Vine Psychic
Psychic Predictions
Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme Earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption.

Trump Russia Treason
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2018 Mid Year Psychic Prediction - Blood Moon Eclipse, What Lies Ahead?

29th July 2018

From mid-year, our world is about to move into the second stage of the Blue Moon and Blood Moon Psychic Prediction Prophecy for 2018.

The first blood moon occurred at the start of 2018 just before a once in a lifetime major super blue moon. On July 28th 2018 the second longest blood moon assumed the mantle of energy intensity.

Before I detail the next stage of my Blue Moons prophecy it's important to explain how physically and mentally exhausting the channelling has been this month.

The demands of revealing this spiritual psychic prediction prophecy has been gruelling.

During my sleep over the last month, I’ve had more spiritual remote visions relaying prophecy than I can ever recall since I first started seeing visions as a child. The importance of the global secret political meetings around the world was why I was asked to give up my sleep. I am located in Australia.

I’ve remotely viewed secret meetings in the United Kingdom, Russia, Israel Helsinki, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Turkey, China, the United States, the United Arab Emirates and my own country Australia.

I am in full knowing of the secret society behind the political turmoil that our world is currently contending with.

I have lifted out of my body and ethereally hovered over global secretive meetings with my spiritual guardians, to witness mostly male discussions about interfering in elections and organising future attacks on European countries that don't agree with the greater new world order plan.

In my visions, language was not a barrier and so I understood exactly what was being planned and how they intend to remove a lot of our freedoms, unless we as a global society do something to prevent them.

I have woken up angered at how our democracy wasn't a consideration in any of the discussions I saw taking place. Democracy is something they laugh about, while they organise their next military attack.

The armies of our world are used at their disposal. Hiding behind what we consider to be a high honour in protecting the national sovereignty of individual countries, is something more sinister - the belief of the elite deceivers, that they are born to rule over others without consequence.

Trump & Putin Meeting

One of the remote visions I saw was the July 4 meeting between GOP senators and Russian officials. They were trying to come up with a strategy to get the American public to be more accepting of a relationship between Russia and the USA especially concerning the Russian involvement in the 2016 US Presidential Elections.

One of the Senators attending this Russian Meeting, Senator John Thune, was spiritually identified as being directly involved with making it possible for Russian fake news to appear on Facebook.

The July 16 Donald Trump meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was to facilitate Russia's demands about getting sanctions overturned, handing over intelligence and capturing and interrogating people out of their reach.

Particularly those people in the West who are stopping Russian oligarchs and Putin being able to access their money, and continue with banking, financial and real estate money laundering without the Intelligence agencies of the world stopping them. (See the Maginsky Act). Their intention is to weaken Interpol, NATO, The United Nations and other international governmental statutory authorities that are stopping them from achieving their long term goals.

Not long after I had remotely viewed these discussions, the media was reporting that Donald Trump was considering allowing Russian investigators to question U.S. investor Bill Browder, former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and others. This was immediate confirmation of what I knew had taken place.

Mike Pompeo and Maria Butina

Another of the meetings I was remotely viewing was between United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Russian politicians. It took place after the July 16 meeting between Trump & Putin and was designed to shore up what was agreed on at the Trump/Putin meeting, and to let Pompeo know what was expected of him.

I woke up knowing that Mike Pompeo was a traitor to the United States people and would be used by the Russians, just like the Republican politicians who attended the 4th of July meetings in Russia.

I tweeted this about Mike Pompeo on July 21…

Mike Pompeo Tweet
Some 10-14 hours after this tweet, the story broke that the Russian foreign minister had told Mike Pompeo to free alleged spy Maria Butina.

One of the methods the Russians used to influence the US elections was to establish connections with US conservative Christians and the Republican politicians associated with them.

This is the reason Maria Butina had attended the National Prayer Breakfast on at least two occasions, using it as a backdoor to American power.

Foreign Agents Appropriate Psychic Predictions and Spiritual Prophecy about Trump and Brexit

My Higher Guardians showed me that Maria Butina wasn't the only Russian spy to infiltrate American Christian conservatives with the aim of influencing the US elections.

They revealed how original psychic predictions and prophecy that they had given to the world to warn about the deceivers behind Donald Trump, was being attacked digitally by foreign agents trying to stop it being found.

My psychic predictions were copied, keyword-rewritten and reproduced all over the web. However, instead of the original prophecy warnings about Trump, they were rewritten in favour of Donald Trump being the chosen one.

The first on my original psychic prediction cautions about Donald Trump were published online in 2011. And so I know for sure that there was no other Trump Prophecy on the internet at that time.

But much later, anonymous Russian foreign psyops (Psychological Operations) responsible for trying to stop the original prophecy being found, bombarded YouTube with religious prophecy about Trump, which had been backdated to 2011.

These Russian psyops also seemed to have a close relationship with the pro-gun America First Party (See Maria Butina-NRA prophecy update).

Maria Butina Tweet

We found that the America First Party was promoting the Mark Taylor, (Fireman) Trump Prophecies.

Mark Taylor stressed that his original Biblical prophecy was given to him in 2011, but I know that my own Trump Prophecy was the only one on the web that long ago. There was no one called “Fireman” writing spiritual or religious prophecy and sharing it on the world wide web back in 2011.

If the higher realms had really selected a prophet, they would have made sure those prophecies were easily found on the web at the time, in order to reach as large an audience as possible. This did not occur.

We found that all of the Mark Taylor Trump prophecy on YouTube was backdated. This was exactly the same method as used on videos, forums, newly created web sites, Facebook and social media by Russian disinformation agents who had used fake news propaganda on the world wide web.

I Was Guided to "Find the Knights"

To help me find the identity of the people responsible for the appropriation of my psychic predictions, I was shown spiritual visions of knights in medieval clothing and was guided I would find out the truth, if I found the knights. Finding the knights was also the way I would find the identities of those who considered themselves born to rule.

After joining the dots between the Mark Taylor Fireman Biblical predictions and Trump, it was obvious the religious relationship between Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom was relevant to what I was being spiritually guided about knights in medieval clothing.

Love and Light

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Read Prediction

Prediction UPDATE: 2nd November 2024

Mike Pompeo seen as a traitor

Vine first predicted Mike Pompeo would be seen as a traitor in July 2018.

Since then, many have expressed the same sentiments as Vine when she wrote in this prediction: "I woke up knowing that Mike Pompeo was a traitor to the United States people..."

Mike Pompeo Tweet - seen as a Traitor

Pompeo seen as traitor
Since this prediction in July 2018 and now in the 2024 election year, many agree with Vine

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Prediction UPDATE: 13th November 2020

Vine Predicted Mike Pompeo - Traitor to the U.S.A.

In 2018 Vine foresaw that Mike Pompeo would be seen as a traitor to the United States.

Traitor: "a person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country". In the political sense, a traitor is someone who commits treason - "attempting to overthrow one's own Government".

Pompeo-Traitor to the USA
Donald Trump has lost the election, so why did Mike Pompeo say, "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration"?

Donald Trump has now lost the election. He is no longer going to be President and Joe Biden is the President-elect... but in light of all this, Mike Pompeo acts as if Trump won the election by saying: "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration".

Planning a Coup?

The statement has been described as "Astounding and Tyrannical", and "...a war against America's democracy..."

Pompeo's statement comes as Trump suddenly replaced key Pentagon officials in the 'lame duck' period. For several months Vine has been warning that they are planning a coup, and now warnings about treasonous actions are being given...

"These people are in there to control a coercive Institution of U.S. democracy.

Trump Coup Tweet

Trump Coup Tweet 2

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Prediction UPDATE: 30th June 2020

"Democracy is something they laugh about, while they organise their next military attack"

In this prediction, Vine links the deceivers in Russia with deceivers behind Donald Trump in the United States. Vine saw (in a remote vision) that Donald Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in July 2018, was to facilitate Russia's demands...

Now the world is also coming to realise what really went on in that meeting between Trump and Putin...

Trump Russia Treason
Newspapers are now using the same photos of the Putin/Trump Meeting of July 2018 as Vine used to illustrate this prediction two years ago. Vine remotely viewed what was really agreed upon in the meeting...

At the time of this meeting between Putin and Trump in July 2018, Vine remotely viewed it and heard what was really agreed upon. She was guided by her Higher Guardians to use the above photograph to illustrate this prediction and draw attention to the true meaning of the meeting.

Now, two years later, newspapers across the world are also reproducing pictures of the same meeting. In light of Trump's tacit approval of Putin's bounties on US Troops in Afghanistan, people are now remembering that meeting and wondering what really went on.

But two years ago Vine predicted that this meeting was associated with Russian demands on Trump. Demands which are now becoming obvious...

Russia Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

In February 2020, the US and Taliban agreed on a ceasefire in Afghanistan.

However, it has been revealed that Russia has secretly offered Afghan militants bounties to kill U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan and the Trump administration has done nothing about it despite knowing about it for months.

The Russians who organised bounties to kill US troops, are the same Russians who helped elect Trump in 2016 !

The Russian organisation believed responsible for the bounties is Unit 29155, a part of Russia’s military intelligence agency known as the G.R.U.. This is the same Russian organisation responsible for helping to elect Trump in 2016.

American intelligence officials say the G.R.U. cyberunits, known as 26165 and 74455, hacked Democratic Party servers and used WikiLeaks to publish internal communications.

So, exactly the same Russian group of who aided Trump's election in 2016, are now reportedly killing US soldiers in Afghanistan while Trump sits idly by and pretends he didn't know about it.

This all goes back to the meeting between Trump and Putin in July 2018, which Vine remotely viewed and saw that it was to facilitate Russia's demands.

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Prediction UPDATE: 14th October 2019

Our Democracies Are Under Threat

When Vine remotely viewed covert political meetings around the world, she saw wealthy imperious elite deceivers, authoritarian politicians and their subservients, secretly working in the shadows behind the political turmoil that our world is currently experiencing.

Vine has seen that they give very little consideration to preserving democracy. Their aim is to destroy democracy: "Democracy is something they laugh about, while they organise their next military attack." - Vine

democracy under threat
The World's democracies are under threat

Trump's Collusion with Ukraine

Once again, Donald Trump has shown no respect for democracy, by colluding with Ukraine to gain benefit for himself in the 2020 US Presidential elections.

Trump held up $250 million of US taxpayer money for military aid to help Ukraine defend itself (against Russia). In a secret phone call to Ukrainian President, Trump asked for “a favor” to investigate Trump’s political rival Joe Biden and his son. Vine saw and was warned about many such secret meetings to subvert democracy.

US Still in Syria - Trump Spends More on War

In Vine's remote visions, she saw them laugh about democracy, as they organised their next military attack. And that is exactly what Trump seems to be doing in Syria...

Trump has recently moved US troops out of Northern Syria to allow Turkey to attack the Kurdish people who helped the US fight ISIS.

When Trump said: "We have no soldiers in the area (North Syria)...  We’re getting out of the endless wars. We are out of there. We’ve been out of there for a while. No soldiers whatsoever." - It is another lie.

The US is not getting out of the war, in fact, just the opposite: US soldiers are still in Syria. They were simply stood aside, which allowed their NATO ally (Turkey) to attack and kill their anti-ISIS partner (the Kurds). Trump has kept the war going and risked widening conflict in the area.

Even Republican senator Marco Rubio seems to agree that Trump's actions were to prolong and widen the war rather than end it, and to assist Russia and Assad.

Rubio tweeted:

"ISIS killers will now escape & boost chances of a resurgence
One of few moderate pro-U.S. groups in region now allied with Assad & Putin
Syria’s future now controlled by Russia & Iran. A significant blow to Israel’s security & boost to Iran’s goal of regional dominance"

And more generally, Donald Trump is increasing US war funding by 139%.

Trump has also ramped up the number drone strikes in America's shadow wars, way beyond the level of the Obama years.

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Prediction UPDATE: 25th April 2019

They are Destroying Our Democracies

Vine's Higher Guardians have warned that the intention of the deceivers behind Trump's administration, is to tear everything down and destroy Democracy...

Steve Bannon - Svengali
Steve Bannon as Svengali in his web - Original drawing by George du Maurier for his 1895 novel, Trilby

Secret Meetings about European Countries

For this prediction, Australian Vine Psychic lifted out of her body and ethereally hovered over global secretive meetings with her spiritual guardians, to witness discussions about interfering in elections, and organising future attacks on European countries with the aim of destroying Democracy.

We see the truth of this prediction in the secret meetings between Steve Bannon and far right groups in Europe, and their plan of attack for influencing the upcoming European elections...

Steve Bannon - The Svengali Spider in the Web

Vine's Higher Guardians have referred to Steve Bannon as the spider collecting flies in the dark web of secret meetings and deceptive activities behind the Trump presidency, Brexit and the rise of the far right and radical religious groups around the world.

Svengali's spider web is an apt metaphor for Steve Bannon’s activities since leaving the Trump administration.

Svengali was a character in the 1894 novel, Trilby, by George du Maurier, and the word Svengali has come to refer to a person who exercises a controlling or mesmeric influence on another, especially for a sinister purpose.

Bannon's Connections & Propaganda

Spirit's reference to Bannon as the spider in the web can be demonstrated by the numerous meetings and connections made around the world, often with extreme right wing agents like Senator Armando Siri of the far-right Italian Lega Party.

Armando Siri is now under investigation over alleged corruption.

Bannon continues to use his spider web connections with Italy's Lega Party to spread propaganda against the Pope. Bannon advised Lega's Matteo Salvini to attack Pope Francis over his caring stance for the plight of refugees.

The Movement

Spider's Web in Europe Steve Bannon

Bannon's Spider's Web in Europe - Steve Bannon is acting as the connective tissue within far-right populist parties all across the EU. To do so he founded The Movement -

In the lead up to the European elections, Bannon has been weaving his spider's web in Europe. He has set up a group called The Movement, to bring together disparate extreme right wing groups in Europe.

Now connected, these far-right groups are studying the tactics used for Brexit, the 2016 US presidential elections and the recent Italian elections, and applying them to the upcoming European Elections.

They will most likely also be studying Turkey's spiral into authoritarianism under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The Rise of Far Right 'Populism'

When Trump first assumed the role of US President in 2017, many Turks who were under the thumb of Turkish President Erdoğan could see their own story being retold in America - If you want to see America’s future, look at Turkey .

The blaming of refugees for homeland problems, attacks on the media, religion used as a tool to divide and a liberal use of the word “terrorist” were all tactics used by Erdoğan in Turkey before his fascist rule took hold.

Turkish journalist Ece Temelkuran, says that the rise of the far right 'populism' that happened in Turkey could happen anywhere, even in the most robust Western democracies.

LISTEN HERE: Far Right 'Populism' in Turkey - It Could Happen To Us...

Authoritarianism in Turkey linked to Trump Via Michael Flynn

There are links between Turkey’s far right government and the deceivers behind the Trump administration.

Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor in Trump’s administration seemed to be associated with strengthening President Erdoğan’s authoritarian rule in Turkey while working as Trump's campaign advisor.

During the Trump campaign, Flynn supported a short-lived coup against President Erdoğan. But the weak coup only lasted a two days and ended up helping Erdoğan who used the excuse of the coup to forcefully suppress his opponents.

A few months later, on US election day, Flynn inexplicably reversed his rhetoric and was now calling for the U.S. to back Erdoğan's Turkish government.

In December 2018 an associate of Michael Flynn was charged with illegal lobbying for Turkey.

The Role of the Military Industrial Complex

President Eisenhower talks about the Military Industrial Complex

Vine has long been warning about the covert military tactics of authoritarian governments and those with authoritarian aims. Because this is all about stirring up tension and racial divisions as an excuse to call another war that nobody wants, the question remains:

Is the military industrial complex also actively involved?

Their Aim is to Destroy Democracy

Vine's Higher Guardians have warned that the reason for Austerity economics is to create the desperation and frustration that leads to popularity of far right politics. The resulting division leads to wars and the ultimate destruction of our democracies.

Mueller Report

"Mueller clearly indicated that he thought Congress should act where he was prevented from doing so by a peculiar Justice Department rule, and that Trump should be prosecuted after he leaves office." -

The Mueller Report suggests that trump can be indicted after he leaves office. However, the real danger is that the deceivers behind Trump will achieve their aim of going to war with Iran and destroying democracy before Trump's presidency is over.

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Prediction UPDATE: 28th January 2019

Steve Bannon Implicated in Roger Stone Arrest

A few months ago in an update for this prediction, we wrote about Steve Bannon's secret meetings in China, New York and the United Arab Emirates.

Bannon is still working for the deceivers behind the Trump administration.

His reported sacking was a ruse, a trap, like a spider's web. With such a dark web of tentacles being thrown out in so many directions it's hard to see what is really going on.

Vine Psychic Steve Bannon Tweet

The recent arrest of Roger Stone has again highlighted Bannon's involvement. Stone has been charged with obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering over his role in contacting WikiLeaks about hacked Democratic emails.

According to news reports, Bannon has been identified as the senior Trump Campaign official who was directed to ask Stone about the status of future WikiLeaks releases.

Vine's Higher Guardians have been revealing the deceivers behind Trump's presidential campaign and administration long before the Mueller investigation began and before journalists broke the story. They've been warning about Donald Trump since 2011.

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Prediction UPDATE: 27th November 2018

Trump Puts Pressure on NATO

Vine predicted that one of the intentions of Trump and the deceivers behind him, is to weaken NATO and other international governmental statutory authorities.

Weakening NATO is also Putin's aim, so it has not gone unnoticed that on the same day as Russia attacked and captured three Ukrainian naval vessels and tensions between Russia and Ukraine have heightened... Instead of warning Russia, Trump put more pressure on NATO, exactly as Putin would have wanted.

VinePsychic Tweet about Trump-Russia
Instead of commenting on the volatile situation between Russia and Ukraine, Trump chose to use his Twitter account to put further pressure on NATO, exactly as Putin would have wanted...

INTERPOL Snubs Russia

Even though Ukraine ships have been sailing through the Kerch Strait for years, Putin has waited until now to stop them, just days after Russia failed to have it's agent, Alexander Prokopchuk, elected to the INTERPOL presidency.

INTERPOL is another of the international governmental statutory authorities that Vine accurately predicted the deceivers behind Trump are trying to weaken.

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Prediction UPDATE: 19th Nov 2018

Deceivers' Intention:
Weaken INTERPOL and other International Governmental Statutory Authorities

Australian clairvoyant medium VINE predicted that the deceivers behind Trump and Brexit want to weaken INTERPOL...

Through remote spiritual visions, Vine's psychic prediction reveals the reasons for secretive meetings between Putin, Trump and their deceivers working behind the scenes.

Vine predicted that one of their goals is to weaken INTERPOL and other international governmental statutory authorities that stand in the way of their money laundering operations and other long term criminal activities.

This is coming true...

VinePsychic Tweet about Interpol

Attack on INTERPOL

Vine predicted attacks on international governmental statutory authorities, including INTERPOL, which is the organization that connects the world's police forces and facilitates international police cooperation in areas such as money laundering and organized crime.

Money laundering (see Maginsky Act) is one of the main reasons for Russian interference in the 2016 US elections. But it’s not just Russian money being laundered in America. In this prediction, Vine’s higher guardians point out that other countries are also heavily involved in money laundering in the US.

In the United States, there are links to the attacks on INTERPOL from both Russian and Chinese money laundering.

Chinese Money Laundering > INTERPOL

Joining the Dots...

The joining of the dots above, between Chinese, Russian and U.A.E. money laundering billionaires, INTERPOL, Trump and Bannon, all point towards networks of secretive and corrupt international billionaire deceivers controlling governments and being responsible for Brexit, the election of Trump, the degradation of social democratic principles and subsequent rise of authoritarianism and facist groups around the world.

Vine's prediction about the deceivers' attempts to weaken Interpol, and use it to reduce interference from international governmental statutory authorities, unfortunately seems to be coming true.

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2018 Vine Psychic Prediction Prophecy Summary from Angelic Spiritual Guardians - Look to the Blue Moons
Vine's 2018 Spiritual channeling psychic predictions about money laundering and exposing our false economies. Vine's Spiritual Guardians also predicted extreme weather, earthquakes and meteors that will highlight the connection between human activities and climate change.

What is the Spiritual Meaning of the SUPERMOON?
Synchronicity between the magnetic field, the human and ethereal body and the elements of the world.

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