Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.
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Battle Over Arctic Resources
World Psychic Prediction by
Vine -
6th Dec 2011
The vision I'm being shown is disturbing, because I'm seeing a vision of battle ships protecting territorial waters and land.
There are two flags being shown by Spirit - China and Russia, although there are other silent partners behind the scenes. I'm guided this vision is about claiming energy resources in the Arctic.
Large grey military freighters are in icy waters, sent by different political world leaders and I'm shown the United States government is fuming about secret meetings taking place between two world powers.
The ships are meant to be a powerful signal to the people of the world that military might will force world leaders back to the bargaining table. I do not see any acts of aggression in my vision, so that gives me a sense of relief.
The man who instigated this power play has strong energy corporations behind him and has shown his cards for all to see. I'm guided this show of force is to intimidate other world leaders. I see the people of the globe standing up together to demand greater environmental protections.
Spiritually worrying times about the protection of natural resources in the Arctic and allowing the environment to be lost forever for the sake of power and greed.
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UPDATE: 9th April 2021
Russia & China - Controlling Arctic Resources
Here's another of Vine's climate change predictions that (unfortunately) is spot on...
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UPDATE: 3rd May 2017
Nations Clamour for Arctic Resources
Rising global temperatures brought about by soaring fossil fuel emissions are causing dramatic reductions of Arctic ice and as the Arctic heats up, so to does the
battle for Arctic resources, just as Vine predicted.
Vine has been warning about the problems of Climate Change for many years, particularly in the Polar Regions. In a spiritual context, Vine explains that the polar ice magnetic field is our spiritual shield and when we lose that, we open the gateway for dark energy.

Faiza Oulahsen from Greenpeace sums up Vine's spiritual concerns about mining in the Arctic...
"It’s a disaster waiting to happen. We can see the Arctic sea ice melting in front of our eyes, and instead of seeing that as a huge threat to mankind and the planet, oil companies are rushing into the Arctic to drill for the oil that caused climate change in the first place." - Faiza Oulahsen, Greenpeace Activist, Sept 17 2013.
Vine says that if we loose the Arctic ice and begin mining for the very oil that caused the ice to melt, we will be opening the doors to hell.
Vine Predicts Cold War in the Arctic
In this prediction, Vine sees a military build-up in the Arctic; however, she did not see any actual acts of aggression. This is a exactly what defence analysts are now also predicting. The
Council of Foreign Relations reports that
"some defence analysts and academics assert that territorial disputes and a competition for resources have primed the Arctic for a new Cold War.
Map showing Arctic Territories. The unshaded area in the middle is international waters.
A type of cold war situation in the Arctic is exactly what Vine predicted. Countries are now building their military presence in preparation to protect their mining operations as the Arctic ice melts.
Russia's Arctic Military Build-Up
As competition for Arctic natural resources increases, countries are expanding their military presence in the area.
Russia is strengthening it's military in the Arctic and has developed special
Arctic military hardware that can function effectively in the harsh climate and terrain.
Vine's Prediction for China in the Arctic
Vine has predicted that once the ice melts, the major tensions would be between Russia and China. Six years after Vine published this prediction, experts are now agreeing with Vine's prediction for China in the Arctic...
China's 4th expedition to the Arctic in 2010 - China is playing a waiting game.
According to the South China Morning Post,
China has big plans for the Arctic, but is playing a waiting game. What are they waiting for? They're waiting for the ice to melt...
"Experts say Beijing is playing the long game, waiting for these problems to melt away with global warming and more infrastructure. With sea ice cover at the second lowest level on record last month, it may not have to wait long."
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