Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place World and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.
Childhood Computer Addiction - New Science Discovery
Psychic Prediction by Vine -
9th Oct 2011
Spirit is sending out a caution to parents around the world to monitor their children's computer and mobile gadget technology.
Spirit is cautioning that the overuse of computer games is going to change the neurological energy of the mind and will overstimulate
the brain leading to addictive behaviours when the children become adults. If you think there are already a lot of addictive personality
trait behaviours, you need to consider this one is going to be the biggie of them all.
There will be new medical research that will be conducted by a top scientist and once his team releases their findings we are all going to
have to accept some level of responsibility for our children's play time habits.
Stay tuned for controversy about children's and teenage computer games and gadgets, and why we are being guided to immediately address overuse of mind stimulation.
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UPATE: 11th November 2019
Screen Time Linked to Lower Brain Development in Young Kids

Computer screen time for children has increased since Vine's Higher Guardians sent out this warning against too much screen time for young kids.
Scientific studies are now confirming Vine's prediction.
Excess Screen Time "Rewiring" Kids Brains
In 2014Vine followed up this prediction with an article about
Learning Difficulties in Young children after too much computer screen time.
Vine was guided that excess screen time would be found to be
"rewiring" children's brains. Now, five years after Vine predicted it, a
new scientific study that scanned the brains of children 3 to 5 years old, has agreed with Vine's prediction...
White Matter - The Wiring Between Brain Cells
The study showed that high screen use has disorganised the white matter in preschool-aged kids.
Lead author of the study Dr. John Hutton said,
"White matter in the brain is made up of fibers, typically distributed into bundles called tracts, which form connections between brain cells and the rest of the nervous system".
He compared the white matter to electrical wiring that connects devices.
"Think of white matter as cables, sort of like the telephone lines that are connecting the various parts of the brain so they can talk to each other."
In other words, too much screen time is
rewiring the brain cells to slow the brain's processing speed.
Vine's spiritual prophecy has proved to be accurate.
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UPATE: 20th April 2019
Vine's Computer Addiction Prediction - TRUE
Long after Vine first warned about the neurological problems & additive nature of screen based devices and computer games, many scientists, doctors and authors are now giving the exact same warnings as Vine did in 2011.
In this prediction Vine warned:
"Spirit is cautioning that the overuse of computer games is going to change the neurological energy of the mind and will overstimulate the brain leading to addictive behaviours when the children become adults."
A Tidal Wave of Problems
Australian author David Gillespie has released,
The Teen Brain -
Why screens are making your teenager depressed, anxious and prone to life long addictive illnesses, and how to stop it"
Gillespie has based his findings on scientific research published in the last 3-4 years about screen based addiction and the significant changes in reward pathways in adolescence.
Gillespie concludes:
"This is an experiment on a scale we have never seen before in the history of the human race - Let’s see what happens when we expose every single member of a generation to a highly addictive thing, and see what happens after that. I think we’re in for a real tidal wave of problems..."
The Glow Kids
Five years after Vine's prediction, Dr Nicholas Kardaros published his book: "
The Glow KIds-
How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance"
Just as Vine predicted five years earlier, that overuse of computer games will change the neurological energy of the mind and overstimulate the brain leading to addictive behaviours... in The Glow Kids, Dr. Kardaros details how compulsive technology usage and reliance on screens can neurologically damage the developing brain of a child in the same way as drug addiction.
Excessive Use of Technology
Pychologist, Dr. Lisa Strohman says that
excessive use of technology during critical developmental periods of children’s developing brains, begs the question, could we potentially be creating a new generation of addicts?
Prince Harry - Ban Fortnite
Prince Harry says
video game Fortnite is ‘too addictive’ and should be banned. He cannot see the sense of having it in the household and it seems like the Prince and Meghan Markle may very well put a limit on how much time their children spend playing video games.
Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain
In the years following Vine's prediction about computer game addiction, there has been an abundance of research published online corroborating Vine's prediction about changes to the neurological energy of the mind.
report from concludes from multiple studies that,
"excessive screen-time appears to impair brain structure and function. Much of the damage occurs in the brain’s frontal lobe, which undergoes massive changes from puberty until the mid-twenties. Frontal lobe development, in turn, largely determines success in every area of life"
Vine's Prediction has come true.
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UPATE: 23rd November 2017
No Screen Time for Children Under Two - Experts Advise...
In this prediction, Australian Psychic Vine's Spiritual Guardians cautioned parents around the world to monitor their children's computer and mobile gadget technology.
Vine predicted new medical research conducted by a top scientist and his team, which will find that we should accept some level of responsibility for our
children's play time habits and screen time.
Vine's prediction has come true with a new study led by University of Wollongong early childhood expert Professor Tony Okely.
Professor Okely's 24-hour children's sleep and activity guidelines have recommended no screen time for children under two, and less than a hour a day for preschoolers, or otherwise risk harming cognitive, physical and social development of young children.
Vine's Spiritual Guardians cautioned that the overuse of computer games would change the neurological energy of the mind and overstimulate the brain leading to addictive behaviours when the children become adults.
Professor Tony Okely's research has
now corroborated this prediction and he has warned that fast and quick transitions and flashing lights from screens could
impact a child's brain development.
Prediction UPATE: 11th July 2015
Study - Wi-Fi Exposure More Dangerous To Kids
computer and wi-fi study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IRIC), has included radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF/EMF), as a Class 2B Carcinogen. It says that children absorb more microwave radiation (MWR) than adults, and suggests we
limit our children's exposure to computers and wi-fi devices whenever possible.
The study casts doubt on whether the benefits of immersive learning applications like ipads, outweigh the dangers of increased cellular and wi-fi exposure for children.
In this psychic prediction Vine stresses the need to for parents to "
monitor their children's computer and mobile gadget technology". It's not just addiction we need to worry about, but also electromagnetic radiation.
Vine writes more on the
effect of computers and wi-fi on children’s learning behaviors in her psychic reading editorial.
Prediction UPATE: 18th April 2015
Internet-Use Disorder
Vine predicted that scientific research would confirm that computer game addiction causes neurological changes to the mind. One year after Vine made the prediction,
Internet-Use Disorder had been added to the
international psychiatric diagnostic manual (DSM).
The inclusion was due to
medical research on Internet Addiction predicted by Vine. The addictive behaviours Vine predicted have also been linked to
computer game addiction.
Read Vine's article on
computer addiction and touch screen technology - tablets and ipads.
Addiction is Energetic, Not Physical
Vine has also written that addictions are energetic, not physical or chemical and now scientific experiments are backing up what Vine has always known.
Scientific research is now showing that addictions have more to do with environment and lifestyle (in spiritual terms, the health of our energetic aura) than it has to do with the chemical reactions in our brains. The famous
Rat Park experiments have shown that rats addicted to heroin or cocaine happily stopped taking the drugs when they were placed into a good environment. Studies have also shown that soldiers addicted to heroin in the Vietnam War, simply stopped taking the drugs when they arrived back home.
Prediction UPATE: 13th January 2012
Australian clairvoyant medium Vine was given specific guidance by Spirit about how children and adults could cause neurological damage to their minds with overuse of computer games.
In this prediction, Vine wrote:
"Spirit is cautioning that the overuse of computer games is going to change the neurological energy of the mind and will overstimulate the brain leading to addictive behaviours when the children become adults"
Vine's Prediction Comes True
Vine described how a scientist and his team would release medical research showing that computer addiction can change the neurological energy of the mind. That is exactly what
Dr Hao Lei and his team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have done. They are saying that white matter abnormalities in the brain are present not only in addictions where substances are involved but also in behavioural ones such as internet addiction.
This psychic prediction by Vine has come true.
Prediction UPDATE: 3rd November 2011
More cases are coming to light about childhood internet addiction. A family in Conneticut, have come forward revealing how damaging this condition really is.
Watch BBC video here.
Prediction UPDATE: 17th October 2011
A leading neurologist is reporting that
children's brains could be left damaged and they could have some type of 'dementia' by continually playing computer games. This is what Vine has spirituallypreviously shared. She said:
"Spirit is cautioning that the overuse of computer games is going to change the neurological energy of the mind and will overstimulate the brain leading to addictive behaviours when the children become adults."
Baroness Greenfield a neurological scientist has been researching the dangers of online gaming and shared her latest finding describing that this research would be quite controversial. In this prediction, Vine also said:
"Stay tuned for controversy about children's and teenage computer games and gadgets"
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