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Online Psychic Editorials > Celebrity Psychics Client Confidentiality Breaches
Psychic Confidentiality

Vine Psychic

Celebrity Psychics Client Confidentiality Breaches

My psychic reading editorial this week is about self proclaimed celebrity psychics who fail to respect the privacy of their customers. Recently, we had yet another appalling example of this. American psychic Ron Bard has publicly aired that he is Brad Pitt's psychic and he then proceeded to reveal the private life of his famous customer.

Whether his claims are true or not isn't the issue. His allegations about the movie star's private family life aren't pivotal to this article. What I want to discuss is the blatant abuse of client confidentiality by "so called" celebrity psychics who fail to respect the privacy of their clients.

Historical Cases Celebrity Psychic Shame

This isn't the first time well-known psychics have gone to the media to reveal personal details of their client's lives. The late Princess Diana also had her dirty linen exposed by Psychic Sally Morgan, a well known British psychic. It was embarrassing to see a psychic using her public profile to gain fame (or notoriety?) by disclosing the private information of the globally loved Princess Diana.

The same thing occurred when British fashion designer Alexander McQueen died. Not long after his passing Psychic Sally Morgan was going to the press to discuss the late designer's private conversations with her. Celebrity psychics who reveal the names of their famous clients and worst still, openly share their client's details, break every spiritual karmic law that reputable lightworkers follow.

Psychics Disclosing Customer Details

There is no way that reputable spiritual mediums, empaths or healers should disclose their customers private life to anyone. They know if they abuse the trust of their clients they would be karmically abusing the Universal Spiritual Laws we all must follow.

Gossip Press Responsibilty

The media also bears responsibilty for encouraging psychics to abuse their clients trust in an open public forum. As soon as a psychic goes to the press with details about the private life of their clients, or to reveal their client's identities, their integrity is immediately lost.

Psychic Celebrity Name Dropping

Then you have the psychics who name drop their client list to the public in gossip magazines and television interviews hoping it will sell more books and attract customers to their door. You have to wonder about the sincerity of psychics who don't have any qualms about revealing your private information? Whether any money changes hands between the psychic and the press who seek out these gossip stories, isn't known. It is more than likely the psychic will openly go to a journalist to share information if they can attract customers to their business. The status of the celebrity psychic's reputation is reinforced by regularly revealing personal information about clients, or worst still, by riding off the coattails of famous personalities like Brad Pitt, Princess Diana and other well known entertainers and identities.

Psychics Abusing Intellectual Property

Some psychic media shows advertise astrology profiles of Hollywood stars to entice you to watch. They use copyrighted photos of actors, comedians, musicians, politicans and then milk the celebrity title for all it's worth. It is embarrassing to see these psychics taint the spiritual arts to get publicity for their television shows and online websites.

Customer Trust Lost

It destroys the trust of psychic customers who reach out to clairvoyants and mediums looking for a source of spiritual comfort and reassurance. They watch psychics fail to comply with the same privacy laws all business must follow and are powerless to take legal action for breach of privacy in case it gets further traction in the media and damages their acting career prospects.

Speak Up if Psychics Abuse Privacy

It doesn't matter if you are Brad Pitt or if you come from royalty, it doesn't matter if you are a politician or any sort of well known public identity, your privacy is considered sacred by the higher realms. Don't allow any psychic to abuse your trust by embarrassing you in the media. You have the same rights as every other citizen when it comes to keeping your identity private.

Take Legal Action if Psychics Breach Privacy

You can take legal action if a psychic company falsely uses your photos or intellectual property rights on their websites or social media to make it appear as if you endorse their product, service or company. On Twitter I noticed a Psychic Chat site using Oprah Winfey on their social media as someone who endorsed their services. Our Admin staff publicly challenged them for misleading the public. It must have reached Oprah's management team because not long later it was removed. If you see any psychic business using the rights of intellectual property to falsely endorse their business, challenge them. Don't let them get away with it.

Vine Psychic Line has world's best standard client confidentiality. We do not ever recontact our clients or disclose personal information. We request permission before we share customer true life stories with our audience and never identify the customer.

All Psychics Are Being Tainted

Genuine psychics are fed up with the cowboys in the industry who embarrass all lightworkers by creating the impression that this is what all psychics and healers do. We don't. Reputable psychics find the actions of celebrity psychics to be crass and overly self promotional. Seek legal redress if a psychic oversteps the mark with your confidentiality. Send a clear signal to any psychic who abuses your trust, and set an example to curb this type of breach of privacy. If you take action at the time the psychic is going public it may stop other psychics doing the same thing.

Monitor and Research Psychic Ethics

It is the behaviour of the psychic you need to monitor, to determine their trust level in society. If you use a celebrity psychic who gossips about their client's life, you can expect that the same psychic won't show loyalty to you either.

Research the psychics and healer's backgrounds thoroughly. Check through word of mouth and view web sites etc. to see if the psychic is reputable. Don't become a victim of unscrupulous psychics who aren't standing in authentic spiritual energy, and who taint the original spiritual arts.

Love and Light

August 24th 2014

Vine Psychic Melbourne, Australia
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