Vine Psychic
Collective Grief and Spiritual Comforting
My psychic reading editorial today is about helping grieving families and friends who wake up to phone calls or visiting police officers telling them that their parents, siblings, or friends have crossed over without being able to say goodbye.
It has been devastating for families who have to cope with painstaking grief when not able to see or talk to their loved ones affected by COVID-19 and the necessary isolation it has forced upon us.
Spiritual Medium Help
As a spiritual medium,
I allow my ethereal vessel to communicate with the higher realms and relay their messages to help you cope with traumatic loss. I know how difficult it is to function as your heart is torn in two. I understand the shock and numbness you are feeling as your world is turned upside down.
You force yourself to get out of bed, or blame yourself for not making different choices and go over and over everything in your mind. What if you had done things differently? Would they still be alive? I have done countless readings helping heartbroken souls understand the death process.
Spiritual Confirmation
You want to know how your loved ones are on the other side. You need to know if they are still aware of your life and are spiritually around you. This is important for your healing. Your loved ones in the angelic realms are aware of your emotional pain.
I have been humbled by the spiritual readings I am asked to do as a medium.
I have no prior knowing why my clients book a consultation until I
tune into the departed at the time of your reading. They will provide specific guidance about your life, which only you know. Sometimes I am taken aback by the channeling, as I find out about their tragedies or the illnesses they recall before they crossed over.
Spiritual Healing
Time and again I have witnessed the most grief stricken husbands, wives and parents who couldn't function because of depression or post traumatic stress, begin to enter the healing process.
I know you are loved in the spiritual realms because I see how much of an effort your loved ones make to heighten their energy fields to communicate with genuine mediums and pass this message on. Your loved ones energetically impress visions about their passings and even go into detail about your lives. They are all knowing, omnipresent, spiritual beings who incarnated on the earth to be in your life. Your loved ones know you are grieving their loss, they know the nights you are not sleeping or going over and over everything in your mind.
My Spiritual Technique
My spiritual role as a Sensitive (medium) is to help you see there is a way through your grief. I use my spiritual vessel as an energetic conduit to connect with your aura. I use a
unique spiritual breath technique to channel their messages. The breath method allows me to connect to your aura like a magnetic frequency. Similar to a radio frequency, the breath technique allows me to hone into your aura. Every spiritual being resonates with a unique frequency, this is how your biological family in Spirit can immediately identify you are wanting to make contact.
The best way of describing this energy frequency is that it's similar to a radio station channel being scanned to find the channel of your choice. This is the way credible mediums are selected by spirit. I don't use tarot cards, angel cards or crystal balls, I tune directly into the higher realms and have no need to use any neutral tools to do readings.
The Oneness Prayer
Before I conclude, I would like to extend my prayers to all of the people around the world who have been personally affected by the traumatic loss of your loved ones in any tragedy or traumatic event and especially during the difficult times of our coronavirus pandemic.
We are all from the One spiritual family no matter our culture or our geographical location in the globe. We all have the same pain, the same emotions and
Spirit doesn't single out any person above another.
Love and light
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