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Psychic Predictions > International Property & Real Estate China Government Crackdown
Vine Psychic Predictions

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption. Since 2010 Vine has been a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.

China International Psychic Prediction by - 19th January 2016

International Property & Real Estate, China Government Crackdown

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Spiritually I am being shown a vision of government ministers in China identifying how much investment is being made in overseas global economies and property markets and bringing in tougher property investment laws.

It is predicted the Chinese Government ministers want the people of China to show greater loyalty in property investment to boost their economy.

This vision reminds me of one of my earlier psychic predictions about the Chinese Yuan currency being floated because of serious concerns in the past. This prophecy has already came to pass and now we are witnessing the karmic economic energy still hurting China because of risky decisions in financial investment.

It is predicted many western countries are going to feel the economic pain of China's new laws. To know how this is going to influence your country, check how many people in China are investing in local real estate and major property.

It is predicted the USA, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom are only some of the countries panicking about what is happening in China. You are going to see your county's real estate market taking a hit because of China's new property laws.

I know it is going to hurt but it's the next stage in correcting the karmic economic deception in the property market. I am guided it is about wiping out the corruption of the Chinese business corporations and tax evaders, to bring a more balanced economy in the future. Exciting times for the global economy and international property investment.

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China Realestate Prediction Update: 18th February 2019

Chinese Real Estate Money Laundering

Vine Accurately Predicted China's Crack Down on Illegal Real Estate Property Money Laundering in Australia

Long after Vine predicted the Chinese Government attempts to crack down on illegal money laundering in Australian and world real estate property markets, Four Corners has exposed China's Project Dragon...

Project Dragon - Four Corners Exposé on Chinese Real Estate Money Laundering

Four Corners ABC - Project Dragon - Chinese Real Estate Money Laundering in Australai
"Project Dragon" - Four Corners, 18th Feb 2019 ... about China Government efforts to reclaim corrupt Chinese money that has been laundered through the Australian Property market, particularly on Sovereign Island, Gold Coast in Queensland. Vine predicted China's crackdown on corrupt Chinese money used to buy our local real estate and major property.

Four Corners has aired an exposé on Chinese Goverment efforts to reclaim illegal Chinese money that has been laundered through Australian real estate and property.

Vine accurately predicted this crackdown on corrupt Chinese money used to buy our local real estate and major property, three years ago.

Vine predicted that the Chinese efforts to reclaim the corruptly laundered money from Australia, would be about "wiping out the corruption of the Chinese business corporations and tax evaders" - Vine's Prediction: 100% TRUE

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UPDATE: 5th October 2017

China Tightens International Real Estate Funds
Vine's Prediction Comes True!

Vine's prediction that China would bring in tougher property investment laws, has come true. Vine predicted that we would see the Australian real estate market taking a hit because of China's new property laws. This is now happening as Chinese developers begin 'walking away' from Australian realestate projects because their finance has been restricted by authorities in China.

The Chinese Government's new directive has put property investments on the restricted list, resulting in much less money available to Chinese investors for real estate in overseas countries including Australia.

UPDATE: 27th April 2016

China's Renewed Crackdown on Corrupt Officials

In the light of the Panama Papers tax evasion news, China has further cracked down on its corrupt officials, offshore companies and underground banks.

This is precisely what Vine predicted would happen.

In this psychic prediction about Chinese Government crackdowns, Vine predicted that a big part of the negative effect on our property markets will be to do with China's crackdown on corruption and tax evaders.

Vine wrote, "I am guided it is about wiping out the corruption of the Chinese business corporations and tax evaders..."

Newspaper reports now reveal that Australia's tourism, education and property sectors have been benefiting from corrupt Chinese money.

Vine's prediction that a Chinese crackdown on overseas corruption will affect the Australian property market, is coming true.

UPDATE: 18th April 2016

Overseas Real Estate Investors in Australia may find Difficulty Getting Money Out of China

Sydney businessman Andrew Su, whose job is to facilitate cash transfers on overseas real estate transactions, has said that Chinese real estate investors who have put down deposits on Australian real estate may not be able to get money out of China to complete their purchases.

In this prediction, Vine said that new Chinese regulations will hurt real estate investments in countries like Australia. Andrew Su's statement suggests this might be coming true:

Mr. Su said, "There is increased regulation of financial markets in China and it’s only going to become more stringent … offshore buyers may have been able to pay their 10 per cent deposits, but when it comes to settling on a property, I don’t think they’ll be able to get their money out."

UPDATE: 30th January 2016

China Foreign Exchange Controls Hurt World Property Markets

In this psychic prophecy, Vine predicted that China would introduce rules making it harder to move money out of China into overseas property markets. She predicted that one of the countries affected would be Australia.

Just days after Vine made this prediction, reports appeared in the media confirming it's accuracy. It is now being reported that Chinese buyers are finding it increasingly difficult to get money out of the China in the start of the new year.

Beijing is tightening foreign exchange transactions, and it is already beginning to spill over into the Australian property market, just as Vine predicted.

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