Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online as a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.
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Strong Storms Electrical Storm Unprecedented
Psychic Prediction by Vine - 1st May 2011
Spirit is showing me a rainstorm that will hurt the community it strikes.
It seems there will be something very heavy (like rocks) coming from the sky. I see lines drawn in the sky and there is an electrical nature to it all, which looks like lightning but I don't think it is lightning.
As freak historical storms go, this will be unprecedented and I don't believe we have seen anything like this before. I see damage from the storm hitting mostly a remote area, but there will be some infrastructure and buildings badly damaged. I'm shown a location with large green mountains and it seems the storm will hit in the valley. It has a similar landscape as Hawaii - I'm not sure whether this is going to strike Hawaii, but the countryside is lush green.
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UPDATE: 19 June 2011
Vine Saw Lightning That Wasn't Lightning
Was Vine spiritually shown an image of lightning over a volcano in Chile (Puyehue-Cordón Caulle) when she predicted a strong electrical storm?
Just one month after Vine made this prediction, the amazing electrical storm associated with the eruption of that volcano matched the decription of Vine's electrical storm vision to a T - Lightning that isn't lightning and rocks falling from the sky...
Vine wrote: "
It seems there will be something very heavy (like rocks) coming from the sky. I see lines drawn in the sky and there is an electrical nature to it all, which looks like lightning but I don't think it is lightning."
Before this volcano erupted and images appeared on the web a month after Vine made this prediction, it was almost impossible to imagine a storm with rocks falling out of the sky and lightning that isn't normal lightning. And yet, there it is, a volcanic electrical storm with streaked lightning and undoubtedly rocks falling from the sky, just as predicted by Vine. If so, this is an eerily accurate prediction.
When you view the photographs taken from a distance of the Chilean volcanic eruption, you definitely can see "
lines drawn in the sky ...looks like lightning, but I don't think it is lightning."

Lightning storm above Chilean volcanic eruption 2011.
Chile has a similar mountainous terrain to Hawaii and this may be why Vine wanted to describe the 'lush green countryside'. Or perhaps it's Hawaii's volcanic nature that made Vine think of Hawaii when she saw this vision, which contained no references to which country it was in, other than mountains.
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