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Psychic Predictions > Nuclear Energy Vibrations from our Planet - North Korea

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption. Since 2010 Vine has been a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of the devasting environmental and social effects of climate change.

World Psychic Prediction by - 9th March 2013

Nuclear Energy Vibrations from our Planet - North Korea

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Yesterday afternoon I was doing my normal round of psychic readings and I was spiritually guided by my celestial guardians to stop and protect my aura. I immediately felt a change in the atmosphere and I saw a vision of the earth altering its energetic form. In the vision I was shown, I saw the air being sucked from the atmosphere and witnessed a nuclear energy release that went over our whole globe.

I was witnessing new phenomena and I was feeling strong radiation being released all over the globe. It took me four hours to return to my normal essence and I had to reschedule some of my psychic bookings. I am grateful for the loyalty of my clients who understand I’m highly sensitive to vibrational release.

Last night in sleep I was in deep spiritual communication with my guardians and was given a grave warning about North Korea and world leaders having to calm the situation down straight away. I was shown the mood of the people and the leader, and it was intense. The most intense it has ever been since I saw my last vision about North Korea defying world political pressure.

When you have millions of people prepared to be martyrs because of mind manipulation, it makes them incapable of being able to step back from a situation and look at it reasonably. This I’m guided is happening in North Korea now.

The leader has a lot of testosterone pumping through his body and he is looking to show his people that he is a force to be reckoned with. I'm guided he also has been molded into a military puppet.

Energetically I'm guided the world leaders need to calm this situation down straight away. South Korea and surrounding countries are in the pathway of nuclear fallout.

Warning to the people of the world, calm the situation down or the world will face the consequences.

• • • • • • • • • •

North Korea Prediction Update: 5th September 2017

North Korea's Nuclear Test

North Korea has conducted its most powerful nuclear test since it began testing in 2006. Vine predicted the escalation of nuclear tension and the potential of nuclear blasts. Vine predicted that Kim Jong-un would, "show his people that he is a force to be reckoned with".

This has certainly come true. However, this prediction should also be viewed in conjunction with Vine's earlier prediction about Kim Jong-un and North Korea.

Shortly after Kim Jong-un came to power, Vine saw a vision of him cowering to the military leaders of North Korea who were demanding that he perform military acts of defiance as a way of demonstrating North Korea's real military capability to the world.

Of the 150 missile and nuclear tests North Korea has carried out, over 50% of them have happened since Vine made her prediction about Kim Jong-un's show of military strength.

Prediction Update: 11th August 2017

Trump's Threat of "Fire and Fury"

Many are worried that Donald Trump's "Fire and Fury" threat against North Korea, followed by North Korea's counter threat to launch missiles at Guam, has brought the world to the brink of Nuclear war.

This is exactly what Vine predicted, and Vine's higher Guardians warned world leaders to "calm the situation down or the world will face the consequences."

Vine's Subsequent Predictions Related to North Korea

For a better understanding of the intricate relationship between North Korea and the Trump administration, this psychic prediction should be viewed in conjunction with Vine's subsequent predictions about the deceivers behind the election of Donald Trump and the Brexit elections:

Elites Behind Donald Trump US Elections - Fake News - New World Order Plan - Vine's 2017 psychic prediction warns about the real plans of the deceivers behind the US Elections and the Brexit leave campaign.

Vine's Higher Guardians' Channeling for 2017 - All is not as it seems. Spirit does not legitimize the Trump presidency. Vine warns about the 'look-over-there' distractions by the deceivers, to distract our attention away from what is really going on. North Korea is one of those distractions and the deceivers do not care about the potential dire consequences.

Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA - Long before he was elected president, Vine predicted the division Donald Trump would cause. Vine's Higher Guardians warned about a similar energy emerging from the United States of America as historically occurred in Germany in the 1930s.

Vine's Higher Guardians stress the importance of identifying the deceivers and stopping them from destroying our world.

Prediction Update: 6th July 2017

North Korean Intercontinental Missile Tests

North Korea's latest intercontinental ballistic missile test has increased nuclear tensions and the possibility of war with North Korea and China.

Melbourne born psychic Vine, has been warning about Kim Jong-un's military ambitions and the danger of nuclear explosions for years now, in this and two other North Korea and Kim Jong-un psychic predictions.

Experts report that North Korea's latest missile test puts North Queensland, Western Australia and Darwin in the Northern Territory within range of a North Korean nuclear missile strike. In the United States, Alaska and Hawaii are now said to be in range of North Korean missiles.

After the latest missile test, the US has said that it is ready to use force against North Korea, which is likely to increase the tensions and possibility of war and nuclear strikes. Vine has prophecised that Kim Jong-un, "is looking to show his people that he is a force to be reckoned with". The US talk of war might be exactly what Kim Jong-un needs to help him hang on to power.

In an earlier psychic prediction about Kim Jung-un, Vine was shown a remote vision of elderly North Korean military leaders demanding Kim Jong-un perform military acts of defiance to the world.

In this prediction, Vine now sees, "a lot of testosterone pumping through his body" as Kim Jong-un looks to show his people that he is a force to be reckoned with. Vine guides that Kim Jong-un has now been completely molded into a military puppet.

Update: 19th April 2017

Nuclear Energy Vibrations from North Korea

Was Vine warned about the possibility of nuclear explosions associated with North Korea? Yes.

Vine's psychic prediction about nuclear blasts associated with North Korea is (unfortunately) truer today than ever.

Vine warned that "The leader (Kim Jong-un) has a lot of testosterone pumping through his body" and Vine has also warned that Kim Jong-un is under a lot of pressure to show military aggression to hold onto his position as North Korean President. This is not combining well with Donald Trump's similar use of military aggression, which conveniently distracts from attempts to remove him from the US Presidency and from introducing controversial policies.

Both leaders are using the politics of fear and aggression to hold on to power, and/or to get voters and other politicians to accept policies they would otherwise not accept.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump are two very similar heads of state, both using the demonstration of military power for the same reason. Their clash is bringing the world closer to the possibility of nuclear explosions, as predicted by Vine.

Vine's Warnings about North Korea and Trump

Over the last 6 years, Vine has been warning about both North Korea and Donald Trump at different times in separate psychic predictions. Altogether, Vine's prophecies predict the complexity of what is happening now.

In this prediction, Vine's Spiritual Guardians gave a "grave warning about North Korea" involving nuclear weapons, which needed to be calmed down "straight away".

In an earlier North Korea prediction, Vine predicted that China would take a softly, softly approach to problems with North Korea.

In another prediction, Vine warned of Kim Jong-un undertaking acts of military aggression and China having to calm things down:
North Korea, Kim Jong-un, Military Leaders Shows World Act of Defiance. China Steps In

Vine also predicted the division Donald Trump would cause (long before it happened). In this prediction, Vine's spiritual guardians compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler: "I was shown a man from the past who stirred animosity and caused wars. Spirit is guiding that this is similar to the energy of division presently coming from the USA." - Donald Trump - Reason for Causing Division in USA

Now that the problems of Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump have merged, it has become all the more important that the warnings from Vine's Spiritual Guardians do not fall on deaf ears.

Update: 13th April 2013

North Korea's War Rhetoric

North Korea is continuing it's war rhetoric. It says that it’s threats are in response to the US strengthening their military presence in the region.

In the above psychic prediction published several weeks before the present situation in North Korea heightened, Melbourne born psychic Vine warned world leaders that they needed to, "..calm this situation down straight away."

The warning has not yet been heeded as North Korea threatens Japan in response to it's claims that the U.S. intends to use Japan to deploy Global Hawk drones.

Update: 6th April 2013

Vine's North Korean psychic predictions continue to come true as war rhetoric from Kim Jong-un and North Korea is amped up.

North Korea has now moved medium range missiles to the east coast and advised foreign embassies to evacuate staff.

One month ago Vine's North Korean psychic prediction warned of the danger of a nuclear explosion and warned that world leaders needed to calm the situation down.

Now the US is reported to be attempting to calm North Korean tensions.

In her prediction Vine stated, "Energetically I’m guided the world leaders need to calm this situation down straight away. South Korea and surrounding countries are in the pathway of nuclear fallout.

Warning to the people of the world, calm the situation down or the world will face the consequences."

The urgency of this is very apparent to all now, but Vine spiritually channelled all of this one month ago - several weeks before all of this happened.

Update: 4th April 2013

Vine's prophecy of nuclear threat from North Korea and her warning to take North Korea's nuclear threats seriously, is unfortunately coming true at the moment.

The North Korean army says it has been given approval to attack the US, saying that "The moment of explosion is approaching fast".

According to the North Korean state news agency KCNA, it is not Kim Jong-un but rather it is the military who is saying things like, "The moment of explosion is approaching fast," and warning that war could break out "today or tomorrow".

This seems to add to Vine's assertions that Kim Jong-Un is controlled by the North Korean Military and does not himself know the next step. In this prediction Vine said, "I’m guided he also has been molded into a military puppet."

In Vine's North Korean prophecy - 9th January 2012, she said, "I saw a vision of Kim Jong-un not wanting to accept the position as North Korea's Supreme Leader and felt his anguish and apprehension as he was forced to change the way he looked, bow down to the elderly military leaders and become subservient to their political wishes."

Update: 29th March 2013

Vine's warning to calm the situation down in North Korea is becoming increasingly relevant as North Korea has now put its missile units on stand-by to attack US targets after the US flew two B-2 Stealth Bombers over South Korea.

Today North Korea released photos, which either by design or inadvertently show Kim Jong-Un in front of a map depicting missile strikes on the US mainland.

Vine predicted that, "The leader has a lot of testosterone pumping through his body and he is looking to show his people that he is a force to be reckoned with..."

Since North Korea is not reported to yet have the ability to strike the US mainland, this photo definitely portrays Kim Jong-Un's need to " his people that he is a force to be reckoned with..."

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