Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online as a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.
Australian Floods 2022, Lismore - In this 2012 prediction Vine warned against lack of action against climate change, which has now resulted in worsening climate change exacerbated extreme weather floods (and droughts) in 2022 and beyond...
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic - 2nd December 2012
Floods Like We've Never Seen Before
Spiritually I'm guided the countries that can least afford to be hit by catastrophic floods are going to need world leaders to immediately respond to rising flood waters.
The Year 2013 isn't bringing any let up for the people of Pakistan or India and the surrounding countries.
I am shown water levels rising around river beds and raging creeks and rivers that will take anyone in its path.
There will also be floods around other parts of the world which we have never seen before. Downpours that will send large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge.
I am guided by Spirit the people have to move up, away from the river beds. I am having a message impressed to my aura which cautions the governments of the world to stop thinking and just do.
I am led to believe the constant lack of action is going to cause enormous loss of life around the world if we don't prepare for what is to come…
Water level rises are imminent in the year 2013.
• • • • • • • • • •
Floods Prediction
UPDATE: 29th October 2024
And the Floods keep coming and coming...
Climate Change Making Floods Worse
New Research Proving Vine's Prediction
Climate change isn’t just making hurricanes (cyclones) worse, it’s
making the floods they cause worse too.
Vine's prediction about floods all over the world continues to come true:
There will also be floods around other parts of the world which we have never seen before...
I am led to believe the constant lack of action is going to cause enormous loss of life around the world if we don't prepare for what is to come…
Clearly Vine was correct. There definitely has been a "
constant lack of action" and the world has not prepared for what was/is to come, the floods are more frequent and more extreme.
In fact:
The world is burning more coal than ever before, and the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen alarmingly since Vine made this prediction.
In 2013 the CO2 level was 394.06 ppm. In October 2024 it is 422.21 ppm.
Rising CO2 Levels - 1959 to 2024
We are not only failing to prepare for what is to come, we are actively making Climate Change worse, and with it will come more frequent and more devastating floods.
Here's just some of the most recent devastating floods:
Climate Change Action is IMPERATIVE
If we do not act right now, the best we an hope for is that climate change will cost many $trillions of dollars and displace millions of people escaping unlivable heat, flooding, starvation, thirst, economic insecurity and the resulting conflicts. The worst case scenarios do not bare thinking about.
Our planet is warming. Here’s what’s at stake if we don’t act now.
What We Can Do...
On an individual level, here's
what can we do to lessen the effects of climate change in the future.
• • • • • • • • • •
Flooding Prediction
UPDATE: 20th November 2022
Flooding, Extreme Weather & Climate Change
2022 floods in Nigeria
Vine's Higher Guardians have been guiding for years that the climate change exacerbated extreme weather flooding events, storms, drought and fires will continue to worsen if we don't immediately address the human causes of climate change.
In this 2013 prediction about extreme weather floods Vine wrote:
"I am led to believe the constant lack of (climate change) action is going to cause enormous loss of life around the world if we don't prepare for what is to come..."
Since 2013, despite much (green-washing) talk, the burning of fossil fuel has continued unabated and Vine's warning about
"what is to come", continues to come...
2022 - Floods like We've Never Seen Before
Nature is Striking Back in 2022 - Extreme Floods Around the World
• • • • • • • • • •
Flooding PredictionUPDATE: 30th December 2013
Flooding in Brazil
2013 is nearly over but Vine's psychic prediction for unprecedented flooding around the world keeps coming true.
It's Brazil's turn again. December 2013 has seen heavy rains and flooding described by officials as the worst in 90 years, reeking havoc across south eastern Brazil. Many rivers have
burst their banks.
Vine was guided that "...the people have to move up, away from the river beds."
More Flooding in the UK
Storms in southern England have brought more heavy rain. Around
Kent and South London heavy rain has caused rivers and waterways to flood leaving thousands of homes without power and prompting flood warnings across much of southern England and the Midlands.
Update: 10th December 2013
Flooding in the UK
Vine's prediction for Floods in 2013 unfortunately keeps coming true.
Vine's message from Spirit is that we are out-of-balance with nature and that the extreme quality and amount of flooding around the world is direct result of that lack of balance.
A prime manifestation of being out-of-balance with our environment is climate change, and unless we do something to radically reduce our global warming emissions and our disconnection with nature, extreme weather events will continue and get worse. Nowhere will be safe.
It is presently the UK's turn to experience
extreme weather and flooding.
Residents of the east coast of England have been warned to prepare for the worst flooding since 1953 after extreme winter storms and heavy rainfalls. Wind speeds in some areas are as high as have ever been recorded.
Flooding in Malaysia
Vine's psychic prediction "
I am guided by Spirit the people have to move up, away from the river beds" - has again come true as 19,000 people were evacuated after heavy rains, high tides and dam releases caused river levels to rise in Malaysia. There was
major flooding in the east coast states of Pahang and Terengganu and Johor in the south.
Update: 20th November 2013
Flooding in Sardinia
As politicians and fossil fuel energy companies around the world continue to deny climate change, the weird and destructive weather predicted by Vine for 2013, continues.
Vine predicted that 2013 would be ruled by the energy code represented by the ancient Rune
'H', Hagal, or Hail meaning disruption, the destructive wrath of nature, uncontrolled forces usually the weather but also within us.
In this psychic prediction Vine honed in on unprecedented floods around the world for 2013 -
Floods Like We Have Never Seen Before
The world has been witnessing such floods all year and now it is Sardinia's turn to experience unusual
heavy rain and flooding.
These floods have been caused by
Cyclone Cleopatra. Destruction from cyclonic weather in the Mediterranean is very rare and yet we can now add the death and destruction in Sardinia to the long list of devastating weather events around the world in 2013.
Update: 2nd October 2013
Flooding in Thailand and Cambodia
The floods predicted by Vine in this 2013 psychic prediction keep coming.
This time the
flooding is in Thailand (23 people killed) and Cambodia (30 people killed). More than 600,000 Thais have been affected this time around. The floods are not as bad as 2 years ago when Thailand experienced it's worst flooding in 50 years, but the floods keep coming.
Update: 16th September 2013
Flooding in Japan
Vine's psychic prediction for floods in 2013 like we've never seen before, keeps coming true.
flooding in Japan as Typhoon Man-Yi brings heavy rainfalls to Japan. This following after some of the worst rainfalls on record last month
causing widespread flooding in Japan.
Update: 14th September 2013
Flooding in Colorado
Week after week, month after month Vine's 2013 psychic prediction for
floods like we have never seen before, keeps coming true.
Now it's
Colorado's turn to be flooded.
Record rainfall in Colorado is sending large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge.
Hurricane Ingrid - Mexico/Southern Texas
At the same time
Hurricane Ingrid is about to dump huge amounts of flooding rains onto Mexico and Southern Texas.
Update: 1st September 2013
Flooding in Sudan
The floods predicted by Vine in this psychic prediction for 2013 keep coming.
Now it's the people of Sudan seeing their
worst floods for 25 years. 48 people have been killed and 500,000 have been affected by flood destruction and disease.
Update: 21st August 2013
Flooding in Russia
For month after month in 2013, Vine's psychic prediction for
"floods like we've never seen before" keeps coming true.
Now it's Russia's turn as
record breaking floods submerge dozens of towns and villages in the Khabarovsk region close to the Chinese border.
Most of Vine's psychic premonitions concern environmental and social problems resulting from climate change. The purpose of her spiritual predictions is to warn against complacency in confronting the causes of climate change, and to spiritually assist with the progress of change required to survive the fast approaching environmental and social problems associated with climate change, and to hopefully avoid the worst case scenarios.
Spirit has counseled Vine that the continual flooding around the world in 2013 is a warning of what is to come and to act now to prevent it.
Update: 14th August 2013
Flooding in Afghanistan
Vine's psychic prediction for heavy downpours and flooding rivers in 2013 keeps coming true.
More heavy rain causing more deadly floods in recent days - this time in
Flash floods triggered by heavy rain washed away cars and homes and caused damage in at least seven villages
in the Surobi district, east of Kabul.
The purpose of Vine's psychic predictions is to spiritually assist the progress of change.
Update: 8th August 2013
More Flooding in Pakistan
There have been a few of Vine's psychic predictions for 2013, that have continually come true throughout the year. This one - Floods Like We've Never Seen Before - is one of them.
Vine predicted that, "The Year 2013 isn't bringing any let up for the people of Pakistan or India and the surrounding countries..."
This is the third year in a row that Pakistan has suffered
"devastating monsoon floods" with more rain falling than normal.
The head of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), major general Muhammad Saeed Aleem,
said the recurring flooding was the result of global climate change.
Vine predicted the same and adds,
"I am led to believe the constant lack of action is going to cause enormous loss of life around the world if we don't prepare for what is to come..."
Update: 14th July 2013
Flooding in India
Vine's psychic prediction of
floods in India came true last month causing much damage and loss of life.
When Vine predicted them 7 months ago, she used the words
"catastrophic floods", and catastrophic is what they were.
Vine predicted,
"...raging creeks and rivers that will take anyone in its path." Unfortunately this is exactly what happened and authorities have now raised the estimated number of people claimed by the floods in
Uttarakhand to 5,500. There have been warnings that the death toll could exceed 10,000.
And the Floods Keep Coming - all from heavy downpours, as predicted by Vine...
Flooding in Bihar
Now there is
flooding in Bihar, claiming 7 lives so far, affecting more than half a million people and forcing thousands to flee their homes.
Flooding in North Korea
Two people were killed and hundreds left homeless after
heavy rains pounded North Korea.
Large areas of farmland in North Korea have been flooded, proving Vine's prediction that floods would occur in
"countries that can least afford to be hit by catastrophic floods"
Flooding in China
Parts of China have received the
worst flooding for 50 years as a result of torrential downpours, and now Typhoon Soulik is about to hit the same areas.
Vine is an Earth Seer with a close connection to nature.
She shares that the floods of 2013 are a warning of what is to come, and that we must address climate change immediately.
Update: 11th July 2013
More Flooding for Canada
More flooding coming from
downpours sending down large amounts of water, just as Vine predicted for 2013.
First Alberta, now it's
Toronto's turn.
Australian clairvoyant medium Vine is an Earth Seer.
Most of her psychic predictions are linked to the environmental and social effects of the changes in energy of our planet (Gaia) as it reacts to human-made climate change.
The purpose of Vine's Earth Seer psychic predictions is to warn that the effects of climate change are with us right here and right now, wherever you are on Earth, and that we need to act fast.
The floods of 2013 are a part of the changes and they'll get worse if we don't immediately address our abuse of the environment.
It's now Canada's turn to throw light onto the direct link between climate change and flooding around the world.
Environmental Effects of Canada's Tar Sand Mining
The environmental effects of mining Oil Sands in Alberta have been estimated to be
so bad they would be irreversible. Yet tar sand mining continues to be increased in Canada.
In a letter to the United States Department of State concerning the Keystone pipeline, Cynthia Giles from the US Environmental Protection Agency wrote,
"oil sands crude is significantly more greenhouse gas intensive than other crudes, and therefore has potentially large climate impacts..."
She continued,
"lifecycle Greenhouse gas emissions from oil sands crude could be 81 per cent greater than the average crude refined in the U.S..." And she added that,
"this difference could even be greater depending on the assumptions made."
Read the letter here.
Mechanical Engineer John Abraham from the Minnesota University of Saint Thomas
said, "The amount of CO2 locked up in Alberta tar sands is enormous. If we burn all the tar sand oil, the temperature rise, just from burning that tar sand, will be half of what we've already seen." - an estimated additional nearly 0.4 degree C from Alberta alone.
The effects of climate change, including flooding, will worsen if its cause is not immediately addressed. This is a lesson for the whole world, not just Canada.
The transition from fossil fuel energy to alternative sustainable technologies will be difficult, but failing to quickly make the transition will be far more difficult.
Update: 22nd June 2013
We are half way through the year and the floods just keep coming!
Flooding in Canada - Calgary - Alberta
Vine's prophetic words
"Floods Like You've Never Seen Before" are echoed by the people of Canada:
"This is the worst flooding I've ever seen" and "The magnitude is just extraordinary".
This video reveals personal concerns about the floods in Alberta:
"All of a sudden I'm not so sure about my house any more"
In Canmore, Alberta,
these photos show floods along the usually docile Cougar Creek, just as predicted by Vine in this 2013 psychic prediction:
"Downpours that will send large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge. I am guided by Spirit the people have to move up, away from the river beds."
Flooding in India continues...
As the flooding in Canada goes on,
flooding in India continues. Our hearts go out to all those who have lost loved ones and their homes.
Vine is an Earth Seer and over the years has been consistantly pointing out that all of the unusal flooding, storms, earthquakes and melting of ice at the poles is directly related to human-made climate change.
Vine's 2007 blog, "
Fear is the Reason for Our Woes", Vine said,
"respect Father Earth and Mother Nature otherwise there will be an imbalance and the scale of loss will cause great damage"
This is the statue of Lord Shiva right in the center of the flooding, just where you would expect to find
the destroyer and transformer of worlds.
What if the Alberta Tar Sand Mines Flood?
The people of Alberta, Canada are now seeing some of the damage Vine warned of, and it will be much greater if the Alberta Tar Sands mining operations were to go under.
Fort McMurray had earlier declared a state of emergency and
according to this aerial photo and story on June 13 the tailings ponds at the Suncor Energy Tar Sands Mine were just meters from being submerged by the flooding Athabasca River.
Flooding in France - Lourdes
Flooding in France as well.
Vine's prediction,
"Water level rises are imminent in the year 2013" continues to come true.
Update: 18th June 2013
Flooding in India
The raging floods and rivers that Vine predicted for India in this psychic prediction for 2013, have arrived...
Vine predicted:
The Year 2013 isn't bringing any let up for the people of Pakistan or India and the surrounding countries.
I am shown water levels rising around river beds and raging creeks and rivers that will take anyone in its path.
The rivers are definitely raging in India at the moment taking whole buildings in their path.
Vine added,
"I am guided by Spirit the people have to move up, away from the river beds.
Vine's warning that people will have to move up and away from the river beds, doesn't only apply to all the floods this year, but also to our future if we do not IMMEDIATELY take action against global warming.
For example in Australia we must
keep our remaining coal in the ground.
In the USA and Canada,
calls to abandon the Keystone Pipeline must be heeded and the mining of Alberta Tar Sands stopped.
"Climate change, after all, is basically a big maths problem, involving the quantity of carbon we want to burn and the capacity of the atmosphere to contain it." - Bill McKibben.
The hundreds of millions of dollars now being spent on new oil and gas exploration must be diverted to alternative energies - solar, wind, thermal, wave power etc., and the jobs in oil, gas and coal transferred to the much larger number of jobs in non-polluting alternative energies.
Update: 4th June 2013
Flooding in Central Europe
Vine's psychic prediction for 2013, of
"Floods like we have never seen before", keeps coming true month by month. As we head into June, catastrophic floods from heavy downfalls have hit central Europe.
Floodwaters the Bavarian town of Passau have now reached a level not seen since the 16th Century.
Floods bearing down on Prague are heading for Germany.
Rising waters from the Danube, Ilz and Inn rivers have inundated parts of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic after days of heavy rainfall.
Vine's prediction also states that people in towns with rivers running through them will need to be evacuated:
"Downpours that will send large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge.
I am guided by Spirit the people have to move up, away from the river beds."
This has come true as
thousands of people have been evacuated, in Central Europe including animals from Prague Zoo.
And in the US,
Iowa, Illinois and Missouri are being flooded again for the second time this spring.
Update: 30th April 2013
Flooding in Texas
Vine's psychic prediction of record rainfalls causing rivers to flood, keeps coming true.
The next flooding we know of is
in Texas, and the
Red River is flooding again.
Australian psychic Vine was guided by Spirit to warn people to move up and away from riverbeds during heavy rain, and in addressing the problem around the world, Vine was guided by Spirit to caution the governments of the world to stop thinking and just do.
Update: 18th April 2013
For many years now Melbourne born psychic Vine has been warning that the effects of climate change will be getting much worse and that we need to do something about it now.
The earthquakes, storms and floods that we normally see will come with greater intensity, be more frequent and more destructive.
In this prediction, Vine concentrates on the increased flooding around the world caused by intensive rainfalls:
"There will also be floods around other parts of the world which we have never seen before. Downpours that will send large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge."
The recent floods in Argentina (
see 4th April Update below) were unprecedented and the locals had never seen anything like it before .
Flooding in Java
Other places in the world that are more used to being flooded, will be seeing the floods more often. Our hearts go out to the loved ones of those who have lost their lives to
flooding in Java, Indonesia and
Kenya, Africa in the past week.
Flooding in Kenya
"raging floods" in flood-prone areas of Kenya have been caused by rainfall reported as being "
unusually heavy".
Update: 4th April 2013
Flooding in Argentina
More record rains, more record floods...
this time record flooding in Argentina.
Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones as floods in Buenos Aires and La Plata claim 56 lives (at time of writing).
The floods caused from record rainfalls have been called "
an unprecedented catastrophe" by the Argentine government.
The language used by the Argentinian locals to describe the rains and the flooding is becoming all too familiar all around the world...
for example:
"This has never before happened in La Plata,"
"This is the first time that this has ever happened,"
Language very similar to Victorian born psychic Vine's own words in this prophecy,
"Floods like we have never seen before".
Update: 5th March 2013
Flooding in Jakarta
The floods continue, as Vine says, "
like we have never seen before."
Now the people of Jakarta in Indonesia are preparing for more major floods.
The flooding in Jakarta is predicted to reach higher levels than a major flood in January.
Update: 3rd March 2013
Flooding in Queensland
Vine's prediction continues to come true in Australia. More downpours in Queensland and NSW - resulting in more flooding.
Major flooding in Dalby in SE Queensland with dozens of homes flooded after the Myall Creek broke its banks.
Flooding in New South Wales
Heavy rain causing
more flooding in northern NSW.
Update: 25th February 2013
Flooding in Greece
In line with Vine's 2013 world premonitions - "
Downpours that will send large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge."
Flooding in Indonesia
On February 18th,
Heavy rains trigger floods in Indonesia has resulted in two floods occurring within a 2 month period
Flooding in Greece
On February 22nd,
Heavy downpours cause floods in Greece.
More Floods in Australia.
Flooding in New South Wales
On February 23rd, extreme rainfalls resulted in
flood warnings for more than 10 rivers in northern NSW.
Update: 6th February 2013
Flooding in Pakistan
Vine's psychic prophecy about
extreme floods continuing in Pakistan in 2013 has come true.
Vine predicted, "
The Year 2013 isn't bringing any let up for the people of Pakistan..."
Some places in Pakistan have received more rain in the last three days than normally would fall in the entire month of February.
In Vine's prophecy above she stated, "
I am shown water levels rising around river beds and raging creeks and rivers that will take anyone in its path." News reports state that: "Six members of one family are reported to have been swept away by floodwaters". The death toll from downfalls in the last three days stands at 24.
Officials say that the extreme storms in Pakistan in the last few days are just the beginning. More bad weather in Pakistan is expected this month. We will keep an eye on this psychic prediction.
Update: 28th January 2013
Flooding in Queensland and New South wales
It hasn't taken long for
this prediction by Melbourne psychic medium Vine to come true.
Just 28 days into the year and Queensland and New South Wales are already seeing the "
downpours sending large amounts of water... water level rises, and floods" as predicted by Vine.
"Floods like we have never seen before... There will also be floods around other parts of the world which we have never seen before. Downpours that will send large amounts of water around towns too close to the waters edge.... Water level rises are imminent in the year 2013."

This is all following right after a record heat wave in the same areas of Queensland and New South Wales just 8 days ago.
Flooding in Bundaberg
ABC News reporting shows the extent of the
disastrous flooding in the Bundaberg area. This is exactly what Vine shared:
"I am having a message impressed to my aura which cautions the governments of the world to stop thinking and just do."
Which is what has occurred with reluctant residents not heeding the warning to evacuate early and now being rescued when the rivers are at the danger level.
Our thoughts are with all of the affected people in Australia who have dealt with fires, floods and strong winds over the last couple of weeks.
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