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Psychic Predictions > Vine's line by line breakdown of her Higher Guardians' 2025 spiritual message.
Vine Higher Guardians' Spiritual Message for 2025

BREAKDOWN of Vine's 2025 Spiritual Prophecy Channeled Message

The deception will be known

Go straight to: Vine's line-by-line breakdown

27th February 2025

Here is my dilemma. I have been spiritually requested to provide important, relevant higher realms knowledge about deviants’ behaviour without it being censored.

My spiritual mission is to transcribe the higher worlds channeling about groups and individuals misrepresenting spiritual truths, using divine knowledge to entrap and harm spiritual beings on Earth.

When I was spiritually shown visions I was emotionally disturbed by what was being revealed. Therefore, I have to give you a final warning… this channeling is not for the faint-hearted.

My higher guardians using me as their mirror (a spiritual term referred to in previous prophecy), is to help us discover how sacred texts were twisted and selectively altered to control human beings. Also these sacred texts were exploited to have spiritual authority (dominion) to manipulate and cause enormous harm to others physically, emotionally, financially and sexually.

Spiritual (educational) discernment

Please use spiritual discernment. I am not here to preach that you should believe what I am transcribing. You have free will.

I will stay true to my Higher Guardians spiritual reasons for helping to protect humanity and the natural world from these deceptive lower realm entities. I am also releasing the spiritual message during the cosmic energy alignment, on the dates I was given.

Over the years I have always been given specific dates to release prophecy. In particular the Year 2022 prophecy is directly related to this spiritual message.

Refer to previous prophecy...

This spiritual message is directly related to my previous prophecies. All previous prophecy has never been edited, is dated and provides proof of original guidance, exactly how I was spiritually guided to publish and then verify. To identify the truth of the prophecy, sometimes I have joined the dots that provide a summary of historical events directly related to previous prophecy.

All my prophecy combined reveals the full prophecy picture.


Why would a shift in consciousness require having to reveal the darknss controllingh our world?

2025 Spiritual Prophecy Message
Vine's Line by Line Breakdown of her Higher Guardians' message...

"Greetings earth seeds, we come to you to reveal the darkness that hides in discreet corners of your earth."

The Higher Realms are greeting everyone on Earth and informing us that there is a dark energetic force that is directly interfering in the Earth's harmony.

"Who are the dispossessed that enter the realms of horioc field? The entities of Orion that cross spiritual boundaries to coerce and challenge the beings who walk in the shadows?"

Now we come to which lower realm entities have entered our energetic field. The higher realms are informing us that these lower realm entities came from the Orion constellation. They crossed energetic planes to coerce and challenge the Earth beings who walk in the shadows. They refer to the shadows as 'beings' who incarnated with little conscience and are easily persuaded and use whatever means to abuse fellow spiritual beings.

"Their teachings have allowed our loved essence to become tainted by the cloak holders."

The teachings of the lower realms have also tainted some cloak holders. ‘Cloak holders’ is a spiritual term the higher realms uses for religious leaders who knowingly agreed to alter the original spiritual laws to help the lower realm entities from the Orion constellation.

"We venture back to moments of purity, joy and blessings removed, as they prey on the innocent essence."

We were born in spiritual free will and pure essence. In perfect union with nature, we have lived in harmony with nature. We, as humans were peaceful, happy and followed the traditional spiritual laws of respecting all people and the natural world.

The altering of the traditional spiritual laws allowed the deceptive lower realm entities to prey on the innocent essence. Now we come to what that actually means and the spiritual visions that were shown to me.

My higher guardians have singled out the direct spiritual attacks on babies and children (innocent essence).

The direct spiritual sexual attacks on babies and children has resulted in fragmented auras. The chosen lower realms deceivers, who walk in the shadows have deliberately harmed child essence. We have known that there are humans who have preyed on children. What we haven't understood is that they allow the traumatised to be penetrated by the lower realms.

The fragmented auras cause spiritual and psychic disturbances. They directly contribute to the world traumas that have direct impact on emotional and health wellbeing. This is why there is a direct relationship with pedophilia and deceivers dark motives of abuse. The continual abuse of child essence is resulting in more lower realms entities’ manipulation of spiritual auric fields.

"Who among you have reached for the vessel of innocence to release your seed?"

This is easily understood. The higher realms is singling out the deceptive dark beings who have knowingly penetrated child essence and justified their reasons. Who among our religious orders and establishment have knowingly justified it is okay to release their seed on babies and children?

"Who among you have walked among the deviantis of evil origins chanting sermons before you rush to the vessel to suck the teat of the deceptive one?"

This is where the higher realms refer to the lower realms chosen as deviantis of evil origins. Twisting the original spiritual laws to justify their evil motives. Penetrating spiritual auras to cause direct harm. How many Earth religions and faith leaders twisted and manipulated the original spiritual laws on the beckoning of lower realm entities? Where can you find evidence they have justified their reasons for using pedophilia on innocent essence?

"You know more valued the essence as you granted immunity for your evil deeds. Our children were not for your consumption. There essence was no more yours for the taking."

Here the higher realms are declaring the deceivers have no remorse for their evil doings. They have granted themselves a false immunity for their evil deeds. Knowing how the fragmented auras are at the mercy of the lower realms entities and cause psychic disturbances. The higher realms are also emphasising that innocent child essence was never granted for their sexual and evil pleasure.

"Know this! Your secrets will be no more. Know this! Our essence cries out for justice.

The Higher Realms are warning the deceivers who meet in their secret covens that their secrets will be no more. The direct relationships to some deceptive religious leaders, faith leaders and the establishment that deliberately allows the fragmentation of child essence to be easily abused and persuaded, will be no more. They know the direct interference of child essence is resulting in the chaos of our world. The same deceptive beings controlling our politics, financial institutions, intelligence, military personnel, multinational corporations who engage in these evil practices are on the Higher Realms’ radar.

"Look to the skies oh deceptive ones. They will fall from the sky."

The spiritual visions I saw were witnessing strange colourful phenomena from the skies falling to Earth. They appeared to be rapidly falling out of the Earth's atmosphere. Satellites and any other technological devices that are positioned in our atmosphere that allow the lower realms deceivers to control us all will be directly impacted by the Higher Realms. The higher realms is going to directly intervene. This means any aerospace organisations that have been deceptively hiding their operations that assist the deceivers will be energetically altered. The Higher Realms has given final warnings. They have already spiritually warned Earth leaders that the failure to tell the people the truth would result in cosmic intervention.

Seven Planets align 2025

"We say to our loved essence be of good cheer. Seek not retribution for the devoted will witness the fall of the dark ones who walk among you."

The planetary spiritual cosmic alignment is allowing the Higher Realms to enter the lower realms energy field. The Horoic field. Expect our world to go through a major energetic transition. Earth Changes are directly related to the natural world responding to the harm of the lower realms deceptive abuse. The natural world consciousness will help the Higher Realms destroy the dark ones who walk among us. We are being told to hold onto the faith.

"The deception will be known."

Being able to understand the direct relationship of pedophilia on innocent spiritual beings causing trauma that results in lower realms direct interference in our world is crucial in identifying the direct psychic relationships. Being able to understand the deception and its psychological hold on every one of us, allows us to uncover the truth. This also helps with disclosure. We have deceivers in power who are directly known to each other and have seedy sexual histories that they all cover for. We can no longer allow them to hide behind the altered teachings.

"Our blessings as you awaken to the truth. We bid you well."

Let the truth resonate to all who seek a greater understanding about how our world has been ruled by the lower realms' deceivers.

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Are You Being Manipulated
For further understanding of the 2025 Spiritual Message - Watch Vine's documentary on FREE WILL and how deceivers are stealing it from you.

Melbourne Earth Seer VINE, Australia
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