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Psychic Predictions > Media Job Cuts in Australia
Vine Psychic Predictions

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian predictions online to be a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.

Australian Psychic Prediction by - 1st February 2012

Media Job Cuts in Australia

Media Job Cuts - Psychic Prediction

I receive so many Australian psychic predictions by Spirit about things that matter to people and that are especially relevant to the Australian public and managing our everyday lives. This Australian Media prediction is in a similar vein because it is about helping people in 2012 prepare for a changing job market.

Some job positions in Australia in 2012 may not be as secure as they have been in the past. Australian and International media conglomerates are being shown to be doing a lot of restructuring because of being hit in the hip pocket and there seems to be a lot of job cutting being shown to me because they are not taking in the same revenue as they have done in the past.

I also see one major Australian commercial television network feeling the pinch because they are not getting the public ratings they originally anticipated and struggling to bring in top advertising.

All in all, it seems the Australian media maybe about to have a major reshuffle within the ranks.

I am also being shown a vision of the Rupert Murdoch News Limited publications empire hitting hard times in the future.

It seems as more and more online news services and blogs are becoming available on the internet, the magazines are becoming more expensive to publish. The Australian people seem to be showing a reluctance to spend more for decreased magazines and publications.

I am shown a vision of Australian people curbing expenditure on media publications - especially the regular weekly paper or magazine.

The spiritual vision being shown to me is related to what is going on around the world and I do believe Australia will not be the only area that will be dealing with cost cutting in the media field.

Stay tuned for exciting times in the media industry...

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UPDATE: 21st August 2014

This psychic prediction began coming true shortly after Vine made it in 2012. But another part of this prediction has now come true.

Vine wrote: "I am also being shown a vision of the Rupert Murdoch News Limited publications empire hitting hard times in the future."

News Corp's Aust Papers Profit Halved - 1,000 Jobs Lost

A whistle blower has provided Crikey with a leaked copy of Murdoch's 2012-13 internal financial statements.

Crikey says the Australian papers’ operating income fell 67% to $94 million in 2012-13. Crikey's Paddy Manning said, "the leaked accounts suggest News Corp’s Australian newspapers, will struggle to break even this financial year."

Jobs have been lost and losses recorded in all of News Corp's Australian papers.

Murdoch's Australian publications certainly do seem to be hitting hard times, just as Vine Predicted.

UPDATE: 22nd September 2012

Vine's media job cuts prediction comes true

Much has happened since our last update on the 18th June, in which we noted the loss of 1900 jobs at Fairfax due to media re-structuring. The next day News Limited announced the loss of 1000-1500 journalists and staff. And by June 26, just 8 days after Fairfax's announcment, News Limited began sacking staff in Queensland.

The changes in technology pushing the media re-structures also means that the remaining journalists are now expected to take their own photographs as News Limited announced the sacking of photographers on 16th August 2012. On the 4th of September another 80 jobs cuts were announced bringing the total jobs lost in Fairfax and News Limited since June to 700 with more to come. News Limited is also shutting down it's printing press in Cairns and a classified ads call centre.

News Limited has a monopoly on print media in Brisbane and Queensland so it's no surprise that Queensland is being hit hard. 35 staff are rumoured to be on the chopping block at Brisbane's Courier Mail. According to this article at all existing staff are being asked to submit an "e-bio" self-assessment to senior management that will be consulted by executives before the sackings. Crikey reports one Courier Mail Journalist as saying, "It’s basically asking you to re-apply for your own job".

All in all, Vine's warning back on the 1st of February 2012 for people working in the Media to, "prepare for a changing job market" has well and truly come true.

Update: 18th June 2012
Australia is in shock after Fairfax Media is letting go of 1900 jobs over the next 3 years. This is what Vine shared with her world readers at the start of 2012...

"Some job positions in Australia in 2012 may not be as secure as they have been in the past. Australian and International media conglomerates are being shown to be doing a lot of restructuring because of being hit in the hip pocket and there seems to be a lot of job cutting being shown to me because they are not taking in the same revenue as they have done in the past."(refer to full prediction segment above comment area).

This is the last of many accurate psychic predictions that Vine has openly shared with her large world readers.

She was trying to prepare the Australian public and people who worked in the media about what was to come. A lot of people who come from intellectual backgrounds are not open to psychic predictions because they are skeptical of whether someone like Vine actually exists.

They might change their mind when they read how exact her prediction really is. The people who are losing their jobs because the internet is destroying the publishing industry will be in shock today. Our prayers go out to anyone whose jobs are now on the line.

Update: 17th March 2012
There are more confirmed Australian News Limited media closures being released which is exactly what Vine guided would occur in 2012. The Sunshine Coast in Queensland has just been notified that the News Limited local newspapers and magazine will cease publishing because of the public not purchasing the content.

It is expected that up to 30 staff will unfortunately lose their jobs. We will keep monitoring this psychic forecast throughout the year...

Update: 24th February 2012
Thank goodness Vine isn't an Australian tarot reader or for that matter a leading astrologer because we wouldn't be able to witness one psychic prediction coming true after the other. Instead Vine is a credible psychic medium that is having hit after hit with her Australian and world psychic predictions.

Vine originally guided:

"Some job positions in Australia in 2012 may not be as secure as they have been in the past. Australian and International media conglomerates are being shown to be doing a lot of restructuring because of being hit in the hip pocket and there seems to be a lot of job cutting being shown to me because they are not taking in the same revenue as they have done in the past."

Recently we updated that Australian company Network Ten was reporting a record drop in earnings and today we can confirm that unfortunately the Fairfax Media are letting go of staff and restructuring. Without doubt this is confirming the accuracy of Vine's Australian job market warning.

Thus far this prediction is 100% accurate....

Update: 22nd February 2012
Vine accurately predicted that a Major Australian commercial television network would begin to see decreases in their earnings. Here is what Vine shared with her Australian and World readers:

"Some job positions in Australia in 2012 may not be as secure as they have been in the past. Australian and International media conglomerates are being shown to be doing a lot of restructuring because of being hit in the hip pocket and there seems to be a lot of job cutting being shown to me because they are not taking in the same revenue as they have done in the past.

I also see one major Australian commercial television network feeling the pinch because they are not getting the public ratings they originally anticipated and struggling to bring in top advertising.

All in all, it seems the Australian media maybe about to have a major reshuffle within the ranks."

The Australian Ten Networks share prices have fallen dramatically after corporate management announced they expect to only earn 64 million this year. Although this isn't an astrological prediction about the job market, we consider it is on par with the best of the psychic predictors in the world.

As yet there are no announcements of reshuffling but we will keep monitoring this prediction throughout the year because Vine is on a roll....

Update: 16th February 2012
We believe that Melbourne born Vine's psychic premonition of Australia feeling the economic heat is coming true - especially because of the recent job cuts from some of Australia's top banks, telecommunications companies, leading manufacturing businesses and now Qantas is claiming they intend to cut 500 jobs from its heavy maintenance operations.

Vine revealed a spiritual premonition when she described: "Some job positions in Australia in 2012 may not be as secure as they have been in the past.

Although she concentrated mainly on the media publishing component of her prediction she does state some job positions will not be as secure. Therefore within a few weeks of her prediction and especially because she shared that Rupert Murdoch's publishing business would be hit hard she has accurately called this right. It was reported that although Rupert Murdoch's media empire rose in overall profits, the publishing part of the business declined over 8%. Vine tuned into the collective mood of the business community way before any of this occurred in real life.

This could be a tactic by large business to place weight on the federal government carbon policy as it was recently reported that several businesses were saying they were hurting from the carbon price, when in fact the carbon price changes do not occur until July this year.

Therefore they could be telling some porkies to the Australian public to get them onside. One thing for certain we are only at the start of 2012 and so far the rumblings from the business community are not good. One has to question why Australian business is having a knee-jerk reaction when overall we are in a much better position then a lot of other countries around the world?

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Vine Psychic Melbourne, Australia
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