Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian psychic predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes we are now beginning to experience. Vine was guided that she would be a spiritual voice for change in the fight against climate change.
Clairvoyant Medium Vine
2016 Psychic Predictions
Divine Feminine Energy
2016 - Divine Feminine, Spiritual Channeling
Psychic Prediction Message from Vine about the Divine Feminine Energy that emerged in 2016 and is still working it's magic into 2021
2016 China Psychic Prediction
International Property & Real Estate China Government Crackdown
19th January 2016
2016 USA Psychic Prediction
Why Donald Trump Will Never Be President
1st January 2016
2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
The Greens Richard Di Natale, Cruising Along
31st December 2015
2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Liberal National Party Infighting
31st December 2015
2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Australian Labor Party Infighting
31st December 2015
2016 World Psychic Prediction
Russia & China Space Exploration Partnership
31st December 2015
2015-2016 Asian Psychic Prediction
Legally Binding Asia Forest Protection Agreement
30th December 2015
2015-2016 Asian Psychic Prediction
Air Quality Health Issues - Asia Air Quality Legal Agreement
30th December 2015
2015-2016 World Psychic Prediction
Corporations and Banks Lobby to Remove Legal Tender - (Create Cashless Society)
24th November 2015
2015-2016 Australian & World Psychic Prediction
Science Discovery Psychic Prediction - Plastic Gene Mutation
19th November 2015
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2016 China Psychic Prediction
International Property & Real Estate China Government Crackdown
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
19th January 2016
Vine accurately predicted that China would tighten international real estate funds available to their overseas property developers...
Read Vine's China Real Estate Psychic Prediction Here
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2016 USA Psychic Prediction
Why Donald Trump Will Never Be President
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
1st January 2016
Read Donald Trump 2016 Psychic Prediction Here
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2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
The Greens Richard Di Natale, Cruising Along
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
31st December 2015
It is predicted that Richard Di Natale is going to build up on his popularity before the 2016 Federal Election. Voters see him as being intelligent, articulate, sensible and level headed.
This is not a good sign for both the Liberal National Party (LNP) and Labor Party (ALP) after witnessing the two major parties putting out fires in their own political parties before the federal election.
The vision I am seeing of the Greens is that they are slow and steady, holding their own and increasing their members as days go by.
UPDATE: 15th July 2016
Richard Di Natale "Cruising Along"
Vine predicted that Richard Di Natale would slowly build his popularity in the lead up to the 2016 Australian Federal election. With less than a month to go before the election, that's precisely what he's doing, receiving plenty of
good media coverage.
Newspapers are talking about the
possibility of a hung parliament and the major parties are having to take Richard Di Natale and the Greens seriously.
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2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction
Liberal National Party Infighting
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
31st December 2015
Vine Psychic Prediction about LNP infighting instigated by the extreme right wing of the party
Read Vine's LNP Infighting Psychic Prediction here.
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2016 Australian Political Psychic Prediction Australian Labor Party Infighting
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
31st December 2015
It is predicted that Opposition Party Leader Bill Shorten will be replaced as Labor Party Leader in 2016.
The Australian Labor Party (ALP) hierarchy from the right, selected Bill and ignored the majority of Labor Party Members, I am guided. The same Labor faithful are demanding he be replaced before the 2016 Federal Elections are called.
They know if the ALP go to an Early election he will not win. I saw a spiritual vision of Bill Shorten accepting he wasn't reaching the electorate because he doesn't have enough grunt. The mood in the Australian electorate is that they want someone who has fire in their belly to take the election fight up to the Liberal National Party (LNP). The Labor members know their political policies are getting traction in Australia, but they see the election being lost because of the Labor Right hierarchy.
Exciting times ahead in 2016 for the ALP Left and Right, and passionate members fighting back against the Labor hierarchy.
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2016 World Psychic Prediction Russia & China Space Exploration Partnership
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
31st December 2015
Vine correctly predicted Russia and China would enter into a space exploration partnership to explore the moon. She predicted disputes over who 'owns' the Moon and cooperation between NASA and Elon Musk.
This prediction has come TRUE.
Read Vine's prediction here:
Russia & China Space Exploration Partnership.
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2016 Asian Psychic Prediction
Legally Binding Asia Forest Protection Agreement
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
30th December 2015
Following from my
Air Quality Health Issues Psychic Prediction, I am being shown Indonesia being taken to the world court to force action on Indonesia's private companies ignoring fire pollution while destroying forests. I am being spiritually guided wealthy countries will enter into agreements to stop burning forests. I see large protests in the streets where the people are demanding their governments stop the private sector destroying the forests of the world.
Asian Pacific Women in particular will be stepping up because they are protecting the health of their children. There will be huge pressure placed on the Indonesian Government to rein in the air polluters who are destroying the forests.
It appears money will change hands between government to government to buy back the land. This will be a welcome relief to surrounding countries forced to deal with smoke pollution. It is predicted the Indonesian government is being forced to stop the remaining forests being destroyed and as a consequence they will remove the corrupt government ministers in office and in the Military Defense who are financially involved.
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Asian Psychic Prediction 2016
Air Quality Health Issues - Asia Air Quality Health Legally Binding Agreement
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
30th December 2015
My higher guardians are warning that respiratory health issues will begin to increase in Asia. It is predicted major Asthmatic conditions will force Asia and Asian Pacific Countries to enter into the first Air Quality Legally Binding Agreement.
Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and other surrounding countries are involved in the Asia Air Quality Agreement. For people suffering severe health issues from poor air quality this will bring welcome news that Asian governments are being forced to manage air quality.
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World Political Psychic Prediction 2016
Corporations and Banks Lobby to Remove Legal Tender - (Create Cashless Society)
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
24th November 2015
Why are world banks, governments and major corporations pushing for a casless society? Vine predicts that in 2016 the push to remove cash from our society will increase...
Read Vine's
Cashless Society Prediction here.
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World Psychic Prediction
Psychic Prediction by Vine Psychic
19th November 2015
I am seeing a spiritual vision where scientists of the world are concerned about chemicals from plastic production being directly responsible for gene mutations handed down from generation to generation.
There will be breakthroughs in health science, I am guided. Scientists will discover toxic plastic particles have altered human genes. This will be accidentally discovered during a similar science trial, testing direct relationships between pharmaceutical drugs altering children's minds and creating mental health concerns.
These science trials will shed light on how we underestimated the human genes' inability to repair themselves against toxic chemicals.
Scientists will soon be looking at how the white and red blood cells are having to clear pollutants from man made chemicals.
Are scientists about to discover the direct relationship between toxic chemicals and cancer causes? It could even be more groundbreaking...
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