Vine Seer
Psychic Prediction
Vine was spiritually guided to place her psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA

Psychic Prediction by - 1st May 2011

Donald Trump Causing Divion in the USA
I'm receiving requests to write about particular individuals and I'm spiritually unable to do popularity driven celebrity psychic predictions because it damages the spiritual integrity of the work I do. However, this is something spirit will allow me to provide guidance on because it's causing an energetic division amongst the American people.

Spirit was concerned about a similar energy emerging from the United States of America as historically occurred in Germany and the guidance I was receiving was to globally avoid loud voices who shout messages of hate and division. I was shown a man from the past who stirred animosity and caused wars. Spirit is guiding that this is similar to the energy of division presently coming from the USA.

Donald Trump is going to step back from the loud accusations he has made in the past against President Barack Obama, because I'm guided the people will make him. He doesn't seem to be winning favour with his comments, and spiritually I'm being guided he isn't reading the public mood correctly.

He's unaccustomed to not being in the spotlight and that's all ego generated. His hands are going to get burnt when he tries to lash out one last time. He needs to be careful of not damaging his business reputation because when I tune into this, I feel as though major supporters of Mr Trump will step away. In short, his business credibility is on the line.

Love and Light

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UPDATE: 23rd Dec 2024 - Donald Trump Prediction

The Divide Over Trump Continues

Billionaires pulling the strings more than ever before...

Billionaires pulling the Strings
According to Bank of America statistics, 25% of Americans are living 'paycheck to paycheck', and 38 million people are living below the poverty line - (2021 Census).
And yet, President-elect Donald Trump – who often campaigned on the idea that he would "rescue our middle class" and fight for the average American – has chosen billionaires to shape his administration.

The accuracy and importance of Vine's prediction has been highlighted once again. 13 years after Vine first predicted all the division Trump would cause, he is again causing division, this time within the Republican Party and with the number of billionaires openly calling the shots in his administration and billionaires pulling the strings in the background.

Musk-Trump Debt Ceiling Fiasco - Republican Division

Even before the Trump inauguration the Republican Party is divided after billionaire Elon Musk and President-elect Trump weighed in against a funding plan to avoid a government shutdown. They caused the deal to fall apart, risking a government shutdown.

President Elon Musk

It was Musk who began the fiasco, with Trump only later joining in. This further fuelled speculation that the billionaires behind Trump are pulling the strings, with Musk being called "President Musk" and the "unelected president".

Musk alone spent $200m to help elect Trump.

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UPDATE: 1st June 2024 - Donald Trump Prediction

Trump Found Guilty - Still Creating Division

Trump Guilty on all Counts, The Guardian Front Page
Donald Trump guilty of hush-money plot to influence 2016 election - Story... The Guardian

Vine's 2011 prediction of the division Donald Trump would cause continues to come true after being found guilty of paying hush money to influence the result of the 2016 election...

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UPDATE: 5th April 2023 - Donald Trump Prediction

Donald Trump Indicted - Business Fraud Charges

Trump Indicted Newspapers
"You’re going to hear these basic criticisms of the charges in the New York investigation – but they don’t stand up to scrutiny" - ...The Guardian

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UPDATE: 16th August 2022 - Donald Trump Prediction

FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

It was over 10 years ago that Vine first warned about the hate and division that would be fostered by Donald Trump and now after Trump's Mar-a-Lago retreat in Florida was raided by the FBI, the division caused by Donald Trump's pernicious words and actions have become even more toxic.

Divisive comments from Trump and his Republican supporters (comparing the FBI to the Gestapo) have motivated violent rhetoric on the right, fueling concern about escalating political violence.

FBI Mara-Lago Raid Trump Video
Trump's Republican supporters also fuelling division in the United States:
"The way our Federal Government has gone, it's like what we thought about the Gestapo, people like that, they just go after people" - Republican Senator & 45th governor of Florida, Rick Scott

Tweets about threats of violence on Trump Forums

Vine's Donald Trump psychic prediction continues to come true in 2022.

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UPDATE: 20th January 2021

The End of Trump?

What can we take away from Vine's prediction about Donald Trump?

Now that his disgraceful term as POTUS has come to a close, we can try to unravel the Republican administration's divisive damage to our collective psyche. It is crucial that we refer back to why Vine's spiritual guardians warned about Trump's psychopathic behaviour and how this is relevant to what we are now experiencing...

Vine Predicted Damage to Trump's Business Reputation

This has come true...

Vine wrote: "He needs to be careful of not damaging his business reputation because when I tune into this, I feel as though major supporters of Mr Trump will step away. In short, his business credibility is on the line."

This is all coming true...

Toxic Trump Tweet

Trump's Insurrection

In this spiritual prophecy, Vine's Higher Guardians also correctly predicted that the energy surrounding Donald Trump would be similar to the energy of Hitler's Germany during the 1920s, 30s and 40s.

Trump Insurrection Washington Rally
Trump used a political rally to incite insurrection, just as Hitler did in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch.

Trump's Washington 'Putsch'

Most of the people in the rioting mob at the Capitol Building had been duped by years of hypnotic lies from Trump politicians, social media feeds and media outlets like Fox News, all of which was brought to a head and directed at the Capitol Building by Trump during his Washington rally.

But others at the rally knew exactly what they were doing. They were part of the "deceivers' army" that Vine has warned about in other predictions.
See Vine's Predictions for 2020 about the "deceivers' army":
"They have been put in place to cause disruption and separation in world countries. They are hiding in our defence force, police and government sectors."

Comparisons are being drawn between Donald Trump's 2021 insurrection at the Capitol Building, and Adolf Hitler's 1923 Beer Hall Putsch (attempted coup) and march on the German War Ministry in Munich...

We would be wise to remember that although the Beer Hall Putsch initially failed, the attempted coup along with Hitler's subsequent arrest, trial and jail term, gave him a platform to build his support base.

Using propaganda and false rhetoric, Hitler later succeeded in his plan to 'legitimately' become the Chancellor of Germany, dissolve the German democracy and create a dictatorship just 10 years later in 1933.

Vine has already predicted that Trump is controlled by darker hidden forces. These dark forces also control other politicians, media outlets and social media schemes. Trump himself is therefore not a necessary part of the deceivers' continuing plan to disproportionately increase their wealth and power, destabilise and destroy our democracies, force austerity measures onto the majority of people and to create more wars to feather their own nests.

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UPDATE: 2nd September 2020

US Election Shaped by Division

Long ago, Vine predicted the division that Donald Trump would cause...

Now Trump is running a law-and-order campaign, promising to end violence and division that he himself is accused of causing.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler told Trump: "It’s you who have created the hate and the division."

Joe Biden said Trump is “rooting for more violence” and that Trump views violence as "a political benefit to him".

The accuracy of Vine's prediction is now self evident.

Dark Shadows and Dark Uniforms

Now Trump has made strange claims about "dark shadows" controlling Joe Biden and secret "thugs" in "dark uniforms" flying into Washington. "People that you’ve never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows."

These seemingly strange statements are calculated Qanon rhetoric aimed squarely at Trumps followers to create more division and to stoke the flames of hate and destruction.

Ode 38 - Odes of Solomon

Vine's Higher Guardians alluded to this enabling of hate and violence, when they guided Vine to Ode 38 of the Odes of Solomon in her psychic predictions for 2020...

"...and they lead astray and corrupt the whole world:
And they invite many to the banquet,
And give them to drink of the wine of their intoxication,
and remove their wisdom and knowledge,
and so they make them without intelligence;
And then they leave them;
and then these go about like madmen corrupting:
seeing that-they are without heart,
nor do they seek for it! "

The writer of Ode 38 goes on to say that they were "made wise so as not to fall into the hands of the deceiver".

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Donald Trump Psychic Prediction
UPDATE: 31st July 2020

Is Trump Using Mail-In Voting to Set Up the Ultimate Divide Ahead of an Election Loss in November?

Vine predicted the division Trump would cause in the USA and she predicted the authoritarian energy that would surround him, similar to previous global dictators.

It has all come true and now, in an ultimate act of division after floating the idea of delaying the election, Trump seems to be using mail-in voting as an excuse not to accept the results of the election (should he lose).

With the US economy tanking, coronavirus out of control and Trump behind in the polls...

What are Trump supporters prepared to do if he loses?

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Prediction UPDATE: 30th July 2020

Trump Creates More Division Over Black Lives Matter and Coronavirus Pandemic

In this prediction way back in 2011, Vine warned that if Donald Trump was elected as President he would create hateful division in the USA.

This has come true, over and over as we have seen... The coronavirus pandemic is just the latest in a long line of 'opportunities' for Trump to cause more division between people.

Since he was "elected", Trump's political stratagem has been to use any issue he can as a prop to drive a wedge between the American people.

Trump has attempted to deunify US voters in many ways. He has risked war on the international stage, literally built divisive walls and cages over border issues, falsely blamed his political opponents for the effects of natural disasters like Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rica and wild fires in California and inflamed issues surrounding #BlackLivesMatter...

Donald Trump Creating Division with Coronavirus

Now COVID-19 has provided Trump with another 'opportunity' to create more division and confusion, with his dismissive response to the coronavirus pandemic.

As the US elections draw nearer, Donald Trump continues stirring up animosity, just as Vine predicted he would.

Setting Up the Ultimate Divide - Mail-In Voting

Way behind in the polls, Trump is now setting-up the ultimate divide in the US since the civil war. Trump is setting the stage to use absentee mail-in votes to claim that the election was rigged, if he loses.

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Prediction UPDATE: 21st July 2019

Trump Compared to Hitler - Vine Predicted it Years Ago

Donald Trump Psychic Prediction, Trump-Hitler-Oval-Office, Clairvoyant Medium VINE
The comparisons between Trump and Hitler are being made on a regular basis all around the world, even on this 2017 front cover of Stern magazine in Germany.

Vine's Spiritual Guardians made the connection between Trump and Hitler in this psychic prediction in 2011.

The following Tweet was made to point out the recent disturbing similarity between a Trump rally and a Hitler rally from 1930's Nazi Germany...

Trump-Hitler Rally - Hard to tell the difference - Vine first made the comparison between Trump and Hitler in 2011 when comparing someone to Hitler seemed over the top to many people. However now, 8 years later, everyone is making that comparison and Vine's prediction continues to come true.

In the replies to the Tweet, people openly declare the frightening resemblance between Trump and Hitler, and they are gaining an understanding of why so many ordinary people followed Hitler down a path to utter destruction.

Replies such as: "I always wondered how Hitler rose to power to do the horrendous evil things he did. I wondered why he wasn’t stopped. Now I know! This is how... "

Just like in the 1930's, millions of people all around the world are now believing the lies of Hitler-like deceivers such as Donald Trump, who are bent on taking us down yet another path to utter catastrophe.

And once again just like Hitler, the greed and lust for power of these deceivers will destroy us, if we don't stop them.

Vine's Higher Guardians have long been warning about these deceivers.

See also, Vine's prediction for:
Elites Behind Trump US Election, Fake News, New World Order Plan

Vine's 2017 psychic prediction prophecy summary from Angelic Spiritual Guardians: - Not All Is As It Seems

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Prediction UPDATE: 20th June 2019

Watching Trump Cause Division & Possible War is like Watching a Badly Made B-Grade Movie - The Plot is So Obvious

The Trump administration's efforts to hide the division it is causing and its obvious efforts to start a war with Iran, have been described as like watching a "badly made movie", which presents "a shadowy, unconvincing picture that no amount of White House manipulation and rhetoric can clarify".

Vine made this prediction of the division and war that would surround a Trump presidency, eight years ago.

Since the 2016 US election, Trump has been jumping from one crises of division and threat of war to another, all conceived, manufactured and magnified by the Trump administration.

The latest crises with Iran is no exception. He renounced the Iran nuclear deal, imposed sanctions, has maximised pressure on the Iranian leadership, all of which has greatly enhanced the risk of war.

All the while, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Israel support the Trump administration in pushing the Iran crises ever closer to war.

Vine also predicted Israel's involvement in the Trump election and subsequent administration.

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Prediction UPDATE: 3rd November 2018

Trump - Politics of Fear, Division and Provocation in Lead-up to US Midterm Elections

Pipe Bombs, Synagogue Shootings, Vilification of Caravan Refugees

As predicted by Vine in 2011, Donald Trump’s rhetoric of hate and division has divided America, inflaming and exacerbating existing tensions. Vine's Higher Guardians warned that the energy surrounding a Trump presidency would be the same as the Authoritarian energy in 1930's Germany and if allowed to continue it would lead to animosity and war.

Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler Comparisons

Remember that back in 2011 when Vine published this prediction, comparing anyone with Adolf Hitler was considered over the top and too much of an exaggeration. No one was comparing Trump with Hitler back then, except for Vine’s Higher Guardians.

Today however, it seems everyone is comparing the rise of Third Reich and Adolf Hitler to Donald Trump and the elite deceivers behind him.

Why? Because just like Vine's Higher Guardians seven years ago, people can now see that the comparisons are true. People are quite frankly, shit scared of where we're headed if Trump and his puppet masters are allowed to keep calling the shots.

It's now more important than ever to recognise what is happening and stop it before it's too late.

Trump's Reichstag Fire

Violence, Lies and Hate Provocation Aimed at U.S. Midterm Elections
Donald Trump's Reichstag Fire - False Flag
The Reichstag fire false flag was used by Hitler to consolidate his power and establish the one-party Nazi state in Germany.

Trump's hate-filled language and divisive rhetoric is purposefully designed to inflame tensions, and in recent weeks it has come to a head. Trump's politics of fear, division and provocation has stoked antisemitism and contributed to a wave of hate crimes in the lead up to the US midterm elections.

The perpetrators of the recent pipe bomb attacks and synagogue shootings have been emboldened by Trumps rhetoric. His vilification of the refugee caravan travelling through Mexico is being called Trump’s Reichstag fire.

Many people have long been concerned that Trump could use any terrorist attack as an excuse to take away rights and freedoms. But the concern surrounding the refugee caravan is that is Trump is manufacturing a phony crisis, just as Hitler did with the Reichstag fire.

When the Reichstag was burnt down in 1933, the lies spread by the Nazis about who started the fire and why, created a false flag, which helped them ascend to power.

The Nazis used the Reichstag fire to introduce the Reichstag Fire Decree, which nullified civil liberties in Germany. It was used to imprison opponents of the Nazis and helped Hitler establish the one-party Nazi state in Germany.

In Trump's case, by using political spin and lies about who the refugees in the migrant caravan are and why they are seeking refuge, Trump is creating a false flag that justifies his own false narrative and deceptively manipulates public opinion.

Vine's Higher Guardians have warned us to be on guard and alert to the dangers behind Trump's grievous lies...

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Prediction UPDATE: 23rd October 2018

Trump to Quit Reagan-Gorbachev USA-Russia INF Nuclear Arms Treaty

Reagan Gorbachev Trump - Donald trump quits INF, US Russia Nuclear Arms Treaty
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan signed the INF treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces), December 8, 1987 - Donald Trump's move to quit the INF is described by Mikhail Gorbachev as a "mistake" and "a narrow-minded" decision.

Long before the US elections, Vine predicted that the energy of animosity and war would surround a Donald Trump presidency...

Trump now says he is tearing up a critical nuclear arms control treaty signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987, which banned ground-launch nuclear missiles with ranges from 500km to 5,500km.

Trump Opens Door to New Nuclear Arms Race

Destroying the INF agreement opens the way for both Russia and the USA to openly deploy many more nuclear missiles. This could restart a new nuclear arms race and increase the threat of war.

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Prediction UPDATE: 19th October 2018

Australian Government Following Trump

When Donald Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton threatened Iran with all-out war, he included other countries in the threat. He said, "...if you cross us, our allies or our partners... there will indeed be hell to pay".

Those allies include Australia. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is now aligning his LNP Government with Donald Trump's administration. He has suggested the Australian Embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, even though he was advised by ASIO that it would put Australian lives at risk.

The day before Morrison's announcement, the Australian Security intelligence Organisation (ASIO), advised him of the dangers involved...

Guardian Newspaper ASIO Tweet

The leaked ASIO report said, "We expect any announcement on the possible relocation of the Australian embassy to Jerusalem or consideration of voting against Palestinians in the United Nations may provoke protest, unrest and possibly some violence in Gaza and the West Bank"

The report went on to say, "It is possible Australian interests may be the target of protest activity following any announcement … attacks and violent protest have previously occurred internationally after periods of heightened political tension."

Normalising the Idea of War with Iran

Prime Minister Morrison went ahead and made the announcement to move the Australian Embassy, even though he was specifically advised by ASIO there could be "attacks and violent protest", if he did so.

You could be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that Morrison's LNP Government actually wants to provoke a reaction.

But why would they want that?

Australia's Part in Prosecution of War with Iran

In our last update for this prediction, we highlighted US National Security Advisor John Bolton's threatening statement to Iran that there would be "hell to pay" if Iran crossed the US or it's allies (which includes Australia).

We pointed out that ramping up divisive war rhetoric is normalising the idea of a war with Iran, making it easier to convince voters that a war in the region is inevitable.

We learnt from the Iraq War that George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard (in Australia) decided they wanted a war, then manipulated public feeling with fake news about Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to make that war happen.

In floating the divisive idea of moving the Australian Embassy to Jerusalem, has Scott Morrison purposefully chosen to go down a path that puts Australian citizens at risk of attack? If that happens it will embolden those pushing for war with Iran.

In this prediction, Vine’s Spiritual Guardians compared the energy of the Trump administration to the hate and division of the Nazi Germany in the 1930’s, which led to animosity and war.

A war with Iran is a very bad idea. Everyone in Australia, the US and the world needs to be on guard against this.

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Prediction UPDATE: 18th October 2018

Trump - An Instrument of War

Over seven years ago, Australian clairvoyant medium Vine made this prediction about where a Donald Trump presidency would be heading:

"I was shown a man from the past who stirred animosity and caused wars. Spirit is guiding that this is similar to the energy of division presently coming from the USA."

Ramping-Up Iran War Rhetoric

After pulling out of the Iran Deal, Trump and his new National Security Advisor, John Bolton, are now ramping up war rhetoric with Iran.

In September 2018 Bolton said there would be "hell to pay" if Tehran crossed the US.

John Bolton, the 4th National Security Advisor in 16 months for the Trump administration, is an Iran hawk who told an audience of anti-Tehran activists: "The murderous regime and its supporters will face significant consequences if they do not change their behaviour".

Bolton Threatens Tehran 3- Hell to Pay

Bolton said, "According the mullahs in Tehran, we are the great Satan, lord of the underworld, master of the raging inferno. So I might imagine they would take me seriously when I assure them today, that if you cross us, our allies or our partners, you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive. Yes there will indeed be hell to pay."

In the past, Americans would have scoffed at the idea that they are the Great Satan, but John Bolton seems very keen for the United States to be compared to "the master of raging inferno".

They are Normalising the Idea of War with Iran

The ramping up of divisive war rhetoric, predicted by Vine so long ago, has been building since the election of Trump and especially since Trump pulled the US out of the Iran Deal.

Very clearly, the same spiritual deceivers that the higher realms have continually warned about, are behind the Trump administration trying to normalise the idea of a war with Iran.

War with Iran is a very bad idea and everybody in the world needs to be on guard against it.

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Prediction UPDATE: 31st July 2018

Trump-Russia-NATO Causing More Division

Trump Russia Ties Cause More Division

Vine's psychic prediction about Donald Trump causing division continues to be true after Trump criticised his European allies and threatened the NATO alliance at the NATO Summit.

He then caused more division in the US after protecting Putin in their Helsinki meeting.

Trump is being called Putin's puppet after siding with Putin against the conclusions of his own intelligence agencies about Russian interference in the 2016 election. When Trump was asked about the election interference he said, "I don't see any reason why it would be Russia."

For more information on secret meetings between Trump, Putin, Mike Pompeo, Maria Butina, Republicans and Russians, see Vine's latest 2018 psychic prediction:
Blood Moon Eclipse - Trump Russia Meetings, What Lies Ahead?

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Donald Trump Psychic Prediction UPDATE: 13th May 2018

Trump Violates Iran Nuclear Deal

Vine's psychic prediction about Donald Trump causing division is still coming true. Vine's Higher Guardians warned years in advance that Trump had "a similar energy of division" as Adolf Hitler, who "stirred animosity and caused war". It's now easy to see that this is true.

Donald Trump Causing Division - Trump pulls the US out of the Iran Nuclear Deal - Psychic Prediction by VINE
Trump casting a dark shadow over Iran - Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal has caused division, animosity and fears that the decision could lead to war.

Prediction UPDATE: 11th Oct 2017

Did the higher realms try to warn the United States constituents and world leaders about Trump being the greatest threat to world peace if he was elected to be president? Yes. Vine was guided to warn Trump would cause so much division in the world that it could lead to World War III.

Vine's spiritual guardians shared that Trump never had the right intentions. They guided he was one of many spiritual deceivers in the world causing unrest and division and Vine was spiritually warned that Donald Trump had the same type of personality as Hitler.

Many mystics have recently jumped on the bandwagon to warn that Trump could cause WWIII, however, Vine has been sounding the alarm for years, ever since she first saw visions of the narcissist pushing the world closer and closer to annihilation. One thing is for certain, Vine has never shared thatTrump has good intentions.She has always warned he would be a wrecker of world peace and destroy the environment.

Here is the latest divisive issue Trump is responsible for in the USA.

Take a Knee - Trump's Strategy of Division

Trump continues to cause division right across America after organising a Mike Pence political stunt to single out National Football League players as the bad guys.

Trump has caused so much division that American Footballers are now protesting division and racism in America by 'taking a knee' during the national anthem. Their 'take a knee' protests are heart-felt manifestations of their love of country and desire to make America a better place.

When Trump told Pence to walk out of the game, he demonstrated his lack of respect for the anthem by turning it into a political prop at tax payers' expense. This in turn has caused even more division in America.

Donald Trump’s Divided States of America

Vine predicted Trump's messages of hate and division over six years ago. Now 62% of people polled in America say Trump is fueling divisions in the United States and driving people apart. Two in three voters said that "the level of hatred and prejudice in the US has increased" since Trump’s election.

Prediction UPDATE: 16th April 2017

Trump War - Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea

In this psychic prediction, Vine's spiritual guardians compared Trump to Hitler, including the world war Hitler caused.

Vine was shown a vision of, "a man from the past (in Germany) who stirred animosity and caused wars." Spirit then guided Vine that, "this is similar to the energy of division presently coming from the USA."

Vine's prediction is now coming true.


World War 3 (WW3)

Trump is now acting so petulantly aggressive in Syria, Afghanistan and North Korea, that many people fear Trump plans to start a war, and that it's just a question of where.

In relation to North Korea, both Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are acting so much like petulant children that the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi is concerned about them starting World War 3. Wang Yi is urging constraint. He said, "Once a war really happens, the result will be nothing but losing all round and no one could become a winner"

UPDATE: 30th December 2016

Russian Spies Evicted - More Division in the US

President Barack Obama expelled 35 suspected Russian diplomatic spies from the US, and imposed sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies over their involvement in hacking U.S. political groups in the presidential election.

This will continue to be a key source of division post-inauguration, between Democrats, Republicans and Trump as key Republicans including Paul Ryan and John McCain have supported the sanctions. Lindsey Graham said that Republicans intended to lead the effort in Congress to "impose stronger sanctions on Russia."

On the other hand, President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly praised Putin and nominated people seen as friendly toward Russia to senior administration posts.

Vine's prediction of the division cause by Trump, continues to come true in 2017.

UPDATE: 13th November 2016

Trump Wins Election - America Still Divided

This psychic prediction for Donald Trump causing division in America, keeps coming true. It is also quite ironic that after winning the election, Trump has made a plea to the American people to end the division that he himself has helped to create.

Only time will tell whether or not the warnings Vine has given about the similarities between Donald Trump's vision for American and Nazi Germany, will come to fruition.

UPDATE: 5th November 2016

Division Caused by Donald Trump - Similar to Nazi Germany

It was five years ago that Vine first predicted the strong resemblances between Donald Trump and Hitler's Nazi Germany.

Vine said, "Spirit was concerned about a similar energy emerging from the United States of America as historically occurred in Germany and the guidance I was receiving was to globally avoid loud voices who shout messages of hate and division. I was shown a man from the past who stirred animosity and caused wars. Spirit is guiding that this is similar to the energy of division presently coming from the USA."

Vine's vision was about Donald Trump's perceived version of America being compared to Adolf Hitler's Germany.

When Vine first predicted the comparisons between Hitler and Trump, nobody was talking about that at all. It wasn't on the radar and no one would have seriously suggested it. However, people are now very concerned about it and very seriously making comparisons between Trump and Hitler...

UPDATE: 30th August 2016

Trump is Now Being Compared to Hitler

In this prediction, Vine made the comparison between the energy surrounding Donald Trump and the energy surrounding Adolf Hitler's Germany. Vine made this prediction in relationship to the division Donald Trump would be causing in the USA.

The Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie is now reported to have said that if Trump were to win, his first act as leader would be to mirror one of Hitler's first acts as leader.

Christie said, "If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers."

As reported in the Huffington Post, this is "literally one of the first moves made by Adolf Hitler, upon democratically attaining power."

UPDATE: 27th August 2016

Republican Division Grows in 2016 Presidential Elections

Vine predicted the division Trump would cause in the last US Presidential Election, and the division continues to grow worse in the 2016 Elections.

Vine's psychic prediction for Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign predicts he will not win the election for 45th President of the United States, and predicts the division within the Republican Party.

UPDATE: 12th March 2016

Donald Trump Chicago Rally Postponed - Politics of Division

The politics of division associated with the Donald Trump campaign remains as true today as when Vine was first spiritually guided to warn about it before the last US Elections.

The political division has been highlighted by thousands of people opposed to the politics of Donald Trump at his 2016 Chicago Rally. Protester numbers were so large, and feelings so heated, that the Trump Chicago rally was postponed.

UPDATE: 19th August 2015

Donald Trump - Policy of Division

Vine's psychic prediction about the division caused by Donald Trump, continues to come true in the run-up to the 2016 US Elections.

Donald Trump causes division with a plan to ban Muslims from U.S.
Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric has been widely condemned and reported by the Pentagon as undermining US national security by boosting the Islamic State (IS) group.

Canada's new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken out against about Donald Trump's "politics of division".

President Obama has pointed out how Donald Trump is exploiting the resentment and anxieties of the working-class to boost his political campaign.

UPDATE: 19th August 2015

Donald Trump's Sexist Remarks - More Division

This psychic prediction was made about Donald Trump in the run up to the last US elections, but it seems Vine could know about the next election as well. Donald Trump is running again and Vine's prediction is just as relevant. It still stands true.

His confrontational remarks have been in the news quite a bit. Most recently Trump has felt the need to comment on supermodel Heidi Klum's appearance, saying that her looks were fading and she was "no longer a 10".

His remarks have caused more division and drawn criticism from people who can't see why this is relevant, unless Trump thought that a woman should not be allowed to be model if she ages?

Heidi Klum Hits Back

Heidi Klum certainly didn't think that being or not being a "10" is relevant. She hit back at Donald Trump's divisive comment with a short video clip.

Vine's psychic prediction and warning about people pushing "messages of hate and division" is even truer now than when she first made this prediction.

UPDATE: 21st July 2015

Donald Trump Again Causing Division

Vine's psychic prediction about Donald Trump was made for the last US Presidential elections, but it's as true now in 2015 as it was then. He is again causing division and making accusations.

This time instead of attacking Obama, Trump is attacking John McCain's POW experiences and war record. Trump's comments about Latino immigrants have caused division in the community and cost Trump several business deals.

As Vine predicted, once again Donald Trump isn't reading the public mood correctly and is putting his business credibility on the line.

UPDATE: 19th May 2011

Vine's Donald Trump Prediction comes True

Vine's psychic prediction that Donald Trump wouldn't be successful in winning favour for presidency was correct. Vine predicted that he wasn't reading the public mood correctly and that therefore Trump would step back from the Presidential race.

UPDATE: 12th May 2011

Media reports and polls are suggesting that Donald Trump has run out of steam in the race to achieve enough support to become a Republican candiate for the Presidency. In Vine's prophecy about Donald Trump she guided: "...he isn't reading the public mood correctly." Judging by the plummeting polls it seems this prediction is coming true.

UPDATE: 6th May 2011

As Vine predicted, Donald Trump has had strong opposition from the American public. He has been forced to withdraw from the Indy 500 car race after a facebook campaign to remove him from driving the pace car because of his political stand on attacking President Obama's birth credentials.
Vine predicted: "Donald Trump is going to step back from the loud accusations he made in the past because I see the people will make him."

       • Related Predictions
Vine's 2017 Psychic Prediction for Donald Trump Government
In Vine's 2017 Psychic Prediction for Donald Trump she outlines the reasons why her Spiritual Guardians say the Trump presidency is not legitimate. Who was behind the deceptive electoral processes and what are their plans for the future? Most of this has come true.

Read Vine's 2017 Donald Trump psychic prediction here:
Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan

In Vine's 2017 Spiritual Channeling, her Higher Guardians do not consider Trump's presidency to be legitimate. Read Vine's 2017 Channeling from Spirit here:
2017 Vine Psychic Prediction Prophecy Summary from Angelic Spiritual Guardians

Vine's Psychic Prediction Warning about Donald Trump
In August 2016, Vine wrote a psychic prediction warning about Donald Trump on LinkedIn. In the warning, Vine predicted, "underhanded dirty political tactics coming by computer..." This came true with unprecedented numbers of fake stories and trolling on Social Media and fake news sites.

Read Vine's warning here:
Donald Trump - Vine's Psychic Prediction Warning

Vine's 2016 Donald Trump Psychic Prediction: Why Donald Trump Will Never Be President - Read Vine's very accurate prediction for the lead up to the US election. To this day, Vine's Spiritual Guardians do not accept that Trump is a legitimate president.

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