Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online as a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.
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Asian Fishing Village – Fish Poisoning or Water Tragedy?
The vision I am shown first is of people walking around a fishing village that seems to be in a remote area. I see people wearing Asian peasant hats. I am guided to look towards the water where I am shown movement and fish.
Then spirit guides me to the waters edge, where I see a wharf and people falling down. I believe I am witnessing a food poisoning outbreak or some strange movement from the sea. I'm not sure if this is in Vietnam or another Asian location? I spiritually feel this is going to be a shock to the people of the world. I feel I need to share this clairvoyant image with the world audience although I'm not 100% sure
which way this should be interpreted.
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UPDATE: 14th June 2016
Fish Poisoned in Vietnam
Since Vine made this prediction about fish poisoinings in Asia, incidents of Fish poisoning have continued to occur.
In the latest occurrence,
millions of dead fish have washed up on 120 miles of shore line in Central Vietnam. Researchers have concluded that “toxic elements” are behind the “unprecedented” deaths.
Since then, hundreds of villages are believed to have
fallen ill from eating those poisoned fish. In vine's vision, she saw masses of dead fish, and "people falling down".
This is exactly what seems to happening in Vietnam now.
UPDATE: 21st February 2015
Fish Poisoned in Chinese River
In this psychic prediction Vine had a vision from Spirit in which she saw poisoned fish in the water. And Vine saw people wearing Asian peasant hats much like the one in the photo (below) of a villager scooping up poisoned fish in China:

In September 2013, 220,000 pounds of
fish were poisoned in the Fuhe River in central China. Local officials said the thousands of fish were poisoned by ammonia from a chemical plant.
About 1,600 people in nearby Huanghualao make a living from fishing and fishermen could lose up to 70,000 yuan ($11,400) per day.
'The dead fish covered the entire river and looked like snowflakes'.
Vine's psychic prediction may have come true with this large mass of poisoned fish floating with the currents, matching Vines decription of her vision:
"some strange movement from the sea" and poisoned fish.
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