Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help us understand the extreme earth changes we are now beginning to experience.
Vine was guided that she would be a spiritual voice for change in the fight against climate change.
Vine's Psychic Predictions
Go to: Latest Predictions to Come True
Vine's 2025 Spiritual Message
How do you reveal important spiritual channeling that will challenge everything you believe about some of the spiritual and religious structures of our world?
What could be so damning to our human psyche to emotionally disturb or question us to rethink everything we’ve been historically informed about our incarnation into a physical vessel?
That is the dilemma I’ve experienced since my Higher Guardians prepared me to share the most highly sensitive deceivers’ secrets...
Read my:
Line-by-Line Breakdown of my Higher Guardians' Message for 2025...
Timing of the 2025 Spiritual Message...
The timing of the release is in tune with the
2025 Planetary Alignment when
seven planets (Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars) will be seen aligned, from most places on Earth.
Be Prepared...
The message from the higher realms concerns revelations about the depth of deception in our world, which could elicit unexpected emotional responses.
Please make sure you’re in a good emotional place before reading the spiritual message. This guidance is not for the faint hearted.
This is about gathering strength to get to the very core of our human/spiritual existence and understand why our world is dealing with deceptive elements in all of our societal structures and establishments.
The reason my higher spiritual guardians are revealing this channeling is to help us understand why the darkness has been able to infiltrate.
What has created the societal and family traumas, the inequality, the imbalances in our way of living?
Who is responsible?
Why did they do it?
Spiritual Words Translation - Disclaimer
Some words channeled don’t seem to exist in our human language and so I'll do my best to translate those words. Also, some words I am familiar with were altered by my higher guardians. For example: The word deviant, was spiritually translated as ‘
devianti’, but as I don't speak any other language than English, I will stay true to the words my higher guardians channeled to ensure I follow authentic message.
Online Influencers - Please Refer to Spiritual Instructions From Higher Guardians...
For any online influencers who look for the next best unique topic to discuss on your platforms, DO NOT rush to use my higher guardians message without being given spiritual permission.
My higher guardians’ reasons for releasing this channeling through their chosen Seer, needs to be respected. Rushing to release spiritual channeling that you were not personally chosen by the higher worlds to release, could karmically backfire if you use it for own financial gain and to boost your reputation. I cannot caution enough, it could cause emotional disturbance in your viewers or listeners.
Read the original 2025 Spiritual Message channeling from Vine's Higher Guardians
Read Vine's Introduction to her Line-by-Line Breakdown of the 2025 Spiritual Channeling
• • • • • • • • • •
To better understand and prepare for the 2025 spiritual prophecy, I recommend watching the first in my
Free Will documentary series, to find out why they want you to think that your free will is not your birthright.
Free Will - Secrets Exposed
FREE WILL - Secrets Exposed
Free Will is Your Birthright !
Vine's new Free Will documentary exposes the deception behind the lies about the existence of your Free Will. See the secrets used by deceivers to get you to do what THEY want you to do, against your own best interests.
Watch the Video: "
Vine's Free Will Video"
Read the Article: "
They Lied About Free Will - SECRETS EXPOSED"
Vine's 2023 Spiritual Revelations
Vine is an Earth Seer - In this video, she explains how and when her Higher Guardians convinced her to channel Earth Changes psychic predictions 16 years ago, and what it was all leading up to...
"Becoming an Earth Seer"
Everything Vine does is for the greater good of humanity. She's been waiting for the world to catch up before she could speak truth to power.
In 2023 Vine’s higher guardians are requesting that she reveal what’s not known about our Earth and the Cosmos.
Vine is going to reveal more knowledge about the omnipresence of higher consciousness, and breakdown what’s important to help us work out who and what to trust.
Vine has never been a part of the forced marketing-orientated celebrity psychic predictions. She has dedicated her spiritual gifts to helping humanity - to help us understand what’s really going on.
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) all that it seems? Why did the higher realms warn about the loss of ‘free will’ and what does that mean for your everyday life?
Is there important knowledge relevant to Earth Changes, which has been lost or misunderstood?
Subscribe to
Vine’s YouTube channel and hit the alert button, because you won’t want to miss out on what she’s about to reveal.
Vine has released the first two instalments in her new video series...
Becoming an Earth Seer
Vine reveals how her Higher Guardians first convinced her of the importance of channeling Earth Changes Spiritual Prophecy, back in 2007.
Does Time Exist as We Know it?
Vine shares how the abuse of the traditional spiritual arts has caused confusion in what to believe and not to believe. She also explains how as a child, her Higher Spiritual Guardians taught her a valuable lesson about time.
• • • • • • • • • •
The Omega Has Risen
Vine Breaks Down her 2022 Prediction Channeling - Line by Line
Vine has now released the Line by Line in-depth analysis of her 2022 Spiritual Channelling.
Part One and Part Two are out now.
The complete breakdown of the channelling was released on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month... 11/11/22. The Omega Consciousness energy surrounding this date exemplifies the energy for the whole 2022 year.
Read Part 1 & Part 2
Vine's point by point detailed analysis of her 2022 Spiritual Channeling:
Part 1 - Line by Line Analysis of the 2022 Spiritual Prophecy Message
Part 2 - Line by Line Analysis of the 2022 Spiritual Prophecy Message
• • • • • • • • • •
TRUE - 2021 Prediction Channeling
2021 was the "
The Correction Year".
Vine's higher guardians warned that 2021 would be the year we really begin to see the effects of the climate changes we are causing and be left in no doubt that we must act fast.
Read the Updates for Vine's 2021 predictions to see how they continue to come true:
2021 Prediction Spiritual Prophecy Message -
Howling Wind Will Swirl.
Listen to the podcast (Part One):
Vine's in-depth analysis of her 2021 spiritual channeling predictions.
Podcast - Part One - Vine's 2021 Spiritual Prophecy Channeling
In this podcast, Vine's Spiritual Guardians predicted that in 2021 we would be shown the extreme weather effects of climate change we have created and that they would leave us in no doubt that the climate crisis is real and we must act fast if we are to curtail the very worst climate changes in the years coming.
Vine's 2021 Spiritual Prophecy Podcast - Part Two
Listen to the VINE'S LATEST PODCAST (Vine Seer - Series 1 No. 2)
Podcast - Part Two - Vine's 2021 Spiritual Prophecy Channeling
Why is our world experiencing pandemics? Are we missing important Earth Change signs? This is the second podcast in Vine's 2021 Correction Year Spiritual Channeling Predictions and it leaves us in no doubt where our world is really at.
Listen to all of Vine's Podcasts here
Book a Reading
Australian & International Bookings
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• • • • • • • • • •
13th March 2025
Vine Predicted:
Wealthy and privileged deceivers would keep the world in economic slavery while children cry out for nourishment...
First Predicted 1st January 2018 by Vine

Vine predicted that deceivers like Musk, Trump and their backers around the world, and like billionaires Gina Rinehart, Anthony Pratt and Clive Palmer in Australia, would "
try to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment".
It's all coming true.
Vine predicted it: Billionaires are going after Social Security, cut Medicaid, Veterans, public education - Why? They want to give massive tax breaks to themselves.
We are now seeing Vine's prediction being played out in real time.
They gnash their teeth trying to hold onto their gilded empires when children cry out for nourishment."
Read the prediction and updates:
2018 Vine Psychic Prediction Prophecy Summary from Angelic Spiritual Guardians
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9th February 2025
Billionaires Censoring Social Media
Interference in World Democracies - TRUE
First Predicted 22nd November 2011 by Vine

Vine long ago predicted the censorship of social networks and interference of world democracy we are seeing today.
Vine predicted that: "
wealthy individuals are trying to stop free speech by controlling computer networks and censoring our words" - "
the owners are censoring your words."
This has come true.
In 2025 the destruction of Twitter, the debacle of TikTok and the end of fact checking on Meta/Facebook has opened the door wide open to fake news and censorship of anyone trying to tell the truth on those billionaire owned & controlled social media apps.
"Wealthy individuals" have poured their money into
social media algorithms that push their 'alternative facts' backed up by their
Main Stream Media outlets to prevent the truth from being seen....
They are using all of the personal data they collect on us to continuously force fake realities onto enough people to deceitfully influence election results, whilst censoring the actual reality of the damage they are doing to the vast majority of people and to our democracies.
It's a form of
covert hypnotism making susceptible individuals believe things that are not true, not only influencing elections in favour of billionaire-puppet authoritarian politicians in the USA,
but also around the world.
And Vine's prediction that
demonstrations will gain momentum... has also come true -
And she predicted it all, long before it happened.
Read the prediction and updates:
Censorship of Social Networks – Political & Corporation Interference of World Democracy -
predicted 2011
• • • • • • • • • •
16th January 2025
The Economic Cost of Climate Change
LA Fires Awaken People to the Cost of Climate Change...
First Predicted 22nd November 2011 by Vine
Vine long ago predicted that the economic impacts of climate change would speed up faster than people originally anticipated and take them by surprise...
most destructive fires to ever hit Los Angeles have rammed this point home.
The Economic Cost of the Los Angeles Fires - $40 billion
An initial estimate of the insured and uninsured
cost of the Los Angeles wildfires is $40 billion.
In economic terms, this is the costliest wildfire event in California history and has
taken people by surprise, just as Vine predicted.
Read Vine's prediction and updates:
Climate Change Psychic Prediction for World Economies
• • • • • • • • • •
23rd December 2024
Donald Trump Causing Division
Billionaires pulling the strings more than ever before...
The accuracy of Vine's original Donald Trump prediction has been highlighted once again.
13 years after Vine first predicted all the division Trump would cause, he continues to
cause division, this time within the Republican Party surrounding the Elon Musk-Trump Debt Ceiling Fiasco.
And with the number of
billionaires calling the shots in his proposed administration and the
billionaires pulling the strings in the background.
Read Vine's 2011 Donald Trump prediction:
Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA
• • • • • • • • • •
20th November 2024
Australian Government Announcement
Cash Mandate for Essential Purchases
First Predicted 24th November 2015 by Vine
The voting public is slowing becoming aware of
the major risks of a cashless society (as vine warned in this 2015 prediction), but is that awareness having an effect on government policy, or is it only affecting the way government spins its policy?
Either way, the Australian Government's announcment of a
requirement for businesses to accept cash (amid its declining use) as payment for groceries, fuel and other essential purchases, further emphasizes Vine's warning about the exacerbating problems of a cashless society...
Vines Warning
Before you know it, you will be relinquishing all of your rights to your own money and will be powerless to stop corporations and governments controlling your finances."
Read the full prediction and updates:
Corporations and Banks Lobby to Remove Legal Tender (Create Cashless Society)
• • • • • • • • • •
28th October 2024
Billionaire Deceivers Manipulating Your Vote
Covert Manipulation of Elections
First Predicted 6th January 2017 by Vine
Is your Free Will being manipulated by dark forces?
Why are people consistantly voting for the best interests of billionaires instead of their own?
Why are people consistently voting against their own self-betterment and against the best interests of their communities?
In this prediction Vine revealed that although "
Most voters in the United States believe they used their Free Will when voting" in reality, countless voters were manipulated, and their Free Will stolen.
It has all come true.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
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16th October 2024
Environmental Degradation and Plant Diseases
Vines prediction about increased plant diseases due to climate change
First Predicted 25th February 2011 by Vine
Job losses, price increases predicted as tomato virus plunges growers into quarantine -
ABC News 7.30
Vine's Higher Guardians are "deeply concerned about our changing environment...
13 years ago, Vine predicted further degradation of our environment due to wanton clear-felling tree destruction and fossil fuelled climate change, leading to increased plant diseases...
It has all come true.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Flora Concerns New Plant Diseases
• • • • • • • • • •
2nd September 2024
Billionaires Buy Up the Media
Vines Controllers of the Internet Prediction
First Predicted 7th February 2013 by Vine
Elon Musk joined the list of rich men using their wealth to extend their political influence - Vine Predicted: Our internet will be controlled by a select few who wish to influence the people of the world.
They do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own... world governments will bring in stricter regulations to curb their activity" - Vines prediction 7th Feb 2013
This has all come true as a
select few billionaires buy up the media and countries around the world tighten regulations on social media, including
the banning of Elon Musk's X.
Read the full prediction and updates:
Controllers of the Internet & Economies Psychic Prediction
• • • • • • • • • •
8th August 2024
Paying to Be Found in Search Engine Results
First Predicted 12th June 2011 by Vine
Vine predicted: "
If you want to be found on the web in the future, you will have to pay."
A quick look at the copious number of paid advertisement results in any search for businesses will show you that since Vine first made the prediction, the need to pay search engines in order to be found has grown worse year after year. Now in 2024, there is no doubt about the truth of Vine's 2011 prediction, which was made when things were vastly different.
Google has an Illegal Monopoly - It's Official
Now a U.S. federal judge has ruled that
Google has an illegal monopoly in the US. The Department of Justice asserted that
Googles monopoly enabled it to charge advertisers artificially high prices while also enjoying the luxury of not having to invest more time and money into improving the quality of its search engine."
This has all resulted in Vine's prediction coming true...
Read the full prediction and updates:
Free World Wide Web Usage? Not for Much Longer if you are a Business Domain
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6th March 2024
Water Conflicts Due to Climate Change
As long ago as 2011 Vine warned about climate change induced water shortages and conflict because of water.
It has all come true.
Conflict Over Water in Africa
Vine also predicted a conflict over water between Tribal groups in Africa. This has come true:
2021 Cameroon -
Fighting over water, between herders and fishermen led to at least 22 deaths and 30,000 people fleeing into Chad.
Full prediction and updates:
Water Shortage Conflict Because of Water
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28th February 2024
Israeli, Gaza and the Fossil Fuel Grab
First Predicted 6th January 2017 by Vine
Are the Huge Palestine GAZA Marine Gas Reserves Fuelling Israel's 'War' against Gaza? There is an estimated 1.6 trillion cubic feet of gas in the
Gaza Marine, offshore from the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Marine is "
legally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority" and the
"development and gas extraction rights belongs to the Palestinians".
In this prediction Vine warned of
"political parties paid by puppet masters to erode every democratic principle set up by historical founders, in order to have complete control of fossil fuels, energy, financial and banking institutions, land and ocean territory."
Right Now Vine's prediction about the deceiver's Fossil Fuel, Land and Ocean grabs is most demonstrably coming true in
Israel's "controlled demolition" of the Palestinian Gaza Strip and ongoing grab for Palestinian gas in the Gaza Marine.
In relation to the
Gaza Marine gas fields, Moshe Ya'alon, former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces said,
"It is clear that, without an overall military operation to uproot Hamas control of Gaza, no drilling work can take place without their consent.
Full prediction and updates:
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
• • • • • • • • • •
29th Dec 2023
What's really happening in Israel?
In our previous update for this prediction (
just below), we showed how Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu outlined his plan for a
New Middle East using a map that did NOT include the Palestinian territories.
Vine predicted that Netanyahu and his government
"had decided to pay lip service to real progress with Palestine" and that
"they didn't care what the rest of the world thought", and that they are NOT genuine in their negotiations with the Palestinians. Vine predicted and that
Israel will not be in favour with the world community and will need to show they are really prepared to make allowances for world peace.
It has all come true...
Netanyahu's Convenient 'War'?
Netanyahu calls his attacks on the Palestinian people a 'war'. Palestinians call it
The Continuous Nakba.
Join the dots and read about the background to Netanyahu's 'war' in the updates to Vine's prediction here:
Full prediction and updates:
What's Really Happening in Israel?
• • • • • • • • • •
27th Sept 2023
Benjamin Netanyahu Pays Lip-Service to Palestine,
while Drawing Arrows & Lines on Charts.
In this prediction Vine saw a
vision of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with
"a chart where an arrow had been drawn on the board", while
paying lip service to real progress with Palestine.
Since then, while Netanyahu continues to show lip service to Palestine, he has developed a penchant for lines and arrows on charts...
Netanyahu gave this presentation claiming "Iran-nuke deceit" on April 30 2018. Eight days later Donald Trump
pulled the US out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Although Netanyahu provided no proof of his claims about Iran's nuclear capabilities, he did have a big arrow on a chart, just like the one seen by Vine in her prophetic 2011 vision about Netanyahu's deception.
A year after Vine's prediction in which she saw his arrow drawn on chart,
Netanyahu draws a line on a chart.
Another Line on Another Chart
In Sept 2023, Netanyahu draws (yet another) line on a map to indicate his "New Middle East", which does not include Palestine. His "New Middle East" map,
showed the occupied Palestinian territories as a part of Israel, re-confirming Vine's prediction that Netanyahu's Israel is paying lip service to real progress with Palestine, but still drawing lines on charts.
Read the full prediction and updates:
What's Really Happening in Israel?
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25th April 2023
Money Laundering in Australian Real Estate Prediction
First Predicted 1st January 2018 by Vine

Vine's Australian Money Laundering Prediction is coming TRUE
In Vine's 2018 companion piece-editorial to this Psychic Prediction,
How does Money Laundering stop you from getting into Australian Real Estate?, she detailed how money laundering was being used in Australia, and how it affects Australian house prices and availability.
In this prophecy, Vine predicted that
the secrets of economic deceivers behind that money laundering will be known...
Australia Finally Moves on Money Laundering behind Lawyers, Accountants and Real Estate Agents
16 years after the legislation was first drafted, the Australian Government is finally
moving to introduce Tranche 2 of Australia’s money-laundering laws, which will begin to tackle the problem of money laundering in Australian Real estate.
Read the full 2018 prediction and updates:
The Money Lenders.
Read Vine's 2018 money laundering in real estate companion editorial:
How does money Laundering stop you from Getting into Australian Real Estate?
• • • • • • • • • •
24th April 2023
Australia’s Food Bowl
is Centre of Attention
First Predicted 28th January 2011 by Vine
Vine's 2011 prediction about Australia's food Bowl (unfortunately) still coming true )
The need for strong focus on protecting and preserving Australia’s food bowl regions continues into 2023.
New Coal & Gas on NSW Liverpool Plains
Just as Vine predicted, farmers and conservation groups are stepping up the fight against new coal & gas on the Liverpool Plains.
Santos Given Approval to Re-activate Coal Seam Gas Wells
Once again, farmers fight the approval of new coal seam gas fracking on the Liverpool Plains..
- Woodside CEO Attacks Liverpool Plains Farmers
NSW Farmers have spoken out against claims by Woodside CEO that they are “a vocal minority” in the fight against fossil fuel companies.
Woodside Energy is responsible for the Scarborough gas project, "one of the most polluting fossil fuel projects currently proposed in Australia".
More Coal Seam Gas Fracking Approved in Qld
The Queensland Government has assigned thousands more CSG fracking permits in Southern Queensland as
farmers there report "subsidence and damaged land, from gas mining on their farms.
Read Vine's 2011 Food Bowl prediction:
Australia’s Food Bowl is Centre of Attention
• • • • • • • • • •
11th January 2021
Donald Trump Causing Division
Trump's Washington Coup
Vine predicted a similar energy of division as in Nazi Germany surrounding Donald Trump. Vine also predicted and warned about "the deceivers' army".
More than nine years ago, Vine predicted that
Donald Trump would cause division in the USA when he became President.
Vine predicted
"loud voices who shout messages of hate and division", and
Vine's 2020 predictions warned about the
"deceivers' army".
It has all come true...
- The Deceivers' Army
Trump incites Capitol Building "insurrection" at his Washington rally.
- Whilst Trump's rally speech was designed to incite most of the crowd, others knew exactly what was happening and had come equipped for the fight that was planned. Vine predicted this.
At the beginning of 2020 Vine predicted and warned about the "deceivers' army". Vine wrote: "They are hiding in our defence force, police and government sectors".
Some of them were embedded in Trump's Washington rally...
- Vine's Higher Guardians have always said that it's not just Trump...
- During the Capital Building Coup, officers were filmed taking selfies with rioters and appearing to help them move barricades and some reportedly actually directed the insurrectionists to where they wanted to go.
But the number of deceivers behind Trump goes much deeper than what we saw during the attempted coup. They have infiltrated our governments, churches, religious orders and media organisations.
- Many deceiver politicians and administrators are now deserting Trump's sinking ship. This is the same ship they themselves have been keeping afloat for four years.
- The higher realms have referred to the deceivers' army in previous prophecy, as the puppet masters' knights. They are the deceiver elites' paid helpers put in place to destroy democracy.
- During the Capitol Building insurrection, many in the mob had been deceived, while others were a part of the deceivers' army. They used the orchestrated mob to carry out their preconceived plans and they knew exactly what they were doing...
MSNBC videos showing what really went on inside the Capitol Building insurrection
- The Energy Surrounding Trump
In Vine's 2011 prophecy, Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA, Vine's Spiritual Guardians also predicted and warned about the energy that would surround Trump. They said it was similar to the energy of Hitler's Germany in the 1920's, 30's and 40's.
- Donald Trump's "attempted coup" has elements in common with Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch (attempted coup) in Munich, 1923.
- Just as Trump launched his attempted coup from a Washington rally, Hitler launched his unsuccessful coup from a rally at Munich's Bürgerbräukeller (beer hall).
- Like Trump's attempted coup, Hitler's coup also failed. He was imprisoned for 5 years but released after just 10 months. After the failed coup, from 1923 to taking power in 1933, the Nazi Party worked to manipulate the political system rather than plan another violent seizure of power.
Years later Hitler said, "...the seizure of power in the year 1933 is indivisibly bound up with November 8, 1923" (the date of the Beer Hall Putsch).
- In Trump's Washington rally speech, he mirrored Adolf Hitler when he referred to "weakness" several times:
"Let the weak ones get out [of the Republican Party]. This is a time for strength."
Donald Trump 2021
Compare this to Adolf Hitler's words in a speech about his Beer Hall Putsch: "On this day the young movement underwent its first process of selection; the weak were removed, and those who remained were filled with an even greater fanaticism."
- Adolf Hitler 1943
In Vine's prediction about the 2016 US election, she was shown:
"a vision of how Trump's supporters were being taken in by 'Rent a Political Crowd' and online marketing..."
During Trump's Washington rally, he falsely claimed he had no knowledge of how the crowd got there and that he "did no advertising". In fact, according to Seth Abramson's detailed analysis of Trump's sedition speech, the "mob" was "manufactured"... just as Vine explained in her 2016 prediction.
Using Vine's Psychic Prediction Site
To use this psychic prediction site, click the links to the predictions (above), which show the predictions and the dates on which they were first made.
Then refer to any comments below the predictions, which give updated information referring to news reports verifying
the dates the predicted events came true.
How to Avoid Clickbait Psychic Predictions
Are you looking for new psychic predictions and prophecy, only to find that media and psychic chat owners are playing it safe by only predicting what's in the current news trends? Clickbait predictions are fake predictions based on current news headlines. Vine explains how to spot them, who is creating them and why.
Read article:
How to Avoid Clickbait Psychic Predictions
What are Real Psychic Predictions?
What's the difference between real psychic predictions and celebrity entertainment sensationalist predictions?
Vine's two psychic prediction articles will help you identify which predictions are real and which ones are generated for SEO keywords.
- Does human time exist in the Universal Akasha?
- Are psychic predictions date perfect?
- Do the higher realms acknowledge celebrity in our world?
- What is spiritual prophecy really for?
This is a must-read article if you want to understand the difference between real psychic predictions and entertainment escapist predictions...
Look to the Blue Moons
2018 Psychic Predictions Spiritual Channeling
Vine's Spiritual Prophecy Message channeling for 2018, directly from her Spiritual Guardians...
Read Vine's 2018 Channeling from Spirit here:Look to the Blue Moons
Twice in a Blue Moon
Vine's Blue Moon Spiritual Prophecy Summary
The Psychic Prediction Channeling for 2018 from Vine's Spiritual Guardians, details how elite deceivers have set up a secret economy to keep the world reliant on that system. Vine breaks down the prophecy and shares the clairvoyant visions and clairaudient channeling.
Vine's Spiritual Summary of Psychic Prediction Channeling for 2018:
Twice in a Blue Moon - The Money Lenders Exposed
All Is Not As It Seems
2017 Psychic Predictions Spiritual Channeling
Vine channeled a Spiritual Prophecy Message for 2017 directly from her Spiritual Guardians. Spirit guided that it's time for the people around the world to be heroes, to rise up against the secret societies (illuminati) who have hidden their agenda. It remains true for 2019.
Before we can begin to fight back, we have to know who we are dealing with and the plans they have hidden from the public. When you see how elaborate the plans of the deceptive elite are, you will also realize how they have tried to distract our attention with a variety of entertainment and electronic methods to keep us amused or confused.
The higher angelic realms know the next stage of our evolution depends on the people having strategies in place to stop the deception from creating further disharmony and environmental destruction of our planet.
In 2019, we can still learn from this prediction...
Read Vine's 2017 Channeling from Spirit here:All Is Not As It Seems
Vine's 2017 Psychic Prediction, putting the pieces of the puzzle together:
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
What is a Good Psychic Prediction?
A good psychic prediction should be clear, transparent and demonstrate real accuracy to its audience. There should be no hype or affiliate linking to other sites to get a higher presence on the web. Vine has built her psychic reputation on credible psychic skills and guidance to her Australian and world clients for over 40 years in the psychic field.
Vine's Psychic Prediction Guide
Vine's Psychic Predictions
Psychic Predictions for 2020
2020 Spiritual Psychic Prediction Channeling
Revealing the Secret Language lost to Our World
Vine Psychic 1st January 2020
Psychic Predictions for 2019
Psychic Predictions for 2018
Psychic Predictions for 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction for Earth Changes Phenomena, Mountain Cataclysm
by Vine Psychic 19th August 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction for Cognitive Radiation Interference with Unborn Babies
by Vine Psychic 16th August 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Red Alert for Global Airline Flights because of Atmosphere Radiation Wave Dangers
by Vine Psychic 23rd February 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan
Spiritual Vision of Deceivers Language - Wikileaks, Anonymous and Infowar Conspiracy Influences - Social Media infiltrated to Execute the Greater New World Order Plan
by Vine Psychic 6th January 2017
2017 World Psychic Prediction
Spiritual Channeling for 2017 from Vine's Angelic Spiritual Guardians - Not All Is As It Seems
by Vine Psychic 1st January 2017
Divine Feminine Energy
2016 - Divine Feminine, Spiritual Channeling
Psychic Prediction Message from Vine about the Divine Feminine Energy that emerged in 2016 and is still working it's magic into 2021
2016 China Psychic Prediction
International Property & Real Estate China Government Crackdown
19th January 2016
2016 USA Psychic Prediction
Why Donald Trump Will Never Be President
1st January 2016
2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
The Greens Richard Di Natale, Cruising Along
31st December 2015
2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Liberal National Party Infighting
31st December 2015
2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Australian Labor Party Infighting
31st December 2015
2016 World Psychic Prediction
Russia & China Space Exploration Partnership
31st December 2015
2015-2016 Asian Psychic Prediction
Legally Binding Asia Forest Protection Agreement
30th December 2015
2015-2016 Asian Psychic Prediction
Air Quality Health Issues - Asia Air Quality Legal Agreement
30th December 2015
2015-2016 World Psychic Prediction
Corporations and Banks Lobby to Remove Legal Tender - (Create Cashless Society)
24th November 2015
2015-2016 Australian & World Psychic Prediction
Science Discovery Psychic Prediction - Plastic Gene Mutation
19th November 2015
• • • • • • • • • •
Psychic Predictions for 2015
2015 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Australian Greens Become a Political Alternative To LNP and Labor
by Vine Psychic 20th July 2015
2015 World Psychic Prediction
Remarkable Sun Phenomena - Galactic Radiation Waves, Scientists Worried
by Vine Psychic 19th July 2015
2015 World Political Psychic Prediction
Military Intelligence Hypocrisy – New World Order - by Vine Psychic 11th January 2015
2015 World Political Psychic Prediction
Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq - Radical Religious Leaders Confronted
by Vine Psychic 1st January 2015
• • • • • • • • • •
Read Vine's Psychic Prediction Channeling from her Higher Spiritual Guardians and Vine's Psychic Prediction Summary here:
2015 Spiritual Channeling -
Karmic Report Card Year
Psychic Predictions for 2014
Australian Political Psychic Prediction 2014
Major Upheaval for LNP
by Vine Psychic 25th August 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
United States of America Psychic Prediction - President Obama Security and Peace Maker - by Vine Psychic 2nd July 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
Pakistan Psychic Prediction - Border Tension India and Pakistan
by Vine Psychic 21st June 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
Canada Psychic Prediction - Democracy or Dictatorship?
by Vine Psychic 18th June 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
India Psychic Prediction - Diplomacy is the Key
by Vine Psychic 17
th June 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
New Zealand Psychic Prediction - Government and Military Disagreement - by Vine Psychic 16th June 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
China Psychic Prediction - Chinese Government, Island Money and Military Base - by Vine Psychic 15th June 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
Fire Protection for Firefighters and World Heritage Trees and New Fabric for People - by Vine Psychic 5th January 2014
2014 World Spiritual Prophecy
Environmental Overview for 2014
by Vine Psychic 5th January 2014
2014 World Psychic Predictions
International Banks - World Public Uproar
by Vine Psychic 23rd January 2014
2014 World Psychic Predictions
Spiritual Channeling - Removing the Veil of the Deceivers
by Vine Psychic 31st December 2013
Psychic Predictions for 2013
Psychic Predictions for 2012
2012 World Psychic Prediction World Zoos try to Save Ecosystems
by Vine Psychic - 4th June 2012
2012 Psychic US Presidential Elections Prediction
by Vine Psychic - 29th April 2012
World Psychic Prediction 2012 by Vine Psychic
Canada, Iran, Saudi Arabia - Oil Causes Major Political Headaches for the Rest of the World
21st March 2012
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Currency Changes for World Countries - Australia, New Zealand
12th March 2012
World Psychic Prediction for 2012 - War or Peace, Israel Vs Middle East?
2nd March 2012
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Terrorist Attack Results in World Peace Fright
7th February 2012
2012 World Psychic Prediction - Syria Prophecy by Vine
5th February 2012
Australian Psychic Prediction 2012
Media Job Cuts in Australia
1st February 2012
Psychic Prediction, Spiritual Warning for Sensitive People in 2012
24th January 2012
Psychic Predictions 2012
End of the World or the Awakening?, Earthquakes and Extreme Weather
24th January 2012
North Korea Psychic Prediction - Political Defiance - China Steps In
9th January 2012
Psychic predictions 2012 – Universal Child Obligations
9th January 2012
Vine's 2012 American Political Prediction - President Obama, Republicans, US Economy
31st December 2011
Vine's 2012 Australian Political Prediction - Labor, Liberal, Greens, Economy, Independents
21st December 2011
Prediction 2012 - Battle Over the Arctic Resources
6th December 2011
2012 Prediction - World Economies Underprepared
22nd November 2011
Psychic Predictions for 2011
Germany and France – Tug of War with the Eurozone
26th October 2011
Censorship of Social Networks 22nd October 2011
Childhood Computer Addiction - New Science Discovery 9th October 2011
Is Australian Liberal Leader Tony Abbott the One or... 28th September 2011
Women in Political Rally - Assassination Attempt 13th September 2011
Space Rocket – Losing Control or Malfunctioning 13th September 2011
Australian Psychic Reading Industry to be Regulated 4th September 2011
East Africa Crisis - Lack of Empathy · 29th August 2011
US Tax Changes - Obama Puts Foot Down · 26th August 2011
United Kingdom Social Issues and Class System · 21st August 2011
Euro to be More Volatile and Hit Rock Bottom
20th August 2011
Worlds Moral Compass – Man of Wisdom Steps Forward 10th August 2011
United States Divided - US Debt Crisis · 30th July 2011
Japan Earthquake July 23-25 · 23rd July 2011
Industrial Spill to Cause Environmental Damage · 17th July 2011
Large SinkHole Creates Mining Controversy · 4th July 2011
Cars talk to One Another Soon · 1st July 2011
Electrical Grid Goes AWOL · 28th June 2011
Asian Fishing Village - Fish Poisoning or Water Tragedy? · 22nd June 2011
World Wide Web will not be Free for Much Longer · 12th June 2011
Art World Controversy - Is Art Painting Real or Fake · 4th June 2011
Global Changes to Animal Welfare · 30 May 2011
Russia’s so Called Democracy · 22 May 2011
What’s Really Happening in Israel? · 22 May 2011
Water Shortage - Conflict Because of Water · 22 May 2011
Planetary Alignment · 14 May 2011
Early Australian Election? · 14 May 2011
Gaddafi and Libya · 14 May 2011
Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA · 1 May 2011
Gold Prices to Fall · 1 May 2011
Science Energy Discovery · 1 May 2011
Strong Storms · 1 May 2011
Asian Financial Markets Under Strain · 23 April 2011
The Future of Prince Charles · 15 April 2011
Australian Industry Lobbying · 15 April 2011
UnderWater Volcano · 2 April 2011
A New Search Engine - Ranking & Advertising Changes · 26 March 2011
Music Industry in a Stir · 26 March 2011
Japan Earthquake · 11 March 2011
China / Korea · 25 Feb 2011
Middle East · 25 Feb 2011
Flora Concerns - New Plant Diseases · 25 Feb 2011
Australian Politics · 25 Feb 2011
Obama will soothe negative influences · 28 Jan 2011
Australia’s Food Bowl · 28 Jan 2011
Egypt Prediction · 18 Jan 2011
The Sun, the Weather, Climate Change · 23 Dec 2010
Psychic Predictions for 2010
Computers - I.T. Online Cyber Attacks · 22 Nov 2010
Australian House and Property Prices And Chinese Yuan · 11 Oct 2010
Oprah Winfrey's Australian Visit · 14 Sept 2010
Who will win the Australian Election? · 8 Aug 2010
2020 Spiritual Channeling - World Psychic Predictions
Revealing Lost Knowledge to Find Balance
Vine Psychic
1st January 2020
Do you believe there’s more to life than we have been led to believe? Vine's Higher Guardians reveal lost secrets in her 2020 prophecy showing us
‘the way’ to a more balanced world.
Read Vine's Psychic Prediction Channeling Here
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2019 Spiritual Channeling - World Psychic Prediction
Hope for 2019 as the Angelic Realms Reveal Universal Divine Cosmic Truth
Vine Psychic
1st January 2019
Since Brexit and the election of Donald Trump two years ago, we have been shown how elite deceivers have worked behind the scenes for their own greed and power at the expense of our children's future.
The 2019 spiritual channeling from Vine's higher guardians is uplifting news about hope, and the angelic realms helping humanity with new Universal knowledge.
Read Psychic Prediction Channeling Here
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2018 Spiritual Channeling - World Psychic Prediction
Look to the Blue Moons
Vine Psychic
1st January 2018
Vine's summary of her channeling from the Higher Realms - Elite deceivers set up secret economy to keep the world locked into their economic system. Why are Wall Street stockmarket and shareholders under the karmic radar? Vine breaks down her Spiritual Guardians' prophecy...
Read Psychic Prediction Channeling Here
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2018 Australian Psychic Prediction
Warning about Australian States Forced into CSG
and Coal Mining
Vine Psychic
26th January 2018
Vine's prediction about the Australian Government's attempt to force
coal seam gas extraction (CSG) and coal mining onto Australian states.
Read CSG Psychic Prediction Here
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World Psychic Prediction
2018 Mid Year Psychic Prediction - Blood Moon Eclipse, What Lies Ahead?
Psychic Prediction by
Vine Psychic
29th July 2018
What was really agreed upon in meetings between Trump and Putin, Mike Pompeo, Republican Party and the Russians? Vine guides, that to know the identities of the secret deceivers, we have to "Find the Knights". Why are Knights important to see the truth of the Trump Russia treason?
Read Psychic Prediction Here
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2017 World Psychic Prediction
Earth Changes Phenomena, Mountain Cataclysm
Vine Psychic
19th August 2017
Vine explains her spiritual vision of a cataclysmic mountain landslide, which can only be described as a land tsunami rushing into streets and laneways of an historic mountain town. It is a major Earth change phenomena.
Read Psychic Prediction Here
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2017 World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction for Cognitive Radiation Interference
with Unborn Babies
Vine Psychic
16th August 2017
Vine has seen a vision of a radiation device used on babies while they are still in the womb. It is for manipulating or interfering with the independent thought process of the child after it is born.
The first parents using the device have been deceived into thinking that the device will help their baby. However, Vine's Spiritual Guardians warn that the electronic device is designed to interfere with free will.
Read Psychic Prediction Here
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2017 World Psychic Prediction
Red Alert for Global Airline Flights because of Atmosphere Radiation Wave Dangers
Vine Psychic
23rd February 2017
What could possibly be causing international aviation authorites, airline companies and the military to panic about flight safety in the future? Spiritually, the vision I am predicting reveals new scientific findings about flight navigation safety around the globe. It is predicted that atmospheric radiation changes occurring from worsening climate change conditions will in the future affect all airlines and military flight safety.
Instead of solely concentrating on terrorism motives for planes disappearing out of the sky, we are witnessing growing concern within the military and airline companies about cracks in the atmosphere releasing strong electromagnetic radiation waves.
All flight electronic technology and navigation control will be influenced by radiation changes from small cracks in the atmosphere. The urgent spiritual channeling received by my higher guardians is warning of the consequence of the worsening atmospheric conditions creating immediate changes in excessive flight turbulence and starting to interfere with electronic flight instruments. But there's also good news...
The next vision I am shown is scientists creating an invisible energy shield for when the plane is in flight. I am guided this invisible energy shield is already in the military's control.(?) My higher guardians are revealing that some people within the military and space authorities (like NASA), are already aware of the radiation waves entering our Earth. The urgency of releasing this new scientific flight shield is because of increased airline traffic around the world and not wanting global panic to stop people flying, therefore effecting the world economy.
Spiritually, my higher guardians are channeling that the secrecy behind energy shield technology is to stop people fearing airline safety in the future. This is the spiritual vision of what the energy shield looks like: It is a triangular shape, high above the plane that sends strong vibration waves around the top and sides of the plane. There is no shield coming from the bottom of the plane. The invisible shield appears to be coming from space technology radiating at a different frequency, similar to satellite mechanics.
Exciting times for aviation and military technology and an eye-opener to people unaware of new technology counteracting electromagnetic radiation waves and strong air.
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2017 World Psychic Prediction
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections
- Fake News - New World Order Plan
Vine's Spiritual Vision of Deceivers' Language - Wikileaks, Anonymous and Infowar Conspiracy Influences - Social Media infiltrated to Execute the Greater New World Order Plan
Vine Psychic
6th January 2017
What really happened to get Donald Trump elected as President? Most people in the United States believe they used their free when they voted in the 2016 November US elections, but did they?
How calculated and out of control are the deceivers who are trying to control world governments?
Read Psychic Prediction Here
• • • • • • • • • •
2015 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Australian Greens Become a Political Alternative
to LNP and Labor
Psychic Prediction by
Vine Psychic
20th July 2015
The spiritual vision I am being shown in the next Australian federal election reveals the Greens political party have backed a strong political leader in electing Richard Di Natale.
When I tuned into the future political climate I am seeing a vision of men and women turning away from both the Liberal National Party (coalition) and the Labor party. The mood of the electorate is a rage against what the political parties stand for. In particular the demographics of young voters are revealing families entrenched in historical voting patterns will move away from their parents and grandparents voting patterns.
The Greens in Australia are going to poll extremely well and win seats in Labor and LNP seats throughout Australia. Both political parties are going to be in shock as the Australian people reveal dissatisfaction and put more Greens into Federal, State and Territory Governments.
The next federal election is going to reveal that voters don't like being taken for granted. Richard Di Natale is about to bring the Greens ambitions of being a serious contender a whole lot closer. Watch for the Greens to hold their own, as people dip into their pockets to counteract large political donations to LNP and Labor from Mining companies, property developers and big business, and to help the Greens build a stronger political force.
UPDATE: 8th September 2015
Australian Greens Psychic Prediction
Not long after
Richard Di Natale was elected leader of the Australian Greens, Vine predicted that the Greens would rise in popularity to the point where they would become an alternative to the Labor and Liberal parties.
Two months later and with headlines like these in some sections of the media: "
The Greens are Now a Genuine Alternative" - people are starting to agree with Vine's prediction.
It's still early days, but is Vine's prediction about the Green's increased popularity in Australia starting to come true?
• • • • • • • • • •
2015 World Psychic Prediction
Remarkable Sun Phenomena - Galactic Radiation Waves, Scientists Worried
Vine Psychic
19th July 2015
The Spiritual vision being channeled by the higher angelic realms will have governments and scientists realising they have misread the galactic radiation waves of the sun. (Refer to previous prophecy guided by higher realms about the
sun's vibrational energy and the Earth's magnetic field changes from polar regions).
I am seeing the sun as a whole, create a halo wave that appears to reveal the sun releasing an enormous wave explosion, which was followed immediately by an implosion, to it's original state. Using the art of clairaudience (clear spiritual hearing) I was guided that our world leaders are allowing corporations to dissolve crucial technology not effected by galactic radiation waves. I was guided that short sightedness in removing technology infrastructure would result in world communications coming to a complete halt.
It is important to stipulate the vision I was shown could occur from 2016 and beyond. It appeared to be a warning to military leaders and world governments to protect crucial communications technology and not rely on wifi and digital only. Important communications policy for world governments and military leaders to consider when protecting the national security of global citizens or from returning to the dark ages.
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2015 World Psychic Prediction
Military Intelligence Hypocrisy
New World Order
Vine Psychic
11th January 2015
Read Vine's Prediction here:
Military Intelligence and the Militarisation of the Police
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2015 World Psychic Prediction
Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq - Radical Religious Leaders Confronted
Vine Psychic
1st January 2015
The spiritual vision I am being shown is the UN Security Council pressuring Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq and other dominant Muslim countries to be outspoken about religious leaders who are encouraging radical terrorist groups.
I am seeing a vision of a highly influential religious leader in Iran being singled out as one of the most dangerous, anti-humanitarian religious leaders. I am guided the world intelligence agencies are involved in trying to get the people of Iran to move away from this religious leader's teachings.
I am also witnessing an assignation attempt on his life when he is speaking from a platform. I see a religious leader in a black robe addressing a large audience and someone coming from behind and stabbing him. The political reasoning behind the assignation attempt is, its better for one life to be lost, than hundreds of thousands of lives lost.
As I am in Australia and don't have any political knowledge of the Middle East, other than the clairvoyant visions that have been
previously prophesied by the angelic realms, I am doing the best I can to describe the location and countries involved.
Is the world going to see a more cooperative political environment between the Middle East and the Western World? I am guided we are in the early stages of seeing this come forth. Even though Israel is using its political might in the United States of America.
UPDATE: - 7th August 2015
In this prediction, Vine saw the early stages of a more cooperative political environment between the Middle East and the Western World, even though Israel is using its political might in the United States to stop this from coming about by appealing to the Jewish American community.
Obama's Iran Nuclear Peace Deal
Against strong opposition from Israel and pro-Israel Republicans, President Obama has forged a
peace deal to stop Iran getting Nuclear weapons.
Vine's Prediction Comes True
President Obama hailed the Iran nuclear deal as "
a step towards a more hopeful world".
In her prediction, Vine called it,
"the early stages of seeing a more cooperative political environment between the Middle East and the Western World."
As pro-Israel opposition to the peace deal continues,
President Obama has warned, it’s either the Iran Nuclear Peace Deal or ‘Some Sort of War’.
UPDATE: - 5th August 2015
On January 21st 2015, just 20 days after Vine made this psychic prediction about Iran, and about Israel's political influence in the United States,
Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu accepted an invitation from Republicans to address the US Congress on the threat posed by Iran and radical Islam.
As Vine predicted, this was a blatant attempt to exert political influence in the US even though the White House said the invitation from the US Speaker of the House John Boehner came as a surprise to Obama’s staff and was a breach or protocol.
See Vine's
Psychic Predictions Spiritual Channeling and Karmic Report Card for 2015
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2014 USA Psychic Prediction
President Obama Security and Peace Maker
Vine Psychic
2nd July 2014
Vine's psychic prediction about President Obama's peace making attempts, environmental and climate change policies in his last years of office...
Read the full prediction:
President Obama Security and Peace Maker
• • • • • • • • • •
2014 World Psychic Prediction
Pakistan Psychic Prediction - Border Tension India and Pakistan
Vine Psychic
21st June 2014
Vine's Psychic prediction about terrorist related tension on the Pakistan-India Border...
Read the full prediction:
Border Tension India and Pakistan
2014 World Psychic Prediction
Canada Psychic Prediction - Democracy or Dictatorship?
Vine Psychic
18th June 2014
Vine’s Canadian environmental oil sands mining psychic prediction and the karmic cost of destroying the environment in Canada. Vine accurately predicted fires around Alberta oil sands mining operations.
Read Vine's Canada prediction:
Canada Psychic Prediction - Democracy or Dictatorship?
India Psychic Prediction
India Psychic Prediction - Diplomacy is the Key
Vine Psychic
17th June 2014
The Indian government will be entering into diplomatic talks with Tribal territories to stop further violence and corruption. I am being a shown a vision of mountainous terrain and I am guided there will be progress about political differences being resolved. Possibly a treaty or a document of understanding.
2014 New Zealand Psychic Prediction
New Zealand Government and Military Disagreement
Vine Psychic
16th June 2014
New Zealand government vision is about military and environmental minister disagreeing on responsiblity in failure to act, to stop environmental damage in ocean water. I see a vision of a government minister in New Zealand forcing the navy to show strong force to public protesters. I see a political/environmental situation getting out of control.
The military are being asked to intervene. The lack of ownership of managing ocean waters in New Zealand will result in an environmental, mining accident in the future. This is set to divide the government and the military. Debates about who is responsible will cause political and military division.
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2014 World Psychic Prediction
World Banks Public Uproar for 2014
Psychic Predictions by
Vine Psychic
23rd January 2014
Vine's predictions for world banks in 2014 came true and continue to be a subject for Vine's mony lender and secret economies psychic predictions for 2018. The people of the world are demanding more of their politicians and financial institutions...
Read the full psychic prediction and updates here:
World Banks Uproar
• • • • • • • • • •
2014 World Psychic Prediction
Environmental Overview for 2014
Vine Psychic
5th January 2014
Has the world done enough to manage extreme weather and curb climate change? I am guided we haven't even touched on what is required to stop climate change worsening.
As previously spiritually guided,
the polar regions, in particular the Arctic are in trouble. Collectively all the global people are responsible for being too complacent and allowing dominating forces to control the environment.
Is there still hope? I've been guided that depends on all of us. If you have read the
spiritually channeled guidance I released before all my 2014 psychic predictions, you will notice that the Higher Realms have revealed we need to identify who is abusing our one vote, one value political system. I am guided that once we identify the manipulators and make them publicly known they will not have the power to control our liberties and environmental resources.
I am guided we are now moving into a time where the world people will have to adapt to a changing climate because nature's moods are going to be fierce.
I am guided that 2014 requires STILLNESS of mind. Rash decisions by governments or corporations, which are not well thought out, will backfire. Scientists should not be worrying about stop-gap measures and should be thinking long term. The time for engaging in debates with climate skeptics is over. Attention should be directed towards new technologies and architecture.
Our world is changing and our Sun is going to reveal that the materials we use to protect our bodies are not adequate when it comes to the amount of radiation entering our atmosphere.
Love and Light
UPDATE: 22nd September 2014
World Climate Change Marches
In this psychic prediction warning, Vine writes on the subject of the coming Climate Change disaster:
"Is there still hope?
I've been guided that depends on all of us..."
Climate Change Hope
Yesterday, in 100 cities around the world,
hundreds of thousands of people marched for action on Climate Change and to
throw light onto the deceivers who still persist in denying climate change in order to rake in profits from polluting fossil fuel energies.
An estimated
400,000 people marched in New York, ahead of the United Nations Climate Summit in New York on Tuesday.
In this prediction Vine says,
"Collectively all the global people are responsible for being too complacent and allowing dominating forces to control the environment."
The climate change marches across the world have shown us that gradually the status quo is changing, and that is where our hope lies.
• • • • • • • • • •
2014 World Psychic Prediction
Fire Protection for Firefighters & World Heritage Trees and New Fabric for People
by Vine Psychic
5th January 2014
In 2014 Vine predicted that as climate change worsens we will invent ways to manage some of the temperature extremes and worsening environmental conditions.
In particular, ways to better protect firefighters and special efforts to protect world heritage trees. Six years later in Australia's 2020 bushfires, this prediction came true in a secret firefighting mission to save the prehistoric Woolemi Pines.
Read the full prediction and Updates here:
Fire Protection for Firefighters & World Heritage Trees and New Fabric for People
• • • • • • • • • •
2014 World Psychic Prediction
Spiritual Channeling for 2014
Lifting the Veil
and Revealing the Truth
by Vine Psychic
31st December 2013
Vine's spiritual channeling for 2014 removes the veil from the deceivers. Who controls your politicians? Who allows people to suffer for their own personal gain? Who gains from denying climate change? Who makes money from wars?
Vine's 2014 psychic predictions are about who control world economies and turn a blind eye to suffering. They continue to be true in 2018.
For the full picture, read all of Vine's spiritual channeling psychic predictions throughout the years, from 2010 to 2018...
Read Vine's 2014 Higher Angelic Realms Channeling and psychic predictions for 2014 here:
Lifting the Veil and Revealing the Truth
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2013 World Psychic Prediction
Arctic Energy Intensifying - What This Means
Vine Psychic
9th March 2013
Read Vine's Arctic Energy Prediction here
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2013 World Psychic Prediction
Nuclear Energy Vibrations from our Planet
by Vine Psychic
9th March 2013
Read Prediction Here
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2013 World Psychic Prediction
South American Medical Disease from Gastropods
by Vine Psychic
7th February 2013
The symptoms of the disease that Vine predicts related to gastropods, are the same as the ebola virus symptoms and Vine also predicts issues with quarantine and mismanagement with the spread of the disease.
Read Prediction here...
• • • • • • • • • •
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Controllers of the Internet & Economies
by Vine Psychic
7th February 2013
Read Prediction Here:
Controllers the Internet and freedom of speech.
2013 Australian Psychic Prediction
Federal Politics
by Vine Psychic
23rd December 2012
Vine predicted the importance of the women's vote in the Australian Federal election, and predicted that this would not translate into votes for Julia Gillard. Vine also correctly predicted the ultimate success of Malcolm Turnbull.
Read prediction here...
2013 Australian Psychic Prediction
Queensland Politics
by Vine Psychic
16th December 2012
I normally don’t provide psychic predictions for Australian States but
this year I’m being shown visions for each state. So far these are the
visions I’m being shown for Queensland.
Campbell Newman is in for one rough year. It is predicted 2013 for the State Lib/National Party in Queensland is going to bring in legal challenges, policy back-turns and traitors amongst the midst.
If the Queensland Premier, Campbell Newman thought the worst was behind him, wait until 2013 rolls in. He is going to find a close political associate or colleague is going to stab him in the back and this is someone he believes he can trust. Queensland State politics will be under scrutiny in the media and Campbell Newman will be wishing 2013’s years end.
• • • • • • • • • •
Qld Politics Prediction UPDATE: 20th November 2013
Just 9 months after Campbell Newman's government won office reducing the ALP from 51 seats in 2009 to only seven seats in 2012, Vine predicted that 2013 would be a "rough year" for Campbell Newman.
This psychic prediction continues to come true as
Scott Driscoll resigns his seat of Redcliffe after a Queensland parliamentary ethics committee recommended he be fined $90,000 and expelled from parliament for misleading the house and failing to declare his pecuniary interests. An expulsion from parliament would have been
almost unprecedented.
The Newman Government now has to have a
by-election for the seat of Redcliffe.
Update: 7th August 2013
Queensland Premiere Campbell Newman's
rough year continues in 2013, just as Vine foresaw in this psychic prediction.
Another political associate is now in trouble as LNP MP
Peter Dowling stands down in a sexting scandal.
We are well into August and Queensland State politics has been
under scrutiny all year as Campbell Newman's government lurches from one problem to the next. Vine's prediction that Campbell Newman will be wishing an end to 2013, has surely come true.
Update: 10th July 2013
Vine's psychic prediction for Queensland politics continues to come true in 2013 as Campbell Newman's
"rough year" continues.
This time Campbell Newman is in trouble over
huge pay rises to state MPs including a $117,623 increase to his own salary.
The MP's payrise to themselves comes at the same time as the Newman government moved to
block a payrise to public servants.
This has led to another part of Vine's prediction coming true - another
"back-turn" as the Queensland Government
backs down on the pay rise.
Update: 27th March 2013
Vine's psychic prediction of a rough year, legal challenges and policy back-turns for Queensland's Campbell Newman is coming true so far.
The LNP has "back-flipped" on it's
decision to cut Brisbane bus services after public protests.
MP Scott Driscoll was today suspended pending the outcome of investigations into his conduct.
In February,
Minister Ros Bates was forced to resign and Newman sacked his long term associate and hand picked Public Service Transport Department Director-General, Michael Caltabiano.
Mr Caltabiano was reported to be
considering his legal options following his dismissal, and Campbell Newman cited "legal reasons" in keeping the justification for the dismissal secret.
Legal challenges, back-turns and a rough year so far for Campbell Newman and the LNP in Queensland... all predicted by Vine in December last year.
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Queensland Building Regulations
by Vine Psychic
16th December 2012
See Vine's psychic prediction about structural damage in Queensland high rise buildings here -
Queensland Building Regulations
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Queensland Oily Sludge Washes Up Near Main Beach
I am witnessing a sludgy oozy black liquid washing up near a main beach in Queensland. I also see lots of seaweed in the water at the top of the surface. I don't take guesses when I do my psychic predictions and can only describe the vision as being surreal. I then see people walking near the main beach looking out to see this sludge is washing up onto the sand. I am unable to determine if there has been an oil leak or this is some type of unusual ocean phenomena. Either way the local community will not be swimming at this beach until it improves. I predict this could have something to do with a King Tide as I am shown a full moon at the time this event takes place.
I will release more Queensland and Australian psychic predictions for 2013 soon...
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 28th January 2013
The sea foam now being washed up onto all of the main beaches of southern queensland is very sludge-like, dirty and oozey and could be what Vine was seeing in her vision for this 2013 psychic prediction.
The foam began being washed up on Queensland's Sunshine coast on the day of the full moon (Jan 27)...
I am shown a full moon at the time this event takes place"
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Queensland Respiratory Health Problems
by Vine Psychic
16th December 2012
Read this Prediction here
2013 World Psychic Prediction
World Ocean Seabed Floor Phenomena
by Vine Psychic
4th December 2012
I am being shown a spiritual vision where I am guided down to the ocean seabed. I then spiritually penetrate the ocean floor and am taken down to the earth’s crust. Then I am going even further and seeing a remote vision of unusual origins.
I am witnessing an energetic pulsing that seems to be revealing a suction movement. I will try to describe to the best of my ability the vision being shown to me. Imagine there are a variety of rods in different sizes that resemble a bar graph. These bar rods, go up and down, and side-to-side. This is what my spiritual guardians are showing me. I am also sensing extreme heat like volcanic heat. I am then seeing a large earth movement and then new land appearing near the ocean surface.
Which means, it is likely in years to come our earth is being shown to be altering its geological constitution around the ocean floor. As I am a visionary and don't understand the science meaning behind this vision I am describing it to the best of my ability.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 5th October 2013
Vine Predicts New Land and it's the Volcanic Nature
In this psychic prediction Vine states that the
new island would be pushed up in a volcanic-like action - "
I am also sensing extreme heat like volcanic heat"
It has now been reported that the new island that appeared in the wake of Pakistan's recent 7.7 magnitude earthquake, was volcanic in nature.
Game McGinsey, a volcanologist with the United States Geological Survey
"It looked as if a section of shallow seafloor had simply been pushed up.”
He also said the island was created in much the same way as a mud volcano - with mud forced to the surface through vents by gas and water. This '
eruption' typically persists, somewhat like lava streaming from a volcano.
Update: 25th September 2013
Vine's prediction for New Land - Volcanic processes associated with a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan created this small, mountain-like island about 600 metres off Pakistan's Gwadar coastline in the Arabian Sea.
Vine's 2013 psychic prediction for
new land suddenly appearing on the surface of the ocean, has come true.
"I am then seeing a large earth movement and then new land appearing near the ocean surface."
Our heart goes out to the people of remote western Pakistan where a major earthquake has killed at least 200 people. It has also caused a new island to rise from the sea off the country's southern coast, just as Vine predicted.
Update: 8th January 2013
A New York reader who found Vine's psychic predictions on an Amazon Affiliate
Squidoo site has got in touch. She has informed Vine that her previous 2011 Underwater Volcanic activity fits the description of the
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Insitute discovery of unusual volcanic activity in 2012. Apparently the MBARI discovery revealed the ocean seafloor is splitting apart.
This is what Vine previously guided in
2011 Underwater Volcano prophecy:
"Watch the oceans around the world; they're going to be revealing new phenomena"
What our reader has accurately highlighted is Vine's 2011 forecast could be interlinked with her 2013 Underwater Seabed phenomena predictions. It is a top pick up and one we will be eagerly following throughout 2013.
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Floods Like We Have Never Seen Before
by Vine Psychic
2nd December 2012
Vine accurately predicted catastrophic floods all over the world in 2013. Vine's Higher Guardians have been warning for years that we must address the human causes of Climate Change before it is too late...
Read Vine's Psychic Prediction here:
Floods Like We Have Never Seen Before
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Ozone Holes Are Huge, Short Term Fix Works
Spirit is guiding me to look up to the sky. I am shown a vision of large holes. It may be I am viewing the ozone layer, although it could be some other aspect to do with the atmosphere. I see unusual vibrational frequency around the holes and I am then shown a precognitive vision where the gaping holes have a bubbly sensation. I feel as I could be witnessing some type of chemical device being directly sent into the atmosphere and foaming around the ozone layer.
I am sensing by the spiritual tones this might be successful in the short term but I have a spiritual message impressed to my aura from my spiritual guardians. They are guiding more needs to be done to stop the planet heating. I am guided that the depleted areas are caused by distortions of energetic heat being released into the atmosphere.
I believe we refer to this heat as Co2.
In the Year 2013 I am clairsentiently feeling that Spirit's message is finally reaching the world leaders and the majority of the people. I am guided the world people are accepting their lives on Earth are now about adapting and reacting to immediate climate threats.
This spiritually sends a sense of relief because I was guided in 2011 that the financial economies and world leaders would be shocked into action (
refer to 2012 psychic prediction World Economies Underprepared transcript November 2011).
Which is exactly what did occur because of Spirit's earlier warnings about strong wind gales stirring around the ocean seas (
refer to 2012 psychic prediction End of the World or the Awakening transcript 24 January 2012).
The caution Spirit was sharing was our world financial institutions had to take into account wholistic economics because of huge damage to infrastructure, business communities and housing from climate change.
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Toxins in River Water Causes Illness
and Loss of Life
by Vine Psychic
29th November 2012
I am being shown a remote vision of a raging river where the people live near the top of a mountainous area.
It is chilly because I see an emancipated woman trying to stay warm as she leans down to drink the water below the town. I am shown she is unwell and I'm guided the people are drinking poisonous water. The people have dark skin and very little body fat.
I am then guided towards a political scene, where I see a government overseas in turmoil because the water quality was not properly monitored. There is fallout as some people accuse the government that their lack of action is a sign the leader has no tolerance and doesn't care about the people surviving in the area.
There will be huge political ramifications for this country. I feel there is a connection to the Middle East area.
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Volcano Near Ocean
by Vine Psychic
28th November 2012
I am being shown a spiritual vision of a large volcano near the ocean's edge.
Suddenly I see the volcano erupt and explode releasing lava. It is releasing most of the lava into the ocean. I hear through the psychic art of clairaudience the word, Chile.
Spirit is revealing this volcano explosion will happen at sunset. I see the sun glowing in a red tinge.
2013 World Psychic Prediction
World People Demand Rethink on Consumerism Economics
by Vine Psychic
26th November 2012
I am shown a spiritual vision of people coming together to demand governments and the world look for a new way of living.
They are brilliant minds from all streams of the globe who believe the world economy's framework has run its course. They are coming together demanding the United Nations and world governments change their financial perception about the consumer market.
I am shown they are frightened by the latest scientific and economic findings about climate change and failing to alter our current economic course.
This isn't about a new world government, this is about the ability of humans surviving and being able to feed the masses if the world leaders and financial sector don't address living in harmony with nature.
The old is making way for the new beginnings. 2013 is welcoming in a new economic age.
There will be many who will try to cling onto the outdated economic structure but they will find they are outnumbered by the people wanting the governments to search for new solutions.
2013 is showing a more cooperative approach between nations as each world leader recognises the industrial age needs to be rained in and the brightest are requested to pool their ideas together to come up with immediate solutions.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 27th February 2013
This world economy psychic prediction from Vine is coming true in the
Italian elections with the success of
Beppe Grillo's anti-establishment
5-Star Movement:
"I am shown a spiritual vision of people coming together to demand governments and the world look for a new way of living...."
Beppe Grillo's 5-Star Movement has won the
most votes of any single party in the Italian elections on the back of policies calling for
radical changes to the economic structure and support for renewable energies.
Vine predicted:
"...They are coming together demanding the United Nations and world governments change their financial perception about the consumer market..."
Beppe Grillo's blog:
...Buried in the lugubrious world of the priests of money, deaf and blind to anything other than the accumulation of the currency. Economists and bankers have become the masters of Europe and they have chosen Italy as the experimental centre of their power, where they are starting to take the place of politicians, who are by now, completely subservient and corrupt."
2013 World Psychic Prediction
Human Evolution, Major DNA Changes in Human Brain
by Vine Psychic
2nd October 2012
I am guided soon our world scientists will begin to see major changes in the human brain. Our DNA is changing dramatically.
Kinetic changes altering the chemical disposition of our brains will become more prevalent. Our brains’ biomechanics is becoming more fluid, is what my spiritual guardians have shared with me. They describe the mind will become more liquid, like water. The left and right side of our brains that direct structure and creative thinking to use in physical form, are about to evolve.
There is both a positive and negative aspect to these changes. The positive is that the people who are rapidly altering their DNA will begin to become more in touch with their spiritual or energetic essence.
The Mayans described this vibrational frequency as the 5th wave. I am guided futurists or light-workers will identify 2012 and onwards as entering into a different state of awareness. You will notice we described this in my 2012 psychic predictions as a new consciousness. Oneness consciousness.
Now comes the negative aspect of these changes and how to practically stay on top of these symptoms. A lot of emotional energy will stir up because of the mind altering so dramatically. Spiritually we have touched on this in previous predictions. We described how young children are becoming addicted to computer energy and have an aggressive reaction because of the chemical changes in their brain.
Short term and long term memory loss is going to be more evident in the years ahead. You will witness young people having signs of early dementia. At first notice of memory altering changes, the science and medical academics will bring in remarkable light therapy inventions. Medical institutions from the future will invent instruments or technology that resemble Star Trek and sci-fi films about the future. Remember: sci-fi films were created from consciousness - they provide a knowing of what is to come.
Why do our brains have to alter to enter into the 5th wave? First let’s alleviate any fear you have about the world ending in 2012. You will notice we are not sharing the end of the world is upon us. The conclusion of the 2012 year will bring in a new world.
I am guided this is a natural energy of progression. The
Universal Languages have served us well to differentiate cultures and define our territory, but we are moving to the energy of Oneness. Oneness allows us to get in touch with the subtle vibrations that psychics and historical seers tap into. This means that psychic mediums like myself will be guiding you through these changes and giving you the spiritual tools to manage your own spiritual essence.
The workers for higher good will rise above the psychic manipulators. We have shared in previous premonitions that you have to learn to be in charge of your own energy field. No spell or mind altering hypnosis trick will assist you with these changes. You are being asked to stand in authentic energy and learn about your spiritual constitution and lessen the dense weight of your physical vessel.
2013 World Psychic Prediction
2013 - Universal Energy Codes
by Vine Psychic
28th November 2012
The spiritual lesson for 2013 was either
To HAVE or To BE
The year was ruled by the ancient rune 'H', Hagal, or Hail meaning: Disruption, the destructive wrath of nature, uncontrolled forces usually the weather but also within us. Times of crisis and trials clearing away the negative to be a blessing in disguise and lead to inner peace.
Vine accurately predicted the extreme disruptive weather events of 2013...
Read the Psychic Predictions Here
Universal Energy Codes - To HAVE or to BE
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Ecosystems and Zoos
by Vine Psychic
4th June 2012
Psychic Prediction about World Zoos coming together to save endangered insects and reptiles.
Read the Psychic Prediction Here
2012 US Psychic Prediction
US Presidential Election Prediction
by Vine Psychic
29th April 2012
Read the psychic prediction here:
US Presidential Election
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Canada, Iran, Saudi Arabia - Oil Causes Major Political Headaches for the Rest of the World
by Vine Psychic
21st March 2012
What's causing the stock markets of the world to be in a panic about oil? I'm being shown a spiritual vision of world governments in the future being concerned about several major oil production issues coinciding with each other, creating high petrol prices and general global panic. It's all about our natural resources politically, economically and environmentally. The Countries being highlighted are Canada, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The US, UK and Europe are also in the negotiation chairs.
I am guided that spiritually we are limited in our minds capacity to understand the relevance of why our natural resources are interconnected to the magnetic shield around our planet.
The failure to look at alternative energy sources now has our world's people more reliant than ever on the overuse of our natural resources. What will be telling in the coming months and years is the failure by world governments to seek alternative energy resources is pushing forward political vulnerabilities and limited oil stocks… We are literally burying our heads in the sand and hoping it will all go away.
The first vision I'm shown is gigantic yellow trucks stopping near oil sands and there is no production because of some type of dispute. I see men arguing with each other and it seems to be quite heated and out of control. I believe the vision shown to me is in Canada. I am witnessing some type of industrial dispute or protest happening soon. It is completely halting production and I feel the Canadian Prime Minister and Conservative government will be quite vocal about being held to ransom by a minority. I feel as though there may be some type of military intervention considered as the issue comes more pressing.
The next locations I'm being spiritually guided to is in the Middle East and I see a war of political wills between Iran and other united nation countries. No country is prepared to budge from their political position. I feel as though this dispute will go on for months and cause prices to skyrocket because of uncertainty in the oil market.
I then see a remote vision of what looks to be, Saudi Arabia and I see men in white robes and colored scarf's sitting in a circular meeting discussing how they should strategically manage oil production. The general mood of the meeting is solemn and I feel they are debating price considerations. I am shown the men agreeing to a course of action but not overall confident that they can cope with the demands being placed upon them.
I am then shown a vision of fuel prices rising throughout the world and very little fuel at the petrol pumps. It is quite possible that governments around the world will have to step in to manage when and how people can use fuel.
I am being guided to the month of November 2012 as though something important will be happening about our world's oil resources. The oil concerns of the world could influence the US election as I see president Obama greeting overseas leaders for an urgent meeting. The country of Israel is also being shown to me and I feel as though there is a political issue that has not been managed well by the Israeli leaders that has the world people dismayed by the lack of foresight. It seems the Israel governments response is now resulting in economic hardship for the rest of the world.
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Currency Changes for World Countries - Australia, New Zealand
by Vine Psychic
12th March 2012
I am being spiritually shown that Australia will begin to take a stronger role in managing World currencies in the future. I see the Australian government in discussions with the New Zealand government about merging the Australian dollar with the New Zealand Dollar. Spiritually I'm uncertain whether this will occur in the year 2012, 2013 or…...
I am spiritually seeing a meeting with Financial Ministers reviewing how some future world currency changes will influence their currency - especially in the Asian Pacific region.
I am guided world economies will be changing dramatically in the future and the merging of several currencies is a way of staying in touch with the changing market.
There will be concerns raised over the constitutional boundaries of both governments and I see a referendum being placed before people to signal if they are in agreement with the currency changes. I am guided the sovereign island countries will be looking at New Zealand and Australia to find a solution to trand moding anetary concerns.
It seems the economic woes occurring throughout the world are a concern for both New Zealand and Australia and if they have the approval of the people they will implement a new currency.
It is a way of allowing both countries to survive the economic impact and assisting both economies to rise again.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 4th April 2012
According to this report on the ABC news website:
...Just three weeks after Vine predicted that the Australian and New Zealand Governments would enter discussions about the merging of the Australian Dollar and the New Zealand Dollar, both of these Governments have directed their Productivity Commissions to seek public feedback on the idea.
War or Peace, Israel vs Middle East?
by Vine Psychic
2nd March 2012
Read Vine's psychic prediction here:
Israel Vs Middle East Psychic Prediction
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Terrorist Attack Results in World Peace Fright
by Vine Psychic
7th February 2012
Spiritually I'm only placing my world psychic predictions in small segments, because so many of my original predictions in the last two years were claimed by other Australian and world psychics as their own. I am guided their spiritual intentions are not pure and related to ego and will energetically not hold them in good stead with their past audience.
The psychic vision I'm shown is the interior of a large elegant overseas building, it possibly has a shopping precinct as well as business offices, because I feel a lot of open space and it has a similar type of look as a Western indoor shopping centre.
I see women dressed in black robes, with their face and heads covered standing on an escalator. Then I see a lovely white decorative triangle shape archway when I look up to the top of the building.
In a spiritual trance I then see a large explosion and I'm immediately spiritually warned the consequences of this blast will be unmeasured as it is an attack on foreign soil by another country who are coming from the energy of fear.
I am not guided on whether this is a nuclear explosion or what type of bomb or explosives are being used.
The motivation of this terrorist attack is to show force and they will not claim they are responsible for this act of terrorism. They will deny they are involved and the Arab world will be in uproar and the Western world will be in shock.
I am guided by my Spiritual guardians because I have naturally spiritual heightened psychic ability to see into the future I will be regularly updating more relevant world psychic predictions about the 2012 earth changes soon…
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Syria Prophecy
by Vine Psychic
5th February 2012
Read Vine's prediction here:
Psychic Prediction about the Crisis in Syria
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Media Job Cuts in Australia
by Vine Psychic
1st February 2012
Vine accurately predicted massive job cuts and restructuring in Australian (and worldwide) media organisations.
Read Vine's prediction here:
Psychic Prediction for Media Job Cuts in Australia
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Spiritual Warning for Sensitive People
by Vine Psychic
24th January 2012
Spiritual Caution: People around the globe who are highly sensitive to weather patterns or earth movements will be feeling all over the place.
You need to ground yourself by drawing your breath to the earth and see your feet planted in the ground. If you become too flighty, you will be unable to concentrate within your work environment and this could cause health and safety issues for you, or the people around you.
Do not meditate excessively as this will open you up too much and you will find yourself becoming over tired, absorbing a wide range of vibrational frequencies and feeling unable to cope emotionally.
If you deal with any discordant psychic energy around you, place your aura in high spiritual protection and request spiritual assistance from your loved ones who have passed over and from your faith.
Do not search for
hex spell curse-removers or black magic curse-removal shamans or psychic readers specialising in black magic. I am guided that they cause more energetic harm than heightened good and stop you from being in charge of your own energetic field.
The lesson of seeing and awakening is about you taking personal responsibility for your own spiritual health. Handing your psychic aura to the polarity movers that claim they can change dark energy into the light, keeps you from a spiritual learning in which you are in control of your own destiny. Polar shifters keep you out of reach of your own knowing.
The awakened need to be in control of their own energetic field is the spiritual guidance my guardians have shared with me.
They are sending out a strong warning about false prophets who profess to change dark energy and call themselves the curse removers. Spirit guides that everyone is responsible for their own heightened fields.
Do not be afraid of the unknown. Allow your hearts to be at one with all the earth changes. Be willing to rise to the occasion and deal with the emerging energies on our planet.
Seek your own truth...
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 12th March 2012
The cosmic forces for the month of March are definitely sending our Solar system into a bit of a spin as Vine revealed would occur in January 2012.
Vine was aware that our Planet was about to contend with strange energy movements when she warned highly sensitive people around the globe:
"Spiritual Caution: People around the globe who are highly sensitive to weather patterns or earth movements will be feeling all over the place."
We know that our Sun entered into one of its strongest solar storms and scientists were advising that Satellite controlled equipment could experience geo-magnetic interference as the radiation was being directed back to Earth.
Vine was spiritually guided that the radiation would influence lightworkers and Sensitive people. She also shared that strong earth movements and strange weather patterns would evolve from this radiation hitting our Earths magnetic field.
It was reported that Vanuatu had a major earthquake which thankfully didn't result in any casualities or injuries, at the time of the solar explosions. Japan also had an unwelcome reminder of the tragic 8.9 earthquake and tsunami after a 5.1 quake struck in the same region - One day before the anniversary of the Fukishima quake.
Vine's psychic spiritually guides readers how to cope with the earth changes. Most of Vine's psychic reading clients believe she is the world's best psychic.
A lot of her clients and readers are starting to realize that she is an extremely gifted Sensitive who Spirit entrusts to offer credible world psychic predictions to people all over the globe.
Spirit refers to Vine as an Earth Seer. A highly gifted Sensitive who can work with heightened spiritual energy and offer reputable spiritual insight.
Now that she has a large following around the world, we'll let readers view her predictions and make up their own mind.
2012 World Psychic Prediction
The End of the World or the Awakening?
Earthquakes and Extreme Weather
Vine Psychic
24th January 2012
Vine's psychic prediction about cyclonic winds and storms in the UK, tornados, extreme weather events around the world and stronger activity in the Pacific Ocean around the Ring of Fire.
Read Vine's Prediction Here:
Psychic Prediction about Earthquakes and Extreme Weather
World Psychic Prediction
Psychic predictions 2012 – Universal Child Obligations
by Vine Psychic
9th January 2012
I received this guidance while I was in a sleep state and was being shown how our world failed to honour the rights of a child. I was shown young children being placed in dangerous war and home environments, being abused physically, used for child labour and traumatised mentally and sexually.
The same words were spiritually impressed over and over again. I was able to tune into the art of clairaudience to hear "You are all Universal Children and your failure to protect the child will be your undoing". I then saw a vision of children from all areas of the world being flashed on a screen before my closed eyes. You will bring in laws to honour the children around the globe, as you are all children of the Universe.
I am guided there will be stronger laws passed for child protection in 2012 as we see how a damaged soul is unproductive to finding real peace on earth.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 15th December 2012
In the US The Child Protection Act of 2012 has just passed. The new US Federal law is aimed at protecting children from child pornography, sexual predators and human trafficking.
So far Vine's prediction about new laws protecting children has come true, but more is needed.
This morning 20 young children were amongst the 28 dead at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown CT. It is clear that any new laws protecting children should include
tougher gun laws in the US.
Update: 27th July 2012
Leading world psychic medium Vine's Universal Child Obligations prophecy has come true. It was announced in the
Australian media today the federal government will have a Human Rights Commissioner for children.
This is what Vine spiritually shared with her world readers after she clairaudiently heard this guidance from the higher realms:
"You will bring in laws to honour the children around the globe, as you are all children of the Universe.
I am guided there will be stronger laws passed for child protection in 2012 as we see how a damaged soul is unproductive to finding real peace on earth."
Australia will now be joining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and this is a welcome announcement for lobbyists who have been trying to protect the most vulnerable children in Australia.
2012 USA Political Prediction
United States Political Prediction - President Obama, Republicans, US Economy, Part 1
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
31st December 2011
US politics in 2012 is showing there is a strong contender from the Republican Party to take on President Barack Obama. 2012 for the US politicians will require diplomacy and caution as a major world political event will require world leaders to show strength, force and might.
How can the residing US president move a country along when there is a barrier being placed up every time by the Opposition party? Simply they can't and that is why I'm spiritually being shown the US is in a bad state of affairs for 2012. Forget about finding a bipartisan approach to help the people who are struggling paying their bills.
Spiritually, In 2011 I was shown the US was more divided in political ideology and nothing much has changed going into 2012.
Spirit is showing me a vision of President Obama showing signs of frustration and I see a Caucasian man with light skin, grey hair and of good posture growing in popularity because he has the ability to articulate himself well. The only thing is there is no immediate fix for the US economy, nor can any one person be the remedy to mending the US economic fallout.
The solution has been staring people in the face. But, because of ideological opposed beliefs about people paying their fair share and holding up the process of tax reform the US is being spiritually shown to be going deeper and deeper into debt.
I am being spiritually shown the people movement is going to grow in the US and the Occupy movement that arose from the discontent of the people about the inequities of the global economic structures is now going to have a force of its own.
The people are more in tune than the governments around the world realize and what they're intuitively feeling will begin to become a reality in 2012. No matter what your thoughts are about the 2012 earth changes, there are definitely changes a foot for the world economies and the US may be dragged kicking and screaming into the changes, as will the rest of the world economies.
The earth changes are so much more than the world exploding because of a comet crashing from the sky, or natural disasters around the world - they're a little more subtle than that.
As I've already been sharing with regular readers there will be a major event occurring in the world that will have some world governments having to come together and show military force. I will share more information as I'm guided to release future visionary forecasts soon.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 11th April 2012
Melbourne Born Vine was the first psychic to predict that Mitt Romney would win the Republican elections to run against the US President Barack Obama.
The most incredible thing about Vine's US Repubican political psychic premonition is her description of Mitt Romney and how she ruled out women and African-American Men being in contention as early as December 2011.
"I see a Caucasian man with light skin, grey hair and of good posture growing in popularity because he has the ability to articulate himself well."
Vine is far removed from the US elections because she lives in Australia. Her success rate of predicting Australian and world political elections, world crisis events and specific world economy financial situations is 100%.
Update: 1st March 2012
We have been waiting in 2012 for a clear US Republican candidate to step forward before we reviewed Australian Vine's 2011 US Political psychic prediction.
Vine originally guided:
"US politics in 2012 is showing there is a strong contender from the Rupublican Party to take on President Barack Obama. I see a Caucasian man with light skin, grey hair and of good posture growing in popularity because he has the ability to articulate himself well."
Is Mitt Romney the successful Republican Candidate that Vine was spiritually seeing in a remote vision about the future? She described that the US Candidate would be caucasian and a male. At the time Vine updated her psychic forecast there were still female candidates in the running. They pulled out when they were not getting enough votes for preselection.
There were African American candidates running for the Republican vote. They also stepped back for a variety of personal reasons.
Vine accurately ruled out female and African American candidates in the contest to run against President Barack Obama for the 2012 American election.
She described seeing a spiritual vision of a tall man, with grey hair who had the ability to articulate himself well. Again this is identifying Mitt Romney as the one stepping forward to take the baton across the line.
Mitt Romney recently won Michigan and Arizona primaries against Rick Santorum and although there are still some US States still to vote for the Republican candidacy - we have to look at how accurate Vine's prediction is right now...
So far she has accurately ruled out female Republican Candidates and also people of African American background. Which is 100% accurate. We will now have to wait to see which way the rest of the American voters are leaning...
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Australian Political Prediction
2012 Australian Political Predictions - Labor, Liberal, Greens, Economy, Independents
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
21st December 2011
Read Vine's Prediction here:
Australian Politics & the Economy 2012
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Battle Over Arctic Resources
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
6th December 2011
Read Vine's Prediction here:
Arctic Resources Psychic Prediction
2012 World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction for World Economies
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
22nd November 2011
Read Vine's Prediction here:
World Economies Psychic Prediction
Europe Psychic Prediction
Germany and France – Tug of War with the Eurozone
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
26th October 2011
Spiritually I saw a precognitive vision of German Chancellor Angela Merkel on one end of a rope and French President Nicholas Sarkozy was on the other. A right royal tug-of-war was going on and I was symbolically seeing the tugging was representing a political power game being played out by the master players controlling the Euro.
Read the prediction here:
Germany, France Eurozone prediction
World Psychic Prediction
Censorship of Social Networks – Political & Corporation Interference of World Democracy
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
22nd October 2011
Vine's prediction that social media owners would interfere with democracies around the world...
...When I asked Spirit why I was being shown this vision, I heard that, "social networks and computer sites are being censored now". Spirit showed me large sky scraper buildings
and said, "
the owners are censoring your words".
I was guided that democracy in the world is under threat of being lost because of censorship. I was told it is known to some, but not to the masses.
Spirit is guiding that
wealthy individuals are trying to stop free speech by controlling computer networks and censoring our words. I am guided this will become more evident in the coming months as demonstrations gain more momentum around the world.
Read the full prediction here
World Psychic Prediction
Childhood Computer Addiction - New Science Discovery
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
9th October 2011
Read this prediction here
Australian Psychic Prediction
Australian Liberal Leader Tony Abbott the One, or...
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
28th September 2011
When I see psychic visions that seem so far removed from our current Australian political reality, where we have media polls stating Julia Gillard and the Labor Party are going to lose office if there is a Federal election soon, it seems almost unbelievable that this might be about to change...
Tony Abbott as the next Australian Prime Minister might be a foregone conclusion for all the media journalists stories at the moment, but I'm being shown there's about to be a curve ball coming from left field that the Australian Liberal and Coalition Party haven't foreseen.
The Australian electorate seems to be turning away from Tony Abbott and I'm seeing him looking over his shoulder expecting to be challenged for his position. I'm shown a vision of Tony Abbott appearing to be quite agitated and the popularity pendulum is swinging away from the LIberal and Coalition Party.
Exciting changes ahead for the political landscape in Australia and the Liberal and Coalition Party for 2012.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 5th December 2011
If the latest news polls are anything to go by Tony Abbott's popularity pendulum, which Vine revealed would alter, has done a 180 degrees turn. Vine was shown a psychic vision in September which went against the grain of every news stories in Australia and the almost weekly Australian polls.
Vine even shared with readers her surprise when she said:
"I see psychic visions that seem so far removed from our current Australian political reality, where we have media polls stating Julia Gillard and the Labor Party are going to lose office if there is a Federal election soon, it seems almost unbelievable that this might be about to change."
And change it has, after the
polls are revealing Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is the preferred Prime Minister. It wasn't long ago that political strategists were sharing Prime Minister Gillard didn't stand a chance if there was another election called in 2012. That might be about to change. Vine also shared with her global readers that it was possible that Tony Abbott wouldn't be running because of someone challenging him for the top position.
Time will tell, but Vine was 100% accurate about the people moving away from his style of leadership. We will keep monitoring this 2012 prediction by Vine heading into the New Year.
Update: 1st November 2011
Is it possible that Vine's earlier spiritual guidance is starting to come true? Tony Abbott is currently being scrutinized by the Australian media about what he knew about the disastrous Qantas grounding that inconvenienced thousands of passengers around the world.
Gifted Australian Psychic Vine Medium shared with her world readers that she was being shown there was going to be a change of perception by the Australian public. In the earlier prediction Vine guided:
"Tony Abbott as the next Australian Prime Minister might be a foregone conclusion for all the media journalists stories at the moment, but I'm being shown there's about to be a curve ball coming from left field that the Australian Liberal and Coalition Party haven't foreseen."
Tony Abbott is under the media microscope on his failure to go into any detail at a media conference today about what he knew about Qantas CEO's Alan Joyce's plans to do a world wide grounding of planes. His explanation seems to have made some members of the media, federal government, Greens Member Bob Brown, and some independent members suspicious about his real knowledge with this industrial relations issue.
World Psychic Prediction
Women in Political Rally - Assassination Attempt
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
13th September 2011
I am witnessing a possible assassination attempt on a woman who holds political office.
She is shown to have dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes and is middle aged. Spirit is showing me a tiny red circle on her forehead. I don't know if this is symbolic or a physical representation of her appearance.
I'm shown the disturbance occurs while she is up on a stage-addressing people who have congregated around the grassy open park area. I am spiritually obliged to update all predictions given to me, even if I find some violent visions personally spiritually difficult when I am shown psychic remote viewing.
This spiritual vision being shown to me is during the daylight hours and I do believe she is injured as I see blood seeping through her clothing. I feel like she is wearing a light coloured Sari. I see men in military uniforms crowding around her, with worried faces and the uniform identified is a light tan colour with a dark strap coming down from the top of the arm to the waist area.
I'm uncertain which country this is, and what position she holds. I do believe this attack is politically motivated.
World Psychic Prediction
Space Rocket – Losing Control or Malfunctioning
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
13th September 2011
In my spiritual vision I'm witnessing a space rocket being launched during the daylight hours (I see a clear blue sky). I look up as it takes off and see it going directly up into space. I then see that it begins to have some type of difficulty and begins to change course.
Instead of going up into the sky I see it heading in a different direction. It seems to be veering right.
I then tune into worried faces in the communications area, as the rocket seems to be out of control.
I'm not being shown there are people on board or if this is a satellite launch that is going horribly wrong.
I do believe this launch is occurring in Russia and the equipment on the space rocket is quite important and costly. I feel the rocket has malfunctioned and this is going to be an extremely stressful time for the Country concerned to deal with.
Stay tuned for exciting times in space exploration technology…
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 16th December 2011
So far three of her 2011 predictions have come true. The latest accurate psychic prediction to make the 100% accuracy list thus far is:
A Russian Mars orbital tracking probe lost control in November after its launch. Major world news commentators today are reporting the failed Russian probe broke up before falling into the Pacific Ocean somewhere near Chile.
Phobos-Grunt, the now deceased Russian probe has confirmed Vine's previous world psychic prediction.
"In my spiritual vision I'm witnessing a space rocket being launched during the daylight hours (I see a clear blue sky). I look up as it takes off and see it going directly up into space. I then see that it begins to have some type of difficulty and begins to change course.
Instead of going up into the sky I see it heading in a different direction. It seems to be veering right.
I then tune into worried faces in the communications area, as the rocket seems to be out of control.
I'm not being shown there are people on board or if this is a satellite launch that is going horribly wrong.
I do believe this launch is occurring in Russia and the equipment on the space rocket is quite important and costly. I feel the rocket has malfunctioned and this is going to be an extremely stressful time for the Country concerned to deal with.
Taking into account Vine is situated in Australia and so far removed from the space exploration race and shared the vision of seeing the equipment heading in a different direction and even indicating that she didn't believe people were on board. This psychic prediction would be hard to fault by any skeptic checking whether genuine and credible psychics can see the future through precognitive visions. Most of Vine's world readers by now know that she does have heightened spiritual ability, having followed her predictions from 2010 to 2012 and knowing how many hits she has on the board.
This psychic prediction has come true.
Australia Psychic Prediction
Australian Psychic Reading Industry to be Regulated
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
4th September 2011
Read Vine's Psychic Reading Industry prediction here
Africa Psychic Prediction
East Africa Crisis Lack of Empathy
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
29th August 2011
What I'm being spiritually shown is bringing tears to my eyes as I see small babies and children starving as they try to cling onto life.
The world is closing their eyes because they believe their economic concerns are more pressing. Karmically we are being tested to show our true spiritual convictions. I see spiritual leaders pleading with their country's people to help and feeling a sense of desperation as they view thousands and thousands of soul-searching people needing help.
The United Nations will convene a world conference to get some type of action to this cause and I see several well-known movie actors and entertainers stepping forward to become a central mouthpiece for the cause. They will feel passionate about drawing attention to the world community and will place all of their other life pressures to the side to concentrate on finding a solution to the lack of empathy in the world.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 17th March 2012
George Clooney and his father were arrested in front of the Washington Sudanese Embassy after he tried to draw world attention on the deepening humanitarian crisis in East Africa.
The Sudanese President has attempted to blockade food and supplies to the people of Sudan's Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions to try to stop them from having any native title to the regions they have always lived in. It is considered to be a deliberate attempt of genocide and George Clooney was prepared to be arrested to bring world attention onto this humanitarian cause.
This is what Vine shared with her regular readers about the East Africa Crisis:
"I see several well-known movie actors and entertainers stepping forward to become a central mouthpiece for the cause.
They will feel passionate about drawing attention to the world community and will place all of their other life pressures to the side to concentrate on finding a solution to the lack of empathy in the world."
We now know this has come true and Vine has been proven to be 100% accurate about world entertainers and actors being prepared to step away from their acting professions to step up the fight of raising awareness to this important humanitarian cause. If it takes well established entertainers, singers and famous actors to make the world people have a greater sense of empathy then so be it. Let's hope George Clooney's efforts will start to motivate others...
Update: 17th October 2011
We are revisiting this prediction because we believe we have found evidence that Vine's East Africa prediction has come true.
Melbourne born psychic Vine originally shared:
"The United Nations will convene a world conference to get some type of action to this cause."
We have found a UN mini summit occurred in September 2011 - one month after Vine's prediction went online. Bob Geldof has been historically involved in Band Aid famine campaigns was a speaker at the summit. He and other representatives from world governments met to find an urgent solution to the famine epidemic occurring in the Horn of East Africa.
As a result of this meeting more money was pledged by some countries around the globe.
Vine described the precognitive vision she was being shown where she said:
"I see several well-known movie actors and entertainers stepping forward to become a central mouthpiece for the cause."
This part of the prediction is also correct as
George Clooney, Bono, Brad Pitt, Jessica Alba, Idris Elba, Annie Lennox and so many other people have come out to fight the famine cause. This is exactly what Vine predicted would happen.
US Psychic Prediction
US Tax Changes - Obama Puts Foot Down
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
26th August 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
Tax Avoidance Prediction
United Kingdom Psychic Prediction
United Kingdom Social Issues and Class System -
No Stone Left Unturned
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
21st August 2011
I'm being shown so many political visions about the world at the moment and it seems as though the people who hold political offices around the globe will be finding more political grunt to tackle global economic and social issues on a level we have not seen before.
Spirit is showing me a vision of the British Prime Minister moving into a philosophical mode of political and social operation. Every screw is going to be unturned to find why there is so much discontent about the class systems structure and to try to make a level platform to help people feel included in the societal structures.
The energy of self-righteousness will be broken down to show a more humane approach in tackling unemployment, social inclusion and opportunities.
The most impressive vision I'm being shown is a lot of wealthy people will be putting their hands in their pocket to help the struggling families and youth of the country. I do see the British royal family becoming actively involved in societal concerns and the young royals are being shown to be leading the way. Britain is about to be class-cleaned. Exciting times for the future in the United Kingdom.
Eoro Psychic Prediction
Prediction Euro to be More Volatile and Hit Rock Bottom
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
20th August 2011
No repair job is going to save the Euro the way it is currently designed to work.
Spiritually we are looking at the European economy going through major transformation, and after the fall there will be a new birth.
Read the whole Eurozone Psychic Prediction here:
Euro Economic Crises
World Psychic Prediction
World's Moral Compass – Man of Wisdom
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
10th August 2011
I am spiritually seeing a vision of a man with spiritual skin stepping forward to place a mirror in front of our eyes. He speaks words of great wisdom and peace.
Spiritually I am guided he is soon to leave our world to go to the higher realms. His spiritual message is to appeal to our world people to review our life choices. Are we being spiritually deceived by all of the palaces and riches being placed before us?
Right now our world is under the Universal Magnifying glass and our deteriorating moral and ethical framework is under question.
• • • • • • • • • •
Update: 31st August 2011
Spiritually the people of India have been rejoicing as the Indian Parliament has agreed to
review Anna Hazare's anti-corruption laws. As Vine previously guided she saw a man of 'spiritual skin' placing a mirror in front of our eyes. Hazare ended his hunger strike last Sunday after the government caved into public pressure and didn't want to be held responsible for his death.
Update: 28th August 2011
It has been 10 days since we last updated an entry about Vine's psychic prediction. Anna Hazare has been fasting for 10 days to stop government corruption in India. The Indian government is holding an urgent session of parliament because Hazare's health is deteriorating. The 74 year old spiritual activist, is only drinking water. His cause is gaining a lot of support from people who are rallying around him, similar to when Mahatma Ghandi went on a hunger strike to remove British rule. Vine predicted a man of 'spiritual skin' would step forward to place a mirror in front of our eyes. Hazare is definitely attracting world attention. We will keep following this prediction.
Update: 18th August 2011
Could we be looking at another one of Vine's psychic predictions coming true in a short period of time?
In Vine's "Worlds Moral Compass" prediction she prophesized:
"I am spiritually seeing a vision of a man with spiritual skin stepping forward to place a mirror in front of our eyes. He speaks words of great wisdom and peace." "...His spiritual message is to appeal to our world to review our life choices. Are we being spiritually deceived by all of the palaces and riches being placed before us?"
The Indian government has reluctantly granted permission for
Anna Hazare an Indian anti-corruption activist to begin a hunger fast to change legislation being entered into the Indian parliament. Just like Mohandas Gandhi he is using a peaceful demonstration to attempt to gain support to change government policy about corruption. He is prepared to die for his cause.
We are not going to preempt the outcome but it seems as though this is similar to what Vine previously tuned into. We will keep screening the news and hopefully it is not going to take a death to get the people of the world to wake up to his inspirational peaceful message.
USA Psychic Prediction
United States Divided - US Debt Crisis
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
30th July 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
USA Divided
Japan Psychic Prediction
Japan Earthquake July 23-25
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
24 July 2011
Vine regularly updates her Twitter page with earth quake predictions based on Earth Hums that she tunes into.
On the 24th of July AEST Vine heard an Earth Hum and immediately recorded it on Twitter:
Not long after that a
magnitude 6.2 earth quake struck in the North East of Japan.
Australian Psychic Prediction
Industrial Spill to Cause Environmental Damage
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
17 July 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
Australian Industrial Spill
World Psychic Prediction
Large Sinkhole Creates Mining Controversy
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
04 July 2011
Read psychic prediction here:
Large Sinkhole Mining Controversy
World Psychic Prediction
Cars Talk to One Another Soon
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
1st July 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
Cars Talk to One Another
World Psychic Prediction
Electricity Grid Goes AWOL
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
28th June 2011
The vision I'm shown is of a large electrical grid being overcharged with electricity and I see the electrical charge coming from the top of several towers all the way to the bottom.
I'm seeing a strong electrical charge coming from above.
It is going to cause an enormous black out and will have the people of the country having to deal with no energy for several days' maybe weeks. The infrastructure is badly damaged and I don't believe this can be fixed quickly.
I see this affecting a country overseas and I believe I'm looking at an English speaking country.
I spiritually see people being inconvenienced and this creates an environment where reliable alternative energy sources are being considered for the future.
As global electrical blackouts go this will be one that will keep people guessing…
Asia Psychic Prediction
Asian Fishing Village – Fish Poisoning or Water Tragedy?
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
22nd June 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
Fish Poisoning
World Psychic Prediction
Free World Wide Web Usage? Not for Much Longer if you are a Business Domain
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
12th June 2011
Read This Psychic Prediction here:
Free World Wide Web Usage?
World Psychic Prediction
Controversy in Art World – Is Art Painting Real or Fake
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
4th June 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
Is Art Painting Real or Fake
Russian Psychic Prediction
Russia's so Called Democracy
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
22nd May 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
Russia's So Called Democracy - The Future of Vladimir Putin and Russia
Israel Psychic Prediction
What's Really Happening in Israel?
Psychic Predictions by Vine Psychic
22nd May 2011
Read Psychic Prediction here:
What's Really Happening in Israel?
Psychic Predictions Guide
How Does Vine Do Her Psychic Predictions?
Vine's Psychic Predictions are made weeks or months before they happen. Vine enters a light trance state in which she sees spiritual visions shown to her by Spirit. All the original transcripts are placed on Vine's website and never edited or changed. Vine has been working in the spiritual field in Australia for over 37 years and is a Natural Born Sensitive born in Melbourne, Australia.
Why Doesn't Vine Do Missing Person Predictions & Celebrity Psychic Predictions?
Melbourne Born Clairvoyant Vine follows the
Universal Laws and doesn't provide predictions about missing persons, or endorse celebrity psychic predictions. There's no rehashing of historical psychic predictions from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce or the Mayan Calendar etc.. We know a lot of psychic sites use keywords associated with historical prophecies to get higher rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Vine has been guided to concentrate on the environmental earth changes and social issues. She hasn't swayed from providing high quality spiritual prophecies that assist people all over the world.
How do Psychics predict world events?
Genuine psychics and mediums have the ability to tune into consciousness like turning on a television set.
Similar to the variety of ways you can find out useful information on your radio, television and websites, credible psychics and spiritualists
are able to use a variety of clairsenses to draw the collective consciousness information towards them.
How are psychic predictions made?
Here are two types of psychic prediction methods:
They may have the spiritual gift of sight -
Psychics that have the spiritual gift of clairvoyance view their predictions using a form of precognitive vision. Images would appear in their third eye and display visions of
future events. It is then up to the clairvoyant to interpret those images to the best of their ability.
They may have the spiritual gift of hearing -
Clairaudient psychics tune into their inner spiritual voice and listen to the spiritually channeled guidance being given from the higher realms.
The psychic will enter a different state of consciousness and draw the words towards them.
How do psychics or mediums see future and past?
How is it possible to time travel in a conscious state of mind?
Before you can understand how time travel is possible, you need to comprehend that there is no such thing as time as we generally know it.
When you grasp this knowing, you must then be open minded to the possibility that genuine psychics and mediums who have
the ability to heighten their vibrational frequency and work with higher spiritual realms can easily flip back and forward
in collective consciousness (Akashic Universal Knowing/
Akashic Records/Oneness Energy).
Therefore psychics and mediums are spiritually time travelling.
People who have heightened clairsenses can more easily move between past and future memories.
Why are Psychic Predictions sometimes wrong?
Psychics and mediums have to interpret the guidance they are receiving to the best of their ability.
For example: A psychic might be shown a ship sinking in the ocean. From that they have to geographically check in their spiritual mind's eye where the ship is located in the ocean, what the people on the ship look like, (what is their cultural background? etc.) Psychics and Mediums need to look for the ship's name or write the words they are hearing or being shown. Similar to the 'Chinese Whisper game' we played as children, words can be interpreted and relayed
differently, and the same can happen with psychics tuning into consciousness - they are having to interpret the visions and words they are hearing.
Sometimes the visions they're being shown can be misinterpreted. It is better
to have a go at the interpretation and be sometimes wrong, then it is to not use the spiritual gift they were given.
Please allow a genuine psychic or medium some grace, as they're doing the best they can.
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