiritual Prophecy Channeled Message
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13th March 2025
Vine Predicted:
Wealthy and privileged deceivers would keep the world in economic slavery while children cry out for nourishment...

Vine predicted that deceivers like Musk, Trump and their backers around the world, and like billionaires Gina Rinehart, Anthony Pratt and Clive Palmer in Australia, would "
try to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment".
It's all coming true.
Vine predicted it: Billionaires are going after Social Security, cut Medicaid, Veterans, public education - Why? They want to give massive tax breaks to themselves.
(In 2016 Vine also guided:
Bernie Sanders is a Lightworker.)
We are now seeing Vine's prediction being played out in real time.
They gnash their teeth trying to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment."
Read the prediction and updates:
2018 Vine Psychic Prediction Prophecy Summary from Angelic Spiritual Guardians
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9th February 2025
Billionaires Censoring Social Media
Interference in World Democracies - TRUE

Vine long ago predicted the censorship of social networks and interference of world democracy we are seeing today.
Vine predicted that: "
wealthy individuals are trying to stop free speech by controlling computer networks and censoring our words" - "
the owners are censoring your words."
This has come true.
In 2025 the destruction of Twitter, the debacle of TikTok and the end of fact checking on Meta/Facebook has opened the door wide open to fake news and censorship of anyone trying to tell the truth on those billionaire owned & controlled social media apps.
"Wealthy individuals" have poured their money into
social media algorithms that push their 'alternative facts' backed up by their
Main Stream Media outlets to prevent the truth from being seen....
They are using all of the personal data they collect on us to continuously force fake realities onto enough people to deceitfully influence election results, whilst censoring the actual reality of the damage they are doing to the vast majority of people and to our democracies.
It's a form of
covert hypnotism making susceptible individuals believe things that are not true, not only influencing elections in favour of billionaire-puppet authoritarian politicians in the USA,
but also around the world.
And Vine's prediction that
demonstrations will gain momentum... has also come true -
And she predicted it all, long before it happened.
Read the prediction and updates:
Censorship of Social Networks – Political & Corporation Interference of World Democracy -
predicted 2011
• • • • • • • • • •
16th January 2025
The Economic Cost of Climate Change
LA Fires Awaken People to the Cost of Climate Change...
Vine long ago predicted that the economic impacts of climate change would speed up faster than people originally anticipated and take them by surprise...
most destructive fires to ever hit Los Angeles have rammed this point home.
The Economic Cost of the Los Angeles Fires - $40 billion
An initial estimate of the insured and uninsured
cost of the Los Angeles wildfires is $40 billion.
In economic terms, this is the costliest wildfire event in California history and has
taken people by surprise, just as Vine predicted.
Read Vine's prediction and updates:
Climate Change Psychic Prediction for World Economies
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23rd December 2024
Donald Trump Causing Division
Billionaires pulling the strings more than ever before...
The accuracy of Vine's original Donald Trump prediction has been highlighted once again.
13 years after Vine first predicted all the division Trump would cause, he continues to
cause division, this time within the Republican Party surrounding the Elon Musk-Trump Debt Ceiling Fiasco.
And with the number of
billionaires calling the shots in his proposed administration and the
billionaires pulling the strings in the background.
Read Vine's Donald Trump prediction:
Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA
• • • • • • • • • •
20th November 2024
Australian Government Announcement
Cash Mandate for Essential Purchases
The voting public is slowing becoming aware of
the major risks of a cashless society (as vine warned in this 2015 prediction), but is that awareness having an effect on government policy, or is it only affecting the way government spins its policy?
Either way, the Australian Governments announcment of a
requirement for businesses to accept cash (amid its declining use) as payment for groceries, fuel and other essential purchases, further emphasizes Vines warning about the exacerbating problems of a cashless society...
Vines Warning
Before you know it, you will be relinquishing all of your rights to your own money and will be powerless to stop corporations and governments controlling your finances."
Read the full prediction and updates:
Corporations and Banks Lobby to Remove Legal Tender (Create Cashless Society)
• • • • • • • • • •
28th October 2024
Billionaire Deceivers Manipulating Your Vote
Covert Manipulation of Elections
Is your Free Will being manipulated by dark forces?
Why are people consistantly voting for the best interests of billionaires instead of their own?
Why are people consistantly voting against their own self-betterment and against the best interests of their communities?
In this prediction Vine revealed that although "
Most voters in the United States believe they used their Free Will when voting" in reality, countless voters were manipulated, and their Free Will stolen.
It has all come true.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
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16th October 2024
Environmental Degradation and Plant Diseases
Vines prediction about increased plant diseases due to climate change
Job losses, price increases predicted as tomato virus plunges growers into quarantine -
ABC News 7.30
Vine's Higher Guardians are "deeply concerned about our changing environment...
13 years ago, Vine predicted further degradation of our environment due to wanton clear-felling tree destruction and fossil fuelled climate change, leading to increased plant diseases...
It has all come true.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Flora Concerns New Plant Diseases
• • • • • • • • • •
2nd September 2024
Billionaires Buy Up the Media
Vine's Controllers of the Internet Prediction
Elon Musk joined the list of rich men using their wealth to extend their political influence - Vine Predicted: Our internet will be controlled by a select few who wish to influence the people of the world.
They do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own... world governments will bring in stricter regulations to curb their activity" - Vines prediction 7th Feb 2013
This has all come true as a
select few billionaires buy up the media and countries around the world tighten regulations on social media, including
the banning of Elon Musk's X.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Controllers of the Internet & Economies Psychic Prediction
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8th August 2024
Paying to Be Found in Search Engine Results

Vine predicted: "
If you want to be found on the web in the future, you will have to pay."
A quick look at the copious number of paid advertisement results in any search for businesses will show you that since Vine first made the prediction, the need to pay search engines in order to be found has grown worse year after year. Now in 2024, there is no doubt about the truth of Vine's 2011 prediction, which was made when things were vastly different.
Google has an Illegal Monopoly - It's Official
Now a U.S. federal judge has ruled that
Google has an illegal monopoly in the US. The Department of Justice asserted that
Google’s monopoly enabled it to charge advertisers artificially high prices while also enjoying the luxury of not having to invest more time and money into improving the quality of its search engine."
This has all resulted in Vine's prediction coming true...
Full prediction and updates:
Free World Wide Web Usage? Not for Much Longer if you are a Business Domain
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28th February 2024
Israeli, Gaza and the Fossil Fuel Grab
In this prediction Vine warned of
"political parties paid by puppet masters to erode every democratic principle set up by historical founders, in order to have complete control of fossil fuels, energy, financial and banking institutions, land and ocean territory."
Right Now Vines prediction about the deceivers Fossil Fuel, Land and Ocean grabs is most demonstrably coming true in
Israel's "controlled demolition" of the Palestinian Gaza Strip and ongoing grab for Palestinian gas in the Gaza Marine.
In relation to the
Gaza Marine gas fields, Moshe Ya'alon, former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces said,
"It is clear that, without an overall military operation to uproot Hamas control of Gaza, no drilling work can take place without their consent.
Full prediction and updates:
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
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29th Dec 2023
What's really happening in Israel?
In our previous update for this prediction (
just below), we showed how Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu outlined his plan for a
New Middle East using a map that did NOT include the Palestinian territories.
Vine predicted that Netanyahu and his government
"had decided to pay lip service to real progress with Palestine" and that
"they didn't care what the rest of the world thought", and that they are NOT genuine in their negotiations with the Palestinians. Vine predicted and that
Israel will not be in favour with the world community and will need to show they are really prepared to make allowances for world peace.
It has all come true...
Netanyahu's Convenient 'War'?
Netanyahu calls his attacks on the Palestinian people a 'war'. Palestinians call it
The Continuous Nakba.
Join the dots and read about the background to Netanyahu's 'war' in the updates to Vine's prediction here:
Full prediction and updates:
What's Really Happening in Israel?
• • • • • • • • • •
27th Sept 2023
Benjamin Netanyahu Pays Lip-Service to Palestine,
while Drawing Arrows & Lines on Charts.
In this prediction Vine saw a
vision of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with
"a chart where an arrow had been drawn on the board", while
paying lip service to real progress with Palestine.
Since then, while Netanyahu continues to show lip service to Palestine, he has developed a penchant for lines and arrows on charts...
Netanyahu gave this presentation on April 30 2018. Eight days later Donald Trump
pulled the US out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Although Netanyahu provided no proof of his claims about Iran's nuclear capabilities, he did have a big arrow on a chart, just like the one seen by Vine in her prophetic 2011 vision about Netanyahu's deception.
Another Line on Another Chart
In Sept 2023, Netanyahu draws (yet another) line on a map to indicate his "New Middle East", which does not include Palestine. His "New Middle East" map,
showed the occupied Palestinian territories as a part of Israel, re-confirming Vine's prediction that Netanyahu's Israel is paying lip service to real progress with Palestine, but still drawing lines on charts.
Read the full prediction and updates:
What's Really Happening in Israel?
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3rd Sept 2023
Putin's Manipulation of the Russian People
Back in 2011, Vine predicted that the Russian people would be "manipulated by men in power".
How Putin Manipulates the Russian people
Patriot Park...
Putin's "Patriot Park" glorifies the Russian military and is now being used to reinforce Putin's war in Ukraine.
Designed to encourage blind patriotism and prepare the Russian people for a war they would otherwise question, the establishment of the military "Patriot Park" in 2015, was a part of the manipulation of the Russian people, predicted by Vine in 2011.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Russia's So-Called Democracy.
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25th April 2023
Money Laundering in Australian Real Estate Prediction

Vine's Australian Money Laundering Prediction is coming TRUE
In Vine's 2018 companion piece-editorial to this Psychic Prediction,
How does Money Laundering stop you from getting into Australian Real Estate?, she detailed how money laundering was being used in Australia, and how it affects Australian house prices and availability.
In this prophecy, Vine predicted that
the secrets of economic deceivers behind that money laundering will be known...
Australia Finally Moves on Money Laundering behind Lawyers, Accountants and Real Estate Agents
16 years after the legislation was first drafted, the Australian Government is finally
moving to introduce Tranche 2 of Australia’s money-laundering laws, which will begin to tackle the problem of money laundering in Australian Real estate.
Read the full 2018 prediction and updates:
The Money Lenders.
Read Vine's 2018 money laundering in real estate companion editorial:
How does money Laundering stop you from Getting into Australian Real Estate?
• • • • • • • • • •
24th April 2023
Australia’s Food Bowl
is Centre of Attention
Vine's 2011 prediction about Australia's food Bowl (unfortunately) still coming true )
The need for strong focus on protecting and preserving Australia’s food bowl regions continues into 2023.
New Coal & Gas on NSW Liverpool Plains
Just as Vine predicted, farmers and conservation groups are stepping up the fight against new coal & gas on the Liverpool Plains.
Santos Given Approval to Re-activate Coal Seam Gas Wells
Once again, farmers fight the approval of new coal seam gas fracking on the Liverpool Plains.
- Woodside CEO Attacks Liverpool Plains Farmers
NSW Farmers have spoken out against claims by Woodside CEO that they are “a vocal minority” in the fight against fossil fuel companies.
Woodside Energy is responsible for the Scarborough gas project, "one of the most polluting fossil fuel projects currently proposed in Australia".
More Coal Seam Gas Fracking Approved in Qld
The Queensland Government has assigned thousands more CSG fracking permits in Southern Queensland as
farmers there report "subsidence and damaged land, from gas mining on their farms.
Read Vine's 2011 Food Bowl prediction:
Australia’s Food Bowl is Centre of Attention
• • • • • • • • • •
4th April 2023
Donald Trump Indictment - Trump Business Fraud Charges
Was Donald Trump's Presidency Illegitimate and did he know that before running?
Donald Trump has been Indicted -
You’re going to hear these basic criticisms of the charges in the New York investigation – but they don’t stand up to scrutiny"
...The Guardian
Vine's Higher Guardians have always maintained that
Trump's term as president was illegitimate. Now that trump has been indicted in New York for business fraud, are we going to finally find out why the Higher Realms revealed Donald Trump was always ineligible to run? Vine has always guided the higher realms channeled Donald Trump did not actually win, without underhanded, undisclosed assistance.
With Trump's indictment, his divisive comments continue to motivate harmful rhetoric:
"Reckless Trump rhetoric could get someone killed..."
Read Vine's Donald Trump prediction:
Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA
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21st April 2022
Chinese Govt, Island Money & Military Base
- Solomon Islands
Vine accurately predicted Chinese Govt money going to Pacific Islands
Eight years ago Vine predicted lots of Chinese Government money being paid to Pacific Island owners and world leaders worried China would be building a stronger military presence in the Pacific.
It's all coming true. The Chinese-Solomon Islands security-pact deal has world leaders concerned about Chinese military forces being deployed to the Solomon Islands.
Read the full psychic prediction here:
Chinese Govt, Island Money & Military Base
• • • • • • • • • •
1st January 2022
2021 Predictions - Have Come True
Climate change extreme weather events occurred almost continuously all around the world for the entire 2021 year - Vine's predictions have come true.
Extreme Weather Events in 2021 Will Show Us that Climate Change Can No Longer Be Denied
Vine's Higher Guardians predicted extreme weather events for 2021, which would
leave no doubt that climate change can no longer be denied.
2021 brought a wave of extreme weather disasters and people are now in no doubt about what lies ahead, just as Vine predicted.
Even More Extreme Weather Disasters
In late December 2021, Brazil's heaviest rain in decades caused dams to burst and devastating floods. In the US, wild winds caused and then fanned fires that burned houses on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado. This time it wasn't just forest fires miles away, it was suburban houses. It brought climate change disasters right to the front door.
Read the full prediction and updates:
2021 Prediction Spiritual Prophecy Message - The Correction Year
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20th September 2021
Vine's Spiritual Vision Comes TRUE:
Heritage Trees Protected from Bushfire
In 2014 Vine made predictions about how we would be managing the extreme effects of climate change exacerbated bushfires (wildfires).
Vine said that special efforts would be made to protect world heritage trees.
The irrigation system set up to save the Wollemi Pines in Australia's 2020 bushfires - This is almost exactly the same water system Vine saw in her predictive vision and described in her 2014 prediction.
Vine's Uncannily Accurate Vision of the Future
In 2014 Vine had a spiritual vision of a water system set up to protect heritage listed trees from bushfires. She described her vision like this:
"Also we are going to be coming up with new water devices to protect world heritage trees. The visions I am seeing reveal there are devices coming from under the ground and sending water back towards the fires to stop embers catching leaves and bark." - Vine, 2014
This is almost exactly what happened six years later in the 2020 Australian bushfires when elite fire fighters set up a water irrigation system to protect the
world heritage listed Wollemi Pines in New South Wales.
The firefighters were winched in from a helicopter to the remote and endangered Wollemi Pines area. They
set up a water irrigation system from a creek below the heritage trees, and pumped the water back up to them to keep the area moist as the fires came through.
Read the full prediction and updates about Vine's spiritual vision of the heritage trees water protection system here:
Fire Protection for Firefighters and World Heritage Trees and New Fabric for People
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10th September 2021
We will See the Effects of Climate Change in 2021
The unprecedented wild fires in Greece have been just one of the many climate change exacerbated extreme weather events so far in 2021.
At the start of 2021 Vine's higher guardians warned that this would be the year we really begin to see the effects of the climate changes we have caused, and be left in no doubt that we must truly act fast to mitigate the otherwise dire effects of climate change.
The prediction has certainly come true.
For a list of some of the many extreme weather events that have happened so far in 2021 -
Go to Vine's 2021 Predictions and Updates:
The Correction Year - 2021 Prediction Spiritual Prophecy Message.
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19th March 2021
Ecosystems and Zoos
Decline of Ecosystems, Insects & Reptiles
Seven years ago Vine predicted a decline in ecosyste

ms -
"Spirit has shown me a spiritual precognitive vision of how our amazing eco-systems are showing signs of strain and will slowly begin to decline", particularly in relation to insects -
"in particular the eco-systems I'm being shown are related to the insect and reptilian families"
Unfortunately, this is all now coming true, with scientists reporting a
dramatic reduction of Insects caused the decline of ecosystems.
Vine's prediction that Zoos would create breeding programs for endangered insects and reptiles is also coming true.
Read Vine's Ecosystems and Zoo prediction & updates here:
Ecosystems and Zoos
• • • • • • • • • •
11th January 2021
Donald Trump Causing Division
Trump's Washington Coup
Vine predicted a similar energy of division as in Nazi Germany surrounding Donald Trump. Vine also predicted and warned about "the deceivers' army".
More than nine years ago, Vine predicted that
Donald Trump would cause division in the USA when he became President.
Vine predicted
"loud voices who shout messages of hate and division", and
Vine's 2020 predictions warned about the
"deceivers' army".
It has all come true...
- The Deceivers' Army
Trump incites Capitol Building "insurrection" at his Washington rally.
- Whilst Trump's rally speech was designed to incite most of the crowd, others knew exactly what was happening and had come equipped for the fight that was planned. Vine predicted this.
At the beginning of 2020 Vine predicted and warned about the "deceivers' army". Vine wrote: "They are hiding in our defence force, police and government sectors".
Some of them were embedded in Trump's Washington rally.
- Vine's Higher Guardians have always said that it's not just Trump...
- During the Capital Building Coup, officers were filmed taking selfies with rioters and appearing to help them move barricades and some reportedly actually directed the insurrectionists to where they wanted to go.
But the number of deceivers behind Trump goes much deeper than what we saw during the attempted coup. They have infiltrated our governments, churches, religious orders and media organisations.
- Many deceiver politicians and administrators are now deserting Trump's sinking ship. This is the same ship they themselves have been keeping afloat for four years.
- The higher realms have referred to the deceivers' army in previous prophecy, as the puppet masters' knights. They are the deceiver elites' paid helpers put in place to destroy democracy.
- During the Capitol Building insurrection, many in the mob had been deceived, while others were a part of the deceivers' army. They used the orchestrated mob to carry out their preconceived plans and they knew exactly what they were doing...
MSNBC videos showing what really went on inside the Capitol Building insurrection
- The Energy Surrounding Trump
In Vine's 2011 prophecy, Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA, Vine's Spiritual Guardians also predicted and warned about the energy that would surround Trump. They said it was similar to the energy of Hitler's Germany in the 1920's, 30's and 40's.
- Donald Trump's "attempted coup" has elements in common with Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch (attempted coup) in Munich, 1923.
- Just as Trump launched his attempted coup from a Washington rally, Hitler launched his unsuccessful coup from a rally at Munich's Bürgerbräukeller (beer hall).
- Like Trump's attempted coup, Hitler's coup also failed. He was imprisoned for 5 years but released after just 10 months. After the failed coup, from 1923 to taking power in 1933, the Nazi Party worked to manipulate the political system rather than plan another violent seizure of power.
Years later Hitler said, "...the seizure of power in the year 1933 is indivisibly bound up with November 8, 1923" (the date of the Beer Hall Putsch).
- In Trump's Washington rally speech, he mirrored Adolf Hitler when he referred to "weakness" several times:
"Let the weak ones get out [of the Republican Party]. This is a time for strength."
Donald Trump 2021
Compare this to Adolf Hitler's words in a speech about his Beer Hall Putsch: "On this day the young movement underwent its first process of selection; the weak were removed, and those who remained were filled with an even greater fanaticism."
- Adolf Hitler 1943
In Vine's prediction about the 2016 US election, she was shown:
"a vision of how Trump's supporters were being taken in by 'Rent a Political Crowd' and online marketing..."
During Trump's Washington rally, he falsely claimed he had no knowledge of how the crowd got there and that he "did no advertising". In fact, according to Seth Abramson's detailed analysis of Trump's sedition speech, the "mob" was "manufactured"... just as Vine explained in her 2016 prediction.
Revealing Lost Knowledge to Find Balance
2020 Higher Guardians Psychic Prediction Channeling
Vine's Higher Guardians revealed lost secrets in her 2020 prophecy showing us
‘the way’ to a more balanced world.
Read Vine's 2020 Channeling from Spirit here:
2020 Spiritual Channeling - Revealing Lost Knowledge
Hope for 2019 - Universal Divine Cosmic Truth
2019 Psychic Predictions Spiritual Channeling
In Vine's spiritual prophecy message for 2019, her Spiritual Guardians offered comfort and hope for the weary on our Earth who have been drained by the world the deceivers have created...
Read Vine's 2019 Channeling from Spirit here:
2019 Spiritual Channeling - Truth & Hope
What are Real Psychic Predictions?
What's the difference between real psychic predictions and celebrity entertainment sensationalist predictions?
Does human time exist in the Universal Akasha?
Are psychic predictions date-perfect?
Do the higher realms acknowledge celebrity in our world?
What is spiritual prophecy really for?
To understand the difference between real psychic predictions and entertainment escapist predictions generated for SEO keywords...
Read Vine's articles:
Part 1 followed by Part 2 >
Psychic Predictions
2020 Spiritual Psychic Prediction Channeling
Revealing Lost Knowledge to Find Balance
Vine Psychic 1st January 2020
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Psychic Predictions
2019 Spiritual Psychic Prediction Channeling
Hope for 2019 as the Angelic Realms Reveal Universal Divine Cosmic Truth
Vine Psychic 1st January 2019
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Psychic Predictions
2018 Spiritual Psychic Prediction Channeling
Look to the Blue Moons Prophecy
and Vine's Channeling Summary - The Money Lenders
Vine Psychic 1st January 2018
2018 Australian Psychic Prediction
Warning about Australian States forced into CSG and Coal Mining
Vine Psychic 26th January 2018
World Psychic Prediction
2018 Mid Year Psychic Prediction - Blood Moon Eclipse, What Lies Ahead?
Vine Psychic 29th July 2018
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Psychic Predictions
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction for Earth Changes Phenomena, Mountain Cataclysm
by Vine Psychic - 19th August 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction for Cognitive Radiation Interference with Unborn Babies
by Vine Psychic - 16th August 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Red Alert for Global Airline Flights because of Atmosphere Radiation Wave Dangers
by Vine Psychic - 23rd February 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
by Vine Psychic - 6th January 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Spiritual Channeling for 2017 from Vine's Angelic Spiritual Guardians - Not All Is As It Seems
by Vine Psychic 1st January 2017
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2017 World Psychic Prediction
Red Alert for Global Airline Flights because of Atmosphere Radiation Wave Dangers
What could possibly be causing international aviation authorites, airline companies and the military to panic about flight safety in the future? Spiritually, the vision I am predicting reveals new scientific findings about flight navigation safety around the globe. It is predicted that atmospheric radiation changes occurring from worsening climate change conditions will in the future affect all airlines and military flight safety.
Instead of solely concentrating on terrorism motives for planes disappearing out of the sky, we are witnessing growing concern within the military and airline companies about cracks in the atmosphere releasing strong electromagnetic radiation waves.
All flight electronic technology and navigation control will be influenced by radiation changes from small cracks in the atmosphere. The urgent spiritual channeling received by my higher guardians is warning of the consequence of the worsening atmospheric conditions creating immediate changes in excessive flight turbulence and starting to interfere with electronic flight instruments. But there's also good news...
The next vision I am shown is scientists creating an invisible energy shield for when the plane is in flight. I am guided this invisible energy shield is already in the military's control.(?) My higher guardians are revealing that some people within the military and space authorities (like NASA), are already aware of the radiation waves entering our Earth. The urgency of releasing this new scientific flight shield is because of increased airline traffic around the world and not wanting global panic to stop people flying, therefore effecting the world economy.
Spiritually, my higher guardians are channeling that the secrecy behind energy shield technology is to stop people fearing airline safety in the future. This is the spiritual vision of what the energy shield looks like: It is a triangular shape, high above the plane that sends strong vibration waves around the top and sides of the plane. There is no shield coming from the bottom of the plane. The invisible shield appears to be coming from space technology radiating at a different frequency, similar to satellite mechanics.
Exciting times for aviation and military technology, and an eye-opener to people unaware of new technology counteracting electromagnetic radiation waves and strong air.
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2017 World Psychic Prediction
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
What really happened to get Donald Trump elected as President? Most people in the United States believe they used their free when they voted in the 2016 November US elections, but did they?
How calculated and out of control are the deceivers who are trying to control world governments?
Read Psychic Prediction Here
How Does Vine do her Psychic Predictions?
Vine's Psychic Predictions are made weeks or months before they happen! Vine enters a light trance state where she sees spiritual visions shown to her by Spirit. All the original transcripts are updated on Vine's website and not placed on article share sites to avoid article tampering or editing changes. Vine has been working in the spiritual field in Australia for over 37 years and is a Natural Born Sensitive born in Melbourne, Australia.
Why Doesn't Vine Do Missing Person Predictions & Celebrity Psychic Predictions?
Vine follows the
Universal Laws of Nature and therefore doesn't provide predictions about missing persons, or endorse celebrity psychic predictions. There's no rehashing of historical psychic predictions from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or the Mayans etc.. We know a lot of psychic sites use keywords associated with historical prophecies to get higher rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Vine has been guided to concentrate on environmental earth changes and social issues. She hasn't swayed from providing high quality spiritual prophecies that assist people all over the world.
What is a Good Psychic Prediction?
A good psychic prediction should be clear, transparent and demonstrate real accuracy to its audience. With Vine's predictions there's no hype or affiliate linking to other sites to get a higher presence on the web. Vine has built her psychic reputation by being a credible psychic who has been offering guidance to her Australian and world clients for 39 years in the psychic field.
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