Most voters believe they used their free will to vote in the United States elections, but hypnotic language, data mining & fake news used by politicians and marketing, can tamper with free will.
Now we come to the next channeled warning. Spiritually I was guided the deceiver cells targeted social media trends and matched profiles to demographic and geographical voters to influence and persuade, using fake news. Again, I was guided this was set up months in advance, well before Brexit and the United States election. How many people do you know who were directly receiving fake news on their social media feeds, before major world events?
I was guided, that the same deceptive influences intend to target France and German elections.
What is the next stage of the plan to convince us (the voter) that we are making informed decisions, when actually, news is being carefully orchestrated behind the scenes by the New World Order?
It is the dismantling of world media, I am spiritually guided. The deceivers want to destroy credible media and go directly to the people. It is predicted this will become more evident in 2017.
I will detail the plan in full:
- First stage of the plan is to use fake news to confuse the voters about political parties. The politician they select will be promoted extensively, the political party they don't want to get into office will be targeted with fake news by social media profiles set up on social media following trends and demographics.
- The second stage is to denigrate the official media so we the people, don't trust the integrity of the source. Some of the deceivers’ media will turn on credible press outlets to confuse you into believing that they cannot be trusted. You are then meant to abandon this media en masse.
- The third stage is to get the people to not fund media outlets, so they die. They will openly attack long term media who attempt to investigate political candidates, so sponsors are forced not to advertise affecting shareholdings earnings, creating panic to get rid of the stock.
- The fourth stage I am predicting is the real intention of what the deceivers have set in motion for years, it is to go directly to the people using electronic cell phone messages and mobile devices. This means they will bypass social media completely. It is predicted the elite deceivers want to text message and block any other press source interfering to completely influence (brainwash) the people. Direct feeds in social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are an intermediary stage towards this.
The start of this elaborate plan is occurring by the Trump marketing team who are ignoring press conferences and using Twitter as the main source of Trump's political communication. They were able to use PR marketing to get credible media to talk about Trump tweets. All his marketing and PR team had to do to avoid public scrutiny about Trump's tax and suspect business relationships was get him to tweet a controversial tweet. I was shown a vision of the people and the media corralled like cattle into pens, oblivious of the greater plan set up by the deceivers.
My higher guardians are revealing as a society of educated people we have failed in our spiritual responsibility to hold the deceivers accountable for the injustices in our world. 2017, I am guided is the beginning of a crowd funded public revolution to right these wrongs.
Shortly I will reveal the previous prophecy guided by the higher realms highlighting some of the devious plans set up by the spiritual deceivers (illuminati). When all predictions are combined you will see how spiritual forewarnings about social media ownership and algorithm codes were central to the deceivers pushing through radical political policies and handpicking paid politicians who would then begin to dismantle the United Nations to allow the new world order plan to take shape.
You now have to delve deeper to identify which corporate board members and government institutions are part of the deceptive plan I have channeled. This will not be easy I am spiritually guided, but only investigative research will identify the people hidden behind the scenes and reveal the truth.
I am guided that if the people (you and I) fail to act now, we allow privacy, liberty and freedoms to be eroded forever.
Do you really want a world where politicians are not held to account by ethical committees or investigative journalism to get to the truth?
Do you want to be further economically enslaved?
If the answer is no, you better come up with a real strategy to fight the illuminati before they alter the world completely and there's no way to escape their economic and data retention clutches. You have to be the heroes, is what I was spiritually guided. Exciting times ahead for long term media, social media owners who unknowingly played into the hands of the New World Order.
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Read This Prediction
Prediction UPDATE: 29th October 2024
Billionaire Deceivers Manipulating Your Vote
Covert Manipulation of Elections
In this prediction Vine revealed that although "
Most voters in the United States believe they used their Free Will when voting ", in reality, countless voters were manipulated, and their Free Will stolen.
Is your Free Will being manipulated by dark forces?
Billionaires funded just the right lies to just the right people at just the right time, to make them vote against their own self-betterment and against the best interests of their communities.
Vine wrote:
I am guided that we are looking at political parties being paid by puppet masters to erode every democratic principle... to have complete control of fossil fuels, energy, financial and banking institutions, land and ocean territory.
Are You Being Manipulated by Billionaires?
The way millions of people are voting right now, is being manipulated and controlled by plutocratic dark forces.
Watch Vine's latest Video on your
Free Will and how they are stealing it.
It's not simply that
"99.99 percent of Americans are drowned out by the blaring megaphones of a handful of billionaires", these billionaires have actually poured their money into ways of getting you to vote the way THEY want you to vote.
Shining light onto the dark forces controlling you
Vine has been throwing light onto these dark deceiving forces for many years.
She joined the dots on how the manipulation is done in the updates of her 2017 prediction:
Not All Is As It Seems
• • • • • • • • • •
Prediction UPDATE: 28th February 2024
Israeli, Gaza and the Fossil Fuel Grab
Vine's prediction about the deceiver's Fossil Fuel, Land and Ocean grabs
Are the Huge Palestine GAZA Marine Gas Reserves Fuelling Israel's 'War' against Gaza? There is an estimated 1.6 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in the Gaza Marine, directly offshore from the Gaza Strip.
The Gaza Marine is "
legally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority" and the
"development and gas extraction rights belonged to the Palestinians".
In this prediction Vine warned of
"political parties paid by puppet masters to erode every democratic principle set up by historical founders, in order to have complete control of fossil fuels, energy, financial and banking institutions, land and ocean territory."
Prediction Coming True...
Part of a Land Grab? - One of the controlled demolitions caried out by Israeli ground forces.
Right Now Vine's prediction about the deceivers' fossil fuel, Land and ocean grabs is most demonstrably coming true in
Israel's "controlled demolition" of the Palestinian Gaza Strip and ongoing grab for Palestinian gas in the Gaza Marine.
Israel's aerial offensive is levelling Gaza and together with demolition carried out by Israeli ground forces, the
destruction of Gaza property seems to have gone far beyond the point of destroying Hamas.
Vine warned that the deceivers want complete control of
fossil fuels, energy, financial and banking institutions,
land and ocean territory...
Gaza Marine - Gas Fields
Since they were discovered in 2000, there has been an
ongoing battle for control of the Palestinan Gaza Marine gas fields, off the coast of the Gaza Strip.
Moshe Ya'alon, former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces said,
"It is clear that, without an overall military operation to uproot Hamas control of Gaza, no drilling work can take place without their consent.
Just as Vine predicted, the deceivers want complete control of fossil fuels, energy, financial and banking institutions, land and ocean territory.
• • • • • • • • • •
Prediction UPDATE: 22nd July 2024
UK - Russia Report
British Government, "Looks the Other Way"
The Russia Report" by the British Parliament 'Intelligence and Security Committee' has finally been released. It investigated allegations of Russian interference in British politics, including alleged Russian interference in the 2016 Brexit referendum.
It shows what Vine predicted... that the United Kingdom was
"directly involved" in Russian involvement in UK democracy and the ongoing plans of the conservative governments in the United Kingdom and the United States, who benefited from Russian involvement.
The UK government
"actively avoided" looking into Russian interference in the important 2016 Brexit referendum.
UK governments "looked the other way" as
Russia mounted a prolonged, sophisticated campaign to undermine Britain’s democracy.
This allowed Russia to be heavily involved in the Brexit referendum and to use the techniques trialled in the UK to hone them for the election of Donald Trump.
But importantly, just as Vine predicted, the 'Russia Report' reveals that UK governments were complicit in Russian involvement, by sitting back and allowing it to happen whilst various British politicians and business people actively played a part in Russian involvement in Brexit and ultimately the election of Donald Trump, shortly after.
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Prediction UPDATE: 24th February 2020
Roger Stone’s Sentence Reduced after William Barr / Trump Intervene
Erosion of Democratic Principles Predicted by Vine
In this psychic prediction, Vine was guided that the puppet masters behind politicians such as Trump, would attempt to
"erode every democratic principle set up by the historical founders..."
This prediction has again proven to be accurate after the conviction and revelations surrounding the sentencing of Roger Stone.
Who is Roger Stone?
Roger Stone first came to prominence during Richard Nixon’s political ascent. (He has a
tattoo of Nixon's face on his back.)
Stone was a lobbyist for Trump for many years and his presidential campaign manager in 2000. He was Trump's 2016 election campaign manager before he was sacked.
He's been called a
"dirty trickster", a
"state of the art sleezeball", a
"little rat" and an
"actor who likes to assume poses". But Donald Trump calls Roger Stone
"a quality guy" -
See: Netflix documentary "Get Me Roger Stone"
Stone Convicted and Sentenced
In November 2019, Roger Stone was found guilty of lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing the House investigation into whether the 2016 Trump election campaign conspired with Russia. U.S. Dept of Justice prosecutors recently recommended that Stone receive 7-9 years in prison for his crimes.
William Barr Intervenes
However, in what
Dept of Justice officials have described as
openly flouting fundamental principles of law, Attorney General William Barr intervened to reduce Stone's sentence to just over three years including two years probation. The Dept of Justice officials accused William Barr of
"doing the President’s personal bidding".
Barr has previously been called
"a threat to democracy" and
"Trump's enabler-in-chief".
The actions of Stone, Trump and Barr are examples of the
"erosion of democratic principles" predicted here by Vine more than three years ago.
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Prediction UPDATE: 10th June 2019
Israel's involvement in Trump Election
Vine predicted that Israel (along with Russia), was involved in the illegitimate election and ongoing direction of Trump's Administration.
Netanyahu Met with Trump before US Election
It's now been revealed that when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in new York for the 2016 UN summit 2 months before US elections, he met with Donald Trump, who was then the Republican candidate in the US presidential race.
In their meeting, according to former Trump advisor Steve Bannon, Netanyahu
"coached the billionaire political novice about the importance of US-Israeli relations ".
Netanyahu also developed a systemised plan for Trump's random thought bubbles about foreign policy, security, immigration, terrorism, Islam, etc. and even the advantages of a border wall with Mexico.
Netanyahu is reported to have
"distilled and focused it all into a simple formula: Iran, not Russia, is "our" main enemy. In fact, the Russian president is uniquely positioned to help us against the ayatollahs and radical Islam".
Netanyahu's involvement in the US election and subsequent direction of the Trump administration, must now be seen in the light of Israeli covert manipulation of politics in the UK, as seen in this Al Jazeera investigation
Israel Covert Manipulation Tactics
Vine has consistently warned about covert mind manipulation and hypnotism which persuades otherwise sensible people to ignore the obvious truth and instead believe ridiculous lies, against their own best interests.
This sort of covert manipulation is made evident in the above Al Jazeera investigation, which highlights false accusations of anti-semitism in the UK Labor party, which are based on propaganda, lies and covert manipulation of young minds to believe in the ridiculous war-is-peace type assertion, that anti-semitism is anti-zionism.
Nothing could be further from the truth, however, as Vine has been warning for years, truth is a casualty of covert manipulation.
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Prediction UPDATE: 13th April 2019
Trumps Tax Returns and Business Dealings
In this psychic prediction about the deceivers' plans for the Donald Trump presidency, Vine showed how they would attempt to keep Trump's tax returns and business dealings secret.
What is Donald Trump Hiding?
Why has Donald Trump broken with decades of presidential precedent by not voluntarily releasing his tax returns? Why is Trump
acting like he has something to hide?
Without seeing Trump’s tax returns we have no idea who Trump is in business with, or who has been paying him over the years, or if he is even paying tax at all.
So, if he’s not hiding anything, why doesn’t he do what other presidents since Nixon have done, and release his tax returns?
Trump has now hand-picked someone with close ties to his own businesses,
Michael Desmond, to be chief counsel of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The New York Times reported that,
"Trump might have had an ulterior motive in insisting on a speedy confirmation for Michael Desmond: a looming battle with House Democrats over his elusive tax returns."
Democrats have asked the IRS to hand over Trump's tax returns from 2013 to 2018. However, the Treasury Department said it would not comply with the congressional request, even though it is an offence not to do so.
The Aim of the Trump Deceivers, is to Destroy Democracy
Vine has predicted that the deceivers behind Trump would attempt to deliberately break down our system of Government to destroy democracy itself.
Slowly but surely, this is what is happening.
The democracy that our forefathers fought and died to protect, is being deliberately destroyed to ensure that the deceiver elite can gain complete control.
They are doing this by slowly but surely installing their own government officials and judges into key positions of control.
Trump now controls the IRS Chief,
Charles Rettig, as well as the IRS Legal Council, Michael Desmond. So if Trump's people in the IRS refuse to release his tax returns and the Democrats take the issue to the Supreme Court, they will be appealing to Supreme Court judges who include Trump's hand-picked,
Judge Kavanagh.
If you think this is all just luck, instead of a carefully executed plan of attack, have a look at what Newt Gingrich said over a year ago, when asked what will happen if the Democrats win the lower house and subpoena Trump’s tax returns:
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Prediction UPDATE: 27th January 2019
Roger Stone Arrested - Steve Bannon Implicated
Vine has been warning about what was really going on behind Trump election for the last three years.
She has been highlighting
Steve Bannon's role in the election of both Trump and Brexit and has been warning about Steve Bannon ever since. Vine has long warned that leaving the Trump administration was just a ruse and a trap, like the spider's web...
Now the
arrest of Roger Stone has again highlighted Bannon's involvement.
Stone has been charged with obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering over his role in contacting WikiLeaks about hacked Democratic emails, and Bannon has been implicated...
With the help of the Higher Realms and her Higher Guardians, Vine has been warning about Donald Trump since 2011 and revealing the deceivers behind Trump's presidential campaign and administration, since the beginning of 2016.
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Prediction UPDATE: 12th July 2018
Why have Hard Brexit MPs David Davis and Boris Johnston Resigned?
The reason why LEAVE campaigners like David Davis and Boris Johnston are so set on a Hard Brexit, is at the heart of Vine’s psychic prediction about Brexit-Trump-Russia.
It has been reported that a
hard Brexit would have a 5-7% negative impact on GDP over 15 years.
The reason they have given for their resignations is that Prime Minister Theresa May has come to the conclusion that the UK economy needs a slightly softer Brexit from the EU, keeping in tact some existing EU trade and customs rules.
During the Brexit referendum, the LEAVE campaigners
"sold the country a series of lies" about the benefits of leaving the European Union. They did this with financial backing from a US Billionaire, and Russian interference through big data micro-targeting of fake news to United Kingdom voters about how much better-off they’d be out of the EU.
Because the Leave campaign promises are proving difficult to keep, the UK’s actual departure from the EU has been described as
"a disaster unfolding in slow motion". There is very real concern that the Hard Brexit being pushed by resigning MPs David Davis and Boris Johnson, would
"wreak havoc on Britain's economy” making
UK austerity measures in welfare, childcare, housing, public spaces, social care and schools, even worse.
Vine’s higher Guardians predicted that this is precisely what the deceivers have been planning:
Why the Deceivers want a Hard Brexit and Trump
Vine explained in her
2017 Spiritual channeling:
“...the deceivers intend to tear down a lot of the government institutions we rely upon to keep society functioning properly.”
It is up to the people of the world to be alert and ready to tackle any breakdown of government office that will tear at the very fabric of harmonious society. Health services, mental health, education services, veterans support, financial austerity practices, legal aid, environment and marine protections, climate science, national parks etc. We are being guided to be ready for any austerity measures forced through parliaments around the world, to the extent that there may be government services never returning.”
“…you will be horrified how they set out to create a subservient society (economic slaves)”
BREXIT: Elite Deceiver's Trial Run for the Election of Donald Trump
Just after the 2016 Brexit referendum and three months before the US Presidential Elections, Donald Trump was in the UK and he tweeted:
They will soon be calling me MR. BREXIT!" -
Trump Tweet
Why Would Trump Associate Himself with Brexit?
Donald Trump made his "Mr Brexit" Tweet on the 18th of August 2016.
The day before, Trump had done two things:
- Trump hired Cambridge Analytica who had secretly worked for the Vote Leave campaign in the Brexit referendum.
- Trump hired Steve Bannon who helped set up Cambridge Analytica and was its Vice President.
Trump's National Security Advisor,
John Bolton also hired Cambridge Analytica and was
involved with the Vote Leave Brexit campaign.
Brexit-Trump-Russia | Brexit was the forerunner of the Election of Donald Trump
Over time it has become very clear that the deceivers behind the Trump-Russia scandal in the United States, were
also behind Brexit leave campaigns in the UK. Cambridge Analytica honed their big data collection and micro-targeting techniques in the Brexit referendum, before using the same techniques in the US presidential elections five months later.
With Hard Brexit in Turmoil, "Mr Brexit" Spruiks Brexit
The deceivers behind Trump are invested in a Hard Brexit. They used deceit and lies to make sure Brexit would happen and now, as Brexit is in turmoil, they are using their puppet "Mr Brexit" (as Trump referred to himself), to spruik it up.
Trump Tweeted:
Brexit means Brexit
See also: Vine's
2017 Spiritual Channeling Psychic Predictions about the deceivers' aims for Trump-Brexit.
• • • • • • • • • •
Prediction UPDATE: 25th March 2018
Cambridge Analytica Deception - On Video!
Long before the media was even investigating Cambridge Analytica or Facebook, in Vine's spiritual prophecy, she wrote:
"How calculated and out of control are the deceivers who are trying to control world governments? It is predicted that when I reveal the spiritual vision and channeling I received from my angelic guardians you will see how the deceivers treat people like you and I with economic and public disdain."
Vine's words have proven to be very prophetic...
The recent investigation by Channel 4 News, exposed the
"disdain" with which we are treated by Cambridge Analytica and the deceivers who fund and control them.
Secret videos have exposed the
"honey traps and bribes targeted at politicians", and the deceptive covert neurolinguistic cognitive manipulation processes being used to affect the thought process of voters and consumers (you and I)...
The Channel 4 investigation reported that Cambridge Analytica sent positive messages through the candidates official campaign,
"and the nasty stuff was pushed through outside organisations".
In other words, they got other people to push fake news and misleading stories, to hide that they came from the official Trump campaign organisers.
Sometimes they fed fake news directly to 3rd party organisations or micro-targeted it to receptive Facebook accounts, and sometimes they simply put the
"nasty stuff" out there...
Alexander Nix: "We just put information into the bloodstream of the internet, and then, watch it grow, give it a little push every now and again over time, to watch it take shape. And so this stuff infiltrates the online community and expands, but with no branding so it’s unattributable, untrackable."
The Deceivers Behind Trump
Vine warned that the free will of many voters in the 2016 US elections was interfered with, in an elaborate scheme set up by the real illuminati (elite puppet masters) to get governments and established media to crumble.
At the start of 2017 over a year ago, Australian Vine Psychic staff and prophecy volunteers joined the dots about the deceivers behind the election of Donald Trump, including Cambridge Analytica and Robert Mercer
Read: Companies and Deceivers Behind Trump - 1st Feb 2017
Now the story is widely known: Cambridge Analytica is funded by billionaire Robert Mercer. Mercer funded Trump's election campaign... Trump then hired Cambridge Analytica. After being declared President, Trump put Mercer's people into the White House.
The latest of Trump's Mercer-inspired appointments, is his
new security adviser John Bolton. Bolton has been connected to Robert Mercer since 2014 when Mercer gave $5 million to Bolton's super PAC in the lead-up to the 2016 US elections. Bolton's super PAC then hired Cambridge Analytica, which is funded by Robert Mercer.
The Deceivers Behind Trump Want War
Bolton then instructed Mercer's Cambridge Analytica to hire Facebook to use
"behavioral microtargeting with psychographic messaging" to make people more receptive and accustomed to going to war.
Whistle blower,
Christopher Wylie told the New York Times:
"The Bolton PAC was obsessed with how America was becoming limp wristed and spineless and it wanted research and messaging for national security issues... That really meant making people more militaristic in their worldview. That’s what they said they wanted, anyway."
John Bolton was also connected to the Vote Leave pro Brexit campaign, which suggests a direct link between Bolton, Mercer, Cambridge Analytica and the Brexit elections as well as the Trump elections.
It Doesn't End with Cambridge Analytica
Vine's higher guardians warn us to be aware of the deceivers behind politicians and companies like Cambridge Analytica.
So we should all take careful note that the people behind Cambridge Analytica have already set up a new data company called
Is it possible that they intend Emerdata to be a replacement for Cambridge Analytica, now that it has been exposed?
However, the question of whether Cambridge Analytica continues under a different name may be a mute point, as there are other deceivers in the process of using big-data to covertly manipulate voters...
i360 - Just Like Cambridge Analytica
The Liberal National Party (LNP) in Australia has already moved on to another data mining company called i360.
i360 is reported to be even worse than Cambridge Analytica. It is funded by climate change denying US billionaires, the Koch Brothers.
LNP used i360 in the recent South Australian State elections, and are using them in the upcoming Victorian State elections and federal election.
Vine's spiritual channeled warning about the "
Controllers of the Internet and Economies" from the higher realms, leaves a chilling reminder that not only is our democracy at stake, but our liberty and freedoms protected from one generation to the next are under attack.
There is no time for complacency.
Prediction UPDATE: 2nd August 2017
The Magnitsky Act -
Russia's Involvement in Electing Trump
In this prediction Vine warns about the deceivers who are behind Trump's election and presidency. As well as the deceivers inside the US, Vine's guardians warned us to
"identify deceivers from the mafia around the world" including from Russia.
Vine wrote,
"The mafia is directly singled out by my higher guardians as having direct relationships with political figures in Russia, Israel, the United Kingdom, Europe and other locations throughout the world."
Vine's reference to the Russian mafia refers to organised criminal activity, especially criminal activity at the highest levels of Russian Government involving
Russian oligarchs and Vladimir Putin.
Meeting between Russians and Trump Jr.
Russian involvement in the US elections has been in the news for a while, but it wasn't until information about the
meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner,
Paul Manafort and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya (
who has represented the FSB) that light has been shone onto the reasons why Russia hacked the election to push Trump for President.
When the meeting was made public,
President Trump told Donald Trump Jr. to issue the misleading statement that the meeting was
"mostly focused on the topic of (Russian) adoption, which was not a campaign issue.”
After it was revealed that the meeting was about obtaining
"damaging information" on Hillary Clinton, Trump Jr. changed his version of events to include that the meeting
talked about the Magnitsky Act.
What is the Magnitsky Act and Why Were They Talking About it in the Meeting?
Magnitsky Act was passed by US Congress in 2012. It punishes Russian officials responsible for the death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in a Moscow prison in 2009. It was also expanded to include other human rights violators in Russia.
The Magnitsky Act stipulates that anyone involved in Sergei Magnitsky's torture and murder, or who financially benefited from it, will be denied entry into the United States and have their U.S. financial accounts frozen.
Bill Browder's Senate Testimony
According to
Bill Browder whose experiences led to the creation of the Magnitsky Act, many of those affected by the Act are Russian oligarchs who supply 50% of their money to Vladimir Putin's personal accounts. Therefore, according to Browder, when the Magnitsky Act prevents those oligarchs from accessing their money in the US, it also prevents Putin from collecting his 50% cut.
In his
testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee Browder said, Putin also keeps his money in the West and
"all of his money in the West is potentially exposed to asset freezes and confiscation. Therefore, he has a significant and very personal interest in finding a way to get rid of the Magnitsky sanctions."
Browder added,
"Putin has stated publicly that it was among his top foreign policy priorities to repeal the Magnitsky Act".
The story behind the introduction of the Magnitsky Act can be read in
Bill Browder's prepared statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Quid Pro Quo - What was Russia Offering in Return for Repealing the Magnitsky Act?
Browder said that the interest and the goal of Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya's meeting with Trump Jr. was to
repeal the Magnitsky Act. At the Senate hearing, Browder was asked what Russia might be offering the future possible President of the United States in return for repealing the Magnitsky Act...
Browder said,
"They wouldn't have gone into the meeting to ask the possible future next president of the United States to repeal a major piece of human rights legislation... they wouldn't have gone in and said, Please can you repeal this for us, without having something to offer in return.... What I do know is that (the KGB), the FSB security services would have studied their targets carefully. They would have constructed an offer that they thought was appealing and sizeable and consistent with what they were asking for."
Bill Browder's testimony verifies Vine's prediction that deceivers from the Russian mafia were behind the hacking of the US Elections.
Prediction UPDATE: 31st July 2017
Russia Uses Facebook to Spy on Emmanuel Macron Campaign in France Elections
In this prediction, Vine identified that some of the elite deceivers behind the Trump and Brexit elections were Russian politicians and mafia figures. Vine then predicted that those same deceptive influences intended to target the elections in France and Germany.
Just before the French presidential elections, Vine's prediction was being verified when
fake news stories about the Macron campaign appeared on social media.
Vine predicted that Russian mafia and politician deceivers would target the French elections
Two months later and a Reuters news story has reported that
Russian intelligence agents used fake personas on Facebook to spy on President Emmanuel Macron's election campaign. It seems certain now that this part of Vine's prediction has come true.
Prediction UPDATE: 22nd July 2017
Dark Web Site, AlphaBay - Shut Down
Vine's higher guardians guided about the importance of identifying the deceivers who are truly in control of the dark web and criminal activity.
The US Justice Department and authorities around the world have
shut down dark web market place site, AlphaBay.
AlphaBay was reported to be the biggest and most popular online black market web site for illicit items such as drugs, guns, credit cards and stolen data. (When UK broadband provider
TalkTalk was hacked in 2016, the stolen data was put up for sale on AlphaBay).
Once AlphaBay was shut down, many users then moved over to register with a similar dark web site called Hansa. Dutch police however, had already taken over Hansa as a part of the same operation that closed down AlphaBay. All of those new usernames, passwords and addresses are now in the hands of police.
Involvement of Russian Mafia with AlphaBay?
In 2015, the Daily Mail reported that
AlphaBay had links to the Russian Mafia. They said AlphaBay is, "
...administered in Russia and has a Russian computer server. It even has links to the country's mafia, according to experts..."
For the last two years many observers believed that AlphaBay owed its success to
having its headquarters in Russia, out of reach of U.S. authorities.
A Russia connection seemed obvious right up until the site was recently closed. None of the court documents and official statements released made any mention of Russian involvement.
However, the U.S. Attorney's Office said,
"the office and an agent who worked on the case had no comment on whether there was any Russia connection."
So the sole responsibility for AlphaBay has now been pinned to one man, Canadian
Alexandre Cazes who "committed suicide" a few days after being arrested in Thailand.
His identity was discovered after he used his personal email address for official AlphaBay correspondence. When he was arrested, he was logged into AlphaBay as 'administrator', and police found the usernames and passwords for his accounts on his unlocked and unsecured personal computer.
For someone allegedly in charge of running a highly secretive and illegal dark website, Cazes seems to have been very loose with his own security.
That loose security from someone whose business and freedom depended on being secure, poses questions that have become much harder to answer since his suicide six days after being arrested.
In this prediction, Vine's higher guardians point out that many deceivers who control the dark web and criminal activity are from the mafia around the world. Vine wrote,
"The mafia is directly singled out by my higher guardians as having direct relationships with political figures in Russia, Israel, the United Kingdom, Europe and other locations throughout the world."
Prediction UPDATE: 8th June 2017
Trump Reported to be in Impeachment Territory after James Comey's Senate Intelligence Committee Statement
FBI Director James Comey has released details of his testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey has claimed that President Trump put pressure on him to end the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign links to Russia. Comey also claimed that Trump pressured him to stop investigating National Security Advisor Michael Flynn who resigned over his involvement with Russia.
By asking Comey for his loyalty, pressuring him to drop the Russian investigation and then sacking Comey for not doing so, Trump could have committed acts of obstruction of justice, which is an impeachable offence.
In this psychic prediction, Australian Vine predicted that deceivers from three countries, including Russia would be found to involved in the deceitful processes used to get Trump elected. Vine predicted that the connections between Trump and Russia would be found to have gone back a long way.
James Clapper: Trump's alleged Russia links could Dwarf Watergate Scandal
James Clapper, National Press Club: "Trump's alleged Russia links will dwarf Watergate"
Former US intelligence chief James Clapper, has said that the Watergate scandal would be nothing compared to
Trump's Russia links. He said that the Russian meddling in the US election was an 'assault' on the US, confirming Vine's prediction about Russia's involvement in the US elections.
UPDATE: 1st June 2017
Controllers of the Internet
Some time ago, Vine was guided to learn how the spiritual deceivers were able to manipulate election results. An important clue to this can be found in Vine’s 2013 prophecy, "
Controllers of the Internet".
Vine's spiritual guardians were sounding a warning about the 'keys' on the Internet. Vine said that the ‘keys’ of the Internet were the SEO codes that deceivers use to influence free speech.
Those codes include the algorithms that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter use to determine what information you see and how and when you see it.
In the "Controllers of the Internet" prophecy, Vine's spiritual guardians were sounding a warning that the ‘keys’ or algorithms were being used by private companies to ‘control’ the Internet. Vine wrote that the deceivers try to influence, by allowing people to find only what they want them to read and by stopping others from being found.
Since then, it’s been revealed that
Facebook metadata has been used by data mining companies to influence the US and Brexit elections. Bots on Twitter have become so widespread, it’s now difficult to discern what’s real and what’s fake.
The question now is, were there changes made to Twitter and Facebook algorithms before the Brexit and US elections, which allowed all the fake news to take hold? If so, who influenced those changes?
Spirit warns that this is crucial to identifying what really happened.
UPDATE: 7th May 2017
Vine Predicted that Deceivers behind Brexit and Trump Fake News Bots would Target the Elections in France
Prediction Comes True!
Vine was guided that the same deceivers behind the Trump and Brexit fake news bots and social media accounts, would attempt to influence the elections in France.
Vine wrote,
"I was guided, that the same deceptive influences intend to target France and German elections."
Emmanuel Macron Emails Hacked
Now the prediction has come true. Many fake bots attempting to influence the elections in France, have been active on social media platforms like Twitter. In the last days of the election campaign, nine gigabytes of email data from French presidential candidate Emmanuel
Macron's campaign have been hacked, stolen and posted online.
Macron's campaign has said that fake documents have been mixed in with real stolen emails to sow
"doubt and misinformation". The files were stolen weeks ago but not released until Friday evening just hours before the official mainstream media ban on election campaigning started.
The timing of the leaks therefore stops mainstream media in France from reporting the release of fake news before the election.
The Deceivers want Civil Unrest and War
Just as with Brexit and the US elections, the bot attack and fake news are against one side only, and therefore favouring the other side. Once again, the bots and fake news are reported to be originating from Russia and
favouring far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.
No matter who wins, the fake news causes division that leads to civil unrest. The deceivers behind the fake news are invested in oil and arms dealing and their hope is that the civil unrest ultimately leads to war.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's prophetic warning about the unwarranted influence of the military industrial complex.
In this 1961 video, President Eisenhower warns against unjustified, inappropriate and excessive influence of deceivers behind the "military industrial complex" in the United States. However, Vine warns that the deceivers now influence a worldwide military industrial complex, which includes warmongers and fossil fuel mongers operating through many different countries.
UPDATE: 15th April 2017
Big Bombs and Destruction of the United Nations?
Australian Psychic Vine predicted that one of the aims of the deceivers behind Donald Trump would be to,
"... dismantle the United Nations"
The $16 million "Big Bomb" has been available since 2003, but not used until now, just days after the Trump administration cut US funding to United Nations maternal health body.
Under the cover of exploding $59 million worth of missiles in Syria and a $16 million "Big Bomb" in Afghanistan,
the deceivers behind the Trump administration have
ended US funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
UN Population Fund is focused on family planning, maternal and child health in over 150 countries around the world. About 830 women die every day from causes related to pregnancy or childbirth. That's about one woman every two minutes that the Trump administration has turned it's back on while distracting the world's media with big bomb explosions.
In this prediction, Vine was shown,
"a vision of the people and the media corralled like cattle into pens, oblivious of the greater plan set up by the deceivers"...
UPDATE: 26th February 2017
What is the Purpose of Fake News and Data Mining?
Vine's psychic prediction for the Donald Trump presidency revealed a 4 stage plan for the deception and control of the people, and it's fast coming true.
- The first stage was Fake News to confuse voters about what is true and untrue in the news.
- The second stage is the denigration of the official media so that people don't trust the integrity of the source.
Vine's Prediction TRUE - Denigration of Media
For many months the deceivers behind Donald Trump have data mined personal information and used it to micro-target fake news. The fake news backed up Trump's election campaign and thoroughly confused everyone about which news is true and which is fake.
Now, as Vine remarkably predicted, the deceivers have moved to
Stage 2: dramatically escalating their assertions that traditional news outlets are fake.
Vine predicted:
"Some of the deceivers’ media will turn on credible press outlets to confuse you into believing that they cannot be trusted. You are then meant to abandon this media on mass.
Trump has now called the media, the "
enemy of the American people", a phrase
traditionally used by dictators to force compliance of the population.
Vine predicted that the deceivers' plan would become more evident in 2017, and that is precisely what is happening now, as major
news organisations were banned from White House briefings:
Many commentators are suggesting that the confusion about fake news and denigration of the press has been planned to draw attention away from the inadequacies of the Trump Government, Trump's Tax returns and connections with Russia etc. Whilst this is partly true, Vine's Spiritual Guardians warn that the real reason is
to distract attention away from attempts to
break down the Government of the United States.
In Vine's 2017 Spiritual Channeling, her higher guardians warned that,
"politicians elected into government (not by vote but by money) intend to tear down a lot of the government institutions we rely upon to keep society functioning properly.
Vine predicted that some of the Government Institutions at risk are:
...Health services, mental health, education services, veterans support, financial austerity practices, legal aid, environment and marine protections, climate science, national parks etc.. "
It's all coming true.
UPDATE: 17th February 2017
Russian Involvement,
National-Security Adviser, Mike Flynn Resigns
Connections between Russia and Trump have long been suspected and now have been partly revealed, resulting in the
resignation of National-Security Adviser Mike Flynn.
Flynn had illegal conversations with the
Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak in the days leading up to the 2016 US elections.
Vine predicted it would be found that deceivers from three countries were involved in the deceitful processes used to get Trump elected. Russia was of course one of them, however Vine predicted that the connections between Trump and Russia would be found to have gone back a long way. In this prediction Vine wrote, "
the strategy to get Trump elected was set up years in advance, long before he ran for office"
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to find out how far back Trump's connections with Russia go. She has asked the question,
"What do the Russians have on President Trump that he would flirt with lifting sanctions and weakening NATO?" She called on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia.
Vine's psychic predictions suggest that Mike Flynn's connections with Russia are just the tip of the iceberg.
Vine has been warning about Russia and President Putin ever since her very accurate 2011 psychic prediction that
Putin would return to the Russian Presidency. In that prediction Vine wrote,
"Be on the watch for Russia because Spirit sends a strong caution about what is happening behind the scenes there."
Did the higher realms know that the next moves from those clandestine Russian meetings reported by Vine, were to influence world business, banking and mining interests and to interfere with elections in other countries in the same way they were rigging their own elections?
UPDATE: 15th February 2017
What did Vine Predict about Trump and the United Nations?
Australian Psychic Vine predicted that the deceivers would be
"handpicking paid politicians who would then begin to dismantle the United Nations"
According to a news story in the Guardian, Donald Trump's pick for the US ambassador to the United Nations,
Nikki Haley has said that she would overhaul the United Nations. Haley, "
warned US allies that she will be "taking names" of countries that do not support Washington."
Haley said,
"For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names, we will make points to respond to that accordingly."
Just as Vine predicted, this seems to be nothing more than a bullying plan to reduce the United Nations to an administrative arm of the Trump government in an attempt to destroy the United Nations.
UPDATE: 27th January 2017
Fake News Deliberately and Precisely Targeted Social Media (Facebook etc)
In this 2017 psychic prediction, Australian Spiritual Medium Vine predicted it would be found that social media accounts were precisely targeted with fake or misleading facts and stories, for both the Brexit 'Leave' and the Trump campaigns.
Vine wrote:
Spiritually I was guided the deceiver cells targeted social media trends and matched profiles to demographic and geographical voters to influence and persuade, using fake news. Again, I was guided this was set up months in advance, well before Brexit and the United States election..."
Vine's prediction is turning out to be remarkably accurate...
Big Data and the Micro-Targeting of Voters for Brexit and Trump Campaigns
The accuracy of Vine's prediction is now being unveiled in the media. It is well established that "
Big Data" information-gathering techniques were used by both the Brexit 'Leave' and the Trump campaigns to tailor and
microtarget voters based upon their psychological profiles.
Just as Vine predicted, more and more people are now contemplating just how much fake news was
deliberately microtargeted to social media accounts using these secretive methods.
According to an article about the
Trump & Brexit campaigns translated from the German magazine, "Das Magazin" see (
Das Magazin German version), their success relied heavily on Facebook psychological surveys and analysis of 'Likes' to know precisely how hundreds of thousands of individual people are thinking.
Individually tailored messages could then be sent to social media accounts based on knowledge of each person's psychological make-up (gleaned from Facebook 'Likes' & surveys, supermarket loyalty cards, credit card purchases, etc).
Deceiver cells on social media were therefore equipped with the precise microtargeting information they needed to send their fake news stories.
According to the article, hundreds of thousands of slightly differently worded messages were delivered via social media (and direct messaging).
Each message could be constructed depending on how someone might best be persuaded to vote for Trump.
For instance, they could send fake news stories only to those people who would be likely to believe them.
Vine predicted this and has also predicted for the future that, "
the same deceptive influences intend to target French and German elections" in the same way.
Which elections are coming up soon and which ones will the deceivers be targeting?
Alexander Nix, the chief executive of Cambridge Analytica, the company behind the Trump campaign's psychological microtargeting, is about to visit Australia.
There is now enough interest from politicians in Australia for Cambridge Analytica to begin to gather information on Australian voters for elections coming up in the next few years.
UPDATE: 15th January 2017
The Plan to Destroy Trust and Create Confusion, to Remove Accountability
In this psychic prediction Vine predicted that the Trump Government would attempt to destroy public trust of politicians,
mainstream media and investigative journalism.
One way they will attempt to achieve this is by releasing so many fake stories that nobody will be able to tell the difference between truth and lies.
Vine predicts that the reason for the fake stories is to encourage people to only believe "
news" coming directly from Trump via social media and direct phone messaging.
The aim is to remove all political, social, legal, moral and ethical constraints that would stop them from tearing down vital Government institutions and gain complete economic control over the people.
Illegitimate Excuses for Warmongering and Environmental Degradation
Once enough accountability processes and constraints are removed, there will be nothing to stop immoral money making concerns such as, warmongering and fossil fuel environmental degradation of our planet for profit, power and greed of a very few rich, powerful and deceptive people.
Rex Tillerson, who has been heavily involved with the oil industry, is already talking about Trump policies in the South China Sea that could easily lead to
war with China. This might be good news for oil companies, but disastrous for everybody else on the planet.
Dossier Alleging that Trump has been Compromised by Russia
The recent
Trump dossier of files released by mainstream media alleging that Trump has been compromised by Russian interests, has already being called a possibly fake news story even though the information was gathered by '
reliable sources' (former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele) for both the Republicans and the Democrats, and is
likely to be true.
American and Israeli intelligence officials are certainly taking the dossier seriously.
American intelligence officials have reportedly advised Israel not to pass on sensitive information to the US Government until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted. Israel is reportedly concerned that
sensitive information may be passed on to Russia and from there to Iran.
There have now been so many fake stories circulated that every story, even if they turn out to be true, becomes suspect and further works to destroy public trust. The "deceivers" controlling Trump's campaign and now his presidency, continue to gain from the muddied waters of perceived fake news stories.
Attempt to Destroy Ethical Committee
Vine's Spiritual Channeling for 2017 she said, "
My higher guardians are warning that politicians elected into government (not by vote but by money) intend to tear down a lot of the government institutions we rely upon to keep society functioning properly.
One of the institutions Vine mentioned to be torn down was "
ethical committees".
The first thing Republicans have tried to do after the elections is to vote to
gut the independent Office of Congressional Ethics. They did this "
behind closed doors on a public holiday".
After intense public pressure they have for now, been forced to back down, but the stage has been set, and Vine's prediction of the tearing down of Government institutions, already looks set to come true.
Vine's Higher Guardians say Trump is Not a Legitimate President
In Vine's
Psychic Prediction channeling for 2017, her Spiritual Guardians do not legitimise the Trump presidency because of the deceptive methods used to get him into public office.
This illegitimacy of Trump's Presidency is now being echoed by others. John Lewis has publicly stated, "
I Don’t See Trump as a Legitimate President" for the same reasons that Vine has outlined in her Higher Guardians' channeling.
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