It's Happening Again - Psychic Central Latest Plagiarisers of Vine's Psychic Reviews
In my psychic reading editorial today I'm writing about plagiarism in the psychic industry. They say that copying is a form of flattery, but you wouldn't expect an Australasian psychic chat site would plagiarize my client testimonials and online psychic reviews word for word, but that's exactly what happened.How Common is Plagiarism in the Psychic and Mind Body Spirit Sector?
This isn't a one off experience in the Mind Body Spirit industry, plagiarism is so widespread that people are coming together all over the world to speak out about plagiarisers who take credit for other creatives’ spiritual work.There is an organisation in the United States called Pagans Against Plagiarisers, which was created by authors who spent months painstakingly writing books and publishing them through reputable publishers, only to discover that their books have immediately been plagiarized.
Many people who work in the psychic, pagan, and Mind Body Spirit sector, or personal development transformation field are finding out the hard way, that there are media identities and celebrities helping themselves to other people's published work, to build up a false business reputation to impress their readers and fans, or to falsely attract business customers.
Remarkably even highly respectable investigative journalists are also contending with media plagiarisers. Recently the Daily Mail was outed for consistently ripping off well known investigative journalists who are working for other media organisations.
My Own Experiences of Having Work Ripped Off
My own work is being regularly stolen and appropriated by others and this isn't the first time I've dealt with Aussie & international phone psychics who have stolen my content.
Psychic Central plagiarised testimonials directly from Vine's web site.
Over the years, I've had to take legal action against psychic company owners who advertise they communicate with angels, literally ripping off my content, ideas, website designs.

In plagiarising Vine's Testimonials (as shown here), Psychic Central also showed that their own testimonials were fake.
I've even had psychic chat owners trying to copy my spiritual breath technique after they recorded my phone readings and then attempted to replicate the technique.
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
Not only are phone psychic owners scraping my original content and hiring copywriters to rewrite spiritual articles about my personal paranormal experiences, I've also have tv psychics who have helped themselves to my copyright protected articles and taken credit for them.My loyal customers have found magazine articles by well known celebrity psychics that were published on my blog and website being given a make over in Australian weekly gossip magazines. Not once have they honored the authors code, to give credit for my original content.
They radiated charm and honorable intentions to their customers, while they hired writers and copyrighters and then signed off on work they did not create. I've even had personal transformation YouTube Gurus scanning my website to discuss spiritually involved topics I've published on my website.
The Problem with Plagiarism
Something is spiritually and ethically amiss with helping oneself to another’s property without asking permission.The belief that it is okay to take credit for another creative’s work should not be defended. When people do this, it harms others and themselves. It is against everything relevant to standing in their own authentic energy and they miss the opportunity for their own internal growth. This is spiritually identified under the law of 'the energy of lack'.
Oscar Wilde
The psychic chat owners who say they were born with unique clairvoyant and medium senses, shouldn't need to help themselves to other people's true life experiences if they genuinely have heightened spiritual sensitivities.
They would know that signing their name on ripped off content is against the Akashic Laws - therefore would be karmically addressed. The ego that rules these individuals to ignore spiritual laws and give a false perception to their customers, is spiritually known to the higher realms.
There is no such law in the spiritual realms that declares all is fair in love and business.
This is easily identified in the Bible’s 10 Commandments...
8th Commandment: Thou shalt not steal
Ask yourself, why the higher realms would command the spiritual being not to take something that doesn't belong to them?
If you refer to other religious and spiritual references they all have similar laws. (For instance, the Second Precept of Buddhist Right Action: Not Stealing)
What does it say when people who have chosen to work in the spiritual field, abuse the Akashic Laws?
It reveals there is a need for spiritual discernment about celebrity authors, YouTube personal development transformation Gurus, and TV personalities and boastful psychic owners who allow their ego to direct them to commit these spiritual crimes.It reveals how their competitive nature has stopped them from doing what is right and let pride be their master. Knowing they did not have the knowledge, they took credit for another creative’s work and disrespected the spiritual consciousness that gave them life.
It dishonors the spiritual beings who shared their true life experiences, skills and gifts with an open heart, or dug into their intellect to stand in authentic energy and honor who they incarnated to be.
By pretending to be something you are not and stealing another spiritual being's gifts, you squander the talents that were given to you.
There are so many spiritual beings in the psychic sector that do not have natural heightened skills. They demand them like the petulant child.
If someone else has this, then I want it also. If I don't have this natural ability, I will take what is mine. I will use modalities to help me have this ability.
It doesn't belong to you. Your life is not served pretending to stand in another person's shadow. You waste your life essence, simply trying to appear spiritually gifted, or tainting the spiritual arts as they were originally intended.
Love and Light