VINE Psychic Reviews
and Testimonials
You can be sure that the testimonials reproduced here are true accounts of customers' experiences as they recount them.
We respect some clients wishes to withold their full name and therefore only show first name details when requested.
Vine would like to thank her valued customers for taking the time to write these testimonials. Should you be inclined to want to add a testimonial after a consultation with Vine, please send it via the
Contact Page
- Billionaires Censoring Social Media - Interference of World Democracies
In 2011 Vine predicted censorship of social networks and interference of world democracy. Vine predicted that: "wealthy individuals are trying to stop free speech by controlling computer networks and censoring our words" - "the owners are censoring your words."
This has come true.
The Economic Cost of Climate Change
Many years ago Vine predicted that the economic impacts of climate change would speed up faster than people anticipated and it would take them by surprise... This has come true.
The most destructive fires to ever hit Los Angeles in January 2025 rammed this point home - In economic terms, they were the costliest wildfire event in California history, and took people by surprise, just as Vine predicted.
In March 2025, SE Queensland & Northern NSW, the damage bill from Cyclone Alfred will be at least $2billion. Simultaneously, recovery efforts from Nth Queensland's Jan-Feb floods is still going on.
- Donald Trump Causing Division - Billionaires pulling the strings...
13 years after Vine first predicted all the division Trump would cause, he continues to cause division, this time surrounding the Elon Musk-Trump anti-govt stripping of services etc..
The divisions caused by Trump are now stronger than ever and Vine's predictions have come true.
- What's Really Happening in Israel?
Vine predicted that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the people in power in Israel would "pay lip service to real progress with Palestine and came across as if they didn't care what the rest of the world thought", and that communities around the world would show their disfavour.
This has come true.
If Vine can predict all of this for the world, what can she do for you...?
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T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
Hello Vine,
I just made a 20 min pre-cellular booking for my other/older 12 year old daughter, (Daughter 2 - Names withheld) . The service/clarity Vine gave (Daughter 1) today was so amazing, that (Daughter 2) wanted one too.
26th October 2021
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
Hello Vine,
I would like to thank you for my reading. It was 100 percent accurate with all my physical problems since my accident and health issues as a child. And gave me insight of my repeating relationship issues I need to work on with a balanced view from both parties.
You also reflected on how many blessings I have in my life more which made me realise to focus on the simple things and smell the flowers,
Erika x
25th March 2021
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
I wanted to express my thanks to Vine for the reading last night.
I have a better understanding of the family situation I am dealing with, and I also have hope again in humanity. It gives me a renewed strength and commitment to try to make a difference in this world.
Thanks again to Vine for helping us to understand what is going on in the USA and this world. Many thanks to her staff for making the readings possible, too.
Mary - Pennsylvania
2nd July 2020
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
I had my phone reading with Vine almost 10 years ago for my brother.
I was amazed the way she was able to describe the actual issue causing my impatience and anxiousness, without a reference made within our talk.
She was absolutely spot on about what I wanted to ask her. Vine also mentioned something about my brother's future, like how will he meet his partner which I actually didn't believe at that time as I couldn't see anything happening in the near future.
But after few years, it actually happened the way she described it to me and I was amazed how it actually came true.
After that, I had another reading with Vine a few months ago and again she told me about some celebration that she was seeing happening in near future which was again accurate.
I am thankful to Vine for always providing me clear guidance and clarity for the current and future events.
16th April 2020
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
I just had my phone reading with Vine and although I have always believed some psychics can connect with the spirits I was truly amazed with Vine. She connected with 2 of my family members describing them perfectly, my sister passed over only 2 months ago and I knew Vine was seeing her because she saw and knew things only we know without questions such as, my sister loved weet bix and Vine saw her getting the cereal from the cupboard, and I had a car accident, again Vine got that without a reference made within our talk. I left feeling at peace and knowing that our loved ones are here, nurturing us and happy.
Thank you Vine, I can't thank you enough for sharing your gift and making our life that little bit brighter now that we will forever know that our loved ones are ok on the other side.
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
My phone reading with Vine was the first experience I have had with a medium and I truly believe I was guided to this experience.
The relevance of the information and guidance was helpful to what I have been trying to process within myself about my intuition and seeing the lessons that have been taught to me from the betrayal of trust from an individual.
What occurred was described/explained in an understandable way without having provided any information first hand.
Thank you Vine for sharing your gift.
T e s t i m o n i a l
Cellular Memory Cleansing Reading
I would like to share my experience of having spoken to Vine over the last few months regarding a number of topics that have surrounded me and the amazing positive impact this has had on my life for which i will be eternally grateful.
I first spoke to Vine about my family life, love and career. From my very first reading i could sense that Vine was different and she could really connect with me. Vine has always been honest not telling me what I want to hear but telling me exactly how spirit is guiding her.
When tuning into me Vine can immediately sense very accurately how i am feeling and exactly what the situation is. Vine's accuracy with detailing past and even present situations is very comforting and has lead me to trust her guidance even more.
In addition to this, Vine accurately predicted that she saw me studying in the coming year, but she mentioned the word 'law' which had always been a hidden desire but something which i never followed through, at the time i was wanting to do studies in business. Then, about four weeks later i decided to submit my application for law and a few weeks later, i was accepted!
Vine did say there was a lot of change coming my way (all for the better) and after connecting with Vine through the readings it's amazing how quickly things have happened for me. Now i am a very happy person and in such a content state and i attribute a lot of that to Vine's help.
The major turning point i need to add is the Cellular Memory Cleansing i had with Vine. This was the juncture at which things really started to change, and change fast, my outlook became even more positive, things just seem like they're falling into place, and i can feel the positivity and strength in my aura! The Cellular Memory Cleansing was very intense and we worked through a number of issues which i wanted to touch on, as i felt they were holding me back in one way or another.
It was an amazing experience, and i can say that it has allowed for the best in me to come out since having the cellular memory cleansing. This cleansing has had the greatest impact, because i feel as though i've been able to let go of a great deal of baggage that i felt was holding me back from pursuing my dreams.
I also must add that Vine handled every single reading/cleansing with utmost professionalism, sensitivity, dedication and kindness and always put me first. Her genuineness and warmth comes through everything she says and you immediately know you're in good hands from the very moment you speak to her.
Thank you so much again Vine, it has meant the world to me.
God Bless and best wishes,
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
Hello Avid Testimonial Readers,
I have been a, somewhat, clairvoyant junkie in my quest to better know myself and to obtain truth in my life. So, at 28, I can fairly say I have contacted my fair share of tarot readers, intuitives, clairvoyants, mediums and the like.
Vine at this point is the best Psychic who I have contacted over the years. There is no B.S. Ever. Her readings always provide, relevant to the moment, understandable, clear and concise feedback on an individual's present circumstances. Feedback covers the emotions, mindset, aspects of spirituality, life situation/s, messages from spirit, non-diagnostic physical and energetic states of an individual as relevant to the moment of the reading. Vine always streamlines to what needs to be addressed within a reading. What is helpful is her use of language and terminology one can understand and apply to their knowledge of themselves and into their daily lives.
I have received assistance in understanding (thus learning to accept) my own individual nature, from Vine. Furthermore I have gained insight into my life circumstances and about how to apply techniques or make optimum choices in it. I always call Vine when I am ready to hear the TRUTH because that is what she offers in a responsible and appropriate way.
Vine, thankyou kindly for all of your assistance thus far.
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
My reading with Vine has helped me see that spirit does exist and I would like to share why.
I initially contacted Vine for a reading over the phone, grief stricken because my partner and father to my child was tragically murdered.
I didn't share any information with Vine and asked could she contact someone who had passed.
Vine immediately started to tune into my late partner and described exactly what he looked like. She was being given a spiritual vision about where he had passed and proceeded to tell me he had died outdoors. This was correct.
She then shared some of the physical symptoms he experienced before his passing. My partner was stabbed several times and Vine accurately described the locations on his body and that several men were involved in the attack. This information was previously unknown
to Vine and again my partner had shared the correct information
with Vine.
I'm unable to describe everything about this now because there is currently a court case, but I can say that at no time was Vine aware of my call intentions, nor could she have known any of this information, as it was only known to me. Some of the information that was provided at the time of the reading was also factually correct but unknown to me at the time of the reading. I found out later.
I booked another reading with Vine on Valentine's Day and my partner came through again to talk about the paperwork around the house. I had legal documents lying on the floor. He talked about the court case and some of the things he had done before he was killed and then he told Vine he wanted me to go to a BBQ that I had been invited to that night. Before he said this, I wasn't going to go to the BBQ because I was grieving his loss. But Vine said that he wanted me to start to get out with our friends and didn't want me to stay indoors on Valentine's Day. There's no way Vine could have known about the BBQ or
anything else.
He also shared through Vine, that he had been watching over our child and me since his passing, but it was time for him to let go and for me to honour his passing by taking back the reins of my life.
I went to the BBQ that night and I will now follow the guidance he gave me through Vine by honouring his memory.
I cannot explain how a Medium could share so much accurate and truthful information other than that Spirit does survive and that they care about us enough to use genuine mediums like Vine.
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
Hi Vine,
I have been thinking of our phone discussion this afternoon and wanted to thank you so much for telling me the truth.
I kept asking the Vet last night just exactly what was wrong with our precious puss, but he did not really answer my
questions. He did give us some information but we presumed it was done by another cat. However, this didn't really
make sense to us because we thought if it was another cat that attacked our cat why aren't there signs of external
wounds. It makes sense that it was done by a human being. I just can't thank you enough for your support and caring.
I really am grateful and thankful for everything you do for me, my family and our cat.
You are an amazing person and it would be a much better world if there were more people like you in it. Hope you are
having a lovely evening and that your partner is spoiling you. Hope he knows that he has the best woman in the world!
Will keep in touch.
Anna M - Sydney
T e s t i m o n i a l
Phone Psychic Reading
I was always a skeptic when it came to asking for any sort of intuitive advice.
Vine changed that. Her insights, and ability to articulate those insights, helped me to travel through
challenging times with a different perspective. I will always be grateful that she has chosen to share her talents with the world.
Thank you Vine!
T e s t i m o n i a l
Personal Consultation
After having a reading with Vine I was convinced that the reading she gave me was from my late husband.
I sat with Vine for 90 minutes and listened to every detail about myself and him that only he could have known
and no one else.
Even terminology she used was the same as he would have used and while it was not futuristic predictions
it was a reading of his thoughts and how he is now. There were thank you messages to people (mentioned by name which
was incredible) and everything that Vine told me was accurate and correct and gave me peace of mind.
Cheryl Anne VanDoren
T e s t i m o n i a l
Personal Consultation
It was only by destiny that I was introduced to Vine by a close friend who knew of Vine’s unique work.
My son was killed in a motorcycle accident which is a complete tragedy. Twelve months prior to my son’s death a very close friend
lost his son in a car accident. I had known my friend's son since he was a new born baby and prior to his death my friend’s son
had worked in my business so all up I had a pretty
close relationship with my friend’s son. When he was killed in the car accident I thought I understood how my friend was
feeling, and I thought I understood his loss but believe you me until it happens to you, you have no idea of the pain, grief,
despair, anger, depression and loneliness of a bereaved parent.
My whole world came crashing down. There was no future. I struggled to get out of bed, think any rational thoughts and
contemplated murder (for those I blamed) and suicide for myself. There was no light at the end of my very dark and
very long tunnel.
What Vine does is a bit like trying to explain electricity. She can bring along a toaster and show you how it works but the
electricity remains invisible. I can come along and be
the toaster but what Vine has done for me cannot be seen. It is my evolvement, my understanding of the world and therefore
my ability to cope with all of everyday problems in a positive manner which has to start with a belief in myself. Vine’s work
requires belief, a belief in oneself. Believe and eventuality you will see rather
than the common social acceptance of seeing first, then believing.
Working with Vine helped me overcome the greatest catastrophe I will ever suffer.
Peter Magee
Business Owner
T e s t i m o n i a l
Personal Consultation
I found Vine’s reading to be clear and correct. Her intuition and information about things that would happen
did indeed happen. She gave practical direction that helped me to move forward. I used the advice, which
she gave freely and without judgement and I felt trust in her reading as she related things that only I knew to
be true. As I made the changes in my life that were suggested, my life improved and my attitude as well
flowed more easily.
I gained a lot of benefit from what was said and confirmation has occurred again
and again.
Thank you Vine.
Catherine Nelson
T e s t i m o n i a l
Personal Consultation
Vine has provided psychic readings and advice to me over a period of more than 15 years. I have always found her advice
to be excellent and her predictions extraordinarily accurate. In particular Vine has provided sound and perceptive career
guidance and given my decisions a sureness and clarity that has brought me much success.
Tim Smith
Project Manager
T e s t i m o n i a l
Personal Consultation
My name is Brian and I received a reading from Vine in 1998 just before the New Year. I had never experienced a
clairvoyant reading before and was sceptical about the whole process. This reading came about due to me speaking with
Vine at a party and I described my feelings of scepticism. So Vine said she would give me a short free reading to see
what came up for me.
Vine described a past injury which I experienced on my right foot. I had never revealed this information to anyone
before. This information was accurate, as I had a piece of steel dropped on my right foot.
Also, she described that I would start a new job position, which I would be involved in starting a brand new company.
She described the people would come from a European background and that one of the owners she believed would come from
Germany. I stated at the time, that I didn't know anybody from Germany who wanted to start a business in Australia.
Four weeks after having this reading with Vine I received a phone call from a guy who was trying to set up a business in Benalla, Victoria. His nationality was Swedish. He introduced himself and asked about my work background and described a company that he was planning to establish. At that time I was living in Warren, NSW and was working in a completely different field.
He asked me to meet him and his business partner, who was from a German background to discuss whether I would be willing to join their organisation.
I started to work for this company 10 weeks after having the clairvoyant reading with Vine and continued in the position of production management for over 4 years.
I also was advised I would be given the opportunity at the time to study further. I was given by the owner the opportunity to study and learn management, but I decided not to pursue this offer.
I can only describe the experience of sitting in a room with two men from different nationalities and listening to their work proposal as being one where my hair was standing up at the back of my neck because of the previous reading with Vine.
I am willing to go on the record and describe this reading as being accurate and a true account.
Brian Nordestgaard
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Vine Psychic Review Announcement:
Vine Psychic would like to inform our Australian and international customers that we do not respond to 3rd party reviews. We are fully transparent with our customer reviews.
After recent reports by the ACCC about exploitation of Australian online reviews and legal cases of detection of fake reviews on Yellow Pages, Facebook, Google Maps, Trip Advisor etc. to gain unfair competition advantage in the market place, our policy is to only accept customer testimonials sent via email to our contact address.
You can learn more by referring to ACCC Review investigations about current review breach investigations and current legal cases of online review exploitation.
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