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Psychic Predictions > Karmic Report Card Year - 2015 Spiritual Channeling
Vine Psychic Predictions

Vine was spiritually guided to place world and Australian predictions online to help people understand the extreme earth changes due to human ignorance, greed and corruption. She has been a spiritual voice for the changes necessary to bring about a reduction of devastating climate chage environmental and social effects.

2015 Psychic Predictions Spiritual Channeling - Karmic Report Card

Psychic Predictions Spiritual Karmic Report Card - Night Sky

Vine was guided that 2015 is the year of the Karmic Report Card...

Vine Psychic Spiritual Channeling
30th December 2014

2015 Higher Angelic Realms Channeling

"Greetings to light beings on your Planet Earth,

We come to you to guide about the energies of the Cosmos. How you value your Earth and her energies will be revealed for all to see in the coming time.

Do you select fruit from the tree and welcome the juices into your spiritual vessels? Or do you gather the fruit to allow it to rot underneath your feet?

Are you hoarding the fruit and not sharing its sustenance amongst the people and failing to replenish the lands and oceans?

When you look towards the Cosmos, what do you spiritually see?

Do you look for a planet to save you from your actions, or do you repent and bow down to the creator and align yourselves to the consciousness of evolution?

We welcome the heightened awareness of your vessels, but we watch as you are distracted by baubles that allow the dark energies to do what they will.

Are your spiritual eyes looking towards the heavens, or lost to the treasures that are of no consequence?

Look into your hearts and call towards you the fruit of your life. Is it pure and wise or is it sour and in need of love?

Look towards the creatures of your Earth. Do they flee from your clutches or feel the love in your hearts?

Collectively as energy in motion, you are responsible for harmonious energy interaction.

Our words may be lost to the fruits with the dark cores, but the fruit that is ripe, nurtured and blessed will resonate with this knowing.

With this we bid all light beings great blessings."

End of channeling

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Karmic Report Card Year

Vine's Spiritual Summary of 2015 Channeling

I have been guided that 2015 is the Year of the Spiritual Karmic Report Card.

Did our world political leaders do enough to bring peace, harmony and balance to our world in the last 7 years?

Did the world people remove the veil of the spiritual deceivers who have been avoiding paying their taxes and secretly convening in meetings to dictate our world politics and policies?

Our Human Race will begin to see how the karmic report card unfolds in the Year 2015 and whether we have protected our planet's environment and animals.

Have we stood up to the spiritual deception of the Law of Attraction abusers who use hypnotic suggestion to coerce, manipulate and subliminally influence our way of thinking?

Have we as a world people looked for the most economically viable and socially and ecological innovative solutions?

Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments?

Or are we about to see the economies of the world disintegrate?

I am spiritually guided 2015 is the year we will see how our actions have either assisted our global evolution, or hindered our survival.

Before I begin to reveal some of the higher guardian's prophecy I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to send requests for psychic predictions. I am grateful you have been on this journey with me from the time I was spiritually guided to release psychic predictions in 2009.

I am unable to take requests because the visions I am shown are specific to our world's health and protection. As a conduit for the higher realms, even I don't know what will be revealed until I receive the channeling.

Spiritual Prophecy is About Oneness

This is a good time to also address the Mind Body Spirit fraternity who believe psychic predictions are only about doom and gloom. When I look at the loving spiritual guidance being channeled about flood warnings near rivers or radical terrorist attacks on school children, I can only see loving Celestial angels trying to warn the world leaders to get their children out of harm's way. I don't see favour shown to any religion, race, or status. The spiritual prophecy by the higher realms is all about Oneness.

Spiritually, I do not identify in any way with the false law of attraction teachings that abuse the original spiritual laws handed down to spiritual caretakers when we incarnated on Earth. I have been spiritually guided the current false Law of Attraction teachings that concentrate on the will of one, without taking into account the Collective-Will, have let us walk around like sheep while lower entity deceptions create many of the imbalances our world is encountering now.

We would have no need of higher angelic guidance channeling, if we collectively followed the Universal Karmic Laws that identify the Oneness of all living energy. We are all collectively responsible for allowing the deceivers to place the wool over our eyes.

Now it is time for the higher realms to share their spiritual message for 2015 to you all…

30th December 2014

Love and Light

Jump to: 2015 Mid-Year Predictions

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 26th August 2015

Economic Report Card - Spiritual Report Card for 2015

In this spiritual prediction message for 2015 Vine wrote, "2015 is the Year of the Spiritual Karmic Report Card".

One of the karmic reports Vine predicted for 2015 is an economic report card.

Vine wrote, "Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments? Or are we about to see the economies of the world disintegrate?"

Economic Inequality Growing

Over the last 20 years the economic inequality existing in our present system has been growing and causing dangerous instabilities. But just as Vine predicted, in 2015 this is being reported and scrutinised.

Slow Economic Growth

Economic inequality isn’t inevitable, our systems have been specifically designed to increase the divide between rich and poor. In the past, we have been told that this inequality will lead to growth, but in fact, the exact opposite has resulted and we now have very slow economic growth all over the world.

China's 'Black Monday' Sent World Stock Markets Reeling

Extreme economic inequality has led directly to extreme economic instability, which will adversely effect everybody both poor and rich.

The latest problems have manifested in China, as Chinese stocks crashed after worries about China's slowing growth triggered a global sell-off.

If our economic system is not changed to address environmental and social problems, we know the next economic disaster is inevitable and it will effect everyone both rich and poor.

Vine's Economic Report Card Predictions Coming True

Vine's economic report card predictions for 2015 are now coming in loud and strong, particularly concerning the economic inequalities threatening our social and environmental existence on this planet. So much so that people are now starting to put 'economic inequality' onto the agenda for the 2016 US elections.

The Leader of the Opposition in Australia, Bill Shorten has also indicted that economic inequality will be on the agenda in the Australian 2016 Federal Elections, when on August 22nd 2015 he said, "Inequality damages growth ...The rise of income inequality is estimated to have knocked 4.7 percentage points off cumulative growth between 1990 and 2010, on average across OECD countries."

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 8th July 2015

Climate Change Spiritual Report Card - Good News from Pope Francis

Whilst most of the 2015 spiritual reports card on climate change haven't been too positive, the groundswell of feeling for action on climate change within the general population, is looking very encouraging.

In June, Pope Francis issued an environmental encyclical saying that "the bulk of global warming" is caused by human activity.

Pope Francis said, "plenty of scientific studies point out that the last decades of global warming have been mostly caused by the great concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and others) especially generated by human action."

Vine's psychic predictions and psychic reading editorials have been relaying Spirit's dire concern about climate change for many years. This good news message from the Pope reflects those concerns, and reflects the growing push for action on climate change from within the general community.

The message on climate change from Pope Francis is a good Spiritual Report card for 2015.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 7th July 2015

The spiritual report cards predicted by Vine for 2015 are coming in thick and fast and the message is, we haven't done enough...

Amongst the questions from Spirit for our 2015 report cards:

"Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments?

Or are we about to see the economies of the world disintegrate?

Chinese Economic Chaos Worse than Greece

On the back of the Eurozone crisis (see Vine's Eurozone psychic prediction) a far bigger economic crisis in China is looming.

A stock market crash in China has wiped $3.2 trillion from the value of Chinese shares in just three weeks. This has triggered an emergency response from the Chinese government including warnings of “monstrous” public disorder.

As the year progresses, Vine's spiritual report card questions for 2015 are becoming more and more relevant for the management and progression of our societies, without harming our Earth's creatures and environments.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 1st July 2015

Australian psychic Vine's spiritual message for 2015 is that we are in a report card year.

Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments, and people? Or are we about to see the economies of the world disintegrate?

Greece Crisis - Eurozone Crisis

In recent years, financial institutions have been riddled with greed and a lack of concern for ordinary people.

Have we learnt anything from this? Are things improving? The 2015 spiritual report card is showing that nothing has changed.

Financial inequalities between countries within the Eurozone have been poorly managed, creating vast unemployment and mass impoverishment in poorer countries like Greece and resentment in richer countries.

Nobel laureate in economics, Joseph Stiglitz says, "almost none of the huge amount of money loaned to Greece has actually gone there. It has gone to pay out private-sector creditors – including German and French banks. Greece has gotten but a pittance, but it has paid a high price to preserve these countries’ banking systems. The IMF and the other “official” creditors do not need the money that is being demanded. Under a business-as-usual scenario, the money received would most likely just be lent out again to Greece."

In this spiritual message Vine reiterates that our ultimate aim as spiritual beings is to collectively follow the Universal Karmic Laws that identify the Oneness of all living energy.

On our 2015 spiritual report cards we are looking for evidence that financial institutions recognise this ONENESS.

But the "business as usual" actions of these financial institutions completely fail to identify the ONENESS of all living energy. The result is the creation of more unnecessary hardship and pain.

Read Vine's psychic prediction about the Eurozone Crisis here.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 26th June 2015

Vine's spiritual message for 2015 is that we are in a report card year. How well have we been looking after the future of our planet?

Australian Defence Force Ignores Climate Change

Another 2015 spiritual report card in, and another subject failed.

In a new Australian Defence Force white paper, climate change is unlikely to be seriously addressed.

The problem seems to lie with the current LNP Government's out-of-step views on climate change.

In response to the white paper ignoring of climate change, the former head of the ADF, retired Admiral Chris Barrie, says "Most of the people I work with in Defence actually get this; they understand about climate change, and they're very enthusiastic to get to grips with it," he said.

"The problem we've got is at the top level of politics in this country it seems to be a toxic term."

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 25th June 2015

Financial Services Group IOOF Insider Trading Scandal

In this Australian psychic prediction Report Card message for 2015, Vine asks, "Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments? Or are we about to see the economies of the world disintegrate?"

In the Australian Senate, Senator Williams has outlined serious financial misconduct by senior staff at IOOF including insider trading, front-running, misrepresentation of performance figures and cheating on training and compliance exams.

The speech came only hours after the Senate voted down a motion by the Greens calling on the Abbott government to launch a royal commission into misconduct in the financial services sector. Labor voted with the government.

If this financial spiritual report card for 2015 is anything to go by, clearly the last few years including the Global Financial Crises, have taught us nothing.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 24th June 2015

2015 is a social and environmental report card year.

Vine's spiritual message for 2015 is about whether or not we have done enough in recent years to save our world from environmental and social catastrophe.

Vine said, "Our Human Race will begin to see how the karmic report card unfolds in the Year 2015 and whether we have protected our planet's environment and animals.

Australia Cuts Renewable Energy Target (RET)

For Australia's environmental report card, it would be nice to be able to report something like: "Could do better", but the truth is in the last two years, at a political level, we could not have done worse for our environmental and social future.

Recent events in Australian politics have increased the chance of environmental catastrophe and now our Government has reduced our Renewable Energy Target.

Not only has legislation to cut the renewable energy target (RET) been passed, but the burning of native wood as a fuel source has been legislated as a way we can reduce climate change, even though that would put more co2 into the atmosphere. The atmosphere already exceeds 400 parts per million, which is well past the safe level for our existence on Earth.

The Government is also trying to curb the growth of the wind farm industry, in line with lobby groups linked to the fossil fuel industry.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 7th May 2015

Vine's message for 2015 and her Spiritual Channeling is all about 2015 being a Karmic Report Card year.

We'll find out how well have we been handling social, economic and environmental issues in the last few years. Vine wrote, "I am spiritually guided 2015 is the year we will see how our actions have either assisted our global evolution, or hindered our survival"

Australia's Economy, Bumpy Ride Ahead - The New Normal

"Australians, fasten your seat belts and prepare for a bumpy ride ahead." The world's economy is heading into what they are calling a "new normal."

Basically this means that things are getting worse. China's growth rate will be reduced and Australia's Mining Boom is over.

Just as Vine predicted, Australia in 2015 is starting to see the karmic affects of doing nothing to prepare for the economic downturn.

Unlike Norway who began taxing it's Oil companys (The Oil Fund) in 1990 "to counter the effects of the forthcoming decline", Australia has let huge profits from it's mining boom go to a handful of super wealthy people, who pay very little tax.

By 2014 Norway had accumulated $857.1 billion to help it transition to a post oil/coal economy. In comparison, Australia has a rising debt of about $240 billion and no coherent plan for the future.

Environmental Karmic Report Card

Because the environment and the economy are intrinsically linked, we can also expect our past economic actions to be reflected in our environmental karmic report card for 2015.

The number of extreme weather events around the country is increasing and the cost of climate change is increasing by $Billions of dollars as well.

Climate Change Damage

As Vine predicted, 2015 is the year we are really starting see the cost of our past actions.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 16th April 2015

Spiritual Report Card

In this Prediction from Spirit for 2015, Vine wrote:

Have we as a world people looked for the most economically viable and socially and ecological innovative solutions?
Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments?

Vine's Psychic Predictions Message from Spirit says that 2015 is the year for our Spiritual Karmic Report Card...

Iron Ore Prices Down

Hundreds of jobs have been lost in Western Australia's iron ore sector this week as iron ore prices fell below $US70 per tonne. It has plummeted almost 50 per cent this year and could eventually fall as low as $US35 per Tonne.

The federal budget has suffered a $30 billion revenue write-down over the next four years because of the collapsing iron ore price, and property prices in boom towns have crashed.

Our Mining Karmic Report Card

Australia is beginning to be hit hard by falling mining prices. Our mining Karmic report card is not looking good in 2015. Prices have been good for many years and we, as a nation, have failed to do anything meaningful with them. Australia has come out of a mining boom and the only thing we have to show for it is too many large TV screens that use too much electricity. We have no Plan B and no way to replace the income.

A small number of people have reaped huge profits whilst paying very little tax, whilst the rest of us are being asked to pay even more.

The politicians controlling our economy and the very wealthy who profit from boom times and avoid paying tax, have based their business on fear and greed and completely failed to acknowledge the Spiritual Energy of Exchange.

Just as Vine predicted, 2015 is the year our Karma will begin to catch up with us. Many have already lost their jobs. Greedy developers have built too many houses they now can't sell, and those who bought property in boom towns are now stuck with mortgages on houses they can't rent out.

At the moment the problems are being felt hardest in mining towns, but it's just a matter of time before the rest of Australia also pays the price of disregarding the Energy of Exchange.

As Parents, we should be ashamed to show this Karmic Report Card to our kids.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 16th January 2015

Spiritual Report Card

Vine's Psychic Predictions Message from Spirit says that 2015 is the year for our Spiritual Karmic Report Card.

Swiss National Bank - European Economy

The Swiss National Bank has shocked financial markets by scrapping a three-year-old cap on the franc. The announcement sent Swiss currency soaring by 30% against the euro and stocks plunging. Swiss National Bank chairman Thomas Jordan said the cap, which had been introduced in 2011 at the height of the euro zone crisis to prevent a recession, had been scrapped because it was unsustainable.

On social media, it has been dubbed "Francogeddon".

A Disaster for Swiss Exporters

Some people swapping Swiss Francs for Euros are making quick profits. Currency exchange offices were mobbed by people wanting to cash out the 30% profit. But the situation is a disaster for the business and stock markets. Swiss stocks have fallen dramatically experiencing the largest one-day fall in almost 30 years. For example, Swatch stocks dropped 17%.

In order to keep the franc as low as possible the Swiss Central Bank also cut the interest rates by 0.5% to -0.75%. You have pay the banks to keep your money there.

Swiss Report Card

The 2009 Global Recession is still affecting Europe and 2015 is already turning out to be a "Report Card" Year on how Europe has dealt with the problems that led to the recession. Switzerland is about to receive it's economic report card.

Spiritual Message UPDATE: 14th January 2015

Vine's 2015 Psychic Predictions Spiritual Message says that 2015 is the year for our Spiritual Karmic Report Card. We will receive real life feedback on how we have been going in recent years in regards to our efforts to bring peace, harmony and balance to the world.

Economy Spiritual Report Card

The way we have managed our economies, particularly in relation to our social responsibilities, the environment and climate change, will be an important area for spiritual feedback in 2015.

In Vine's spiritual message she says, "Have we as a world people looked for the most economically viable and socially and ecological innovative solutions?

Have we altered our financial institutions and banking systems and businesses to manage progression without harming our Earth's creatures and environments?

Or are we about to see the economies of the world disintegrate?"

Price of Oil dropping

Report cards are not yet in, but so far in 2015 the feedback associated with the drop in world oil prices looks like being different for different countries.

They look like being bad for those countries who produce oil, and not so bad for countries who import oil. And as Vine's predictions from Spirit are always interested in the environmental aspects of the world's economy, it will be very interesting to also watch how cheaper oil prices will affect renewable energies.

Climate change itself is a driving force behind renewable energies, and whilst the price of fossil fuels will always rise over time, the price of renewable technologies will always drop as more people use them. This is a good omen for any countries promoting renewable energies.

Canada Tar Sands - Report Card

Canada, with its dream of becoming a fossil fuel energy-exporting superpower, is one of the countries predicted to fair badly with the drop in Oil prices in 2015.

Much of the cost of producing oil from tar sands in Canada has already been accounted for when the mines were set up, but if oil prices remain low too long, Canada will be negatively affected.

This would be bad for Canada's economy but good for the environment, as producing oil from sand is particularly damaging, requiring about 17 percent more energy and water than conventional oil wells. Cheaper world oil prices might also mean that the US will have even less reason to approve the Keystone Pipeline.

At this early stage of the year, it looks like Canada's Spiritual report card is not looking good.

2015 Psychic Predictions
Mid-Year Spiritual Guidance from Vine
12th July 2015

Vine Psychic Venus Jupiter Alignment
2015 Venus, Jupiter and the Moon Alignment - (Photo: NASA)

Spiritually I am guided the alignment of Jupiter and Venus and the moon in June was a significant energy moment. If you are an astronomer you would have noticed there were two events of the planets creating an isosceles triangle. It was our halfway mark of the 2015 year. I am about to reveal why this is relevant to the spiritual channeling I received about our world's Karmic report card heading into 2016.

This energy vibration pulling on our Earth's magnetic source revealed the truth about our world economy in the first half of 2015. The rebellion of the Greek people ignoring the European Union's austerity policies, was significant because Jupiter and Venus are revealing the Karmic report card year isn't as smooth sailing as the financial and world bank envisioned. The same energetic ripple directly affected the China stock market and property sector.

Christ Conciousness - Star of Bethlehem

In June, Venus and Jupiter aligned, and on the 19th and 20th of June the new moon also aligned with the two planets. On each of these days, the two planets and the moon formed a perfect isosceles triangle, symbolising the coming together of energetic forces.

Some scholars have theorized that at the time of the birth of Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem may have been a close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus.

The alignment is a symbol of Christ Consciousness shining a light on all of the underhanded things going on in the world. Just as Christ drove the money changers from the Temple, in 2015 we are also having a light shone on deceptive practices in our governments, legal systems, political parties and multinational corporations.

On a personal level it means we also have to look at the lies we are telling ourselves. It will bring in the death of the old belief systems about who we are, what we consider our lives are about, and it will challenge your every reason for living at this time.

Jupiter rules our inner sense of justice and morality. People ruled by Jupiter may be lawyers, legislators, politicians, doctors, priests or financiers. Venus reflects our core morals and values and is associated with love, connection, cooperation, beauty and creativity, as well as signifying our happiness and well-being.

This coming together of legislative rationality, with love, cooperation, creativity and a sense of morality, together with the new beginnings represented by the crescent moon, is what symbolises the light of the Christ Consciousness.

Spiritual Report Card - The Last Six Months

Reflect on the decisions of your world leaders in the last six months. Who stood in authentic energy and represented the Christ Consciousness? Which political leaders forced unpopular policies and created disharmony in our world?

In the first half of 2015 Pope Francis released his environmenal encyclical message revealing how man made climate change is destroying our ecosystems and causing enormous poverty in third world countries. Climate Change refugees who originally called out to their governments to be heard, are now living in refugee camps and struggling to find real meaning to their lives. How we treat these spiritual beings is a testament of our spiritual character.

The higher realms have been warning of deceptive influences controlling the anti-climate change stance. Some countries in the world have been leading the way in tackling climate change and introducing renewable energy sources, others have ignored grave warnings. Australia, Canada, India, China are under the spiritual radar. The collective karma of a country can result in energy variances. Unfortunately Australia's collective karma is bringing new challenges for 2015 and 2016.

Spiritual Freedoms

Which governments in the first half of 2015 in the world took away your spiritual freedoms of liberty and free will? Living in Australia, it was evident that our government was one of those. Both Liberal and Labor agreed on new metadata retention laws and forced unpopular laws through parliament. It is why I am guided both parties are energetically in dire straights gaining voters numbers heading to the next federal election.

In the United States of Amercia they flipped the same coin and brought in greater privacy laws for their citizens and removed previous metadata laws.

Which governments are representing the long term interests of their people? We are about to see how the world people value the Universal Oneness Laws. Which governments of the world allowed same sex marriage and marriage equality? Which governments stifled public debate and tried to turn our eyes to trivial matters? All will be revealed in the second half of 2015 heading into the 2016 new year.

Under the Karmic Microscope

The media around the world are spiritually under the karmic microscope. Which media used political influence and dark motives of control? Watch how the world media is held to account for disharmony and political discourse. Rupert Murdoch and his media empire in particular is about to have a karmic mine field explode. The same as several respected and controversial business men and women around the world who will see the karma for their actions. Have no doubt, the second half of the year will be tough because of the collective karmic energy returning to our Earth.

The Fight Between Light and Dark

The higher angelic realms are omnipresent, witnessing the fight between light and dark on our planet Earth. Are you able to identify who is really working in the energy of the light or the dark? When the world realizes that many deceptions have been created by political leaders to force laws that remove the rights of the citizen, you are going to get fire in your belly. Watch as people begin to rebel against their government's decisions. Have no doubt the start of the people movement is already in force.

The Sun in our solar system is going to get our world leaders to see how irrelevant the economic structures and political posturing is considered by the higher realms. The Karmic time of reasoning is upon major world leaders. Israel is in the eye of consciousness. What aren't the political world leaders in Israel revealing to their country men and women? How is Israel influencing other world country's politics? Which world political leaders are being overly cooperative with Israel?

The new predictions to follow from this summary over the coming weeks will demonstrate that our world's collective actions have contributed to the new energy phenomena arising from our sun. The attention of the world scientists and political leaders will be looking up to the cosmos and the energy vibrations in our solar system. Our Sun is about to come out and play.

Love and Light

• • • • • • • • • •

2015 mid-Year Spiritual Message
8th October 2015

Rupert Murdoch Under Karmic Microscope

In this mid-year prediction Vine wrote that Rupert Murdoch and his media empire would come under the karmic microscope.

Since Rupert Murdoch started his twitter account he has from time to time attracted karmic criticism after accidentally or otherwise exposing his true thoughts and intentions to the world.

Today he is very much under the karmic microscope after revealing his belief that President Obama is not a "real black President" in this Tweet:

Rupert Murdoch Tweet

Other Twitter users immediately took up the issue with Murdoch exposing the hypocrosy.

Vine's prediction: "Watch how the world media is held to account for disharmony and political discourse" is coming true.

2015 mid-Year Spiritual Message
29th August 2015

Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild

One of the areas highlighted in Vine's mid-year psychic prediction message from Spirit, is that Israel's secrets would be in the eye of consciousness in 2015. What was hidden, will be revealed.

A few years ago, Israel granted oil exploration rights inside Syria in the occupied Golan Heights, to oil and CSG company Genie Energy.

Reporting of this has largely gone under the radar, but with the 2015 bombing campaign in Syria, the significance of Syrian Oil is now beginning to be appreciated and reported by independent media sources.

Rupert Murdoch and Jacob Rothschild both hold equity stakes in Genie Energy.

Rupert Murdoch's vested interest in Israeli (and Syrian) oil and gas, throws some explanatory light onto both the pro-Zionist and anti-climate change political position of his media outlets around the world.

In this prediction, Vine wrote, "The media around the world are spiritually under the karmic microscope. Which media used political influence and dark motives of control? ...Rupert Murdoch and his media empire in particular is about to have a karmic mine field explode. "

We know that menacing press releases concerning climate change denial could be revealing hidden political agendas, especially when it relates to fossil fuel business relationships between media and Government. Vine's prediction points to the link between Israel & Murdoch's press policy, and it's deceptive nature.

Last year Vine's message from Spirit was that the secrets of the "deceivers" would be revealed and that in 2015 we would receive our Karmic report cards. How we have managed our economic, social and environmental responsibilities in relationship to climate change and the future of our existence on this planet?

Vine's predictions are coming true.

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