Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online as a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic - 23rd April 2011
Asian Financial Markets Under Strain
Domino Effect of Climate Change Economic Management
I am spiritually being shown that Asian countries are showing signs of financial strain and this will cause concern around the globe.
This isn't just about Japan's economy after the horrific earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown. There are many other countries dealing with the domino effect of natural disasters and it is hitting the bottom line of their economies.

Spirit is guiding that some people around the world are urging the United Nations to urgently convene an international natural disaster committee to manage nuclear, global water concerns and economic fallout because of natural disasters.
The spiritual penny is dropping as economists from countries around the world are witnessing the impact of natural disasters and how they are immediately affecting the global economies.
I am spiritually seeing an urgent meeting with Asian representatives, and they appear tired as the reality of the economic situation becomes more apparent.
China is in a better position than most of the other Asian countries, however they are not showing signs of confidence behind closed doors.
There are some interesting financial times ahead and Asia is not alone, as economic strain is hitting other parts of the world.
The global economy is not out of the woods yet with our current economic situation as it stands. Spirit is showing crumbling at the top of the economic market (the top hierarchy).
Spirit is guiding that further economic protection will be put in place as a result of Natural Disaster management.
It doesn't look like the leaders of the world are reading this right at the present time, but this will soon change with new government policies concerning insurance and other economic measures.
• • • • • • • • • •
UPDATE: 29th September 2011
It's typhoon season and a lot of countries are being hit hard over the last few weeks by the strong weather patterns.
Typhoon Nesat is confirming
Vine's prediction in which she spiritually shared that Asia would have to deal with a lot of economic fallout because of natures fury.
Typhoon Nesat - Economic Cost
cost of Typhoon Nesat to the economy and to social infrastructure is just starting to come in. The Typhoon has stopped schools, instutions and the financial market from opening because of the strong hail and winds. It is reported that public transport has also been effected by the latest storms to hit Asia.
Initial damage cost estimates put crop damage (mainly rice) at about US$16 million (Dh58.7m), while the disaster agency put infrastructure damage at about $1.7m.
UPDATE: 23rd September 2011
Private Sector Slowdown in China and Europe Heightens Fears of a Global Recession
China's economy is being caught up in the global economic woes and is showing signs it is hurting because of the US and Europe economic decline.
Vine originally guided:
"China is in a better position than most of the other Asian countries, however they are not showing signs of confidence behind closed doors. There are some interesting financial times ahead and Asia is not alone, as economic strain is hitting other parts of the world."
UPDATE: 10th September 2011
Japan Economy Weaker than Estimated
Vine's prediction of Japanese and Asian economies hurting because of Natural Disasters, once again comes true.
It is now being reported that growth in Japan was hit hard by the earthquake and tsunami early this year
which caused widespread damage to infrastructure and the supply chain,
resulting in many factories suspending or curbing production.
UPDATE: 9th August 2011
Biggest Declines in Asian Market Since 2008
Vine was shown that the Asian economies were going to be doing it tough not only because of the historical natural disasters that struck Japan,
but also because of previous economic policy.
Asian markets have been in tailspins
in recent days, with some seeing their value drop to their lowest levels in many months.
Vine's prediction of Economies suffering because of the cost of natural disasters, continues to come true.
UPDATE: 5th August 2011
In this prediction Vine said.
"The global economy is not out of the woods yet with our current economic situation as it stands. Spirit is showing crumbling at the top of the economic market (the top hierarchy)." This has come true:
Asian Stocks Tumble
Asian economy is in downfall after the stockmarket slump hitting nearly every country around the world. The economists are now sharing they believe the world is about to have a double dip GFC.
UPDATE: 27th June 2011
Vine was spiritually guided that:
"The global economy is not out of the woods yet with our current economic situation as it stands. Spirit is showing crumbling at the top of the economic market (the top hierarchy)"
US Debt Deadline
President Obama is in the fight of his political life to sort out the American debt crisis that has Republicans digging their heels in and not budging.
The American people and the world economy is holding its breath waiting the outcome of this long drawn out process.
Vine's prediction for the Economies of the world continues to come true.
UPDATE: 18th June 2011
Vine earlier predicted that "
The global economy is not out of the woods yet with our current economic situation as it stands. Spirit is showing crumbling at the top of the economic market (the top hierarchy)."
IMF Warns of Increased Risks to the World Economy
The International Money Fund IMF are affirming Vine's earlier warning, releasing a statement to the world warning that the risks facing the world economy have increased.
There are grave concerns about Japan, USA and Greece.
Vine had foreseen these troubles in the global economy 2 months ago.
UPDATE: 2nd June 2011
Australian Economy Sees Sharpest Contraction Since 1991
Australian economy has taken a battering after all of the recent Natural
The government said flooding and cyclones in the resource rich states of Queensland and Western Australia had a significant impact on growth.
Besa Deda of St George Bank said, "
The economy has hit a temporary pothole courtesy of the natural disasters this year".
Natural disasters continue to take their toll on Economies around the world. Just as Vine predicted.
UPDATE: 20th May 2011
Japan in Recession
Japan plunged back into recession as a result of the earthquake and tsunami natural disaster that hit their shores.
Vine predicted that, "
It doesn't look like the world leaders are reading this right..." Once again Vine's psychic prediction comes true. World leaders who continue to deny climate change, will have to sit up and take notice of the latest economic data.
UPDATE: 11th May 2011
Tightening Measures Ease China's Inflation
China's annual inflation rate fell to 5.3% in April, down from a three-year high of 5.4% in March.
Vine predicted that China would be in a better position than other Asian countries to handle economic
Earthquakes and Floods take Toll on Insurance
In Vine's earlier prediction about economic strain occurring because of natural disasters she stated:
It doesn't seem like the leaders of the world are reading this right at the present time, but this will soon change with new government policies concerning insurance and other economic measures."
Just as Vine predicted,
Insurance companies are
now raising insurance premiums due to climate change disasters.
The world's biggest reinsurer, MUNICH RE has "
warned of considerable premium increases across Australia and New Zealand to help it recoup large losses linked to natural disasters."
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