Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption. Vine is a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.
World Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic - 7th February 2013
Controllers of the Internet & Economies Psychic Prediction
See the Latest Updates for this Prediction
Prediction updates verify the accuracy and link to news articles confirming the truth of the prediction.
I am being shown a vision and guided that the domains and SEO on our internet are being controlled by the select few who wish to influence the people of the world. Using the art of clairaudience I ask: “Is this the media?” I’m guided the media is being controlled by the same people who try to influence the world-wide-web.
"They do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own."
I am guided the world governments will bring in stricter regulations to curb their activity and there will be laws to manage the keys of the net. Spirit is referring to the keys as the domain keys and also describing that the SEO codes they use are to influence free speech. They send a caution to the ‘silent holders’ (those who influence without being seen) and share that,
"our prophecy will reach the ears of the people."
I am shown visions of the men who try to hold the power, but I am told they allow their egos to rule and they believe their secrets are unknown. All is known, is what I am guided.
"You try to influence the people by allowing them to find what you want them to read. You stop other beings from being found.
You will no more win this war you have waged on the seeing to stop their voice being known, we will reveal the keys and codes and allow the people to decide who speaks the truth."
I will explain the spiritual channelling to help you understand what this means to the people of the world. The domain address stakeholders are controlling the world wide net. There is no regulation of the domain industry in the world. It is self-regulated in Australia and countries around the world. They refer to the search engine optimization of the internet as being the codes and reveal that the codes are not regulated. They show the telecommunications and data companies are self-regulated and they reveal that all of the industries combined hold the power of what we find on the internet. They caution the world governments to see the power behind the criminal bodies that have the financial power of the economies at their disposal.
The prophetic channelling is a caution for the people to request greater accountability of their governments to stop data being manipulated by the silent holders.
A crucial time in 2013 to bring the silent holders into line or to deal with the consequences of being complacent and allowing them to control all.
End of channelling.
• • • • • • • • • •
Read This Prediction
Controllers of the Internet
UPDATE: 23rd November 2024
US Justice Department asks judge to force Google to sell Chrome internet browser
Google told to sell Chrome - To end search monopoly
This prediction is about the select few who control our access to the internet and curtailing our free speech...
In 2013 Vine warned: "
They do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own."
Since making this prediction, the curbing of our free speech on social media has become an important issue, and Vine predicted that: "
world governments will bring in stricter regulations to curb their activity..."
This is now happening:
It has all come true.
• • • • • • • • • •
Controllers of the Internet
UPDATE: 2nd September 2024

Elon Musk joined the list of rich men using their wealth to extend their political influence.
Billionaires Buy Up the Media
"I am being shown a vision and guided that the domains and SEO on our internet are being controlled by the select few who wish to influence the people of the world.
They do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own." - Vine's prediction 7th Feb 2013
This has all now come true as a
select few billionaires buy up the media.
"You try to influence the people by allowing them to find what you want them to read. You stop other beings from being found" Vine's 2013 prediction comes true.
X Banned in Brazil - Arrest of Telegram Boss Pavel Durov
Vine also predicted that
world governments will bring in stricter regulations to curb their activity.
This has come true:
• • • • • • • • • •
UPDATE: 16th July 2020
Digital Take-Overs Damaging Your Business?
Vine Prophecy is coming true, particularly under the cover of COVID-19
In this psychic prediction, Vine predicted that domains, (server companies) and Search Engine Optimisation will be increasingly controlled by a select few who want to control and influence people everywhere.
Vine predicted they would try to influence people by only allowing them to find what they want them to find:
"You stop other beings from being found."
Vine has already warned about the
coercive monopoly of companies like Facebook and Google who use algorithmic bias to feed us what politically and commercially best suits them for us to see.
But in this spiritual prophecy Vine also predicts that
domain address stakeholders, service providers and digital companies are controlling the internet without regulation.
Vine has warned that companies running (cloud based) server hosting and related products are being allowed to become too large, too untrustworthy and are putting our local businesses and our national security at risk.
Vine has warned that Australia's cyber security is far from adequate and there could be serious ramifications for Australia's economic stability.
The conglomeration of the people who 'own' and control the internet is creating a monopoly market and the much reduced competition is very bad for Australian businesses that solely rely on internet marketing.
Unhealthy Digital Cloud Server Take-Overs in Australia and the World:
- 80% of the cloud infrastructure providers in the world is owned by just five companies, and Amazon (AWS) alone accounts for almost 50%.
Breakdown of Cloud ownership as of 2019:
Amazon AWS 47.8%, Microsoft 15.5%, Alibaba (largest in China) 7.7%, Google 4%, and IBM 1.8%.
- Amazon has used the monopoly status of AWS to copy software invented by independent start-up tech companies. These start-up companies say that Amazon is, "strip-mining them of their innovations.”
"Amazon has forcibly wrestled control of software from their owners and siphoned customers to its own proprietary services."
New York Times - How Amazon Wields Power in the Technology World
Just as Vine predicted, the increasingly centralised control of the internet by a handful of large multi-nationals is destroying businesses all over the world. In Australia the take-over of web hosting companies is negatively affecting businesses and national security:
- Australian Govt sensitive information stored on servers owned by a Chinese Company - One of the AWS servers in Sydney Australia, 'Global Switch' was and still is used by the Australian Govt to store sensitive Govt information. But AWS doesn’t own the servers.
The Australia Govt allowed them to be sold to Chinese company, 'Elegant Jubilee' in 2017. After allowing the sale, the Govt then had to announce the spending of $200million to move the data to another more secure server.
Three years later in 2020, much of the Australian Government data is still on the Chinese owned server.
- Independent Australian-owned server hosting companies are being hoovered up by overseas monopolies.
- Amazon may own almost 50% of the world’s internet servers, but the rest is anything but independent.
- In Australia, small independent hosting server companies are disappearing fast, as they are snapped up by overseas monopolies.
- A select few overseas companies (eg. Deluxe Corporation, Endurance International Group (EIG) and US private equity firm Siris Capital Group LLC with ) seem hell-bent on acquiring Australia’s (previously) independent internet server facilities.
Many of the individual web hosting companies these mega-companies own, still advertise themselves as "Australian" when in fact they are not. Some of them don't even have server infrastructure in Australia.
- With each take-over, small businesses in Australia find themselves moved from reliable, trusted local hosting businesses with local help-desks and good support, to multinational conglomerates with resulting web site problems, increased prices and poor support from underpaid contractors who have no idea who you are and have never heard of the city you live in.
- These unwanted, unasked-for take-overs of small business web sites in Australia often lead to problems such as web sites going down, or severe drops in SEO rankings, which can destroy once profitable businesses overnight.
Vine warns that as cloud server monopolies grow larger and their reliability comes under question, the profitability and security of our businesses and Government data is being weakened to the point where our whole society is under threat.
UPDATE: 30th July 2019
Facebook Fined $5 Billion
Vine’s Higher Guardians have been exposing the
complicit relationship between Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica covert interference in the Brexit referendum for many years, as well the covert interference in the 2016 US elections and recent Australian elections...
Facebook has been fined $5 billion after an investigation into the Cambridge Analytica scandal and other privacy breaches. This is mere pocket money for them, a little slap on the wrist. The fine was so relatively small and insignificant that Facebook stock actually rose considerably when the fine was announced.
Everyone knows that nothing has changed. It is business as usual for behemoth internet monopolies like Facebook and Google (etc).
They can shrug off the relatively small fines and continue vacuuming up the web presence of small business in Australia, making them all but invisible.
This is just as Vine predicted.
• • • • • • • • • •
UPDATE: 21st March 2018
Cambridge Analytica - Facebook
Long before Cambridge Analytica was discovered manipulating the Brexit and US elections, Vine predicted that elite deceivers would attempt to secretly influence people by pushing their own specific information to them on the internet.
In this prediction Vine's Higher Guardians channeled,
"You (elites) try to influence the people by allowing them to find what you want them to read. You stop other beings from being found."
This is what happened when Cambridge Analytica used Facebook users' private information to micro-target tailored advertisements and fake news to voters in the UK and the USA.
Whistleblower Christopher Wylie who worked for Cambridge Analytica, has described how the private information of
50 million Facebook users was weaponised for the Brexit and US elections.
Also, former Facebook worker Sandy Parakilas has come forward to say that
hundreds of millions of Facebook users have had their private information harvested by companies in the same way as the firm that obtained data from Facebook and passed it on to Cambridge Analytica.
Vine's prediction was spot on.
Cambridge Analytica has now been caught on video talking about methods they use to entrap politicians...
Channel 4 News: Cambridge Analytica: "Undercover Secrets of Trump's Data Firm" - Shows executives from Cambridge Analytica speak to undercover reporters from Channel 4 News
Vine's spiritual guardians have been warning about the evil methods of the deceivers for many years and here at last is proof.
Cambridge Analytica in Australia?
Cambridge Analytica director of political operations
Mark Turnbull boasted of winning business in Australia and other countries, in a secret recording aired by Britain's Channel 4.
As a result, Australian
Privacy Commissioner's office has asked Facebook if any unauthorised data from Australian Facebook accounts was acquired and used to build profiles that political parties could use to target voters.
Now that Cambridge Analytica have admitted that they are hired by countries to cause controversy and interfere with democracy, the Australian voters have the right to question whether our democracy is being interfered with. Are they hiding behind shelf companies, political pressure groups or other organisations such as gambling, mining, fossil fuel and gun lobby groups?
However, the discovery of what Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have done, is not the end of it...
i360 - Just Like Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge Analytica is financed by U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer (
see Vine's prediction updates for 2017 for complete breakdown of events ). However, Cambridge Analytica obtained some of its data from another U.S. billionaire-owned data company,
i360 is owned by infamous climate change denying U.S. billionaires, the
Koch Brothers. The creator of i360, Michael Palmer, says that the tools and software necessary to make i360 actionable, would be fully working by 2018.
This means that by the time the US mid-term elections come around, it may not be Cambridge Analytica micro-targeting voters, it may be i360 or another shelf company, which is now being used in Australia...
LNP Uses i360 for South Australia Election
In Australia, the
LNP (Liberal National Party) used i360 in the recent South Australian State election. The i360 covert micro-targeting of South Australian voters was described as being critical to the LNP victory.
However, it is puzzling why there has so far been no investigation reported in the main stream media about i360. In fact, the media has been watering down the concerns of the general public. This may be because of direct of conflict of interests with the ownership of television networks, radio and other media outlets.
The possible lack of concern about the pro-fossil fuel American billionaire Koch Brothers' involvement in Australian politics through i360, begs the question: Who else is secretly monitoring the private information of Australians and using it to covertly subvert our free will and influence our decision making process?
Exactly as Vine's higher guardians sent a red alert about.
Where is LNP using i360 Next?
The LNP are reportedly using i360 to gather data from Victorian voters for the next Australian State election in Victoria. The incumbent Daniel Andrew's Labor government may have to deal with similar data harvesting and covert manipulation as used in the South Australian elections.
Vine's warning at the end of this prediction remains as prophetic and relevant now as when she first wrote it five years ago...
This channelling is a caution for the people to request greater accountability of their governments to stop data being manipulated by the silent holders.
UPDATE: 16th Dec 2017
Net Neutrality - Dangers for Freedom of the Internet and Small Business Economies
Many of Australian Clairvoyant medium Vine's psychic predictions are warnings about things for which the world needs to remain vigilant, and her prophecy about the controllers of the internet, well and truly falls into this category.
The Higher Realms' warning about the freedom of the internet expressed in this psychic prediction, are very relevant right now.
Vine warned that men who hold the power, will try to influence the people by controlling what they read, and they will do this by stopping others from being found.
This is precisely what is happening right now...
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to repeal President Obama's
net neutrality rules. This will allow internet service providers to block sites and to charge more for faster speeds into websites they host.
Disaster for Freedom of Speech and Small Business Everywhere
This means that when you use the web, some sites you visit will be fast and some will be too slow, depending on whether or not small website owners can afford to pay extra for faster speeds into their sites. Other sites may disappear altogether if they 'say the wrong things' (Big Brother censorship).
If you are an everyday website owner who simply wants to have your say, you may be censored or blocked, and/or you will have to pay more to have a site that is fast enough for people to bother coming to it.
Slow website speed is the biggest reason a site isn't visited.
If you own a small business, you will be forced to pay extra costs, (which you may not be able to afford), or lose traffic to your web site because of slow speeds.
On the other hand, large corporations that toe the official line will easily be able to afford to pay for faster speeds into their sites.
Who is Responsible?
The US Federal Communications Commission responsible, is presently controlled by Republicans. The FCC chairman Ajit Pai, was appointed by Donald Trump.
In Vine's prediction about the
elite deceivers behind Donald Trump, she warns that the deceivers want full power and complete control of information dissemination. The destruction of net neutrality is a monumental step towards this deceitful aim.
The Importance of Fast Websites
Google says that
53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load. Therefore, when elite deceivers force you to pay to have your site load under this time, it makes a complete mockery of Google/Yahoo/Bing's insistence that websites must be fast.
If your website is artificially slowed because you can't afford to pay, you have double the trouble. Not only will visitors be less likely to persevere with your slow site, but Google will also be less likely to rank slower sites. Therefore, if you can't pay, you disappear.
Google also insists that sites have HTTPS security certificates and they will eventually penalise all sites that don't have them. And guess what? The HTTPS certificates also cost money.
The elite deceivers are creating a new censorship economy based on how much you can afford to pay.
Vine urgently guides that if we fail to act now, we allow our privacy, liberty and freedoms to be eroded forever.
Update: 2nd June 2017
Facebook and Twitter Algorithms
This prediction contains key parts of the jigsaw to how spiritual deceivers have been manipulating election results in recent times. Most importantly, the manipulation of the 2016 Brexit and US elections.
In this prediction, Vine's spiritual guardians sound a warning about the 'keys' on the Internet and Vine said that the ‘keys’ are the SEO codes that deceivers use to influence free speech.
The coding behind the Internet includes the algorithms used by social media platforms Facebook and Twitter. The
Facebook and Twitter algorithms determine the information we see and how and when we see it.
Vine's spiritual guardians have sounded a warning that the ‘keys’ or algorithms would be used by private companies to covertly influence people by only showing them what they want them to read, and by stopping other information from being found.
Now it’s been revealed that Facebook metadata has been used by data mining company Cambridge Analytica et al., to
influence the US and Brexit elections. Meanwhile, bots spreading fake news have become so widespread on Twitter, it has become difficult to discern who is real and who is fake, causing many people to become disillusioned and to lose hope. This is precisely what the deceivers want.
It is the algorithms on Twitter and Facebook that allow all of the fake news to take hold, and so the question is, have these algorithms been changed recently to facilitate the fake news and if so, who influenced those changes?
Spirit warns that this is crucial to identifying what really happened in the Brexit and US elections.
Update: 19th May 2017
Fake News Bots Swamping Social Media
After the
fake news bots that swamped the Brexit, Trump and French election campaigns, the relevance and truth of this psychic prediction about the controllers of the internet can now be clearly seen.
Half of Trump’s most engaged Twitter follower are bots, and
Trumps Facebook bots have been shown to increase their activity after controversial acts such as the Syria bombing strike and the Muslim ban. Trump himself has a track record of elevating fake news as fact.
Curbing the Words You Speak
The prevalence of the fake news bots is now so widespread that many people on social media (particularly on Twitter) have just given up. They don't know what to believe anymore.
In this way, the fake bots are
"curbing the words you speak", just as Vine predicted.
Vine wrote:
They do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own.
Update: 13th June 2015
ICANN - Big Changes Afoot
Some of Vine's 'Controllers of the Internet' psychic prediction concerns the control of Domain Names on the Internet.
Vine wrote,
"I am guided the world governments will bring in stricter regulations to curb their activity and there will be laws to manage the keys of the net. Spirit is referring to the keys as the domain keys and also describing that the SEO codes they use are to influence free speech."
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (
ICAAN) is the organisation that controls
Domain Naming System . It's located in California.
ICAAN is presently a
centralised, monopolistic, unaccountable private organisation that
nevertheless exercises public authority and power.
Since Vine made this prediction there has been concern all over the world about whether a
single American company should have this sort of secretive control over all the world's Domain Names and what they may be doing with that power. Especially since Edward Snowden revealed the extent of the
global surveillance of the NSA on world internet transactions.
The US National Telecommunications & Information Administration has now endorsed a plan to transition control of the Internet domain name system to a "the global multistakeholder community."
Vine's prediction that world governments will bring in regulations to curb unaccountable activity on the internet, looks like coming true.
The hope of the world is that ICAAN accountability will be improved and the controllers of the internet will have slightly less control, but there are still powerful people in the elite working against it. In this prediction, Spirit calls these people the "
silent holders" - those who influence without being seen.
Update: 8th March 2015
MetaData Retention Bill
In this psychic prediction Vine warns:
"The prophetic channelling is a caution for the people to request greater accountability of their governments to stop data being manipulated by the silent holders."
Vine made this prediction about the manipulation of Internet data in February 2013 and now, two years later, the Abbott Government's plan to force internet service and telecommunications providers to store the metadata of their customers for two years,
looks likely to pass into law.
What Collecting Your MetaData Means
Tracking your metadata allows the
authorities to track, without a warrant, everyone who uses mobile phones, computers or ATMs.
Forcing internet companies to keep your metadata will increase the cost of using the web and increase the chance of your personal information being hacked and stolen by criminals. It will also make it virtually impossible for Journalists to protect their sources, which will result in fewer whistleblowers and more chance of Government corruption.
All of this happening just two years after Vine warned about it in this psychic prediction.
Update: 9th October 2013
Astroturfing - Fake Reviews
Another way of controlling the internet, which is growing in prevalence at the moment, is
Astroturfing is the practice of
masking the real identity of a reviewer ( business reviews, advertising, or political agendas) to give the appearance of it coming from a disinterested, grassroots participant with no vested interest.
In reality, fake positive reviews are being uploaded by people with very strong vested interests in the same company the review is for.
Negative fake reviews are being uploaded by business competitors to destroy their competitors.
There is no question that these Fake Reviews are widespread, fraudulent and nothing much is being done about them in Australia the moment.
Small businesses dealing with fake negative reviews are in involved in a war for their very existence.
The internet up until now has made it possible for small businesses to compete with larger businesses in a way they could not do so before.
But negative fake reviews are now being used by unethical businesses to destroy their small business competitors on the web.
Astroturfing is also rife in the area of Political agendas, particularly those concerned with climate change, where there is huge opposition to alternative energy changes coming from fossil fuel companies and their political lobby groups.
As Vine says in this psychic prediction,
"You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own"
Fake Reviews are Fake Free Speech
The warning relayed here by Vine about the controllers of the Internet, clearly doesn't only refer to the destruction of political opponents but also to the destruction of business competitors.
As Vine says in this prediction, there are people who, "
do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world."
'Fake Reviews' are in reality 'Fake Free Speech', designed to undermine real free speech on the web.
Update: 5th August 2013
In this psychic prediction for 2013, Australian Clairvoyant Medium Vine warns that elite and powerful people will make concerted efforts to limit free speech in 2013 by controlling information economies and the internet.
Australia's Slow Internet Speeds
In Australia, the internet is still relatively slow and cumbersome and not yet posing a threat to traditional TV, Pay TV and newspaper economies. To do that the speed and capacity needs to be ramped up.
National Broadband Network (NBN -
fiber to the premises) in Australia would do precisely that, allowing the introduction of efficient internet streaming services by a diverse range of companies.
If the NBN is allowed to be completed, it is reported that Pay TV in Australia (and the companies monopolising those airways) is in danger of becoming obsolete.
Controlling the Internet by Destroying the NBN
The Australian Election campaign has just begun and traditional media companies who still control the airways and printed mediums, are taking every opportunity to portray the political party introducing NBN in a bad light.
News Limited (Murdoch) is the main offender. It monopolises the print media in Australia. In some cities like Brisbane, News Limited has a complete monopoly with readers there having to buy Sydney or Melbourne papers to get another viewpoint.
With commercial TV companies also in fear of the NBN, the internet is one of the few places people can find and disseminate a different viewpoint.
In this psychic prediction Vine relays from Spirit that companies that monopolise information,
" not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world. You are dealing with elite who consider their message is more important than your own."
Sir Tim Berners-Lee said recently, "companies and governments in different places all over the world are trying to take control of the internet in different ways"
Limiting the Effectiveness of the Internet in Australia
One of the
different ways they are trying to control the internet in Australia, is to actually limit the effectiveness of the internet in Australia.
News Limited is presently doing this by presenting the NBN and the political party presently building the NBN (The Labor Party) in a negative light. The aim is to convince people to vote for the opposing Liberal Party who have promised not to complete the NBN.
You won't see anything about this in the Murdoch press, but you can at least read about it in rival newspapers.
This story about News Limited's anti-NBN stance and Murdoch's obvious attempts to remove the Labor Government is in The Sydney Morning Herald (Fairfax).
It seems that News Limited is prepared to limit the internet in Australia and maintain our underprivileged technological infrastructure in order to prop up it's monopolies on information and entertainment for a few years more.
This attempt to limit the internet in Australia is the ultimate form of internet control, and accurately predicted by Vine for 2013.
Update: 13th June 2013
In her 2013 psychic prediction (7th February), Clairvoyant Medium Vine prophetically warned that
"silent holders" are secretly controlling the internet, and that these secrets
"will reach the ears of the people".
The secret has reached the ears of the people in a big way after whistle blower Edward Snowden
revealed secret NSA activities concerning the gathering of private information of ordinary citizens on the internet.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, known as the inventor of the World Wide Web, says the internet is facing a major threat from
“people who want to control it on the sly.”
Sir Tim said, "companies and governments in different places all over the world are trying to take control of the internet in different ways"... exactly as Vine predicted and warned several months ago.
In her psychic prediction made 4 months before the
Edward Snowden revelations, Vine issued a caution
"for the people to request greater accountability of their governments to stop data being manipulated by the silent holders."
Now Sir Tim Berners-Lee has mirrored Vine's predictive words,
“I call on all web users to demand better legal protection and due process safeguards for the privacy of their online communications, including their right to be informed when someone requests or stores their data."
The NSA leaks are now prompting a
broader internet privacy debate.
Update: 26th April 2013
Two months before it hit the news, Vine's prophetic warning that the media and the internet are being controlled by a select few is becoming worse and more obvious.
Charles and David Koch, the billionaire industrialists from Koch Industries are reported to be
exploring a bid to buy the Tribune Company’s eight regional newspapers, including The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, The Orlando Sentinel and The Hartford Courant.
The Koch Brother's fortune is based on oil and gas with no previous interest in newspapers. Their primary interest in owning newspapers is reportedly to
advance their own political perspective through the media and internet.
Gina Rinehart in Australia is another mining magnate and
climate change sceptic who is
attempting to gain majority shareholdings in sections of the media.
Update: 24th April 2013
In this prediction Australian Psychic Vine warns against those who "
do not want free speech to be held by the people, they try to curb the words you speak and to own the telecommunications and service provisions of your world...".
On the 18th of April the
US House of Representatives passed CISPA - the controversial
Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act, which attempts to curb free speech by controlling the internet.
Part of this act would have made it a condition of employment for emloyees in the US to
provide passwords of private Facebook accounts to employers.
Related Predictions
Censorship of Social Networks – Political & Corporation Interference of World Democracy
Vine predicted the censoring of social media by wealthy individuals trying to stop free speech and control what you see -
Read the Prediction
Free World Wide Web Usage? Not for Much Longer if you are a Business Domain
Vine accurately predicted:
If you want to be found on the web, then in the future you will have to pay -
Read the Prediction
FREE WILL - Exposing the Secrets
Along with attacks on our freedoms, digitisation of all of our personal information and the relentless push for a cashless society, there has also been an increased push to try and convince us that our Spiritual Free Will does not exist -
Watch the video on Vine's Youtube Channel
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