Vine's Phone Psychic Readings and Astrology
Vine has great respect for the practice of Astrology, particularly
indigenous culture astrology and
astrology in Ancient civilisations and sometimes calls upon aspects of Astrology and Numerology in her readings. However, Vine doesn't do Astrology readings; She uses her unique spiritual breath technique, gifted to her by Spirit, to connect directly with your energetic aura.
The origins of astrology can of course be traced back to many of our ancient civilisations.
There are a range of astrological practices in both the Eastern and Western world. It is believed by studying the positions of the celestial bodies that an astrologer can predict how these influences will directly effect life on Earth and its millions of inhabitants.
We recommend Susan Miller's Astrology Zone for
free astrological monthly readings for your star sign.
Chinese Astrology
Chinese Astrology is based on the 12 animal signs of the Chinese calendar and has a 12 year cycle. The 12 signs infuencing the years are: Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken (Rooster), Dog and Pig. All of the Chinese signs of the zodiac have common attributes to the person’s birth cycle.
Each year is further influenced by one of the five elements. Wood (Mu), Fire (Huo), Earth (Tu), Metal (Jin), or Water (Shui). Each one of the five elements cycles around the 12 animals, every 60 years:
The Chinese new year always falls between Jan 21 and Feb 20 at the start of the Lunar cycle, the new moon.
Chinese New Year in 2025 - Wednesday 29th January
2025 - Year of the Snake
Are you elegantly mysterious, intelligent, wise and determined?
Maybe you were born in a year of the Snake.
Using all of these qualities, Snakes can symbolise the
Pursuit of Love and Happiness, as epitomised in the ancient Chinese fable: 'The Legend of the White Snake'.
And so if you can, 2025 is the perfect year to watch
“Legend of the White Snake” on Netflix. It's not a bad version of this story to watch in your pursuit of love and higher spiritual being. No matter how low to the gound you may presently be feeling.
And since 2025 is shaping up to be a year in which we may all be feeling a bit low to the ground, it's hopefully a good thing that this is the Year of the Snake.
If Snake can use its transformative energy to go from the very bottom to the top most heights, so can you.
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2024 - Year of the Dragon
Dragons in the West are depicted as selfish gold hoarding, fire breathing, sinister, demonic, bat-winged lizard-like beasts, best slain by some sort of hero or knight, in a representation of the 'evil' side of the Christian battle between Good and Evil.
That's not the case in Chinese mythology. The Chinese Dragon is a powerful benevolent God-like, deeply revered, cloud breathing, rain-giving, life-giving custodian of the natural world, actively dispelling evil.
Dragon is an environmentalist, but not the sort of environmentalist existing at the mercy of the fossil fuel billionaires' puppet politicians who can lock them up in prison.
Dragon has the yang energy of heat, light and action. Dragon is more likely to drop a climate-changed-karma-typhoon right on top of a fossil fuel billionaire's house, to maintain order and balance in the human realm.
People born in Dragon years are likely to possess natural courage, enthusiastic strength of character and confidence.
Your Dragon year will be symbolised by the Dragon power, nobility, honour, good fortune and success.
The 2024 year will bring about the opportunities and challenges of positive change, so if you're looking for movement in the right direction, go for it in this Year of the Dragon.
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Year of the Rabbit - 2023
2023 - Year of the Rabbit
The Rabbit is the fourth of the Chinese zodiac animals.
In Chinese legend, the beautiful and immortal
Moon Goddess Chang’e has a charming, graceful and friendly rabbit as her companion who prepares the elixir of life for her.
Rabbit is amicable and warm-hearted enough to be the friend of a Goddess, with the reliability, strength and confidence to consistently prepare the elixir of life for the Moon Goddess.
It is the
shape of the Rabbit continually pounding the elixir of life that we can see embodied in the moon.
It’s no coincidence that it’s a rabbit who brings you your Easter Eggs, which represent the gift of peaceful new life and opportunity.
The Rabbit is not just a harbinger of luck and good fortune; Rabbit works hard to make it happen. Rabbits are agile thinkers, and resilient movers and shakers, rarely letting anything stand in their way.
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2022 - Year of the Tiger
2022 is a Water Tiger. Tiger was third in the
Jade Emperor's Heavenly Gate Race, which determined the order of the cycle of Chinese zodiac animal signs.
Tigers are fearless and unrelenting, competitive and confident. They can also be impetuous and irritable, and they are more than capable of very stubborn perseverance.
For any task that comes their way, Tigers' goal is always to do what’s best, and they will stubbornly persevere to get the best outcome because they know their efforts are not just for themselves, but ultimately they are helping everyone.
Whilst embodying the Tiger traits, the 2022 Tiger Year is all about enacting creative change.
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(Photo of Ox by Ady Ven on Unsplash)
2021 - Year of the Ox
February 12th 2021 is Chinese New Year's Day this year and
2021 is the Year of the Ox.
Ox is hard working, diligent, positive, honest and inspires trust.
Ox doesn't work to become wealthy, but the Year of the Ox suggests that conscientious attention to hard work will pay off. With hard work this could be a favourable year for economic recovery or consolidation.
The Ox is number two in the
12-year-cycle of Chinese animal/zodiac signs.
In mythology, the order of the animals in the Chinese zodiac was decided by a race between the animals set up by the
Jade Emperor.
The qualities of hard work and diligent application to the task at hand, put the Ox clearly in the lead, only to be pipped to the post by the (quick-witted) rat who had hitched a ride on the back of the Ox, jumped off at the last minute to cross the finish line first.
But the Ox didn't mind being beaten by Rat, because Ox wasn't in the race to seek accolades. He was there because there was a job to be done and Ox was best suited to do it. And he didn't mind helping others along the way.
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2020 - Year of the Rat
Rat is number one in the
12-year-cycle of Chinese zodiac signs.
If you were born in a Year of the Rat eg. 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960(metal), 1948, you come under the influence of the
Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat -
(This year is a Metal or Gold Rat).
Just as with western astrology, it is always best to obtain specific information relating to you personally, but generally speaking, those born in a Rat year are said to be quick witted, opportunistic and good at gathering wealth. The element of metal in 2020 accentuates these talents and the Rat's strong sense of self-awareness.
But as we are presently in a Rat year, beware of their opposites.
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2019 - Year of the Pig

If you were born in the Year of the Pig, you come under the influence of the
Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig -
(Earth Pig).
Pig Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031...
The Chineses Zodiac has a 12 year cycle and the Pig is number 12.
Generally, this Pig year is full of hope, friendship and love for all the zodiac signs, as the Pig attracts success in every area of life. In 2019, there’s a sense of hope and progress in the air surrounding the more physical sides of life, including work on the land and the environment, but also spiritually. This is a year for making changes and rediscovering hope, after indifference and neglect.
2019 Psychic Prediction channeling from the Higher Realms, reflects the energy of the Year of the Pig.
Since Brexit and the election of Donald Trump two years ago, we've seen how deceivers have worked behind the scenes for their own greed and power, at the expense of our children's future.
However, Vine's Year of the Pig 2019 spiritual channeling from the Angelic Realms, whilst being realistic about the work still to be done, is uplifting news about progress, comfort and hope for the weary on our Earth who have been drained by the world the deceivers have created.
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2018 - Year of the Dog
2018 was the Year of the Dog
(Earth Dog).
In general, a Dog year brings an energy conducive to fairness and equality. Controversial issues can be aired, revolutionary ideas become possible, the politics of fear and political oppression can be exposed and opposed. In a Dog year, integrity and honesty come to the fore.
In light of this, it's interesting to note that Vine's
prophecy for 2018 is all about exposing political deceivers, money launderers, tax evaders and secret economic structures that hold people in austerity and economic slavery.
The 2018 psychic predictions from Vine's Higher Guardians reflected the energy of the Year of the Dog.
Earth Dog
2018 was influenced by the element, Earth, which made 2018 an Earth Dog year.
Some well known Earth Dogs include, Ellen DeGeneres, Madonna, Michael Jackson and Prince.
Being dogs, Earth Dogs are naturally faithful and considerate, good at listening and helping those in need. They're also disciplined enough to stick to their well defined goals and principles.
Earth Dogs will vigilantly protect family and friends, and as it's possible for them to become overly concerned with helping others, a good life lesson is to get some me-time and not spread themselves too thinly.
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2017 - Year of the (Fire) Rooster
2017 was the Year of the Rooster
(Fire Rooster).
The Chinese New Year Day for 2017 was January 28th.
Each zodiac year in Chinese astrology is not only associated with an animal sign, but also one of the five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth. 2017 was for the element "Fire", hence the Fire Rooster.
The basic Rooster is led by strong instinctual feelings. They'll be up with the Sun first thing in the morning because that's what feels right. Fire Roosters love the attention and are quite sociable, so their crowing can be particularly loud.
Roosters who follow their instincts are more likely to succeed, so they shouldn't over-think things. In the words of Horace Mann, "
Don't Think, Just Do"
A good life lesson for Roosters is to remember that while loud crowing can wake people up and get things done, it can also be annoying and therefore work against you if you over-do it.
It then might be time for some Buddhist advice: "
Don't Just Do Something, Sit There!"
2016 - Year of the Monkey
The Chinese New Year Day for 2016 was February 8th. Each year a new Chinese animal zodiac sign is celebrated. 2016 was the Year of the Monkey.
If you were born in the Year of the Monkey, you are a Monkey.
Monkey Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028...
This being a Monkey Year, if you are a Monkey you will need to sharply focus on your career with great discipline if you are to succeed. Focus and discipline can be quite hard for Monkeys because they like to play and stir things up, but with hard work, discipline, honesty, humility, concentration on safety (and balancing hard work with enough relaxation time), Monkeys certainly can succeed in 2016.
All of those things are of course difficult for monkeys, which is why self discipline is important for mischievous Monkeys.
2015 - Year of the Sheep
2015 was the Year of the Sheep (Goat, or Ram). The Chinese New Year Day in 2015 was February 19.
The sheep (goat, or ram) is a gentle and calm animal liked and respected by most people in China.
The Sheep has Yin energy, a symbol of Peace, Harmonious co-existence and Tranquility.
Its fleece has traditionly been used to make brushes for writing/caligraphy/art, and sheep skin was used to keep warm, so people under the sign of the sheep are polite, devoted to family, wise, gentle, artistic, compassionate and kind-hearted. They are sensitive to art and beauty, they like quiet living and they try to be economical.
The negative side of their quiet and gentle nature may sometimes lead to Sheep people being shy, or worriers, moody, pessimistic, indecisive, or perhaps lacking the will power to get things done.
The Sheep is the eighth sign of the 12 year cycle in Chinese astrology and number "8" is considered to be a very lucky number, symbolizing wisdom, fortune and prosperity.
In the 2015 Year of the Sheep, the empasis in solving problems was on passive and nurturing qualities. Co-operation and joining forces in order to fight the evil and destructive forces that have been secretly operating against the greater good. Using greater intuition and wisdom to solve problems that are destroying the world.
2015 was a year to use peaceful ideas and action rather than brute force. Aggressiveness will be overcome by wise strategy and common sense.
Let the Sheep’s calming vibrations flow through you and connect
with others on the heart level.
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2014 - Year of the Horse
2014 was the Year of the Horse. The horse is a very respected animal in China. It is not a work animal, (the ox does the work). Before bicycles and now cars, the horse gave the quickest and best means of transportation. The horse does not only mean travel, but also success. But Horse is wild until it is caught and trained so that you can ride it. That requires patience and hard work, but when you've done it, success comes.
The Horse is an intelligent and social animal and connected to the element of Fire. So a Horse year may contain more social engagments and romance. Sitting up high on a horse is a good thing if you can manage it. Dress well for your ride.
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