Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption. Since 2010 Vine has been a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.
Who will win Australian Election
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic - 8th August 2010
Some of my clients have been finishing their psychic readings by asking me to declare the winner of
the 2010 Australian federal election.
Will it be Labor or Liberal?
The Real Issue
Spirit is not really concerned about election results, they are however concerned about our environment and the message getting through to our political leaders that we don’t have a lot of time to waste about tackling climate change.
Addressing Climate Change
There is more to the scientific puzzle on whether climate change is man-made or a natural phenomenon. (I have already received guidance and written about this in previous blog articles). What is more important to spirit is, what are we going to do to stop climate change getting any worse, and guiding our leaders to be more progressive and visionary in their thinking when bringing in progressive renewable and green policies, and stopping the heavy polluters and large business consortiums dominating the debate on whether climate change actually exists. Does spirit care about some of the power games of the large business and media magnates and political pressure groups? Yes.
The spiritual guidance I have received over the last 30 years has been about recognising our world is going through major change and to be ready and spiritually alert to tackle this. Although spirit will provide one-on-one guidance to help people clarify some of their pressing life issues, they also have been guiding that unless we begin to get ready for the changes to our environment we will have greater numbers of environmental refugees seeking assistance because their home lands have been lost, and the economic cost on our planetary economies will not be able to cope. This guidance has been given to me since I was a child. The changes that spirit is emphasising have occurred in my lifetime and yours. They will also be affecting your children and your children’s children.
Is the Australian election going to be influenced by the lack of foresight by politicians in Australia in seriously addressing climate change? Yes.
Close Election
The Australian election is going to be on a knife’s edge and there is going to be a lot of debate after the election by the political strategists who believed they were reading the electorate’s way of thinking when they released their political policies.
The one thing they have failed to adequately address is the discourse of the spiritual beings that want stronger leadership from our political parties on a wide range of issues. They are not seeing this and that is why the major political parties are in for a large shock.
The Greens
The Greens will have a lot of support, more than originally anticipated and will win a lot of electoral backing to get them over the line in some of the seats they have failed to win in the past. The Australian electorate is going to place a protest vote to both major parties and although the Liberal party believes they have won a lot of support from the disgruntled, and have played on the fear of the electorate in some of the marginal seats using refugees as pawns in a game, they will find this won’t get them over the line.
Previous Prime Minister Kevin Rudd...
How he will influence the election?
Kevin Rudd is crucial to turning the electorate around, and it is not an accident that he had to lose power and enter a time of soul searching about his political leadership. Spirit guides that the reason why Kevin Rudd was failing to engage the public, was because he was mentally and spiritually tired. His irritability was a classic sign of this, and although he had people around him, most didn’t take him to the side and place his face in the mirror to gaze into those tired eyes. A spiritual being requires a healthy lifestyle to keep on top of their game. When this is unbalanced the cards will fall down which is why in the end the previous Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd ended up in hospital to have his gall bladder removed.
The younger voters, demographics mostly aged from 18 - 40 will be showing both parties they are not happy with the way they have ignored their views about taking Australia into a new foreword-thinking era. These voters will hold the balance of power in the Australian election.
The Result
The Labor party will win the federal election and will be told in no uncertain terms that this time they must do more about protecting the environment. The polls will not reflect this until the last week of the election campaign and there it will be seen to all… the Australian people have spoken.
Vine - 8th August 2010
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UPDATE - 2010 Australian Election - September 2010
Prediction Comes TRUE
Vine's Psychic Prediction for the 2010 Australia Election was 100% accurate.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Australian Labor Party were returned with the support of Independents and the Greens who were the driving force behind action on Climate Change.
Vine predicted that the result of the election would be "on a knife’s edge". The actual result was 72 seats each to the Labor and LNP. It doesn't get any more "knife edged" than that.
Vine then went on to predict that, although Labor would win, they would be told "in no uncertain terms that this time they must do more about protecting the environment".
This also came true when the Independents and Greens who supported Labor to form a Minority Government, did so on the proviso that Labor
"must do more about protecting the environment."
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