Vine Psychic
Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

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Donald Trump Psychic Prediction - Illegitimate President

Why Donald Trump Will Never Be President

Psychic Prediction by
1st January 2016

It is predicted in the 2016 Year, the supporters of Donald Trump are abandoning his well rehearsed Republican campaign. I was shown a vision of how his supporters in the USA were being taken in by 'Rent a political Crowd' and online marketing to believe he was more popular than he really is.

It seems the American public have been taken in by a charismatic business man who really doesn't have full Republican support.

Some people in the USA want Trump to be the saviour to return the USA of old, I am guided.

As I am tuning into the Republican presidential candidate camp, I am seeing people seething that Donald Trump's actions are actually helping the Democrat Party gather more support.

Key Republicans question his political integrity and after one too many Trump dummy spits, so too will the people of the USA.

I am guided Donald Trump will not be victorious because the people in the United States don't believe he has the necessary diplomatic qualities and could be too volatile on the international stage to represent their best interests.

2016 sees the Republican old guard trying to protect their turf, but the young voters have other ideas about the type of America they want.

Love and Light

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Donald Trump Causing Division - Prediction

Read Vine's original psychic prediction for Donald Trump dividing America, still coming true in 2018 - Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
Prediction UPDATE: 1st June 2024

Trump Found Guilty on All Counts...

Vine's Higher Guardians have always maintained that Donald Trump was an illegitimate president, using illegitimate means to win the election, and would not have won without them.

On top of everything else, Trump has now been found guilty (on all 34 felony counts) of crimes he committed to influence the 2016 election covering up a $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels at a time when he was also facing multiple accusations of sexual misbehaviour.

Illegitimate President...

In 2019 Hillary Clinton also called Trump an "illegitimate president" because of the "many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging, to hacking and false stories (fake news)".

Vine had predicted it all eleven months before the 2016 election:

In her 1st January 2017 prediction "Not All Is As It Seems", Vine's Higher Guardians did not legitimise a Trump presidency because of the deceptive methods with which he got into public office and said he did not actually win the election.

From that time on, Vine accepted the higher realms channeling that Trump is spiritually an illegitimate President.

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UPDATE: 19th December 2019

Trump Impeached

Three years ago, Vine's Higher Guardians declared that Trump is NOT a legitimate president.

Vine's Spiritual Guardians are in no doubt about this...

The Trump campaign benefitted from lies, overseas & local corruption of social media, gerrymandering, rigged voting machines, manipulation of voting roles and corruption of the Electoral College system of electing presidents.

After being swindled and defrauded, the American public ended up with an illegitimate president. 3 million more people voted for Hilary Clinton than for Trump.

Trump 3 million votes Tweet
Morally, ethically, spiritually and by the sheer number of voters, Donald Trump is not president and never has been.

In the 2018 mid-term elections, the American people gave the power to the House of Representatives to impeach Trump and now they have done it.

Trump has been impeached.

Impeachment = Indictment for Crimes

Impeachment is like an indictment in criminal law. It's not a lead-up to criminal proceedings, but it is a formal charge of a serious crime, which can lead to removal from office.

In this psychic prediction, Vine correctly predicted the manipulation of the 2016 elections. Trump has now been impeached for abuse of presidential power to gain advantage in the 2020 elections, and for obstruction of justice.

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Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 13th November 2019

Donlad Trump impeachment proceedings
Donald Trump meeting Ukraine President Volodymyr Zalensky. Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former vice president Joe Biden when nearly $400 million in U.S. military aid was being withheld.

Trump Impeachment Proceedings

Ever since the 2016 US election, Vine's Higher Guardians have said that Donald Trump is an illegitimate President. They say Trump was not legally elected and has never been President.

So far it's been difficult to impeach Trump, even though Russian involvement in the 2016 US elections is beyond doubt.

But a leopard can't change its spots and Trump has now (allegedly) attempted to rig the 2020 elections. This time everyone is fully aware of Trump's modus operandi and he has been caught out.

The impeachment proceedings are now centered on Trump using his 'Presidency' to coerce Ukraine into providing information he could use against his political rivals in the 2020 elections.

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UPDATE: 13th January 2019

Trump's Rent-A-Crowd

Well before the 2016 Election, Vine predicted that people would be taken in by Trump's "Rent a Political Crowd".

It turned out to be spectacularly true.

The 'rented crowd' turned out to be an army of Russian bots, a sea of fake news, the manipulation of social media and fake support for Trump and the manipulation of voting rolls, resulting in a political environment in which utter lies became unquestionable 'alternative' truth.

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2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 17th July 2018

Maria Butina Arrested - Vine's Psychic Prediction Update Comfirmed

Links Between: NRA - Russia - Trump

In a December 2016 update for this prediction we joined the dots between the NRA's support for Trump, and their connection to the Russian "Right to Bear Arms" organisation, run by Maria Butina and alleged Russian money launderer Alexander Torshin.

Read the 2016 update for this prediction about Maria Butina and the NRA.

In 2016, Vine asked the questions:
Why are there such strong links between Trump, Russian banks, Russian Mafia, the Russian Gun Lobby Group and the NRA?


What are the implications of Trump's links with Russia and what does he owe them? What sort of pressure can Russian interests bring to bear on the President of the United States?

Now Maria Butina has been charged with spying for Moscow by 'infiltrating' the NRA and some of Vine's 2016 questions may be answered.

Trump is an Illegitimate President

In this prediction Vine's Higher Guardians predicted that Trump would never be President and they've been calling the Trump Presidency illegitimate ever since the electoral college declared him to be President in 2016.

After the recent indictments of 12 Russian intelligence agents and the arrest of Maria Butina, more and more people are agreeing with Vine's 2016 prediction that Trump is an illegitimate President.

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Prediction UPDATE: 12th April 2018

Vine Predicted "Rent a Political Crowd"

When Australian Vine Psychic first predicted the Trump campaign's "Rent a Political Crowd" and online marketing, we could not have guessed how sophisticated, well funded and organised the operation would end up being.

The wide-range and sophistication of the rent-a-crowd and marketing plan that Vine predicted is now being uncovered, investigated and publicised.

Rent a Crowd: Big Data, Micro-targeting, Fake News, Bots...

We now know the rent-a-political crowd was backed by billionaire Robert Mercer and included Cambridge Analytica (the big-data company funded by Mercer), Fake news, Facebook, Russian bots and activists pretending to be US citizens on Facebook, Twitter and other online social media sites.

The rent-a-crowd Russian trolls even organised fake rallies. The fake pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rally organisers fooled US voters into thinking that Trump had groundswell support that in reality did not exist.

Just as Vine predicted, this was all done to make US voters believe that Donald Trump was "more popular than he really is" and to vote for Trump, or not to vote at all if they weren't a Trump supporter.

Higher Realms Do Not Legitimise the Trump Presidency

As a result of the wide-spread rent-a-crowd deception used by the Trump campaign to put him into office, the Higher Angelic Realms do not legitimise the Trump presidency. Vine was spiritually guided on the night Trump was voted in by the Electoral College that he did not (actually) win the election, and that Trump is an illegitimate President.

As far as the Higher Spiritual Realms are concerned, Trump is not the legitimate President of the United States, and never will be.

Prediction UPDATE: 31st December 2016

President Obama Evicts Russian Spies from US

In this psychic prediction, Vine was shown a vision of how people in the USA would be taken in by Donald Tump's 'Rent a political Crowd' to make them believe he was more popular than he really was. Vine also predicted: "underhanded dirty political tactics coming by computer.."

This all came true with the involvement of the Russian Government and Vladimir Putin in organising fake online support for Trump and the hacking of the Democrats with the aim of electing Trump.

Now President Obama has expelled 35 suspected Russian spies (diplomats) and has imposed sanctions on Russian intelligence agencies for hacking political groups in the US election.

UPDATE: 19th December 2016

How are Trump, NRA, Putin, Russian Banks and Russian Mafia Secretly Connected?

Close ties between one of Trump's biggest supporters the NRA, and Russia's gun rights group, ‘The Right to Bear Arms" have been revealed. "The Right to Bear Arms is run by Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin, a former senator in Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party.

According to news articles, Alexander Torshin directed dirty-money for the Russian mafia in Moscow before he was appointed as deputy head of the Russian central bank last year. Torshin reportedly instructed members of the Moscow-based Taganskaya crime syndicate on how to launder money through banks and real estate in Spain.

In 2015, Russian Gun Lobbyist Maria Butina wrote: “It may take the election of a Republican to the White House in 2016 to improve relations between the Russian Federation and the United States.”

The Democratic Coalition report (written by Scott Dworkin) shows that Trump has "lengthy ties with Russia" and has been doing business with Russia since 1987.

(Trump has named Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, who has strong ties with Russia and Putin, as the presumptive Secretary of State.)

The “Dworkin Report” directly contradicts Donald Trump’s denial of Russian business interests and ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Serious Questions need to be asked:

Why are there such strong links between Trump, Russian banks, Russian Mafia, the Russian Gun Lobby Group and the NRA?

What are the implications of Trump's links with Russia and what does he owe them? What sort of pressure can Russian interests bring to bear on the future President of the United States?

What impact will this have on the American public and the rest of the world?

With Exxon Oil and the lifting of Russian sanctions so closely involved, what impact will all of this have on the mining of oil in the Arctic and the devastating effects of Climate Change?

Has Donald Trump been compromised and is this the reason he will not show his tax returns?

In the light of these serious unanswered questions concerning Trump's connections with Russian banks and the Russian Mafia, should the Electoral College allow Trump to be President?

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 13th December 2016

Electoral College Members Demand Information on Russian Hacks

Many of Australian Vine's Psychic predictions about Trump have come true, and now the CIA says they have evidence of Russian hacking.

The evidence backs up Vine's prediction that people in the USA were "being taken in by 'Rent a political Crowd' and online marketing to believe he (Trump) was more popular than he really is". As well as Vine's prediction of, "underhanded dirty political tactics coming by computer..."

The CIA says they have evidence that entities connected to the Russian government were bankrolling "troll farms" that spread fake news about Clinton. The troll farms also bolstered Trump and continually harassed anyone who was against Trump.

Now some Electoral College members have demanded more information on Donald Trump's relationship with Russia, before voting on December 19th to make Donald Trump president.

Former congressman Joe Walsh, (a Trump supporter), says that Donald Trump's response to intelligence regarding Russian hacking is "almost treasonous."

Clearly the US elections have not yet fully played out.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 10th November 2016

A New Warning for the World

When Vine makes her predictions, they are based on her interpretation of prophetic visions given to her by Spirit. Sometimes those visions are difficult to interpret, but this much of Vine's prediction for Donald Trump in 2016 has come true:

Vine predicted that Key Republicans would turn on Trump, and he would not have Republican support - This came TRUE

Vine predicted that Americans would be taken in by Trumps 'Rent a political Crowd' - This came TRUE

Vine predicted that Donald Trump's actions would make people think he was helping the Democrat Party gather more support - This came TRUE (Before the election, almost everyone said that Clinton would have had no chance at all against any other Republican other than Trump)

Vine predicted Trump's many dummy spits - This came TRUE

Vine predicted that the Republican old guard would protect their turf - This came TRUE

The only misinterpreted part of Vine's prophetic vision, was the vision of people not believing that Trump had the necessary diplomatic qualities and that he would be too volatile on the international stage. Although the actual visions came true, Vine understandably interpreted them as meaning that people wouldn't vote for Trump.

However, in the end, people just didn't care and voted for Trump anyway. Many Democrats and Republicans alike, voted for Donald Trump simply because he wasn't Hillary.

Vine's Prophetic Visions were 100% TRUE
It is understandable that visions like these would lead one to interpret them as Trump not winnning. But the visions themselves remain true. It is estimated that Donald Trump will lose the popular vote by more than two million votes. In effect, this is exactly what Vine predicted.

A Warning for the World

At the beginning of every one of Vine's predictions, it states that she was spiritually guided to place her psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes facing us, due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

Vine's Spiritual Guardians' serious concerns for the future of life on our planet is at the very heart of this psychic prediction about Donald Trump.

It is very important to now realise that the greatest power on Earth has just elected a climate change denier as President. Climate Change deniers are invested in the greed and corruption of the status quo. Climate change deniers do NOT want to change anything.

Vine's Spiritual Guardians have left no doubt that this is a very dangerous time for the future of life on our Planet Earth. It is imperative that the World's greatest nation is helping and not hindering efforts to save the world.

For the sake of our children and the future of our life on this planet, we fervently hope that the people of America can find a way to put climate change at the top of their political and social agendas.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 5th November 2016

Pro-Trump FBI and Old Guard Republicans

Vine's prediction that the Republican old guard would try to protect their turf before the US elections has come true.

It's now been revealed that 2 days before FBI Director James Comey announced he was reopening the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, Rudy Giuliani told Fox News that something big was about to happen.

In an interview with Michael Moore, CNN’s Don Lemon outlined his suspicions that Rudy Giuliani might be privy to inside information from the FBI, and news articles are now reporting that many FBI officials are pro-Trump. The headline of this Guardian article is: "The FBI is Trumpland..."

The Guardian was told by multiple Bureau sources that, "Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton within the FBI, spurred a rapid series of damaging leaks just days before the election".

And it now seems likely that old guard Republican, Rudy Giuliani knew about it before it happened...

After Don Lemon showed Michael Moore the clip in which Giuliani predicted "a pretty big surprise", Moore said, "Whoever is watching it right now, you just introduced something that needs to be investigated. Somebody has to answer for what we just saw, that you just showed us, the American people, because that was frightening. Rudy Giuliani, in being so self-assured he knew something would happen."

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 3rd November 2016

Republican Old Guard Vs Young Voters of America

At the end of this psychic prediction, Vine wrote, "2016 sees the Republican old guard trying to protect their turf, but the young voters have other ideas about the type of America they want."

Now, just days before the US election, this part of Vine's prediction has been highlighted.

In the wake of the latest FBI email controversy and whether or not FBI director James Comey abused his power, President Obama made the connection between the expectations of the Republican old guard, as opposed to the wishes of the young people of America.

President Obama said: "I wouldn’t be supporting her (Hillary Clinton) if I didn’t have absolute confidence in her integrity and her interest in making sure that young people have a better future."

Vine predicted the importance of younger voters and their concerns about the entrenched attitudes of the existing Republican old guard. President Obama urging young people to vote amid the FBI email investigation, exemplifies the truth of this part of Vine's 2016 US Presidential election prediction.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 1st November 2016

Fake Pro-Trump Bot Accounts

In this prediction, Vine was shown a vision of how people were being taken in by Donald Trump's 'Rent a political Crowd' and online marketing, designed to make people believe Trump is more popular than he actually is.

This part of Vine's prediction has come true over and over.

In a recent example, a Pro-Trump Twitter bot "@NeilTurner" posted a fake image of an immigration officer arresting a Latino voter. The faked Photoshopped picture was aimed at discouraging Latino voters from voting, implying they could be arrested when they voted. This is precisely the sort of "Rent-A-Crowd online marketing" that Vine predicted.

Fake Photo posted by Fake Trump Twitter Bot
A Fake Pro-Trump Twitter account posted this doctored photo to intimidate Latino voters. The tweet and fake photo suggested they would be arrested if they voted. (See News Article)

Another news article titled, "Inside Trump's 'Cyborg' Twitter Army" explains how fake Pro-Trump Twitter accounts are made to look like real people, but are instead run by software and designed to amplify certain pro-Trump and anti-Clinton messages.
According to researchers who specialize in "bot" networks, fake pro-Trump Twitter accounts pump out tweets that create the appearance of authentic outrage but are in fact automated phony messages that have the appearance of springing up from the grass roots.

In addition to these fully automated bots, Trump also has "trolls" (dedicated human provocateurs), and "cyborgs" (accounts that blend automated activity with human input).

The aim of these fake bots and trolls is to artificially manipulate the information that voters rely on. They spread misinformation and lies, and they shut down conversations containing opposing views by flooding them with disturbing or useless off-topic information and/or harassing opposition into silence.

Samuel Woolley, director of research at the Computational Propaganda Project said, "The sheer scale of bot activity being perpetrated on behalf of the Trump campaign is completely unprecedented in American politics. It's really evident that there's hundreds of thousands of political bots that only tweet our pro-Trump content."

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 27th October 2016

Colin Powell to Vote for Hillary Clinton

In this prediction, Vine said that Donald Trump would not get Republican support and that key Republicans would question Trump's political integrity.

This part of the prediction continues to come true as Colin Powell announces he will vote for Hillary Clinton. Powell said that Trump was, "selling people a bill of goods... and not qualified to be president".

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 22nd October 2016

Donald Trump's Rent a Crowd - Fake Bots

In this psychic prediction, Vine was shown a vision of Donald Trump using "Rent-a-political-Crowd and online marketing" to make people believe he was more popular than he really is.

In the months since this prediction, Vine has continued to alert everyone to Donald Trump's fake social media presence and the number of fake Trump supporter accounts and bots in circulation on Twitter:

Vine SEO Trump Tweet

Now we are beginning to see how correct this prediction has been and how all of the fake Trump accounts have been orchestrated.

Donald Trump fake Bot Accounts on Twitter

Trump Bots on Twitter - Russian Connection

This article posted on October 20th 2016 explains the widespread extent of the Trump Bots on Twitter. It also explains the connection of Trump bots to Russia and in particular, a troll farm in St. Petersburg.

In 2011 Vine predicted Vladimir Putin's return, and warned to keep an eye on Russia. In that prediction Vine wrote, "Be on the watch for Russia because Spirit sends a strong caution about what is happening behind the scenes there."

Vine's prediction about Donald Trump's Rent-a-Crowd has been confirmed.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 19th October 2016

Donald Trump's Latest Dummy Spits

Vine predicted Donald Trump's many dummy spits, and with the election almost here, his over-the-top reactions are occurring more often.

Most recently, Trump has claimed that the elections will be rigged.

Critics have called Trump's accusations of rigging elections, "potentially dangerous and detrimental to trust in the US democratic process."

Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak said that Trump’s election rigging predictions were in line with his persona: He said, "Either he wins outright or he was cheated. And the really scary thing about this is, we always have a peaceful transfer of power. And you can imagine with irresponsible statements like that, that a small percentage of his supporters won't accept the election results as legitimate. That's scary."

Vine predicted this sort of dangerous division now being created by Trump, in her 2011 psychic prediction for Donald Trump.

In another recent dummy spit, Trump called for drug tests before the next presidential debate.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest pointed out the elephant in the room when he said, "So you're telling me that the candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates, is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs? That's a curious development in the campaign."

Josh Ernest was alluding to a form of reverse psychology, in which Trump accuses his opponent of taking drugs, to draw attention away from unsubstantiated suggestions that he was snorting cocaine before the debates.

This is the sort of deceit that Vine predicted in her Divine Feminine Psychic Predictions for 2016.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 9th October 2016

Lewd Donald Trump Video Tape Pushes Key Republicans Away

The video tape of Donald Trump degrading women with vulgar remarks and turning the spotlight onto his sexual predator behaviour, has seen many more influential Republicans abandon Trump.

Vine's prediction that key Republicans would question Trump's political integrity has already come true, but Vine predicted that it would be the sheer number of Trump dummy spits that would do the damage. This tape has been the straw that broke the camel's back causing many more key Republicans to disavow Trump.

This New York Times graphic shows more than 150 Republicans leaders who no longer support Donald Trump and when they reached their breaking point.

In the wake of the video showing Trump making crude sexual remarks, the Washington Post reported that the Republican Party has "plunged into an epic and historic political crisis" with Republicans calling on Trump to quit the Presidential race.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 4th October 2016

Donald Trump's 3am Twitter Dummy Spit

In this psychic prediction for Donald J. Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign, Vine predicted his many dummy spits. (Dummy spit: the act of childishly overreacting to a situation, in an angry or frustrated manner).

The latest dummy spit was Trump's 3am "Twitter Storm" about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

Hillary Clinton had mentioned the former Miss Universe towards the end of the first Presidential debate a week earlier and instead of letting it go, Trump wrote a series of ill-conceived tweets about it at 3am in the morning.

Trump Causing Division in the USA

Vine previously guided that Donald Trump, as a deceiver, would be responsible for dividing the United States public. Trump’s 3am “Twitter Storm” exemplifies the truth of that prediction.

Going onto social media at 3am in the morning with a series of divisive tweets, is the calculated act of a deceiver manipulating the media into talking about him 24/7. Trump is playing the media so he is always in the news and unfortunately, the media has fallen for it.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 29th September 2016

Manipulation of Online Polls Exposed by Media

After the first Presidential debate, there has been confirmation of Vine's prediction about the manipulation of Donald Trump's online marketing to make him seem more popular than he actually is.

The Business Insider reported that a Fox News VP had to tell staff that online polls "do not meet editorial standards".

News staff were told, "News networks and other organisations go to great effort and rigour to conduct scientific polls - for good reason. They know quick vote items posted on the web are nonsense, not true measures of public opinion."

The Business Insider news story also reported that polls conducted scientifically gave the win to Hillary Clinton by a large margin. They wrote, "The only scientific survey conducted in the immediate aftermath was the CNN/ORC instant poll, showed viewers thought Hillary Clinton handily defeated Trump. The Morning Consult poll also said that Clinton beat Trump by 49% to 26%."

Donald Trump however, has contributed to the false marketing with multiple Tweets citing these unscientific, falsely manipulated polls:

Trump Poll Tweet

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 28th September 2016

Manipulation of Online Polls

In this prediction, Vine was shown a vision of how people were being taken in by artificial manipulation of Donald Trumps popularity. Vine predicted this would be instigated by Trump's 'Rent a political Crowd' and online marketing and would be designed to make it look like Trump was more popular than he actually is.

The truth of this part of Vine's psychic prediction became obvious after the first presidential debate on Monday night.

The overall media consensus was that Hillary Clinton won the debate decisively, e.g. CNN news report: "Clinton Crushed Trump". However, you'd never have guessed this if you only looked at online polls and Twitter hashtags like, #trumpwon.

Media site, The Daily Dot reported that whilst polls not open to public voting consistently put Clinton ahead of Trump, there was manipulation of online polls by Trump Supporters originating from 4chan and Reddit message boards.

The Daily Dot reported that, "Donald Trump supporters artificially manipulated the results of online polls to create a false narrative that the Republican nominee won the first presidential debate on Monday night,"

They added that the artificial manipulation spread to Twitter, where #TrumpWon became the number one trending topic in the United States on Tuesday morning (by artificial retweeting of the hashtag to make it look like a genuine trend). reported on the fake Twitter trends with the headline: " #TrumpWon is bogus: A reminder that online polls are mostly meaningless "

Vine predicted Trump's political rent a crowd, nine months ago.

UPDATE: 26th September 2016

Latest Political Integrity Dummy Spit

Vine predicted that the people of the USA would question Donald Trump's political integrity after too many Trump dummy spits.

The latest dummy spit was in a Donald Trump Tweet about Gennifer Flowers and it speaks directly to his perceived lack of political integrity. When Trump learnt that prominent critic Mark Cuban would be in the front row at the next live debate; instead of choosing to reply in a relevant political manner, Donald Trump chose to attack Hillary Clinton's personal life.

Trump's Tweet was considered so undignified that his Campaign managers have been working overtime to try and undo the message in Trump's Tweet.

In his Tweet, Donald Trump threatened to invite Gennifer Flowers to sit in the front row next to Mark Cuban:

The Integrity of Trump's campaign has also been in question. This news story reports that a civil rights museum in North Carolina rejected a request to visit, after Trump's campaign was "aggressive and rude" to museum staff.

UPDATE: 26th September 2016

Trump's "Rick-Roll" Lack of Integrity

Vine predicted that the American people wouldn't think Donald Trump had the necessary diplomatic skills or political integrity to be President. Latest news reports continue to suggest this prediction is true:

CNN anchor Jake Tapper recently expressed his frustration at the lack of integrity of the Trump campaign, after Trump had done a Bait-and-Switch on the major media networks. The Trump Campaign called a news conference promising one thing, but delivering something else. Jake Tapper referred to the Trump's trick as a "Rick-Roll".

Tapper said, " does speak to the integrity of the Trump campaign. They told us something was going to happen, and it is not happening."

UPDATE: 22nd September 2016

George H W Bush will Vote for Hillary Clinton

Vine's prediction that Donald Trump will not have full Republican support and that key Republicans will question his political integrity, continues to come true...

Now George Bush (Senior) is the latest in a long line of key Republicans to publically question Trump. It's been reported that George H W Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton. News articles are calling Bush's announcement, "unprecedented", with headlines such as:"George H W Bush 'will vote for Hillary Clinton' in unprecedented snub to Republican candidate Donald Trump"

George W. Bush’s wife Laura Bush had earlier been reported as indicating she will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

UPDATE: 27th August 2016

New Presidential Poll Shows Reasons Why Trump is Behind

The Washington Post has reported a new survey from Quinnipiac University showing Hillary Clinton has a 10-point lead over Donald Trump. Most relevant to Vine's prediction, the survey also gives reasons why Trump has fallen behind at this stage.

The survey shows that most Americans do not see Trump as presidential material. The majority of people surveyed thought Trump was not qualified, did not have the right experience and was not level headed enough to win the election for 45th President of the United States.

This is just what Vine predicted when she wrote that Trump wouldn't win, "because the people in the United States don't believe he has the necessary diplomatic qualities and could be too volatile on the international stage to represent their best interests".

Trumph Graph
Graph from the Washington Post showing results of the Donald Trump survey: Only 25% of people polled think Trump is "level-headed". This directly relates to Vine's prediction about Trump's many dummy-spits.

2016 Donald Trump Prediction
UPDATE: 5th August 2016

Vine Predicted Trump's Rent-a-Crowd

In this prediction Vine wrote: "I was shown a vision of how his supporters in the USA were being taken in by 'Rent a political Crowd' and online marketing to believe he was more popular than he really is."

Vine predicted the existence of Trump's Rent-A-Crowd eight months before this news story about Russian internet trolls pretending to be Trump supporters on social media. The news article says, These were "highly coordinated campaigns" to deceive the American public.

UPDATE: 1st August 2016

Trump's Out of Control Behavior Getting Worse

Vine's prediction about the dummy spits of Donald Trump, continue to be true.

Earlier this year, Trump told his supporters to lookout for protesters and "knock the crap out of them," adding "I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees."

However, Trump's erratic behavior has now become even worse after Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine and in particular, former Republican New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke out against him at the 2016 Democratic Convention.

Trump said, "I was going to hit a number of those speakers so hard their heads would spin, they’d never recover!" He went on to say, "I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin. He wouldn’t know what the hell happened."

Donald Trump's criticism of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a slain American Muslim soldier who died in the Iraq war, shows no compassion to the grieving mother and father. It is extremely unusual to see a presidential nominee showing such a dreadful lack of respect. Donald Trump's recurring outburts are creating a dangerous precedent of confrontational out of control narcissism.

This is exactly the sort of behavior Vine predicted would turn traditional Republicans away from Trump.

Trump hit a guy Tweet

Trump Gone Crazy Tweet

Even the Koch Brothers are turning their backs on Trump:

Charles Koch Tweet about Trump

UPDATE: 29th July 2016

Trump, Putin & Cyber Espionage

Vine predicted the divide between Trump and traditional Republicans, and that key Republicans would question Trump's political integrity.

Donald Trump has now increased the divide between himself and traditional Republicans by urging Russia to conduct cyber espionage against former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

American lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum have been appalled that Trump has urged a political enemy to hack American secrets. Some have described Trump's comments as "treason."

An aide to Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said, "Russia is a global menace led by a devious thug" and that it should stay out of the U.S. election.

William Inboden, who served on the National Security Council during the George W. Bush administration, said Trump’s comments were "tantamount to treason."

UPDATE: 22nd June 2016

Trump Polls Falling

When Vine first made this psychic prediction about Donald Trump six months ago, Trump had been neck and neck in the polls with Hillary Clinton for the previous 4 months. On January 1st 2016, Trump was on 43.2% and Clinton on 44.4%.

Six months later, his polls have plummeted and the Republican Party is turning against him.

Vine predicted that key Republicans would question Trump's political integrity and they would "protect their turf".

Just as Vine predicted, there is now plenty of discussion about open revolt towards Trump at the upcoming Republican Convention.

UPDATE: 8th June 2016

Trump Dummy Spit - Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Yet another of the Donald Trump dummy spits predicted by Vine.

Trump attacked Federal Judge Gonzalo Curie, saying that he could not fairly preside over the Trump University cases because of his "Mexican heritage". In a subsequent interview, Trump said, "We're building a wall. He's a Mexican!" even though Judge Cureo was born in Indiana.

Republican and House Speaker Paul Ryan, said that Trump's comments were "the textbook definition of a racist comment" and "absolutely unacceptable".

Just as Vine predicted, Donald Trump's dummy spits have traditional Republicans questioning Trump's political integrity.

UPDATE: 18th May 2016

Trump Dummy Spit over Former Girlfriend

Donald Trump has had another dummy spit following increasing media news that he is not popular with women.

An interview favorable to Donald Trump was aired on Fox News with former Trump girlfriend Rowanne Brewer Lane, so Trump called Fox competitors CNN "New Day" control roomto make sure they were watching it, and to get them to cover it.

It was reported that the CNN producers thought "...the call was surreal." They said, "Presidential candidates don't typically call up television control rooms. But Trump is known to act like a TV producer (and his own publicist)."

This need to control the media is similar to Vine's prediction that Trump would manipulate the way he is portrayed in the media by using "rent-a-crowd" and marketing.

UPDATE: 4th May 2016

More from Donald Trump's "Rent-a-Crowd"

Vine's prediction that Donald Trump supporters would be taken in by 'Rent a political Crowd' and online marketing, continues to come true.

Trump's Rent a Crowd has once again utilised the supermarket gossip tabloid, The National Enquirer. This time spreading completely unsubstantiated rumors about Ted Cruz's father. Trump repeated the 'Rent-a-Crowd' rumor to a Fox News reporter as if it was true.

Ted Cruz was so angered by Trump's accusations that he unleashed an unprecedented attack against Trump, calling Donald Trump "utterly amoral... a pathological liar, who lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth".

It's clear that with the defeat of Ted Cruz,traditional conservatives still dislike Donald Trump, just as Vine predicted.

UPDATE: 6th April 2016

Vine predicted that the people of the USA would eventually question Trump's political integrity after one too many Trump dummy spits. This part of the prediction continues to come true...

Another Trump Dummy Spit

When Donald Trump was defeated by Ted Cruz in the Wisconsin primary, he spat the dummy again.

Instead of graciously acknowledging the loss, a statement was released calling Cruz a liar, a puppet and a Trojan Horse being used by the party bosses.

UPDATE: 30th March 2016

Rent-a-Crowd at it Again

Ted Cruz has hit back at Donald Trump, saying that Trump supporters (Trump's rent-a-crowd) were responsible for planting a sex scandal story about Cruz in US supermarket tabloid newspaper, The National Enquirer.

In this prediction Vine saw a vision of Donald Trump's supporters in the USA being taken in by Trump's "Rent a political Crowd and online marketing"...

The National Enquirer didn't provide any proof of the "sex allegations" quoting only one person, Roger Stone, who was previously Donald Trump's chief political adviser. Ted Cruz has also pointed out that the head of the National Enquirer, David Pecker, is a good friend of Donald Trump.

The "Rent-A-Crowd" aspect of Vine's Donald Trump prediction continues to come true.

UPDATE: 14th March 2016

Donald Trump Rent-a-Crowd

In this prediction, Vine was shown a vision of how Donald Trump supporters in the USA were being taken in by "Rent a political Crowd and online marketing", which is trying to convince people that Trump is more popular than he actually is"

Vine's "rent-a-crowd/ online marketing" prediction is now being shown to be true.

An online newspaper called the "Christian Times Newspaper" has been caught-out fabricating a story that falsely denigrates those opposed to Donald Trump.

The paper ran a fake story with the headline:
"Black Trump Supporter Shot and Killed by Chicago Protesters"

Fake story by Donald Trump Rent-a-Crowd

This story is untrue.

Never-the-less it was quickly spread over social media, either by those who knew it wasn't true (Rent-a-Crowd), or by real Donald Trump supporters who were taken-in by the story.

It was targeted at Catholics and Evangelical Christians in an attempt to influence their vote.

See the Twitter feed here: #RobertKingBullock

UPDATE: 12th March 2016

Donald Trump Chicago Rally Postponed

In Vine's psychic predictions before the last US elections, she was spiritually guided to warn about the political division surrounding the Donald Trump Presidential campaign. That prediction remains just as true today, as politically opposed groups clashed after the postponement of Donald Trump's Chicago Rally.

Republicans Divided Over Trump

In this prediction, Vine said that Republicans would question Trump's political integrity and that the Republican old guard would try to protect their turf.

This part of the prediction has come true. In response to the postponement of the Trump Chicago rally, Ted Cruz said Trump has created, "an environment that encourages this sort of nasty discourse."

News stories are reporting that Republicans are divided between the politics of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

News reports about Trump are now saying that, "The Republican Party is torn between those in its ranks who would make their peace with Donald Trump and those determined to block what amounts to his hostile takeover of the party."

Young Voters Not Supporting Trump

We also know before it's news, the next part of Vine's prediction is also coming true. Vine predicted that young voters would not vote for Trump. This news story in Time magazine now reports that young people did not support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton on Super Tuesday.

UPDATE: 29th January 2016

Donald Trump's Dummy-Spit

In this psychic prediction Vine says Donald Trump will make one too many dummy spits. This part of Vine's prediction appears to be coming true after Trump's latest dummy spit.

Donald Trump has pulled out of the final Republican TV debate for no other reason than that he doesn't like the questions he might be asked by debate moderator, Megyn Kelly.

A presidential frontrunner has never before pulled out of a TV debate on the eve of the USA Iowa Republican polls.

His decision to pull out has been mocked by his Republican rivals.

UPDATE: 24th January 2016

Republicans Divided Over Trump

Vine predicted that Republicans would be "seething that Donald Trump's actions are actually helping the Democrat Party gather more support."

Vine predicted that key Republicans would question Trump's political integrity and that the Republican old guard would try to protect their turf.

It's being reported that Donald Trump's persistent lead in opinion polls is creating a growing divide within the ranks of the Republican Party that threatens to turn into civil war.

Newspapers from the American right are now criticising Donald Trump and claiming Trump is helping the Democrats be elected, just as Vine predicted.

• • • • • • • • • •

    • Related Predictions
Vine's Psychic Prediction Warning about Donald Trump
In August 2016 on Linked-In, Vine wrote a psychic prediction warning about Donald Trum. In the warning, Vine predicted, "underhanded dirty political tactics coming by computer..."

This came true with unprecedented numbers of fake stories and trolling on Social Media and fake news sites. Many asked the question: Did fake stories help Trump win? With so many fake stories out there, it is very likely that many trusting people did believe them.

Now the CIA has found that Russia interfered in the US election in precisely the way Vine predicted. President Obama has ordered intelligence agencies to review computer cyber attacks and foreign intervention, after the CIA concluded that Russia intervened in the election specifically to help Donald Trump win the White House.

Read Vine's warning here:
Donald Trump - Vine's Psychic Prediction Warning

Vine's 2017 Psychic Prediction Channelings
- Not All Is As It Seems: Vine's channeled message and summary of Spiritual Prophecy for 2017 directly relates to what was happening behind the scenes in the US Elections and Brexit referendum.

Read Vine's Psychic Predictions for 2017 here:- Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan

Divine Feminine 2016 Psychic Prediction Message
Vine's Summary of Spiritual Prophecy about Universal Karma for Financial Institutions, Tax Avoiders, Governments and Deceivers.

Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA
Vine's 2011 Prediction about the division Trump would cause, and the similarities between Trump & Hitler... YEARS BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

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