Vine Psychic
Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

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2018 Vine Psychic Prediction Prophecy Summary from Angelic Spiritual Guardians

See the Latest Prediction Updates
In the prediction updates, we verify the accuracy and link to news articles that confirm the truth of this prediction.

2018 Psychic Predictions
"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls".
George Carlin

Spiritual Channeling
1st January 2018

Look to the Blue Moons
Exaltations to those who frequent the Earth. We come to you on the blue night eclipse to reveal consciousness and matter synergy.

As the ice cuts into the core, a roar will release a boom and shade the other. The ones who look to the money lenders will be denied entry as the bell permeates rushed motion.

We say to you those who have used instruments for their own means will be known. Sand grains will fall on the slave masters thrones of gold.

Children of God be still as we seek our vengeance on the money lenders who drink the dark blood from the veins of matter.

They gnash their teeth trying to hold onto their guilded empires when children cry out for nourishment.

They bid on death, as our essence is lost to the futility of war. This will be no more. Look to the blue moons.

Our mirror will be at one with her calling as you welcome the money lenders' demise.

With love and blessings to all earth beings, we bid you well..

End of channeling

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Vine's Spiritual Summary

The Money Lenders

The 2018 spiritual channeling from my higher guardians honors the people of our world who chose to incarnate on the Earth. You are held in high esteem by the higher realms (exaltation). As I have done before in previous channeling and visions given to me by the angelic realms I will break down the channeling guidance messages.

There will be a significant cosmic aligment during the blue moon eclipse that will welcome consciousness (God) and matter (physical incarnation). The bridge between the spiritual and science.

I was shown a vision of Polar mountains and clairaudiently heard a large energetic boom. I was guided at this interval (time) the attention of the Universe would be on the stockmarket (Wall Street) and shareholders.

The spiritual channeling quote about the "bell permeating" is the stockmarket's bell that starts the trading. Spirit refers to this as "rushed motion". The higher realms are guiding the money lenders have been misleading the global economies by using coding that alters the instruments.

It is predicted this is the algorithm codes altering the stockmarket positive or negative outcomes. I was guided the coding was set up for the deceiver elite to control the currency and shareholdings and to run a secret economy within our open economic structure.

The higher realms is warning the deceiver elite "slavemasters" keep the world in economic slavery, but their secrets will be known: "Sand grains will fall on the slavemasters thrones of gold".

The motive of the secret societies for having two economies is to keep us reliant upon the system. The economy we are led to believe is the real one, hides the elite "thrones of gold" (money laundering, tax evasion, private equity etc.). Hence, being able to tweak the algorithm codes for their own benefit.

In other words the deceiver elite are manipulating the stock exchange (Wall Street). My spiritual guardians are revealing the public will finally know what is really going on.

The Universe isn't going to show any mercy to the deceivers who have accumulated wealth from creating wars and destroying the planet. Refer to the spiritual channeling: "Children of God be still as we seek our vengeance on the money lenders who drink the dark blood from the veins of matter."

The angelic guardians are combining the destruction of the environment (black oil/fossil fuels) from the veins of the earth and the stockmarket shareholders. Therefore shareholders are also under the karmic radar of the higher realms.

The stockmarket shareholders who created the false economies to keep the free world and third world countries in economic slavery and austerity are under the Universes' cosmic microscope.

I was spiritually guided they bid for weaponry to make wars.

The higher realms watch as the children starve due to war after war created for greed, profit and tinkering of the economy. This is unacceptable to the higher realms.

The last part of the spiritual channeling is about my calling: "our mirror will be at One with her calling."

This means I am now able to follow my spiritual vocation and assist our beautiful planet to cope with the changes, now the global public are aware of the deceivers as they're identified and out in the open. (The term "changes" is what my higher guardians describe as climate change, referred to since I was a young child).

An exciting 2018 year, that has the higher realms singling out the economic structures that have caused the destruction of our environment and created two tiered economies that hold the world people in austerity and economic slavery.

It appears the shareholder is also being held karmically accountable for allowing this to continue.

Love and Light

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Read Prediction

UPDATE: 12th March 2025

Vine Predicted:

Wealthy and privileged deceivers would keep the world in economic slavery while children cry out for nourishment...

Trump Musk trash economy

Vine predicted that billionaire deceivers like Musk and other Trump backers in the US, and billionaires like Gina Rinehart, Anthony Pratt and Clive Palmer in Australia, would "try to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment".

It's all coming true.

The higher realms are warning that the deceiver elite "slavemasters" keep the world in economic slavery, but their secrets will be known...

Elon Musk has said: “We have to reduce spending to live within our means.” This, coming from a multi-billionaire and his privileged backers who are ABSOLUTELY NOT living within their means and do not ever plan to do so, is a deceitful and hypocritical statement.

As Vine predicted, the question is now being asked: Do billionaire deceivers plan to crash the economy, buy up all the resulting cheap assets, become even richer and more powerful while everybody else becomes their economic slaves and cannon fodder?

Vine Free Will Video

...Economic Slaves and Cannon Fodder - Watch Vine's video on Free Will and how they are stealing it from you...

We are now seeing Vine's prediction being played out in real time.

"They gnash their teeth trying to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment."

They bid on death, as our essence is lost to the futility of war..."

Vine wrote: "The higher realms watch as the children starve due to war after war created for greed, profit and tinkering of the economy. "

It is all coming true in the United States and there is a federal election coming up in Australia in which billionaires are trying to do the same thing.

Vine predicted this would all be known and is unacceptable to the higher realms.

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UPDATE: 7th May 2024

Australia a Step Closer to Bringing In Long Awaited Money Laundering Laws

Australian Money Launderung Laws FINALLY introduced
It's taken a very long time but Australian money laundering laws will finally catch up with the rest of the world - New laws to stem drug dealers, corrupt officials and dirty money in Australia's real estate market - Read ABC News Story here

Over a year ago (See UPDATE for 25th April 2023), we reported that after 16 years of doing nothing about money laundering in Australian Real Estate, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus was beginning the first stage of consultations before introducing Tranche 2 of Australia’s money-laundering laws and take on take on powerful lawyer, accounting and real estate lobbyists.

They're certainly taking their time, but...

13 months later, the Government has announced a second round of consultation inviting all interested stakeholders to make submissions on the first round of consultations.

While the process looks quite convoluted, at least it does seem to be (slowly) happening and we will eventually see money laundering loop holes in Australia closed, and more of Vine's 2018 Money Laundering Prediction coming TRUE.

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Prediction UPDATE: 16th February 2024

Secrecy over Paladin’s $423 million contract

Allegations about the misuse of Australian tax payers' money at the Manus Island refugee detention centre were first revealed shortly after Vine made this prediction that the public would "finally know what is really going on" with secret money and false economies.

The allegations surround a $423 million Manus Island detention centre security contract awarded to a tiny company called Paladin, registered to a Kangaroo Island beach shack.

A recently released govt report has now thrown more light onto the secret dealings, as Vine's prediction continues to come true.

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Prediction UPDATE: 8th August 2023

Vine's Warnings about Money Laundering in Real Estate,
and Using Algorithms to Manipulate the Stock Market

money laundering in Australian Real Estate

Vine's warnings about money laundering in real estate, and algorithms controlling the stock exchange continue to come true...

"The motive of the secret societies for having two economies is to keep us reliant upon the system.. The economy we are led to believe is the real one, hides the elite "thrones of gold" (money laundering, tax evasion, private equity etc.). Hence, being able to tweak the algorithm codes for their own benefit."

Vine warned that social media and stock market algorithms were being used to manipulate the market

..."I was guided the coding was set up for the deceiver elite to control the currency and shareholdings and to run a secret economy within our open economic structure."

And now Vine's warnings about using Algorithms to manipulation the market are beginning to be reflected in the mainstream.. Particularly algorithms being used to spread fake news on social media in order to manipulate related stock - The Rise of Social Media Manipulation on Wall Street

Vine Algorithm Tweet

Vine Algorithm Tweet

Vine Algorithm Tweet

Vine Algorithm Tweet

Vine Algorithm Tweet
Vine continues to warn how algorithms are being used to control the dark economy

In her 2018 companion piece-editorial to this psychic prediction, Vine detailed how money laundering is used in Australian real estate - How does Money Laundering stop you from getting into Australian Real Estate?

Now "rampant" money laundering has been exposed...

Rampant money-laundering, foreign buyers - Squeeze on renters, first home buyers

Money laundering is a global menace that threatens the integrity of financial systems, and its consequences extend far beyond the realms of finance. One sector that is being significantly affected by it, is the Australian property market.
- Michael West Media

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Prediction UPDATE: 25th April 2023

Vine's Australian Money Laundering Prediction - TRUE

Money Laundering in Australian Real Estate

In Vine's 2018 companion piece-editorial to this Psychic Prediction, How does Money Laundering stop you from getting into Australian Real Estate?, she detailed just how money laundering was being used in Australia, and in particular how money laundering affects Australian house prices and availability.

The Secrets of Economic Deceivers Will Be Known

Vine talked about the 2007 draft legislation to extend anti-money laundering provisions to real estate agents, lawyers and accountants, which would expose the dark money being laundered through Australian Real Estate.

At the time of writing it had not been implemented in the 11 years since it was drafted. But in this prophecy Vine predicted that the secrets of the deceiver elite "slavemasters", who keep the world in economic slavery, will be known.


Australia Finally Moves on Money Laundering behind Lawyers, Accountants and Real Estate Agents

" After 16 years of governments dithering, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is moving to introduce Tranche 2 of Australia’s money-laundering laws, finally tackling the powerful lawyer, accounting and property lobbyists".

"Children of God be still as we seek our vengeance on the money lenders who drink the dark blood from the veins of matter. They gnash their teeth trying to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment. They bid on death, as our essence is lost to the futility of war.
This will be no more."

- Vine's Higher Guardians, 1st Jan 2018.

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Spiritual Message UPDATE: 6th October 2021

Vine's Predictions about Dark Shadow Economies

In this prediction Vine warned about the "secret economy within our open economic structure" and predicted that it would be exposed: "their secrets will be known".

It's all come true. The destructive secret economy Vine's Higher Guardians have warned about for years has been proven to exist and is now being exposed...

The Pandora Papers "exposes a shadow financial system that benefits the world's most rich and powerful."

Vine Prediction about Pandora Papers

The Pandora Papers were released on Oct 4th 2021 by the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) and they exemplify Vine's predictions about the secret shadow economy.

'Pandora Papers' is the name given to millions of whistle-blown documents released by the ICIJ containing information on the hidden tax-haven wealth and secret shadow financial dealings of over 330 of the world’s most powerful politicians, billionaires, business people and wealthy tax avoiders.

Vine Warned about "the Secret Economy Within Our Open Economic Structure"

The ICIJ calls this enormous global stream of illicit money a "shadow economy that enriches criminals and tax avoiders and impoverishes nations".

Vine said their are two economies: The one we can see, and the hidden economy where great riches are kept from the people of the world:

The economy we are led to believe is the real one, hides the elite "thrones of gold" (money laundering, tax evasion, private equity etc.).

Dark Economies - The System is Rigged

Vine Prediction - Secret Economies Money

How Secret Economies are Destroying our World

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UPDATE: 2nd December 2019

Anti-Money Laundering Laws allegedly
Broken by WestPac 23 Million Times

Money Laundering psychic prediction

In 2019, the spotlight continues to shine on the Money Lenders (Banks etc.).

Vine's psychic prediction was that the money lenders (banks etc) would be found to be hiding their money laundering activities in secret economies - "The economy we are led to believe is the real one, hides the elite "thrones of gold" (money laundering, tax evasion, private equity, etc.)"

WestPac Money Laundering Exposed

Since Vine made this prediction, money laundering activities have continued to be been exposed. Now Westpac has been alleged to have broken anti-money laundering laws 23 million times.

Each breach of the law carries a penalty of up to A$63,000. That puts the potential fine at more than A$1 trillion. Like the Commonwealth Bank before them, WestPac will probably bargain it down. In 2018, the Commonwealth Bank paid A$700 million for its own breaches of anti-money-laundering provisions.

Vine's predictions for 2019 are about hope through revealing the truth behind elite deceivers. Two years after this prediction, the money lenders continue to be exposed.

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UPDATE: 26th December 2018

How Australian Vine's 2018 Psychic Prediction about the Stock Market and Money Laundering Came True

Vine's psychic prediction spiritual prophecy about the deceivers who profit through manipulation of the stock exchange has been exceptionally accurate. Below we reveal in bullet point what was prophesied...

Trump Tweet - Dow Jones drops
A Donald Trump Tweet Caused Dow Jones Industrial Average to Drop 653 points

Deceivers Profit from Stock Market Crashes

Vine predicted that algorithms would be used to manipulate the stock market. This could be achieved with high-frequency trading algorithms that either monitor social media trends that are in turn manipulated by social media algorithms or react to Trump's tweets and strange policies, designed and timed to manipulate the stock market...

Analysts say blame the machines - Washington Post

Money Launderers Exposed - Psychic Prediction

Secrets of the Money Lender Deceivers (banks, stock exchange, financial planners etc.) - Exposed in 2018

Vine predicted that 2018 would be the year that the money launderers would be exposed. She accurately channeled that 2018 would show who the deceivers actually were.

In 2018, Russian Oligarchs, deceptive global politicians and international banks faced prosecution, police raids and arrests. In 2018 our world got a glimpse of the secret fortunes filtered through respected banks and the deceiver elites' carefully selected corrupt individuals.

Some of the global banks that were raided are:

It is only the tip of the iceberg in identifying which global banks are under investigation and directly connected to money laundering. This is why Vine was spiritually guided to write the spiritual channeling: "sand grains will fall on the slave masters thrones of gold."

Secret Economies

All of the money is dirty money coming from criminal activity that hurts and financially cripples ordinary citizens around the world.

Billions and billions of dollars, being filtered through criminal elements and helped by corrupt officials and financial institutions are creating the "secret economy" that Vine's guardians have revealed.

The dark money is taken out of the world economies. It is now causing countries around the globe to bring in austerity policies to punish ordinary voters and to cut valuable government services in health, education, veterans entitlements etc. and could eventually lead to yet another global financial crisis or stock exchange crash. As Vine's angelic guardians revealed, it punishes children and the people who can least afford to have money taken away from them.

Corrupt Deceiver Elites

Vine has been guiding about the deceiver elites (corrupt officials, oligarchs and politicians) who are working against citizens and ordinary tax payers all around the world.

In 2018, as spiritually predicted by Vine, we witnessed evidence of billions and billions of dollars taken out of our economies and into the hands of corrupt deceivers and their tax havens.

From the evidence gathered by investigative media (Panama and Paradise Papers etc.) it is obvious respected banks and financial institutions have known about the corruption for years. The greed of employers, high dollar commissions and board members perks have allowed the corruption to thrive with very few criminal charges. It is only the release of the Panama and Paradise Papers and the spiritual prophecy from Vine’s angelic guardians that has revealed how out of control the secret economy really is.

We can now see how widespread these corrupt behaviours are and why the higher realms have used Spiritual Seers like Vine to reveal their identities and their deceitful, dishonest and fraudulent activities.

How Does this Psychic Prediction about the Money Lenders Relate to Your Life?

The deceiver elites running secret economies that effect the stock exchange and the financial institutions, are affecting you in all sorts of ways.

When you notice the cost of living going up as and your wages go down and you struggle to scrape together enough money to pay your bills... it’s because the deceivers running the secret economies are not playing by the same economic rules as you are.

They are making you pay for their corporation taxes because they evade paying tax.

They double dip into the property and real estate market because they have so much money in tax havens and offshore accounts, they can use that money to buy up big, causing property prices to escalate out of reach of ordinary buyers.

Austerity policies that have people living on the streets, or on Centrelink payments have not been increased for over 20 years because the money needed to pay for these services has been going into what Spirit refers to as the "secret economy".

Global energy prices have skyrocketed because the deceiver elite aren’t allowing enough money into the economies to create an adequate economic and social safety net and community energy hubs that help us get renewable energy, like solar panels, solar water and battery storages.

The same people doing harm to our environment are ensuring your energy prices will not be subsidised, whilst offering the fossil fuel companies tax free exemptions. Simple maths reveals the secret economy is crippling our world economies.

Secret economies mean you pay higher costs. If there was no secret economy your life would be made so much easier.

As Vine spiritually guides, once the veil has been lifted you will know what is really going on. But the domino affect of algorithms being open to abuse, across the financial and banking sector and into our everyday lives, cannot be overlooked.

This could also apply to algorithm abuse for gambling like Tattslotto or Powerball or other gambling services.

We are spiritually discovering that algorithms are being programmed to react a certain way and until we find out how many computer engineers were instructed to misuse algorithm programming, the same type of criminal activity could continue.

It could allow the deceiver elite to openly abuse global economies by forcing a cashless society onto the world, with very little or no financial protections at all.

The worse case scenario could be another global financial crisis or depression that benefits deceiver elite. This must not be allowed to happen. It is now up to the people to demand answers about algorithm programming and what regulations are in place to catch criminals, oligarchs and billionaires making huge fortunes by gaming the system.

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Vine’s 2019 Psychic Prediction Prophecy will be published shortly. Because of Australian and global copycat psychic prediction sites and scrapers who regularly steal Vine’s copyright prophecy, Vine has been guided to do monthly updates to stop clickbait sites damaging the original spiritual arts.

Thank you for your loyalty and support.

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Prediction UPDATE: 17th June 2018

Alleged criminal charges laid against ANZ, Citigroup and Deutsche Bank - Vine's money lender 2018 psychic prediction
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) brings charges of an alleged criminal cartel against ANZ, Citigroup and Deutsche Bank.

Banks Charged with Criminal Cartel Offences

In this prediction Australian psychic Vine's Higher Spiritual Guardians prophesied that the secrets of the money lender deceivers (banks, stock exchange, financial planners etc.) would be exposed in 2018.

Vine's Prediction Verified...

This prediction continues to be accurate as Australian regulators bring criminal charges against banks...

ASIC Pursues Westpac over Financial Planners

The truth of Vine's money lender psychic prediction is further verified as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) takes legal action against Westpac over allegedly poor advice given by their financial planners.

The charge is that customers have been pushed into deals in which the financial advisors receive commissions to feather their own nest, rather than finding the best deal for the customer.

Prediction UPDATE: 14th May 2018

HSBC - Who owns Australias's Big 4 Banks?
Who owns Australia's Big 4 Banks? - The Four Corners HSBC Report, "Banksters", says that money laundering is rampant, and yet the Australian Banking Royal Commission is not covering money laundering.

Royal Commission into Australian Banks

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Australian Banking and Financial Sector has put the money lenders under the karmic radar in 2018, exactly as predicted in Vine’s Higher Guardian prophecy channeling...

Prediction UPDATE: 21st Feb 2018

In this psychic prediction, the Higher Realms warn that the deceiver elite "slavemasters" keep the world in economic slavery, but their secrets will be known: "Sand grains will fall on the slavemasters thrones of gold".

Australian Clairvoyant Medium Vine revealed that secrets of money laundering, tax evasion etc. would be exposed in 2018...

Money Laundering in Australian Real Estate

It has been reported that Australia is one of the most attractive destinations in the world to launder money through property markets.

Money Laundering in Australia Tweet This Radio National "Background Briefing" podcast, "How criminals are laundering their dirty cash in Australian real estate", states: "there have been allegations that politically linked people have been laundering money in Australia’s property market."

Money Laundering in the UK and Canada

The investigation into real estate money laundering in B.C. Canada is leading to new rules.

Will the BBC TV drama (McMafia) about organised crime and high-end money laundering in the UK, spur the UK government to take action?

Whilst the problem of money laundering in Australia has been known for a long time, nothing has been done about it. However, as Vine predicted, the issue of exposing money laundering all around the world and doing something about it, is hotting up in 2018.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 19th Feb 2018

Vine Predicts Stock Market Manipulation

Vine predicted that Stockmarket deceivers would be discovered misleading the global economies in 2018, by using algorithms to manipulate positive and negative outcomes on the stock market.

Amazingly, it is now being alleged that this is precisely what is happening, exactly as Vine predicted it.

Stockmarket whistle blower Tweet
The official measure for positive and negative outcomes is the VIX (CBOE Volatility Index). It is a measure of the stock market's expectation of volatility (amount of change), and because it translates into how positive or negative shareholders feel about the value of their shares, it is often referred to as the fear index, or the fear gauge.

Whistleblower Alleges Manipulation of VIX Volatility Index

A whistle blower has alleged that the VIX gauge of future stock market volatility is being manipulated... exactly as Australian clairvoyant medium Vine predicted.

On Feb 12, the whistle blower alleged that trading firms had taken advantage of the way the VIX is calculated in order to manipulate the index, costing investors nearly $2 billion a year (mostly mum & dad investors).

It is alleged that, "trading firms with advanced algorithms are moving the VIX up or down, simply by posting quotes on S&P options and without needing to physically engage in any trading or deploying any capital"

The VIX "fear gauge" was a big factor in recent wild stock price swings of early 2018, and the whistleblower has alleged this was partly because the VIX was being manipulated"

This is just the beginning. Vine has guided that there is so much more stock market manipulation of which the public is not yet aware.

Prediction UPDATE: 14th Feb 2018

Deceivers' Tax Avoidance Realestate Properties Revealed

British Virgin Islands Tax Avoidance Firms Own 23,000 UK properties

Vine's Spiritual Guardians revealed that 2018 would be the year we find out the truth about secret economies (money laundering, tax evasion etc).

Vine Tax Haven Tweet
A BBC story has just revealed that 25% of the properties in England and Wales owned by overseas firms, are owned by entities registered in the British Virgin Islands. The article points out that this adds to the ways companies registered in British-controlled tax havens have been used to avoid tax.

Vine's prediction is coming true... "The higher realms will be singling out the secret economic structures that have created two tiered economies, holding people in austerity and economic slavery, and causing the destruction of our environment."

Tax Haven Tweet

Prediction UPDATE: 8th Feb 2018

Stock Exchange Crash - ASX DOW

Unbelievable! Vine's spiritual psychic prediction prophecy about global Stock Market volatility is already coming true, just days after the Blue Moon Eclipse. Vine's Spiritual Guardians said, "Look to the blue moons". The Dow Jones Industrial Average has had its biggest intraday drop in history and Vine's Spiritual Blue Moon Prophecy has so far been unbelievably accurate.

This is what Vine's Spiritual Guardians channeled: "The ones who look to the money lenders will be denied entry as the bell permeates rushed motion"

Now look to the explanation Vine shared with her Australian and Worldwide audience: "I was guided at this interval (time) the attention of the Universe would be on the stockmarket (Wall Street) and shareholders."

The spiritual channeling quote about the "bell permeating" is about the stockmarket's bell that starts the trading. Spirit refers to this as "rushed motion". The higher realms are guiding that the money lenders have been misleading the global economies by using coding that alters the instruments.

The Dow Jones has been in free fall and our world is witnessing the Australian, Asian and Europe stock market reacting like dominos because market volatility is at it's highest levels.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 5th Feb 2018

Wall Street, Stock Exchange Psychic Prediction

Vine's Spiritual Guardians told us to Look to the Blue Moons as a herald for their 2018 psychic predictions about secret economies, money and the stock exchange.

Right on queue, immediately after the earthquakes, storms and meteors surrounding the Blue Moons of January 2018, the US stock market has suffered its worst week in two years. The Dow plummeted 666 points and markets in Europe have also tumbled.

Vine predicted that those who have created false economies to keep the free world and third world countries in economic slavery and austerity, will be under the Universes' cosmic microscope.

Wells Fargo Penalised

Just after the supermoon-blue moon eclipse, the US Federal Reserve imposed harsh penalties on the Wells Fargo Bank, punishing it for years of misconduct and barring Wells Fargo from future growth until it fixes its problems.

Wells Fargo had deceived its customers by opening dummy accounts in their names and forcing some to take out unnecessary car insurance.

Vine's spiritual guardians revealed that the public will finally know what is really going on... So far, this is exactly what is happening as Vine's 2018 predictions begin to come true.

Money Laundering Exposed

In this psychic prediction, Vine's Higher Guardians revealed that secrets of money laundering, tax evasion etc. would be exposed...

In Michael Wolff’s new book "Fire and Fury", published on January 5th 2018, Wolff quotes Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon, as warning that the FBI's investigation on Trump/Russia would focus on money laundering.

Bannon is quoted as saying, "You realise where this is going ... This is all about money laundering."

Putin Trump money laundering Tweet
Vine's spiritual guardians predicted that, "the public will finally know what is really going on"

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 24th Jan 2018

Spiritual Link beween Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Extreme Weather etc.

In this spiritual channeling prediction, the Higher Realms place significance on the supermoons of 2018, particularly the supermoon and blue moon eclipse in January.

They have predicted various Earth activity to do with extreme weather, volcanic activity, earthquakes etc. These events will both herald and link to human activity surrounding the way our economies are being run and the human causes of climate change.

In Vine's supermoon article, she links the lack of spiritual balance and harmony on Earth, with extreme weather and the discordant energies that create more earthquakes, volcanic activities, meteors, etc. In spiritual energetic terms, all of these things are connected.

Alaska Earthquake Tsunami Fears

The increased number of extreme Earth events predicted by Vine's Spiritual Guardians has come true.

The start of 2018 has been marked by extreme weather, storms, volcanic activity, earthquakes and tsunami alerts.

Ring of Fire Tweet
The latest earthquake was a magnitude 7.9 quake off Alaska, which led to a serious tsunami alert and the evacuation of all the residents of Kodiak, Alaska.

After a sea level measurement buoy off the coast of Kodiak elevated 30 feet just after the earthquake, Police told the residents of the town to immediately move to a height of 100 feet above sea level. Fortunately, the tsunami did not eventuate.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 18th Jan 2018

Connecting the Dots...

Psychic Predictions for Money Laundering (etc.) in 2018

Vine's 2018 Psychic Predictions connecting the dots, reveals how the secret economy system allows the deceiver elite to become billionaires, control global political policy and keep the public reliant upon an unsustainable economic model.

Taxpayers are being fooled about the global economy and how it really works. Vine's higher spiritual guardians reveal that 2018 is the year the world public are finally going to understand how the secret economy works.

Why have our global governments allowed the open abuse of the tax system? How have prominent banks around the world been involved in money laundering?

Why is the stock exchange being singled out as a corrupt system designed to keep the global elite prosperous? Why did the higher realms spiritual prophecy reveal the instruments (algorithm codes) are crucial to finding out the truth about the deceiver elites methods of always being successful in the stock exchange?

Is it possible that market volatility of the stock exchange is manipulated to keep mum and dad shareholders out of the system? Absolutely.

January 2018

Connecting the Dots
Vine's Spiritual Channeling Updates

Arctic Bomb Storm - Ice will cut to the core
Shortly after Vine's Spiritual Guardians guided that ice would cut to the core, an Arctic bomb cyclone hit the US East Coast.

Vine's Higher Guardians have often pointed out the spiritual energetic links between Earth's weather, earthquakes and things coming from the sky, etc. In 2018 they have given significance to the supermoons, (particularly the two supermoons in January).

So far, within days after the first supermoon for 2018, we've alreadextremey seen cold weather in the United States and other parts of the world, extreme hot weather in Australia and several strong earthquakes.

Who knows what will happen by the time of the second supermoon (blue moon and eclipse), on January 31.

Money Laundering and the Australian Housing Crisis
Vine’s 2018 Psychic Editorial about tax evasion, criminal cash and money laundering the Australian Housing Crisis...

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