Vine Psychic Line
Psychic Prediction
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

World Banks Public Uproar - Psychic Prediction

Psychic Predictions by
23rd January 2014

Governments of the world are going to be under Universal scrutiny in 2014.

The numerology year for 2014 is about trust and openness and if any government of the world believes they can hide behind economic policy and not be accountable to the people, they are going to find the people of the world are going to protest in the streets and take a stand when it comes to economic secret deals.

I have already channeled spiritual guidance from the angelic realms about corruption and private deals between governments and corporations. Previous spiritual channeling guided they are "the deceivers" who try to use the government for their own business agendas. This year Spirit is guiding that everything is going to come out into the open. We are going to know the identity of the people who are pulling the strings behind our world governments.

I have been spiritually guided that the world public have been misled about the state of our environment and the secret deals being done behind closed doors. Who are the lobbyists acting for? Who are the governments entering into these deals after being elected by democratic processes in which they are supposed to be acting for the people? I am being guided that Canada, the United States of America, Australia, the United Kingdom and many other western governments will need to be more transparent with the people.

2014 has more people standing up and becoming whistleblowers about privacy, security and anything to do with the cyber world. I am guided the people of the world are furious about governments trying to do secret deals with the banking corporations.

The international banks and financial institutions are going to be publicly ridiculed as they try to take back the powers they have lost after the Global Financial Crisis.

The people want them to be accountable and they are going to protest when the banks try to lobby governments to have more control of the financial institutions. Watch this space because the world people are going to stand up in record numbers to stop the elite controlling the financial institutions in their own way. Also expect legal challenges in the way banks are conducting their business in 2014.

The world public are demanding more of their politicians and financial institutions, and governments might be shocked to see how many people will protest in the streets to ensure the banks don't get their own way in turning back policy to bring in weaker protections for YOUR money. This is going to be big. So watch this space.

Love and Light

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World Banks Prediction
UPDATE: 5th February 2019

Banking Royal Commission - Australia

Banking Bad - Four Corners
The Four Corners episode about Australian banks, "Banking Bad" went to air three months after Vine published this "World Banks Public Uproar" prediction. Banking Bad prompted a Senate inquiry into the banks, which recommended a Royal Commission into Australian Banks.

The Australian Royal Commission into Banking Final Report has been released in early 2019, but the push to have a Royal Commission into the Banks in the first place, began shortly after Vine published this World Banks Public Uproar prediction in 2014.

Banking Bad > Senate Inquiry into Banks

In May 2014, (three months after Vine's prediction), the Four Corners episode: "Banking Bad" went to air. The Banking Bad exposé led directly to a Senate inquiry into Australian banks, which demanded a Royal Commission.

It took a few years, but the Royal Commission finally happened, and it all began just after this prediction was made.

Vine's prediction that people would be "demanding more of their politicians and financial institutions" has well and truly come true.

Also see, Vine's prediction about money laundering:
The Money Lenders - Stock market, Shareholders Under Karmic Radar

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World Banks Prediction
UPDATE: 27th May 2018

Royal Commision into Australian Banks - Vine Psychic Prediction
Vine's psychic prediction for world banks continues with her spiritual channeling for 2018 about money lenders and secret economies in 2018 and Australia's Banking Royal Commission.

2018 Psychic Prediction for the Money Lenders

Vine's psychic prediction spiritual channelings for most of this decade have concerned helping people understand climate change related extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

This includes Vine's predictions about the deceivers behind our financial and economic institutions, which are still very relevant in 2018.

Vine's 2018 Spiritual Channeling and Psychic Predictions for 2018 concern money lenders and secret economies keeping the world in economic slavery...

Read Vine's 2018 Psychic Predictions for world banks : Money Lenders - Stock market, Shareholders Under Karmic Radar for 2018

World Banks Prediction
UPDATE: 13th August 2014

In this prediction about banks Vine said, "Also expect legal challenges in the way banks are conducting their business in 2014."

Class Action Against Banks

This prediction again comes true as a legal challenge against banks has been lodged by the firm Maurice Blackburn on behalf of thousands of banking customers of ANZ, Citibank and Westpac. The legal class action is seeking to claim back hundreds of millions of dollars in late fees.

Action against NAB, the Commonwealth and American Express is expected to follow.

Gerard Brody from the Consumer Action Law Centre said, "It is an open class action so anybody who has been charged this late fee could be eligible to benefit... That could be many hundreds of thousands of Australians."

In this psychic prediction Vine said, "governments might be shocked to see how many people will protest in the streets to ensure the banks don't get their own way in turning back policy to bring in weaker protections for YOUR money. This is going to be big."

And now we are seeing a class action against Australian banks on behalf of hundreds of thousands of people. Just as Vine predicted, that is big.

World Banks Prediction UPDATE - 27th June 2014

Vine's prediction about Bank/Government secret deals comes TRUE!

This prediction is all about the exposing of economic secret deals between banks and governments.

Secret Bank/Government deal exposed by Wikileaks:
Bank free-for-all

A 19-page, secretly drafted copy of the international Trade in Service Agreement (TISA) was published by WikiLeaks last week.

Fifty countries around the world have already signed on to the secret Trade in Service Agreement, including Australia, the United States and the European Union. “The draft sets rules which would assist the expansion of financial multi-nationals into other nations by preventing regulatory barriers, and would allow uninhibited exchange of personal and financial data.” WikiLeaks said.

"Experts warn the proposed changes could undermine Australia's capacity to independently respond to any future global financial crisis."

The draft text would allow financial institutions from countries with sub-standard financial regulations to operate in Australia, take over Australian Financial institutions and banks, use the Reserve Bank Facilities - and there would be nothing we could do about it.

Vine's Psychic prediction has hit the nail right on the head.

In her prediction, Vine said that the international banks and financial institutions would try to take back the powers they lost after the Global Financial Crisis, and they would be publicly ridiculed for the secret and extreme way they go about it.

Wikileaks has exposed the secret deals and begun the public ridicule.

Vine said that banks will try to lobby governments to have more control of the financial institutions. This is exactly what is shown to be happening in the Wikileaks report.

Vine's prediction about secret deals between banks and Governments is spot on.

World Banks Prediction UPDATE - 30th April 2014

In Vine's 2014 Channeling from Spirit, and in this Psychic Prediction for 2014, Vine predicts that secrets will be revealed concerning underhanded deals in the world of power and finance, particularly relating to the environment. In this prediction Vine concentrates on revealing the secrecy of the Banks in 2014.

Banks' Secrets Revealed

Australia's Big 4 Banks Involved in Overseas Land Grabs Causing Environmental and Social Problems

Leading Australian banks are financing companies accused of land grabbing, child labour and illegal logging, according to an Oxfam report.

The report, Banking on Shaky Ground, identifies four cases in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Brazil where Australia's biggest banks have funded companies accused of improperly or illegally acquiring land from local people.

Problems caused by the land grabs are described by Papua New Guinea locals in the report: “I used to catch fish in this swamp, but now almost all fish disappear because water was polluted by oil from machines. Sea water near our village is also polluted. It’s difficult to catch fish nowadays.

And: “Foreigners forced us to sign consent forms, then they destroyed our forest.”

In Australia the Big 4 banks combined net profit for 2013 was $26.2 billion.

Commonwealth Bank - $7.7 billion
Westpac - $6.8 billion
ANZ - $6.3 billion
NAB - $5.5 billion

When making those sorts of profits, the banks at the very least have a moral obligation to all, and a duty of care not to use the savings of their Australian customers and shareholders in a ways that will cause harm to people and the environment.

According to Oxfam, "...all four of the banks are exposed to the endemic social and environmental risks of land grabbing in the agricultural commodities industry in emerging markets."

Vine's psychic prediction that the Bank's secrets would be revealed in 2014, continues to come true.

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UPDATE - 4th April 2014

In this prediction Vine speaks of "the deceivers" who try to use the government for their own business agendas.

This prediction goes hand in hand with Vine's general message and channeling for 2014 about Removing the Veil of the Deceivers and revealing the truth in 2014.

Mafia colludes with Government officials to dump toxic waste

The Mafia have been dumping toxic waste in the country side around Naples (known as the "Triangle of Death") since the early 1990's. It’s being blamed for a rise in cancer cases in local children, which are now double the national figure.

In a recent SBS Dateline documentary, Whistle blower and former mafia boss Carmine Schiavone claimed that he informed authorities many years ago but that nothing was done about it. Schiavone claims the dumping was taking place with the full knowledge of corrupt senior officials.

Although the dumping has been going on for many years it is only now in 2014 that the Italian Government and the media have more seriously begun to throw a spotlight on this long held secret. In January 2014 two jailed Camorra mafia whistle-blowers identified a field as one of the secret sites where the Camorra mafia had buried toxic waste, and the authorities invited the press to watch them dig it up.

Vine's prediction that 2014 would see secrets of this nature revealed, continues to come true.

UPDATE - 21st February 2014

Protests in Ukraine

Prediction Comes True

In this psychic prediction Vine says that when it comes to economic secret deals, people would be protesting in the streets.

Protests in the Ukraine have broken out after President Viktor Yanukovych's government rejected an accord with the European Union in November 2013 in favour of stronger ties with Russia. The protesters now say they are protesting over the future development of their country - will it be a country based on the rule of law, or Russian-style oligarchy and closed interests?

These closed and "secret" interests of government, secert deals and secrecy behind who is really controlling governments, are prescisely why Vine predicted people would be protesting in the streets in 2014.

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UPDATE - 13th February 2014

Barclays Publicly Condemned - Prediction Comes True

In this psychic prediction, Vine says, "The international banks and financial institutions are going to be publicly ridiculed as they try to take back the powers they have lost after the Global Financial Crisis."

This prediction has come true with Barclays bank now being publicly condemned after announcing a 10% rise in bonus payouts despite a dramatic fall in profits and plans to cut 12,000 jobs this year.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) said that after the Global Financial Crisis it was “scandalous” that banks are still handing out multi-billion pound bonuses while ordinary Britons have suffered job losses, pay freezes and cuts to public services.

UPDATE - 12th February 2014

Vine's psychic prediction about banks and whistleblowers is coming true with the Barclays Bank in the UK.

Whistleblowers - Prediction Comes True

In this prediction Vine says that people want their banks to be accountable, and that in 2014 "more people will be standing up and becoming whistleblowers about privacy, security and anything to do with the cyber world."

This prediction has come true with a whistleblower coming forward about all of these things: privacy, security, and the cyberworld, when up to 27,000 confidential customer files were stolen from Barclays Bank and sold on to rogue City traders.

The anonymous whistleblower gave The Mail on Sunday a memory stick containing 2,000 files of the bank’s customers. He claimed it was a sample from a stolen database of up to 27,000 files, which he said could be sold by shady salesmen for up to £50 per file.

Barclays claimed to know nothing about the stolen files.

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