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Psychic Predictions > Psychic Prediction for World Economies
Vine Psychic Predictions

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption. Since 2010 Vine has been a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.

Psychic Prediction by - 22nd November 2011

Psychic Prediction for World Economies

Natural Disaters and World Economies graph

What's it going to take to get world leaders, the financial sector and economists to understand the crucial times we are now living in? Spiritually a lot I'm being guided. The denial veil is about to be lifted as the intense changing environmental challenges are upon us in 2012.

I am being shown that our world is speeding up faster than anyone originally anticipated and therefore taking people by surprise. The economic issues are relevant to the changing times we're entering, but we have failed to prepare for the environmental impacts that are about to strike us.

Spiritually we simply cannot keep rebuilding infrastructure that isn't going to last the distance and this is where I'm guided that world leaders will acknowledge their budgets will not be able to support grants, or research and development in the future.

The world economies are about to experience a flat line in 2012 and spiritually we now have to prepare for what this will mean to us as a global society?

For some people this will be a challenging time, for others it will allow the technologies and eco friendly lifestyles that have been laying dormant to rise and have their day in the spotlight.

Fears of the unknown have to be wiped aside, as we're now entering new territory...

Love and Light

• • • • • • • • • •

Update: 15th January 2025

LA Fires Awaken People to the Cost of Climate Change...

Climate Change Disasters
LA Fires - "Climate Change and its economic impacts, is speeding up faster than anyone originally anticipated" - Vine

Vine long ago predicted that the economic impacts of climate change would speed up faster than people originally anticipated and take them by surprise...

"Los Angeles doesn't burn after November. It never has .... until now"

The economic issues (including fire insurance) are relevant to the changing times we're entering, but we have failed to prepare for the environmental impacts that are about to strike us. - Vine 2011

The most destructive fires to ever hit Los Angeles have rammed this point home.

The Economic Cost of the Fires - $40 billion
An initial estimate of the cost of the Los Angeles fires is $40 billion (Insured and uninsured). In economic terms, this is the costliest wildfire event in California history and has taken people by surprise, just as Vine predicted.

The Cost of LA Fires
The Cost of the LA Fires: Who is going to pay? Will Insurance Cover the Devastation?

A rise in high-cost natural disasters has sent insurance premiums everywhere soaring...

The Economic Cost of Climate Change
The U.S. has sustained 403 weather and climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion (including CPI adjustment to 2024). The total cost of these 403 events exceeds $2.915 trillion.

The global cost of climate change damage is estimated to be between $1.7 trillion and $3.1 trillion per year by 2050. From 2000 to 2019 the average cost was around $143 billion, which breaks down to around $16.3 million per hour.

Distraction from the Unsustainable Cost of Climate Change
Oligarch fossil fuel deceivers and the media outlets they control, like to distract from the now very evident unsustainable cost of climate change. They do this by putting the accent on the pretence that it's about how fires start, rather than the underlying cause of their unprecedented destructive force, which is of course climate change.

They hope to further divide us on red herrings, so we won't put pressure on governments to do something about the economic and environmental cost of climate change before it's too late...

Every barrel of oil, every cubic meter of gas, and every ton of coal burned brings us closer to economic and environmental catastrophe

As Vine predicted;
For some people this will be a challenging time, for others it will allow the technologies and eco friendly lifestyles that have been laying dormant to rise and have their day in the spotlight.

If there is anything positive we can take from these catastrophic fires causing so much suffering to so many human and animal lives, it surely must be the opportunity to reduce the economic costs in the future by building back in a disaster proof environmentally sustainable way.

Vine has been advocating for Building Back Sustainably ever since the 2009 Black Saturday Fires in Victoria.

Fears of the unknown have to be wiped aside, as we're now entering new territory...

• • • • • • • • • •

Update: 18th June 2019

Economic Costs of Climate Change

This psychic prediction made in 2011 is about the economic cost of climate change and as such it is an ongoing concern, particularly as the years roll on and very little has been done to reduce global warming gases.

As Vine predicted, the damage being done by extreme weather events driven by Climate Change is increasing and will only get worse as time goes on. The corresponding human and economic cost to governments of repairing this damage was already huge in 2012, and is still sky-rocketing.

A recent European study suggests that droughts in Southern Europe could have a devastating affect on the economy there by 2100.

When Vine first made this prediction in November 2011, she said that Governments had so far failed to factor-in the economic costs of Climate Change - "The economic issues are relevant to the changing times we're entering, but we have failed to prepare for the environmental impacts that are about to strike us."

Years down the track and countless millions of dollars in environmental damage repairs later, many Governments have been forced into recognizing the economic costs of Climate Change.

Update: 20th November 2012

Whilst Vine has been warning the world to take action on climate change for many years, this particular prediction is about strong financial pressure on world economies in 2012 to act on climate change.

"The denial veil is about to be lifted as the intense changing environmental challenges are upon us in 2012."

Who better to lift the denial veil on climate change in financial terms, than the World Bank.

The World Bank has just issued a dire warning and call for action on climate change. It has tied the future wealth of the planet to immediate efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

In answer to Vine's question, "What's it going to take to get world leaders, the financial sector and economists to understand the crucial times we are now living in?" World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim writes in the forward to the report: "It is my hope that this report shocks us into action..."

Part prediction, part warning, once again Vine has got it right.

Update: 11th October 2012

Vine's prediction for flatlining world economies in 2012 continues to come true. The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde, has today warned that the global economic crisis has started to hurt growth in emerging economies.

This follows the IMF's statement earlier this week that economic recovery is getting weaker.

This article in "The Atlantic" depicts economic graphs from around the world showing countries flatlining or dipping into recession and current IMF forecast charts showing recession probabilities are more likely in some places.

Update: 10th June 2012

Latest world news that accurately verifies Vine's economy psychic prediction about the Euro, is the news that Spain banks are going to be bailed out by the Eurozone. This means so far Greece, Portugal and the Republic of Ireland have all received considerable bailouts to keep the Euro afloat. Refer to the BBC News report released today describing struggling Spanish banks to be given 100 billion Euro.

We are half way through the year of 2012 and Vine has accurately predicted the European Union would have to be on its toes because things were speeding up faster than anyone could possibly believe. This is what Vine predicted would happen:

"I am being shown that our world is speeding up faster than anyone originally anticipated and therefore taking people by surprise. The economic issues are relevant to the changing times we're entering, but we have failed to prepare for the environmental impacts that are about to strike us.

Spiritually we simply cannot keep rebuilding infrastructure that isn't going to last the distance and this is where I'm guided that world leaders will acknowledge their budgets will not be able to support grants, or research and development in the future. "

So far Australian psychic medium Vine has accurately predicted the world economy wouldn't be healthy. She was one of the first world psychics to provide her spiritual predictions about the global economy being far from robust, and now we have further proof with the Spanish banks bailout.

Update: 17th May 2012

Vine previously revealed in August 2011 that she was being shown a psychic vision of the Euro crashing.

"I am looking at a Euro dollar that is shaking and is too hard to manage. I see the Euro dollar falling down on the floor possibly indicating a crash and once it does, a new framework can be started. Overall it is going to be very volatile and the countries of the world will have to be ready to tackle a changing economic structure soon to emerge" (read full prediction update here).

In May 2012 the world economists and global banks are expecting this is inevitable because the people of Europe are not prepared to accept the strong austerity measures and unemployment to bail out the Euro.

Do you remember how Vine was preparing her world readers about what economically was to come?

"Be prepared to witness a rebellious energy emerging around the world where world leaders will fail to make any grounds or gain respect because of the wheeling and dealings of past political leaders." (read Vine's complete austerity prediction here).

This is what is occurring around the world right now. European government leaders are being voted out of government and the people movement is now a reality. The European people are turning to socialist governments to send a huge protest vote about the bail out of the Euro. Currently the world stock markets are reacting to the uncertainty and volatility of the European economies and you only have to see the latest news reports in the media to identify how dire of a situation our world is in.

This is why Vine shared that the world leaders would be taken by surprise because she was being warned they didn't realize the earth changes on our planet were already happening. When you read all of her earlier financial and economic predictions you will see she accurately has predicted everything about the world economies. She also shared that she saw problems in China (refer to Vine's earlier China prediction here).

Vine was being spiritually guided to warn the world we are going through major economic changes and this would result in the world people having a stronger democratic voice.

Update: 24th March 2012

As per Vine's prediction:
"The world economies are about to experience a flat line in 2012 and spiritually we now have to prepare for what this will mean to us as a global society?"

The list of countries going through hard times is growing in 2012. Figures just released show that the Republic of Ireland has fallen back into recession. Even China's industrial production growth slowed to 11.4% in January and February, compared with the same two months in 2010, "much slower than its normal pace of about 15%".

Update: 29th February 2012

Vine previously predicted for 2012:
"The world economies are about to experience a flat line in 2012 and spiritually we now have to prepare for what this will mean to us as a global society?"

This is being verified by the leading economists who have revealed that two European economies, the Netherlands and Italy, are now in recession.

Update: 21st February 2012

Australian psychic medium Vine went out on a limb in November 2011 and described world leaders needed a wake up call to understand the severity of the European debt crisis. The European Union, International Monetary Fund and the finance sector have been fighting a 5 month battle to stop the Euro from crashing. Today they passed the 180 billion Greek bailout. Lets hope this is all that is required. We'll keep monitoring this world economic psychic prediction throughout the year...

Update: 19th January 2012

World psychic predictions should be about providing real proof of genuine prophecy, and Melbourne Born Psychic Medium Vine is proving time and time again there are some gifted psychics in the world that can do exactly that.

Vine has been guiding since April 2011 that the world economies would become more volatile. She went as far as describing this vision as seeing "crumbling at the top hierarchy".

Vine attempts to help people understand why the world economies are not bouncing back. Gifted Clairvoyant Vine provides genuine spiritual guidance to assist people all over the globe understand why the world is entering the earth changes. For competitors to label Vine's predictions as negative misses the point. She is looking into the future and pulling back the memory being shown to her.

Instead of readers finding frivolous psychic predictions, they are following credible Australian and world psychic predictions that are coming true. Anyone who has been regularly following Vine's 2010 and 2011 predictions is aware how accurate they are. Now that the International Monetary Fund IMF is requesting an additional 500 billion because the 2012 economic global forecasts have been revised due to some countries experiencing recession-like signs. It would seem Vine's earlier caution:

What's it going to take to get world leaders, the financial sector and economists to understand the crucial times we are now living in? Spiritually a lot I'm being guided.

Only time can tell if the financial sector, banks and world political leaders have done enough to avoid countries feeling the economic fallout.

Update: 14th January 2012

The EU is reeling after France lost its AAA rating at the start of 2012. Now France has joined Italy, Portugal, Cyprus and Spain after Standards and Poor's downgraded all of their ratings, sending out a signal all is still not well. Vine's world events psychic predictions are currently being followed by thousands of readers around the world. They are considered to be the most relevant and accurate psychic predictions online. Forget airy fairy psychic predictions, you will not find them on Vine's prediction site - only predictions offering helpful guidance for people to use in their everyday lives.

The world banking sector is taking a lot of hits at the start of the year because of the economic woes of Europe, with huge job losses occurring in the financial and banking sector across the globe.

Update: 6th January 2012

Latest reliable world news reports are claiming the Euro has dropped to a 16 month low because of grave concerns about Europes banks. Vine originally predicted: "the world economies are about to experience a flatline in 2012"

The latest developments in Greece, Italy, Spain, Hungary, France and Germany have the financial market in a panic because within days of the new year it seems even the austerity cuts might not be enough to bump up the financial sector.

Update: 5th January 2012

And so it begins. Greece is the first country in 2012 to say they may default on its Eurozone debts unless the Greek people accept more wage cuts and are demanding the Greek Unions don't interfere with their new policies.

Vine Psychic Melbourne, Australia
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